Description : This one was difficult for me simply because Some of the elements I haven't liked all the way through the making of it...I'm not going to share with you which bits.. but ... any how...
I stuck with it...
I made the track totally in Ableton 8...used the Dominator VST for the Synths and loads of hits to build the drum track and the glitches...
I also use paulstretch to create the pads which is fun if you don't have it get it it's a FREE VST and it's great ( another one I have Cass to thank for!! )
anyway ...
As always comments most welcome...
This glitch track was uploaded by Phyruis. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (12)
If you have time take a listen and give Phyruis some feedback.
This is some very listenable glitch! I like the different "chapters" of this track! I'm going to have to give paulstretch a try! Nice mixing and creation! Well done!
I am back, wow another great example of your talent here, brilliant FX, sweet pads, nice synths and percussion, everything seems to flow and belong where it should in this one, glitch not a genre I have tried yet, but might give go, as I have some glitch samples in library, this is one massive track my friend, another big FAV if I could, will be back over next few days to check out more of your brilliance...Many thx for the pleasure of hearing this one...stunning...Peace n respect my friend, hope all is well with you and good to be back on the loop...elsd...
dig the subtle distortions and disturbances, really plays to the ear....very effective, man up to the 5 min mark I started to lose it but you drew me straight back in at around 6 gets big and beautiful then! good stuff, enjoyed.
Big textures!...with very interesting sounds,it's very 'folded' musically....very spaced out!..I'm an Ableton 8 user so I can appreciate your work flow dynamics...I dig this track and I'd like to give my appraisal on the mix (not to be confused with criticism!).This soundscape is huge! and at times a bit overwhelming frequency wise,I think the separate elements sometimes(apart from the bass line) need to more segregated with different reverb models giving them a more transitional presentation and also increasing your fades feature within the arrangement view as they swell and recede across the composition.....great creative work nontheless,it's an audio monster!..cheers Dave
yeah ...I think I will do a little playing with this in the coming days... I am rocking the idea of differing the reverb fields... thanks for taking the time brother..
open-ended and serious exploration of your theme - repays attention and i can't hear any elements that should be stripped, it's a matter of attention and it all works
wow pad like a paulstretch pad, friggn on the good phones and just closed my eyes, this is a trip. just me, i know, but i always love what you are probably thinking of as the intro, i could live right there for 7 mins, when the more structured parts kick in im less so, but i still think its excellent and the production is lovely, really nice world with the whole stereo field and panning..whats this about a new ep? i missed that, i want it! great work phyruis....dbl
Yeah?...thats kool thanks for the glowing review brother... do you think a stripped down version would work better? less structured and more delay and reverb? the plan is on for a new EP in the new year ...not sure if it'll be on housefly though...thanks again cass.
I love this track. really cool depth and sounds going on in here. only just started listening o glitch, but i think its an amazing musical movement, and this is no exception. great stuff my friend
wow. that made my heart do somethin weird, as i was listening (and working) i think it stopped breathing. when the song was over i exhaled. id say thats weird, but its a good thing. i enjoyed it.
love the gravity swell and congrats with a new EP!
alternate some of the swells that are at the right?... like i felt like you could add a really cool rhythm there. (2:00 mark?) more panning here would be cool i guess?
Super cool track tho... it has this sub bass kick thing happening, and the glitch is too cool.
do you know I knew you'd get the bits I disliked straight away... thanks for the feedback seriously thinking about stripping it right back....taking out some of that bass guitar...not sure really..thanks again ABE
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I am back, wow another great example of your talent here, brilliant FX, sweet pads, nice synths and percussion, everything seems to flow and belong where it should in this one, glitch not a genre I have tried yet, but might give go, as I have some glitch samples in library, this is one massive track my friend, another big FAV if I could, will be back over next few days to check out more of your brilliance...Many thx for the pleasure of hearing this one...stunning...Peace n respect my friend, hope all is well with you and good to be back on the loop...elsd...
alternate some of the swells that are at the right?... like i felt like you could add a really cool rhythm there. (2:00 mark?) more panning here would be cool i guess?
Super cool track tho... it has this sub bass kick thing happening, and the glitch is too cool.