Description : Instrumental Version of my Collaboration with with Corina Esteflea (Adiere) my singer friend
This cinematic track was uploaded by deciBel. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (31)
If you have time take a listen and give deciBel some feedback.
Man brilliant all I can say...Massive masterpiece that takes you on a flight or journey, like said before you have a fan here of your works...never disappoint dadash....Peace Respect....FAVVVVVVVVVVV....Mosaic...
this is a very soft piece of music. the backgound sounds are a little strange but all the instruments work in perfect harmony with one another.
Those trippy noises give it a kind of ghostly kind of vibe.
Different but good.
many thnx FR dear for your time , attention & kind shared idea as commenT .well to be honesT how ever time passes more & more & whenever I listen this trial more & more I blame myself why I added those haunting sounds with such a causless high volum & We both know U've been so kind to have this explanation ( different but good ) withouT hint to my wrong volumize that has been sensible for U & I'm gratefull.
as a self thaught I've learned all things by error & trials in music & this track was my first trials in which I was testing how those self designed haunting sounds may work in track ...FR I appreciate your kind feedback & please U
to feel free for criticism & be stringent while commenting for me if I may had the chance to know your valuable idea about any other trial of mine in future too ,and at the same time again I seriously appreciate your kind & friendly commenT about this trial . thnx & all the bests.___Behnam
Listening to this, I am realizing how thankful I am to know you. My eyes have never been as painfully open as since I have gotten to know you and worked with you. I feel like I have died and returned fresh. I think I will post our collab in a moment, I don't know why I haven't yet. Please keep creating against all odds. Faved!
my good friend, Patrick ,this was a great chance for me to know U & U all in music ..Pat I'm gratefull of your generous words about this music lover who was using music as his shelter.and althoughT U've written in a way that I don't think if I deserve but wish i deserve . regarding our collaboration forsure as I told u the same time too i will be honoured & U're free to do anything about thaT .Pat , me & music haven't left eachother because of any problem or odd ...we left eachother because of loving eachother more than what we both deserved ...i should stop living in that shelter (music) ...cause i was convinced i don't belong to musicians world ..yes i am convinced i don't belong to musicians world Pat ....take care & many many thnx for all your memorable comments Patrick very good unseen friend wishes of mine for U & music after me ..._____B
I hadn't found this Behnam !
what a nice tune .
this has a bit Balkan vibe too !
just this link you have put desn't work Behnam .
oh I want to have this in myplaylist.
many thnX Elena for checking my various trials ouT .
yes I like Balkan musical taste & harmony texture .
regarding link thanX & yes according to my good friend Adiere ( Corina ) has left site after our cooperations,those linX didn't work anyomre but I was lazy to change them . now & according to your commenT , I've written new true link for hearing & downloading sung version .
and about this instrumental version too , what can I do but changing download permission to downloadable track , when my friend's little daughter as usual wants to have this one too in her playlisT .come on , It's downloadable now.take care & study more as an undergraduate instead of wasting many hours for loopermaning Elena . what a situation it is !:)
wink & smile & all the best___Behnam
Nelson glad to see U back after awhile & many many thnx.
especially I should say thnx if U think my trials deserve for that sort of serious usage ..particulary I'm someone who never watches movie & having no guess why my trials sound cinematic when I'm someone so faaar from cinematic world..i just can say I imagine notes as alphabet to express my imagination & set them to work as a pictorial representationsin listener's mind.and reading this analysis from yourside makes me think they have worked, & I'm gratefull & it makes my lips remember forgotten frame of smile in a gray noon of this side of planeT,for a while... greatest appreciations for listening & feedback & your worthy shared comprehension in comment with me & us about
this trial. best wishes .___Behnam
Ben i tried again to send message to you from here but you haven't allowed looperman send you message . i sent you an email 3 days ago but again Mr Zandi has been busy and no reply! i just wanted to say I love this track veeeeeeerryyyyyy much..both versions , instrumental and that version Corina sings , but I have not this . i want to have it in my player list . pleaaase send it to me whenever you see this message .
well U hadn't commented for me so how should I know if U may like this or noT to send it for U or noT Sherris ?!
U have never talked to me about this before !
