Description : Hello all,
Well, it has been awhile since I have uploaded anything. But, that was due my work schedule mostly.
What we have here is a 3 part Blues song. Why 3 parts?
Well, at my age, I have to capture all I can and put it down before it gets away. :-)
Anyways, the 1st. part is an Acoustic guitar background with a nice ring to it, and a Telecaster lead slightly distorted.
Some Dobro (Resonator guitar)sounds are sprinkled here and there in songs 1 & 2.
2nd. part is a Strat. playing finger picking style with some cool harmonics.....and then regular lead.
3rd. part. A friend helped me wih the lead on this one as my fingers don't quite go that fast these days. :)
There are 2 sections where there is just ,Bass, Drums, and Rhythm Guitar playing so you could download it and jam along if you want to. All is in the key of "A".
Drums are loops. I am playing most of the rest.
(I am awaiting a new pickup for my Dobro guitar so I can add more into my future songs)
As for my next venture...probably a 12 string guitar song.
Hope you like the songs!
This blues track was uploaded by Randall822. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (16)
If you have time take a listen and give Randall822 some feedback.
this is great, I loved the variety of tones, instruments, styles and technics. You undoubtly are an excellent musician, thanks for sharing this track (I know it is an old on and I found it by chance but I'm happy enough to be able to listen to it)
Such an excellent track.I've been carried by the song from the beginning.You r guitar playing is really amazing witha lot of heart and feeling.Love it!I'm gonna check your other tracks right now!
I appreciate you coming by and checking out my tunes. I don't recall seeing your name before so welcome!
I see your from Nice, France. I was stationed in Metz and Toul, France for 2 years in the Army Quite an experience for me.
I am glad you enjoyed this blues medly. The other one I did was an acoustic one with very slow slide guitar.
I do a variety of music as I had my own band and we played Country, Rock, Pop and some my other tunes here will reflect all this.
I will check out your songs and give a review back in a day or so.
Thanks again,
great to hear the blues, I love the blues and try to do it justice when I try my hand at it using only loops, this is the real thing, great guitar work and arragements sound very clean. Please as a real blues man check out my blues on my profile (easy to find there is always blues in the title I have 4) and tell me if I did an ok job trying to recreate a sound I love.
Thanks a lot for checking out one of my blues tunes. I do somewhat of a variety of music as you may have seen in my profile.
I appreciate your comments very much and will certainly check out your tunes as well. I am at work now, so can't easily. I will later today.
I use a combo of my various guitars including a Dobro I bought last year. Since I also play pedal steel, Dobro slide is easy and natural for me.
Sometimes I use harmonia loops too.
So later then and thanks again for dropping by.
Hi there Blake,
Thanks for stopping by and listening to my tunes,
I appreciate the comments very much. Sometimes it is good to check out another genre to see what is going on.
I do that and am suprised many times at what I hear.
I will check out some of your tunes as well and give you feedback.
Thanks again,
Hi Memphis,
Thanks a lot for reviewing this tune. I had a lot of fun putting it together....trying to show a few different styles. Slide guitar is still alive and well. :-)
I'll check out one of your tunes in a day so. I am at work now.
Thanks again,
Hi Again Abe,
Thanks for reviewing this song. Yeah, slide is fun and I usually use open tunings, as it's hard to try and chord and play at the same time for me.
As for what each style means...actually nothing in particular. I know there are several styles of Blues you can play and so I was just trying to capture some different styles along the way.
I often run out of ideas to put in it and thus many of my songs are too short. So this is a way of lenghtening them. lol
The first Blues song I made, 'Blues 101', I did for a friend as he requested a blues song. But he didn't say slow or fast, so I did both in that one.
Using software to record tracks instead of a Mixer, you have complete control and can make many adjustments to the sound. Reverb, EQ, Compression, and many other effects you can add in easily without buying expensive hardware.
Then when done, you play the song many times and listen to each track separately and then together one by one with each other to make sure it all blends in properly.
So it takes me about a month or more to produce the quality in a song I like.
Hi there Oadaque,
Thanks for stopping by and reviewing ny tune. I know this was way back in the fall, but I didn't get any message saying you have left a review,
Thanks again,
Randall thanks for dropping by and for the info. Nice blues playing here and a pretty decent recording. Living in Chicago I get my fair share of Blues. I used to tour with the Jimmy Dawkins blues band, and some others....Love the Fender sound. Take care. Kev
I dont listen to enough blues these days!! But when I do it has to be really good!! And this is REALLY GOOD!! I love the tone of all your guitar sounds!! Gave me gooseys!! Top notch Randy!!!
