There's a couple of places where the loop ending is a bit abrupt but that's my fault.. You could try using the full 16 bar loop with the tail - fade the tail out to take the edge off the transistions..? that's what I was planning on doing :)
I really like the additions you've made.. in particular, the outro.. I would like to have seen more of it, maybe for like a break down or something?
Over all though, good job man - you've made more of the loops than what I have lol :)
yea your right.... i was going to just chop the last bit and make it unique so just to throw reverb on it but after it was all done i forgot to and forgot to use the the tail loop haha
yea man thanks for putting them up... If you want ill extend it and turn the outro in an epic break down and have it fade out with a chorus. Just let me know.
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Thanks man
There's a couple of places where the loop ending is a bit abrupt but that's my fault.. You could try using the full 16 bar loop with the tail - fade the tail out to take the edge off the transistions..? that's what I was planning on doing :)
I really like the additions you've made.. in particular, the outro.. I would like to have seen more of it, maybe for like a break down or something?
Over all though, good job man - you've made more of the loops than what I have lol :)
yea man thanks for putting them up... If you want ill extend it and turn the outro in an epic break down and have it fade out with a chorus. Just let me know.