I sent instrumental version rightnow for U . I'll ask Corina
and after her premission I would act about vocal version.
take care.__Behnam
dear Jurgen , first appology for latency in reply , I was in mission these recentlY days & having no access to intenet & , & then thnX aloT for your presence & commenT .best wishes .___Behnam
dear Dieselj , thank U very much for being partial to this trial(track) of mine & kind comment , & I don't sell my musix & so have any link for purchasing,buT according to your commenT & for appreciation , right now I changed download premission of this track for U & allow download for 3 days to U can download it from the same here if U're minded to having & listening this track for yourslf.thnx again,cheers & best wishes.__Behnam
You know how precious this music is to me and how it inspired me to express and release the words which have been residing in my head for years. Thank you.
years passing by so soon Mina . when several years ago we visited eachother for the first & the last time , I had never guessed if I'll see your comment below any musical trial of mine in 2013 too ...any way glad if U have liked it.& thnx for that inspired poem too ,best wishes for U , for all tallented young women & men in Iran , and for the libertY .__Behnam
after appologize again for latency of mine , dear Jowe , thank U very much for your attention to both instrumental & vocal version of this trial ( track ) of mine,
I appreciate your stopping by & time & beside them, beautifull perception of yours abouT explaninG to movie playinG in head while listeninG to this trial . best wishes .__Behnam
Chris thanx alot for your beatifull comment with generous words . I'm so honoured if U thik so good about it about taking any listener in most wonderfull voyage man.& accept greatest appreciation from myside aboutyour taken time & comment.the same best wishes which U know as always.Sincerely.____Behnam.
This would be great in a film. I get the feeling of riding a horse out on a beautiful prairie, then it changes as if I rode into the city with big building and bright lights. Great job.
My greatest appreciations dear Ms.Brandon Michelle . it was so worthwhile for me to see your positive idea about performance of this track in a film & definitely yourr possitive words would be as an encouragement for me .thanx alot & my best wishes & regards___Behnam.
Hi Behnam,
This is a true masterpiece: I have simply to quote what the others have said before me. Wonderful piano, wonderful violin and I also loved the pizzicato part (?) starting around 1:55
Simply beautiful.
Ciao amico Domenico & thanx alot for your worthy o adoration comment my friend , I should appreciate your kindness & I'm really glad if you've enjoyed it & Cin-cin .and about that strumming part I should say according to I'm minded to strumming technique & balcanic harmonies both in any cases,that part is myself favorite part in this track too,right in the same manner I'm glad if you've liked it .thanx alot again & my Auguri as always .___Behnam.
GREAT!!! Very Well done! What a nice piece. Love the piano melody, and the violin, melody, LOVE IT!! You really are a great musician, please keep these masterpieces coming! Downloaded this for my music player, thank you very much for such a great share.
thanx alot my friend for your kindness & impressive encouragement in your comment which is wirthy of adoration for me ,I'm really honored if you've liked it & want to appreciate your time to listen to this trial of mine .cheers man ,my best wishes & regards as always.Sincerely___Behnam
I don't have the words to say how this moved me ... The last time I felt that was when I listened to Atticus Ross, "The Book of Eli" .
Your track infused its waves deeply into my heart . Neither really sad, nor really joyful, and that's where all its power stands . Just like walking on a thread, straight towards light and through clouds caressing my cheeks along the way and the dead beloved ones waving gently to me from the sky .
Close to the "spiritual" I talked about in my message to you.
Thanks so much for these deep emotions, Behnam ...
Bonjour lady Janis,& beofre every thing wish you'll excuse me for 1day latency in reply because of my weekly mission in my job as I told you & greatest appreciation about your worthwhile Atticus Ross I really do love it.lady Janis your beautifull analysis shows your beautifull perception & my words doen't work as I want to describe my appreciation about your wothy of adoration perception.just rally wish you have enjoy & liked it cause you know how important is your opinion for me . thanx aot for your beautifull comment & your kindness & your taken time to listen to & commenting on this musical trial of best wishes as always for you ,gretest regards ,Sincerely.___Behnam.
dear Paulo thanx alot for your taken time to listen to & also your Important wothwhile comment.wish you have liked it .my best wishes as always my dear freind.___Behnam.
Doudei your worthy of adoration comment would be lik an encouragement for me ,thank a lot man for your taken time to lsten to this trail of mine .today I have found a new acoustic track from you,in which I've loved it very much & should admired you because of that.thanx a agin my friend for your kindnss in your wishes.___Behnam
Don't say more words about your pain in your country, if you know what I mean...this classical piece would NOT born when you are living in another part of the world... :-)
Hats off, 10/10, I'm on my knees, outstanding, what else?...