Hey there Djsalkizar,
Thanks so much for taking the time to review a couple of my tunes. I appreciate it very much and will check yours out as well after I write this. As for the guitar tones, yeah...I really like to hear what I am playing so I mix the session so that the lead, whatever it is, always stands out on top.
After I stopped playing in my own band way back when, I owned a complete sound system and used to mix for bands by sitting out in the audience, and that way, I am hearing what they are hearing.....and I'd adjust the sound accordingly.
The biggest complaint I always heard from people when they listened to any band was....they could never hear the vocals. Well....I fixed that!
There is a lot of good talent here on Looperman and the diversity is amazing.
Thanks again,
Great groove and great tones on the guitar. What are you recording with again? The sounds are wonderfully crisp and present. As always, I totally enjoyed this engaging and fun listen. Your friend rips nicely by the way. Peace, Six
Hello Mr. Six,
Thanks for taking the time to listen and review one of my humble songs. Not sure what you meant by recording with what? Instruments or Software, so I'll explain them both a little.
As for the software, I am using and learning as I go...Pro Tools 7.4. with a MBOX 2 Pro as the sound card interface,( a Firewire unit) and a Glyph GT 050 Q external hard drive as my totally dedicated audio hard drive. I record everything in Stereo!
(Also I use a Dell XPS M-1710 Laptop holding the main PT program).
Everything I play, or use as loops, goes thru that program/interface. All effects, and instruments.... and eventually vocals.
I have a variety of instruments here at home. At present, I own 9 electric guitars which include several Fender Telecasters, A Fender Strat, A Fender Strat Electric 12 string, 2 inexpensive acoustic guitars, (Yamaha and Johnson)
a newly aquired Dobro, and a '72 Framus electric (a Les Paul copy).
Also a Fender Precision Bass.
I have here and play, an Emmonds Double Neck 10 string Pedal Steel, a 5 string Banjo, and all other worldly and unworldy sounds come from a Korg Karma Workstation keyboard which also doubles as my MIDI input as needed.
My Instruments all plug directly into the 'MBox'.
If you'd like to see a picture of them all, I'd be glad to send you one.
Now... not bragging here, just that I have accumulated these instruments over time as I am 'old', and I learned to play them all over time as needed, when I was playing in my band, which was basically Country-Rock music.
Okay...hope this info helps, any suggestions you may have on how I can improve my music is appreciated. I do plan on taking one of my songs to a recording studio down the road here and have it 'Mastered' just to see what the difference would be with someone elses ears. Then maybe I can get a better 'full sound' like you hear on the radio.
Okay...thanks again for the review. I'll tell my friend you liked the song as well.
Very clear sounding recording. I like all those styles together. Like others said this must a musician from the States. You know I can play the guitar but your sounds and phrasing are special.
Hope you receive that Dobro soon.
Hi there Meestege!
Good to hear from you and am glad you got to play my latest creation. Probably I should have sent you an E-mail.
As for my new Dobro, As you know I had to send the pickup back, so the replacement should be here this week. I am anxious to see what I can add to your song.
Later and thanks for the review..I'll review some more of your songs tomorrow as I'll have two days off work.
Well it has been said that when your sick of the blues your sick of life......great piece man! that tele sound's unique..Junior Brown would approve and he's arguable the best slider and picker going around at the moment...excellent clean tone ears are just soaking it up!...cheers planet
Hi there Planet,
Glad to hear I would be able to please Jr. Brown. I'll never be as good as him though. ;-)
I'll do another Blues tune sometime later I want to see what I can do with a 12 string.
Thanks again for your nice comments.
Sweet. That last part reminded me of an Alvin Lee blues disc I have somewhere. Blues & rock can fit nicely together. Do you also play blues slide guitar with the shotglass on the neck? Anyway, glad to hear from you again. Your songs are always a bit of ear candy for me. Thanks. Mokeone
Hi Mokeone,
Thanks for reviewing my latest song. To answer your question on slide playing, I play the Dobro laying flat across my legs as it has a 'square neck', and use a steel Stevens type bar to slide with.
It is a type of bar that has 3 notches in it for holding onto.
