Description : Ramones cover tune, God rest their sweet souls...back when I was working with reel-to-reel tape decks I covered this song...this is the new 2011 version. When (and if) I find the old version I will be sure to post it. Once again, I aint too sure if this breaks the rules or not. I recall reading something about covers being VERBOTTEN but I am certainly not certain. It ought not break em cuz after all, the whole bloody BAND is dead...R.I.P. RAMONES FOREVER...GABBA GABBA CORPSE
This punk track was uploaded by Rats. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (2)
If you have time take a listen and give Rats some feedback.
when they died a part of me died too cuz i practically learned how to play guitar by listening to their albums man cuz when i was really little my Mom turned me on to the Beatles...and they had all kinds of weird shit coming out one speaker and other shit coming out of the other, so when the first Ramones album came along i was ready for that shit man they split the bass and guitar each on their own channel with drums in stereo and 2 stereo vocal it was easy for me to pick up on the guitar cuz all i had to do was turn the balance knob on the shitty 70s record for bass, well, i am really really sorry to Jo Bo from Verdun, whose pawnshop window i smashed to filch my first bass...i was a kid, please dont tell my Mom
Thanks Kikajonjonleprechaun and Spivkurl um kurl? Curling? honestly i could watch that s#!t for just so u guys know that i am slow, but i DO see these comments all eventually hee hee HARD ALL THE WAY gotta go HARD...curling rules
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