MUSIC in it's pure, free and clean best
hey Danke how are you my friend ? glad to see your wothwhile possitive comment below this trial of mine.oh danke I really do love balcanic Harmonies,balcanic Instruments & balcanic dances too.really wish to be a balcanic dancer wishes & regards as always man.__Behnam.
dear colleague, this is music that like a homeless cat invited in investigates and then inhabits my space - roaming, beautiful, and interactive. and spooky!!!!
so hohoured to see a comment from such musician like you dear MStokes,and thax a lot for your beautifull analaysis about this musical trial of wishes & regards.___Behnam.
Pretty awesome!! Love the instruments you chose, the composition is lovely and stirring, simply awesome!! Such a free flowing song with no bounds. You are a very talented song writer. I will be downloading and fav'ing this so thanks for sharing!
I will stop by your page and will be listening to much more of your music especially to your track with my loop in it, thanks for letting me know you used it.
dear Wayne , it would be a honoured to me that I saw your worthwhile posstive opinion as a comment below this trial of mine.althought it was a real pleasure to me if you have downloaded & enjoy it , cause as you know I have download,learn & use your loops in my musics.really glad to see your comment,thanx alot wishes & regards.___Behnam.
First time I hear your work and this track is like a journey through space and time. It captures the stars, the celestial beings and heavenly bodies and the lights in the skies at night. The coming together of so many different instruments made your track speak to everyone listening and it's saying "Let go and let love in!" Loved it! Peace to you brother.
you made me really glad by listening to this track and commenting on it man.and having a beautifull analysis about a music needs to a beautifull private perception ,and I should appreciate your perception for this beauty comment.thanx alot & my best wishes.___Behnam.
For me it is always a surprise when I discover and listen to your new tracks here.
It is always a call to travel.
Again, your music is sophisticated, and full of attractions. Really unexpected ....
Thank you for sharing and come back soon with something even more surprising.
Bonjour lady Dan,& for me your comments have been as an Impressive encouragement below my musical trials.and also this time I learned a new english word ''sophisticated''from you,which I really liked it.Lady Dan,I usually try on some theoretic ideas,to see what can I do with them,in pragmatically trials of mine.and some times this error & trial method is suceeded & sometimes there's not any good sequent.and for me these comments below my trials,is like a yardstick,like a standard,which shows me(for my self)that '' have I been succesfull,or not?''
& really glad if you think this trial has been succefull.
thanx alot for your worthwhile comment,and my best wishes.(by the way google had translated correctly & merci for that too).__Behnam.
Wow Behnam, you have surpassed yourself this time. This would make a great movie soundtrack, it's like the history of movies in one track. I love it when a piece of music comes along, that allows you to make up the story. Excellent man, keep it up.
my gentle friend,Kenny,you have make me to surpassed myself if it has happend(but really if !).I've learned alot from our email swaps & your considered Ideas.I really appreciate your knindness & encouragements best wishes as always.___Behnam.
This is like international music Behnam...It is a great thing that you disregard the walls that nationalities and musical genres put up...and do music that your imagination allows you to create.....I admire that much more than the narrowly defined excuse for music that our commercial radios are an inspiration.....well done....Ed
dear Ed , if even as much as an epsilon,I have become near to International music , no doubt , International musician in looperman(like you & the others)has inspired me . & I can hear you,Bear,Franco,even planetJazzBass & even lady Janis & lady Dan & the others in it. cause your throughbread & professional musix makes me to learn & your such positive encouragements,makes me to try more.and I should appreciate you all if I have learned here.thanx a lot made an ever moody face to smile by your Important wishes & regards as always.___Behnam.
Very very good. Like you took simple Appalachian melodies, and old European string sounds, and added this ethereal ambient feel in the background. Future meets the past. I feel the ethos of Persia, Greece, the Mediterranean, The Immigrants of the U.S. and Canada all coming together with DaDa.
Hey man,you surprised me !your warm breath.dear Steve,you know btter than me that music talks to the bird's language, and from Appalachian Mountains to alps & from Mediterranean Sea to our persian gulf,and from tibbet mountains to Australian rocks & mountains & even the birds in African deserts , are singing by One language,like music,and according to I wanted about this track to shows a middle point ( equinox)I should use all languages words in it as various Instruments,& would be really glad if you may think that I havebeen succeded.Best wishes for you man,I will remember this conceptual analysis in your comment about this trial of mine,forever,as a remarkable memory in my mind.