The round neck guitar, you can play like a regular guitar. However, since I am already a Pedal Steel player, the square neck is easier for me to play. Plus since the Dobro is usually tuned to an open 'G', the upper 4 strings are tuned the same as a 5-string banjo...which I also play...thus kind of a natural fit if you will.
I am awaiting a new pickup from 'LACE' and then I can resume more cool sounds on it.
Glad you liked the song.
Hello there SEROKSATY,
Thanks for your review of my latest Blues song. I haven't played any of yours yet and will do so today, and give you a review back for sure.
The 1st. Blues song I made you might enjoy as well....altho it is a real slow Delta Blues type of song, all done with slide.
Hi there Mouko,
Thanks a lot for your review! It means a lot coming from a guy who don't particulary like Blues music. I think 'Blues' can take many different forms and different rhythm/styles.
The other Blues song I made was real slow and all acoustic slide, then the second part was a lot different...almost rock.
Thanks again...I'll take a listen to some of your tunes as well and comment.
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This could be classed as Country Blues or Southern Rock...either way I think it may get your toes tapping. So grab your partner and jump on the dance floor with this one.
I am performing the following instruments...vocals, electric guitars, slide acoustic, bass, harmonica, organ. I wrote the following instrument parts in MIDI....drums, percussion, piano, horns. This was a beast to master but I think it turned out okay.
No loops used.
Description : UPDATE 26/01/2014: Improved loads of things in what is probably my greatest chillout alternative blues piece. Ambient, ethereal, groove-based delta slide blues. Contemplative and melodic. Multiple, layered , sometimes shimmering resonator guitar parts with solid, warm synth bass, an ethereal bed of pads (which are actually guitars) and second electronic drumkit to contrast the acoustic kits. I thought this was perfect a few years ago but it wasn't (and still isn't). Now has clearer drums and lots of small awkward bits of guitar have been trimmed. Quite a minimalistic and short piece for me - I don't just keep bringing in new instruments, as I usually do. This should really chill you out...
I appreciate you coming by and checking out my tunes. I don't recall seeing your name before so welcome!
I see your from Nice, France. I was stationed in Metz and Toul, France for 2 years in the Army Quite an experience for me.
I am glad you enjoyed this blues medly. The other one I did was an acoustic one with very slow slide guitar.
I do a variety of music as I had my own band and we played Country, Rock, Pop and some my other tunes here will reflect all this.
I will check out your songs and give a review back in a day or so.
Thanks again,
Thanks a lot for checking out one of my blues tunes. I do somewhat of a variety of music as you may have seen in my profile.
I appreciate your comments very much and will certainly check out your tunes as well. I am at work now, so can't easily. I will later today.
I use a combo of my various guitars including a Dobro I bought last year. Since I also play pedal steel, Dobro slide is easy and natural for me.
Sometimes I use harmonia loops too.
So later then and thanks again for dropping by.
Thanks for stopping by and listening to my tunes,
I appreciate the comments very much. Sometimes it is good to check out another genre to see what is going on.
I do that and am suprised many times at what I hear.
I will check out some of your tunes as well and give you feedback.
Thanks again,
especially the 1st, like you say, 'it has a nice ring to it' totally agree!
I picture ya playing this at BB Kings on Beale St.
Thanks a lot for reviewing this tune. I had a lot of fun putting it together....trying to show a few different styles. Slide guitar is still alive and well. :-)
I'll check out one of your tunes in a day so. I am at work now.
Thanks again,
I also have a blues song that is kind of doorsy, that reminded me of this..
Care to explain what you feel each part of blues represents to yourself??? I am curious.
I especially like the rhythm toned solo at the end.. and your restrain for not making it louder lol...
You have incredible talent.
I wish you had more time to focus on your music man.
Thanks for reviewing this song. Yeah, slide is fun and I usually use open tunings, as it's hard to try and chord and play at the same time for me.
As for what each style means...actually nothing in particular. I know there are several styles of Blues you can play and so I was just trying to capture some different styles along the way.
I often run out of ideas to put in it and thus many of my songs are too short. So this is a way of lenghtening them. lol
The first Blues song I made, 'Blues 101', I did for a friend as he requested a blues song. But he didn't say slow or fast, so I did both in that one.
Using software to record tracks instead of a Mixer, you have complete control and can make many adjustments to the sound. Reverb, EQ, Compression, and many other effects you can add in easily without buying expensive hardware.
Then when done, you play the song many times and listen to each track separately and then together one by one with each other to make sure it all blends in properly.
