Description : ****first edit****************************************************
I've made the vocals louder and hopefully sorted out the timing issue with the first verse....I have to be honest and say that Rosh did tell about doing this but for some reason or another It didn't happen....
ok so folks this is my first trip down the grime avenue so be nice...
I was gonna attempt some kinda grime talk ...ya get me? I thinking about it ....I don't think its wise...
a while a go I did a track and OdotZed reviewed it and said it had a grime edge to it... so I though HHHHHHHhhhhhmmmm.... maybe I should try an out and out grime track so I did... well sort of grime with my twist to it anyway......
the track I wrote in ableton 8 and then sent it to ROSH... he took a really good run at it and after a while wrote this awesome vocal to go over the top....
anyway comments welcome as always.... especially if your name is OdotZed.. ha ha ha...
This grime track was uploaded by Phyruis. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (10)
If you have time take a listen and give Phyruis some feedback.
This track is so grimy, I have a coating of pure grime on my body from not showering, due to not doing anything but repeating this track over and over and over for the past few days.
wow ok, this is great...rosh is going off all of a sudden jeez...glitchy beat is excellent dani...intro is the only part im not feelin to much, like a bit.... busy, but the rest? supergrime, lovit -dbl-
thanks brother.....I think it's something that definitely comes with practice..everyone should have their own sound don't you think?
I really enjoyed working with rosh he's a real talent... I honest think he has no idea how talented he really is because he's so modest... apparently he gonna feature heavily on OdotZeds new EP that housefly records are releasing so look out for that...
anyway thanks for your kind words brother...did you get that rar I sent you?
Intro is wicked. reminds me of a movie L:
When the track hits its sick bro. Im not big on Grime. Meaning Ive NEVER really heard a Grime track hha.
Its interesting. The vox fits it PERFECTLY. I dig how the track is forever switching up. Keeps my interest.
Just a great track fam. Its quality is unquestionable. How managed to pull that much going with such clarity is beyond my full technical understanding. haha
the end synth cut is clean as hell. Like the fade out.
Great piece Phyrius. Keep that grind going L:
thanks for taking the time to review brother... production wise really it's just down to practice brother and of course remembering what works and what doesn't... thanks once again brother
good track, as you said needs a mix and master, enjoyed the flow, lyric are sick the guys got talent, prodution is good.
The bass could hit abit a lower but thats prob down to mix and master
good track well done
This is pretty cool! Your beats are nice! Cool vocals, Rosh is good with grime vocals! Very awesome bass! Not heard grime like this before, very original! Great work!
great effort bro the track is nice and powerful i like the intro the beats are spot on the vocal is great but i feel that the vocal needs to be a tad louder and better matched but i like this great effort on a first grime track keep them coming dude
Yes Yes Yes!!!!...Love it man!!..reason being its unique man...well done!!..we gotta collab on a grime beat soon!..I aint gonna give you any advice on mixing tho haha,wouldnt be right lol..make more and more grime phyruis!!!
Description : Happy New Year to everybody my first of 2024
everybody seemed to like my UK Drill so, typical dimestop my first attempt at UKGrime
lyric sheet is up too.
if you dont get the Ronaldo skit
even though he's super famous, he wants all the attention and stands on tip toes for photos
dimestop on the other hand would just stand in front of everyone :))
And yes the real photo of my profile caricature pic won a world photography award for the photographer. most shared photo
Closest to a complete grime track I've managed to put together. Grime is what I want to produce.
Feel that the claps and snares need better mixing, hit me uo if you can help.
I'm happy to send the project file (FL Studio 10) to anyone who could take this further, just let me know and I'll get it to you ASAP.
Description : Michael watched from the alley
he had seen her plenty of times
he conveyed her every move to his
warped and twisted memory
his probation officer told him to stay away from his old haunts
away from his old pals
out of the old familiar bars
and especially away from his old bad habits
but michael and there is always a but
did not feel like doing that
he felt like he was doing the right thing the good thing
the thing which would make a ripper look like a choir boy
and as he moved out of the shadows into the pools of yellow
he felt for the blade
Description : London grime breakbeat and dubstep/hardbass Hybrid ableton live recorded freestyle arrangement first full run, pritty clean for first full run through pain steaking organisation and identification/modification/creation of loops but lol
I like grime tracks that have a dark musical composition especially when the lyrical content is gritty, so this ticks all the boxes for me.
Quality production again. Another really impressive piece of music my friend. Much respect.
I really enjoyed working with rosh he's a real talent... I honest think he has no idea how talented he really is because he's so modest... apparently he gonna feature heavily on OdotZeds new EP that housefly records are releasing so look out for that...
anyway thanks for your kind words brother...did you get that rar I sent you?
When the track hits its sick bro. Im not big on Grime. Meaning Ive NEVER really heard a Grime track hha.
Its interesting. The vox fits it PERFECTLY. I dig how the track is forever switching up. Keeps my interest.
Just a great track fam. Its quality is unquestionable. How managed to pull that much going with such clarity is beyond my full technical understanding. haha
the end synth cut is clean as hell. Like the fade out.
Great piece Phyrius. Keep that grind going L:
The bass could hit abit a lower but thats prob down to mix and master
good track well done