1st Dec 2012 15:14 - 12 years ago
Tags :
Description : This song I put together features 2 different songs in 1. The first is a little slower than the second one. Both feature some pretty good lead guitar licks, I think. Took me about 2 months to put it all together. Hope you'll like it.

Comments (6)

If you have time take a listen and give Randall822 some feedback.

Danke 3rd Dec 2012 20:26 - 12 years ago
hi Randy

I came back to hear your tasteful art again and it's much better for the second time. I'll write 8 or 10 comments and who knows what's gonna happen... :-)
Man I would like to make a song with you if you have time for me.Solowork Number 1, what I'd like... :-)
I'll send you a song, if you don't care just throw it away.
Thanx for your brilliance, heads up for the future. :-)
hey, hey, hey

Your email address, maybe? :-)
Randall822 replied 5th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Hi again Danke,

Glad you got to listen to the song can download it and play it back on better speakers than the usual computer type speakers. It'll sound much better.

Yes, you can send me a song and I'll see what I can do with it. My e-mail address is:

Thanks for listening to my other songs as well.
DocDaFunk 3rd Dec 2012 09:55 - 12 years ago
i m not a rock enthousiast but that's a prod man , astonishing guitars............. great pinched harmonics
the 2 parts works well need vocals the re inforce the liaison!
Worth the wait man.....
Randall822 replied 5th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Hi there TY,

Thanks for your listening and reviewing my alt-rock tune.
Yeah, vocals would be nice, but the song would have be made a little different to accommodate vocals is all. I could do that easy enough.

I'll check out and see what you have up.
SERGEJ77 2nd Dec 2012 02:54 - 12 years ago
WOOOHOHOW, Grate guitar parts..!
That work of two months becomes with powerful result..!
Gooood yob..!
Randall822 replied 2nd Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Hello Sergej,

Thanks a lot for listening and reviewing my latest rock tune. It takes me quite awhile to produce a tune. Sometimes I run out of ideas right in the middle, and then I put the song aside and start another.....then come back to it.
I try to produce quality rather than quantity.

So I am glad you liked it. If you haven't heard of any of my other many tunes, you may like some of them as well. Mostly, Country and Rock with some Blues thrown in here and there. I play slide guitar as well and that is good for certain Blues tunes (Besides Bluegrass and Country)

I'll check your page out and see what songs you have up and give you a review back.
ShortBusMusic 1st Dec 2012 23:34 - 12 years ago
Hey Randy, outstanding work here. Your guitar work is one part Ed King, one part Billy Gibbons, melded together to form one big part of Randall, haha.

This kicks some serious azz from start to finish. Really, really well done and it's easy to hear/see how much work has gone into this one.

You just keep getting better with age, like fine whiskey :) I hope life has settled down for you a bit.

Bear (Barry Morgan)
Randall822 replied 2nd Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Hi ya Barry,

Been a long time since I have seen your name. I remember you left Lafango a long time ago. It was a decent place and we all got lots of hits, but they kept making too many changes, and had problems with uploads, etc. I am still on there, but just to post songs there.

I thank you for your nice comments. I haven't heard of Ed King or Billy Gibbons before. I haven't listened to that much music really in quite awhile. But they must be good artist then. I'll look them up and give them each a listen.

I am doing OK I mentioned in my note to Dave below, I got bored with retirement and went back to work part time. Music will be in my life until I can't physically play any more. Then I suppose I will have a big guitar sale. ha ha

Again, nice to hear from you, and I will give a listen to see what you have up on your page.
Planetjazzbass 1st Dec 2012 23:16 - 12 years ago
Hey Randy......good to see you've still got that (huge)stable of Fender twangers hard at it mate!...Great tune man!...some very cool progressions and licks being played straight from the heart,this is one bad assed tune guaranteed to rock anyone's socks off...gritty,progressive,free flowing and full of attitude!....I think this tune exemplifies perfectly how a musician's expression and focus improves with age,most young wannabe producers think your past it by the time your 30 (or younger! lol)...they don't realise the refinement process one acquires being an instrumentalist....super work!
cheers Dave
Randall822 replied 2nd Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Hi there Dave,
Great to hear from you. I am sorry that I am not as active on here as I used to be. I retired once and then decided to go back to work for something to do. Sitting around watching TV or making music, wasn't giving me any exercise at all. So I got a part time job at my local 'Home Depot' store. A home improvement store in case you have never heard of them.

As for the song, In addition to my Fenders, I also use my Framus, a Les Paul copy as well for different lead sounds. It was made in Germany in 1972. Some times I get ideas from other songs, or even just a drum beat will give me an idea.

Age/health will have a factor tho soon as I am nearing 69 yrs old. You maybe have seen 'Glen Campbell' on TV the other day... is going to give his last concert very soon as he has Alzheimer's disease now. He was shown trying to sing and play. He forgot some words and the chords/leads some. Sad...but we will all eventually end up with something happening to us.