So it takes me about a month or more to produce the quality in a song I like.
Thanks for reviewing,
Thanks for stopping by and reviewing ny tune. I know this was way back in the fall, but I didn't get any message saying you have left a review,
Thanks again,
Thanks for reviewing my song here.I tried to do a few different styles is all. Glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks so much for taking the time to review a couple of my tunes. I appreciate it very much and will check yours out as well after I write this. As for the guitar tones, yeah...I really like to hear what I am playing so I mix the session so that the lead, whatever it is, always stands out on top.
After I stopped playing in my own band way back when, I owned a complete sound system and used to mix for bands by sitting out in the audience, and that way, I am hearing what they are hearing.....and I'd adjust the sound accordingly.
The biggest complaint I always heard from people when they listened to any band was....they could never hear the vocals. Well....I fixed that!
There is a lot of good talent here on Looperman and the diversity is amazing.
Thanks again,
Thanks for taking the time to listen and review one of my humble songs. Not sure what you meant by recording with what? Instruments or Software, so I'll explain them both a little.
As for the software, I am using and learning as I go...Pro Tools 7.4. with a MBOX 2 Pro as the sound card interface,( a Firewire unit) and a Glyph GT 050 Q external hard drive as my totally dedicated audio hard drive. I record everything in Stereo!
(Also I use a Dell XPS M-1710 Laptop holding the main PT program).
Everything I play, or use as loops, goes thru that program/interface. All effects, and instruments.... and eventually vocals.
I have a variety of instruments here at home. At present, I own 9 electric guitars which include several Fender Telecasters, A Fender Strat, A Fender Strat Electric 12 string, 2 inexpensive acoustic guitars, (Yamaha and Johnson)
a newly aquired Dobro, and a '72 Framus electric (a Les Paul copy).
Also a Fender Precision Bass.
I have here and play, an Emmonds Double Neck 10 string Pedal Steel, a 5 string Banjo, and all other worldly and unworldy sounds come from a Korg Karma Workstation keyboard which also doubles as my MIDI input as needed.
My Instruments all plug directly into the 'MBox'.
If you'd like to see a picture of them all, I'd be glad to send you one.
Now... not bragging here, just that I have accumulated these instruments over time as I am 'old', and I learned to play them all over time as needed, when I was playing in my band, which was basically Country-Rock music.
Okay...hope this info helps, any suggestions you may have on how I can improve my music is appreciated. I do plan on taking one of my songs to a recording studio down the road here and have it 'Mastered' just to see what the difference would be with someone elses ears. Then maybe I can get a better 'full sound' like you hear on the radio.
Okay...thanks again for the review. I'll tell my friend you liked the song as well.
Hope you receive that Dobro soon.
Good to hear from you and am glad you got to play my latest creation. Probably I should have sent you an E-mail.
As for my new Dobro, As you know I had to send the pickup back, so the replacement should be here this week. I am anxious to see what I can add to your song.
Later and thanks for the review..I'll review some more of your songs tomorrow as I'll have two days off work.
Glad to hear I would be able to please Jr. Brown. I'll never be as good as him though. ;-)
I'll do another Blues tune sometime later I want to see what I can do with a 12 string.
Thanks again for your nice comments.
Thanks for reviewing my latest song. To answer your question on slide playing, I play the Dobro laying flat across my legs as it has a 'square neck', and use a steel Stevens type bar to slide with.
It is a type of bar that has 3 notches in it for holding onto.
The round neck guitar, you can play like a regular guitar. However, since I am already a Pedal Steel player, the square neck is easier for me to play. Plus since the Dobro is usually tuned to an open 'G', the upper 4 strings are tuned the same as a 5-string banjo...which I also play...thus kind of a natural fit if you will.
I am awaiting a new pickup from 'LACE' and then I can resume more cool sounds on it.
Glad you liked the song.
Thanks for your review of my latest Blues song. I haven't played any of yours yet and will do so today, and give you a review back for sure.
The 1st. Blues song I made you might enjoy as well....altho it is a real slow Delta Blues type of song, all done with slide.
Thanks a lot for your review! It means a lot coming from a guy who don't particulary like Blues music. I think 'Blues' can take many different forms and different rhythm/styles.
The other Blues song I made was real slow and all acoustic slide, then the second part was a lot different...almost rock.
Thanks again...I'll take a listen to some of your tunes as well and comment.