13th May 2013 03:47 - 11 years ago
Description : I have insomnia. I bet most of you loopers can relate... Here's something that I created in the early hours just before dawn. Thank you to my friend Chris Morrison for helping me with the percussion!

Comments (34)

If you have time take a listen and give BunnieRabbit some feedback.

Leinadnier 23rd Jan 2014 21:39 - 11 years ago
I just registered because of this great track!
It's so great that I just had to use some parts of it in one of my own remixes! So I would really appreciate you if you would give me the permission to upload my song on YouTube? :D

Thank you so much :)
Subnetik 6th Sep 2013 00:36 - 11 years ago
This is one of my favourites on here. I've not quite got insomnia, but more self imposed insomnia... Just never close the comp down and go to bed for doing, always music stuff!

I've downloaded the vocals - had to, and seeing what I can do wit them... Will post a link when I get it sorted. Because the track has sped the vocal slightly, its warped the voice slightly, but the vocals have such a natural beautiful essence that I don't want them to lose any quality! Just taking my time to return them to their full glory!
CAZAPROD 23rd Jul 2013 17:48 - 11 years ago
If I can give you a piece of advice : keep stopping sleep! :)
Great track!
brownrecordz 15th Jun 2013 15:18 - 11 years ago
I`m working on a orchestral version that ends in dubstep ;-) I think im finished soon ;-)
Nicooo 12th Jun 2013 14:51 - 11 years ago
This is another song that you nailed, you make look this so simple.
Majestic voice everybody in my place ask me who the hell is that song. They just enjoy their drink and food while watching the sunset and listening to your voice. Spectacular
BunnieRabbit replied 13th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
You are playing this in your establishment!?!?
HA! Crazy cool! Thank you for the love!!

wizrex 4th Jun 2013 23:04 - 11 years ago
can i pls dl this song ty
FullCapicityMuzic 3rd Jun 2013 15:15 - 11 years ago
Nice & mellow, perfect for a sleepless night.

I really like the way you put this together, giving the vocals and the muzic it's own life. And the vocals seem to be in the background, just makes the "no sleep tonight" feeling stronger.

Good job!
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you Patricia :)

It was a fun experiment for sure!

Spivkurl 2nd Jun 2013 20:44 - 11 years ago
Very enjoyable song! The vocals are spectacular! The piano adds a nice touch! Chill out is definitely the appropriate genre for this! Great work!
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you for the support! I wasn't sure what to classify it as due to percussion. Regardless of labels, it was fun to play with effects... I want to experiment with this a bit more :)

wizrex 30th May 2013 17:06 - 11 years ago
No Sleep Tonight love this tune
Buddahmann 30th May 2013 08:26 - 11 years ago
Banger of a song BunniRabbit. I'm really diggin' it. Genre-crossing
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you for the support Buddahmann :)

VickyDan 29th May 2013 10:01 - 11 years ago
Hello ....

I discovered here a very unexpected musical ensemble. Both the vocal part, very interresting, very intense, and harmonic richness that accompanies ....
Thank you for sharing this moment.

BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Glad you enjoyed :)

alkiema 29th May 2013 09:49 - 11 years ago
neat voice :) g2 check out if I can do sth mind boggling with your acapella :) used to have sleep problems as well. discovering meditation helped with that so maybe check it u insomniac folks ;)
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Yes, meditation definitely helps :) I need to be more frequent with it.
Thank you for the guidance.

ZeeHipHop 28th May 2013 14:53 - 11 years ago
Funny coz I can only ever work after midnight!? Strange indeed. As for the song...just those first few bars were already so good it hurt. Very nice track!
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
haha sorry to cause you pain ;)
I'm the same way! I get up pretty early and always think I will accomplish a lot during the day...... NOPE. Then I get into the groove just as people are getting ready to go to bed...
Thank you for your support!

dondi24 28th May 2013 12:52 - 11 years ago
This is a pretty good song, keep up the good work!
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you, I'll try :)

basscasedubz 27th May 2013 00:09 - 11 years ago
Hey hun,

im a well established EDM producer, thought i would join looperman and see if anyone is up for collabs with vocals.

With your permission, i would love to use this for a new track ive been working on.

Please contact me id love to work with you.
tommy1978 26th May 2013 14:05 - 11 years ago
Hi Bunnie...i would love to use this in a Track and get it signed to my label..fits perfectly with a banging space disco track am working on...Please let me know if you'd like your voice on the airwaves.
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Forgive my late response, I can't remember if we've been in contact through private messages.
Thank you for the support!

crucethus 26th May 2013 10:36 - 11 years ago
Great tune, definitely trip-hop. I like the vocal treatments.
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
I was really on the fence with tweaking the vocals because I've never done that before... but it fits for this I think. I want to explore this feature a bit more!
Thank you for the feedback!

TimPhil 26th May 2013 09:21 - 11 years ago
Lovely track.