There are many fine older players out there...and maybe they already had their time in the sun when they were younger. But older folks, like me in particular, love to play and record as long as we can. I can't always play a long lick without mistakes, but that is what recording is a bunch of notes, then record them...then some more, etc. eventually you have a whole song done. Haha

Anyways, I appreciate your fine comments and will give a listen to see what you have up new.
Danke 1st Dec 2012 20:00 - 12 years ago
hey, hey, hey Randall

Danke callin...
Wild, energetic and raw like a good rock song.I do like your guitar work, you play yourself into death... :-)
For me (maybe, just for me) the lead is much out from the song, but who cares... :-)
Thanx for sharin it, take care, Danke
Randall822 replied 2nd Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Hi there Danke,

I appreciate your review and comments. I don't believe I've had any reviews from you before, so if your new and get time, check out my many other songs on here. Mostly I do Country and Rock and some Blues now and then.

As for the lead out front, that was done on purpose as I didn't want the background music to drown it out. Like vocals in a rock song, they are hard to hear clearly sometimes.

Anyway I am glad you enjoyed it and I will review one of your songs here shortly.

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5th Sep 2021 10:35 - 3 years ago
Description : Rock alternativo, espacial.
29th Jun 2013 18:40 - 11 years ago
Description : Here's my first try on Patricia Edwards Acapella.
The vocals are bombastic !!!

Song still needs some mixing and drum repositioning
1st Mar 2015 00:03 - 10 years ago
Description : This is my newest creation, at a stage very near to completion. No third-party mastering or mixing, as with all my tracks. Just have to fix a few tiny things. I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO MIX EVERYTHING IN THE SAME SESSION. This song has all human-played instruments - no quantization or MIDI! My brother does all the vocals except for the interlude part, which I do. My other brother plays the rhythm guitar (a Gibson Les Paul Custom - only one of 12 in the world!!) and I play the accompanying guitar (a Johnny Mar Jag and PRS). He has a lot of guitars :P A good friend of ours, Ronnie, plays the bass and another friend, Freddie, plays the drums. The drum track was done in one take (had to use an electric drum set due to time constraints - but acoustic kits are so much better). Overall, pretty satisfied with the result. Let me know your thoughts.
6th Jul 2020 18:44 - 4 years ago
Description : This is the fourth track of my W.I.P. Vocaloid album called: Acerbus 3.

Many thanks to Ashesndreams for sharing these vocals!

Original from Ashesndreams:
29th Jun 2024 19:55 - 9 months ago
Description : Feel free to check out the lyrics video on YT as well :) This is a new track based on the great vocals by Ashes and Dreams! Again, a mix of electronic/progressive/rock, any feedback is welcome
17th Apr 2019 04:25 - 5 years ago
Description : The first track I sing on. Cheap stage mic & no fancy plugins. Heavily guitar laden to the point it's got a bit of a shoegaze thing going on. I pulled the lyrics out of my ass & yes, they're a bit silly.
22nd Mar 2020 13:51 - 5 years ago
Tags :
Description : Instrumental song, let me know if you wanna listen to song with lyrics but there is russian vocals
13th Jul 2019 06:47 - 5 years ago
Tags :
Description : A mix of rock and rave from my early 2000
16th Mar 2015 20:23 - 10 years ago
Description : Guitar track produced with guitar loops from Nilooy.
12th Jun 2020 23:21 - 4 years ago
Tags :
Description : lmloops=xmas gtrs+bs/bellz/same old drums/kush/stargate/creamy synth/ft katerina mufitek mrazkova/ft anonvx
3rd Dec 2013 06:09 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : BIG UPDATE 26/02/2014 - So, this was an 18 min track that I have now successfully split in two. 2nd half I uploaded a few weeks ago (Things That Should Always Be, with the bouncy 2 min reggae intro). This is the first half, which has a new mix, a mega chill, meditative ending and a little jazz thrown in for good measure. Takes a few minutes for beat to really kick in. Constantly evolving electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic drums and lead banjo driven by fat, busy 80BPM grooves with a bit of a reggae and shuffle feel. Also: synth choir voices, dulcimer, violin, cello, shimmering pads. Builds up gradually to nice and rocking and then gets taken back down for the big comedown chill. I really don't know what sort of genre this is except 'far out'. I think it sounds more like a live band than one guy playing instruments and manipulating a DAW. Not my best track but a bit of blissful, sunny island fun. Real positive vibe here so I hope you give it a chance to unfold and unfurl. Sit back, clear your schedule and immerse yourself in these trippy sonic experiments cooked up deep in my off-planet underground laboratory. I have to send the MP3 to Earth via space courier (not cheap).
11th Jan 2015 06:13 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track was like the inhale after an exhale of aggressive industrial-electro-sludge tracks that I had put out that summer and fall. This was the more reserved, and introspective winter track. It's nothing spectacular, but I still really enjoy it. I hope you do too. Take care. V.
17th Jul 2021 03:40 - 3 years ago
Description : when i was a kid you could go down and buy acid drops at the dairy - sour boiled sweets....vox, guitars and keys by me. Bass a LM loop by megapaul.
9th Sep 2024 19:20 - 6 months ago
Description : A math rock track I made featuring VA SOPHIA, taking the genre "math rock" literally

You can check the video out on youtube, it has nice visuals and art made by xhanuh (instagram)

Track on youtube & spotify can be found under:

"Complex Geometry" [VA SOPHIA] - Kiestyle Productions