سپاسگزار و ارادتمندم
thanx alot & Sincerely Yours.
hey right now when I saw you're online,I was checking to see have you uploaded a new one ,then I cameback & saw your comment. thanks a lot dear Seriously Joking.but really I ask myself ''is this art?''.by the way another appreciation for last sentence & maybe you're right & it can be a cinematic track too! unfortunately as always I don't know about genre.
best wishes & thanx alot again.___Behnam
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Description : Banda sonora de un videoclip que acabo de producir.Cuenta la experiencia de una pareja de astronautas y los recuerdos de ella al perder a su compañero. Espero que os guste. Animo y suerte para todos.
Description : it is! Another colab with maestro Tumbleweed! Ed provided the unfinished, basic track...I composed and recorded the long intro using different synths and then added piano (well to the fore) and some brass arrangements along the rest of the track (no violin this time...hehe) and then did the final mixing to wrap it up as it is presented now. I hope you will enjoy it and we both appreciate your listening time and your valuable comments:) Otherwise all thanks to Ed!
Description : Just send me the link where you use that, please
Anyway, I'm looking for artists, especially doing melodic techno, deep house etc... to work in my music label called Chick Records
Description : Treated field recordings of bells and thumping big stainless steel sculptures and synth. Inspired by a trip to the sub-Antarctic Islands.
Description : There are a lot of talented people :
Ft Ankit Sharda for the mantra,
Ft Xelaplus for the choirs,
Ft jjweekz for the voice effect,
Drums :
AcidPro on darbuka
Danke on big cymbals
Loopfreak on indian percussions
Anubis on big drums
Tell me what this track made to you ^^'
Thank you.
Description : Dark, slow, ambient, cinematic jazz with funereal piano turning into something much funkier, psychedelic and beautiful in the second half. Out of the darkness and into the light, you could say. Instruments: electric guitar + bass, lots of synth sounds, including a horn, double bass, another big legato bass, pizzicato strings, two types of piano, a heavily delayed slide guitar instrument, zither, synth arp, one brushy drum loop, kettle drum rolls and 4 programmed acoustic drum kits. This is quite a special track for me and is only the second I've put in the cinematic genre. The more you listen, the more it changes (it even has key changes) and the last three minutes are really quite far out and should probably be longer. Best track I've made for a few months. Interesting thoughts and reflections appreciated. Free sex for the best reviews...
This track is an elaboration of dgalantic’s track “Starting Over 0172257.” It is almost entirely comprised of loops by other artists on looperman. The newsreel in the intro section is from public domain footage of the Vietnam War. Prince Fatty chimes later in with some words of wisdom. The track was sequenced with Mixtikl and edited in Audacity.
Loops from the following artists are included:
1. ThatJeffCarter’s guitar “feedback 197765”
2. three of Nightingale’s harmonica trills: “angels 0088377, inner light 0088361 and never and never 0088366”
3. Heavily fx’ed vocal excerpts from Eshar’s “7th Dimension 0002644”
4. Dcmack’s rhythm loops “2 bass drums 1- 0085449, 2- 0085446, and 4- 0085448.”
5. Steelyvibe’s choral wash “luno frunezo 0005719”
6. Nightingale’s guitar loop “diving deep 0043488”
7. Rasputin1963’s chorals “ soul ladies gospel riff 0088641 and reggae soul girls choir 0087693”
Genre: Cinematic
Tags: papico, Cinematic, Piano, feedback, choral washes, choir, harmonica, guitar, dgalantic- starting over, thatjeffcarter-feedback, dcmack- 2 bass drums 1,2 and 4, nightingale-angels, inner light, never and never, diving deep, eshar-7th dimension, steelyvibe- luno frunezo, rasputin1963-soul ladies gospel riff, reggae soul girls choir, Vietnam War newsreel
Description : So a new track for everyone. Im pretty impressed by this one, and would even place it higher than one of my best tracks, Angel And A Demon. However, I'm trying to decide whether or not I should put vocals to it. I have some in mjnd, but idk if itd be better to leave as is and keep it instrumental or not. Take a listen and let me know! Also, let me know if anything is too loud, still working on my mastering.
Love what you do and do what you love.
Made out of Looperman Loops!
Made in 2 Hours!
I was bored and was thinking about a epic movie u got it a full Cinematic Movie Soundtrack...Say what u think..........A NEED FEEDBAK ! A know...its just mixing loops together but it was really , really big fun to make this!
Behnamian question :) smart and seriously great !
yes sir , this is art !
I don't know Corina , but I just can say she has been a
lucky singer for the great chance of two collaborations
with you .
Man brilliant all I can say...Massive masterpiece that takes you on a flight or journey, like said before you have a fan here of your works...never disappoint dadash....Peace Respect....FAVVVVVVVVVVV....Mosaic...
Those trippy noises give it a kind of ghostly kind of vibe.
Different but good.
as a self thaught I've learned all things by error & trials in music & this track was my first trials in which I was testing how those self designed haunting sounds may work in track ...FR I appreciate your kind feedback & please U
to feel free for criticism & be stringent while commenting for me if I may had the chance to know your valuable idea about any other trial of mine in future too ,and at the same time again I seriously appreciate your kind & friendly commenT about this trial . thnx & all the bests.___Behnam
what a nice tune .
this has a bit Balkan vibe too !
just this link you have put desn't work Behnam .
oh I want to have this in myplaylist.
yes I like Balkan musical taste & harmony texture .
regarding link thanX & yes according to my good friend Adiere ( Corina ) has left site after our cooperations,those linX didn't work anyomre but I was lazy to change them . now & according to your commenT , I've written new true link for hearing & downloading sung version .
and about this instrumental version too , what can I do but changing download permission to downloadable track , when my friend's little daughter as usual wants to have this one too in her playlisT .come on , It's downloadable now.take care & study more as an undergraduate instead of wasting many hours for loopermaning Elena . what a situation it is !:)
wink & smile & all the best___Behnam
I like your choice of instruments for this amazing track.
This is really something else.
Ever considered submitting your tracks to films or something like that(in case you havent done yet).
You should.
especially I should say thnx if U think my trials deserve for that sort of serious usage ..particulary I'm someone who never watches movie & having no guess why my trials sound cinematic when I'm someone so faaar from cinematic world..i just can say I imagine notes as alphabet to express my imagination & set them to work as a pictorial representationsin listener's mind.and reading this analysis from yourside makes me think they have worked, & I'm gratefull & it makes my lips remember forgotten frame of smile in a gray noon of this side of planeT,for a while... greatest appreciations for listening & feedback & your worthy shared comprehension in comment with me & us about
this trial. best wishes .___Behnam
TanX for instrumental version.
U have never talked to me about this before !
I sent instrumental version rightnow for U . I'll ask Corina
and after her premission I would act about vocal version.
take care.__Behnam
You know how precious this music is to me and how it inspired me to express and release the words which have been residing in my head for years. Thank you.
I have no words for this, it's soooo moving (can we say that?! xD)
There's a whole movie playing in my head.
I appreciate your stopping by & time & beside them, beautifull perception of yours abouT explaninG to movie playinG in head while listeninG to this trial . best wishes .__Behnam
This has that ability to take the listener on a most wonderful voyage.!
The way you've added some very haunting sounds,makes this so different yet beautiful at the same time!
Its like me standing in Stonehenge and waiting for the sun to rise.
I so want to feel its power,and i wonder how many people feel that energy in such mystical places.!
Thats how this piece of music makes me feel!
Very very nice work behnam!
Thank you so much for taking me on such a wonderful voyage in my mind!
Life Love and Unity to you and your loved ones! ;)
Ms. Brandon Michelle
This is a true masterpiece: I have simply to quote what the others have said before me. Wonderful piano, wonderful violin and I also loved the pizzicato part (?) starting around 1:55
Simply beautiful.
Your track infused its waves deeply into my heart . Neither really sad, nor really joyful, and that's where all its power stands . Just like walking on a thread, straight towards light and through clouds caressing my cheeks along the way and the dead beloved ones waving gently to me from the sky .
Close to the "spiritual" I talked about in my message to you.
Thanks so much for these deep emotions, Behnam ...
Very, very good work!
Hats off, 10/10, I'm on my knees, outstanding, what else?...
MUSIC in it's pure, free and clean best
what about the balcanic harmonies my friend?...
I will stop by your page and will be listening to much more of your music especially to your track with my loop in it, thanks for letting me know you used it.
For me it is always a surprise when I discover and listen to your new tracks here.
It is always a call to travel.
Again, your music is sophisticated, and full of attractions. Really unexpected ....
Thank you for sharing and come back soon with something even more surprising.
& really glad if you think this trial has been succefull.
thanx alot for your worthwhile comment,and my best wishes.(by the way google had translated correctly & merci for that too).__Behnam.
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سپاسگزار و ارادتمندم
thanx alot & Sincerely Yours.
Just beyond Words...
This is art, Behnam. Very cinematic.
best wishes & thanx alot again.___Behnam