I bet if they did a survey the majority of the best music ever produced probably comes from the early hours of the morning.

Beautiful vocal and love the style of the tack.

Good stuff.
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
If only I could get away with recording vocals in my household at the hours of inspiration :P

Thank you for the support!

Darkreine 26th May 2013 06:36 - 11 years ago
Really nice indie blues track reminiscent of Skye Edwards and Alanis Morissette. Love the laid back beat and radio vox. Nice job.
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you for your continued support with my music Kenny. I love Skye Edwards voice, thats a great compliment :)

AggroCultureMusic 23rd May 2013 19:07 - 11 years ago
Love this Tracks to pieces !!!! You Triphop right on to the top-shelf with Tricky, Portishead and Morcheeba. Absolutely Awesome ! Keep em Coming :)

BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Portishead and Morcheeba!!! Thank you for that wonderful compliment Peter! :D

korte1975 23rd May 2013 03:25 - 11 years ago
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you :)

Your version is awesome too!! I noticed you haven't posted it to looperman.. You should!!

BeyonceMonroe 20th May 2013 22:40 - 11 years ago
I liked it :)
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Much appreciation!

brillbilly 19th May 2013 17:08 - 11 years ago
Hi bunny!.....Quote;(I have insomnia. I bet most of you loopers can relate...)

hell yeah,i suffer from chronic insomnia,so i find creating music theraputic,and the best times are early hours through till 6.!

Great track and a great way to convey your feelings,is through your musical ability!.

Superb dreamy good music,great vocals/lyrics,awesome piano n beats!

This is a great track!

very well done!.

Fave from me,and thank you so much for sharing! ;)
BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Yes!! The best ideas always come when everyone else is sleeping!
Thank you for the encouraging feedback :)

iSean 19th May 2013 03:15 - 11 years ago
To me this sounds like Soul w elements of hiphop and RnB.
But to me genre is as relavent as race, Beatiful is Beatiful so it doesnt matter.

Keep up your drive Im sure youve inspired one person with this track...

BunnieRabbit replied 11th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Couldn't agree with you more :) Plus it's more fun to cross genres!
Thank you for the kind feedback!

AngelFox2580 16th May 2013 00:15 - 11 years ago
Sorry for the double post however i posted my new (incomplete) track hope you have listening to it =D
doudei 15th May 2013 19:37 - 11 years ago
wonderful track, very trip-hoppy indeed. sounds like massive attack meets amy winehouse, absolutely love it!!! :)
BunnieRabbit replied 22nd May 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you doudei! Those are 2 favourites of mine so I greatly appreciate your kind words!

KAMPUTERA 15th May 2013 19:34 - 11 years ago
Nice track and Vert Poppy! Reminds me of Poe and Portishead with more dance to it. I really enjoyed it. It's a fun song. :)
BunnieRabbit replied 22nd May 2013 - 11 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the nice comment :)

AngelFox2580 15th May 2013 00:08 - 11 years ago
AMAZING your vocals are good as always and as for insomnia i don't have it but i don't like to sleep as it is =D so i guess i am stuck in the middle =P but thanks for the great song also i say this more of a chill out rather then weird genre but eh whatever have a good day and take a listen to my new track when u get a chance i need a good ear to tell me how it is =)
BunnieRabbit replied 15th May 2013 - 11 years ago
Who wants to sleep when there's so much you can do awake!! lol
I really enjoyed your latest track and am looking forward to hearing the next one you were talking about!

SonnyKarson 14th May 2013 22:17 - 11 years ago
I love this song!!! It's like my anthem at 4am while I stare at the alarm clock wondering why I'm still awake?!?
BunnieRabbit replied 15th May 2013 - 11 years ago
haha you too eh!? That's how I was the early morning I wrote this.. but on my way to bed, I walked past the piano and decided to play instead :P

smallpaul 14th May 2013 08:02 - 11 years ago
Hi mate great track, would easily fit in the Trip Hop genre, (if we had one!) Insomnia we've all been there! For me its the none stop duke box in my head usually. I try to aim for no music after 6 pm. ha ha xx
BunnieRabbit replied 15th May 2013 - 11 years ago
No music after 6pm!?! I'd never be able to do that! Once I decide I've been working on my own stuff for too long... it won't be 10 minutes before I'm off exploring new tunes :P

Brodin24 13th May 2013 19:32 - 11 years ago
Sounds great!

You should do an Acapella! ;)
BunnieRabbit replied 14th May 2013 - 11 years ago
lol yes... soon, so stay tuned ;)

deciBel 13th May 2013 11:34 - 11 years ago
oh insomnia,which is a pain of mine too ..innovative as always U are & in the same time diffeternt with that 5 others from yours ,interesting vocal MiX & also really proper and beauty percussion it was & totally an impressive & welldone package.
glad to hear a new one from BunnieRabbit,an absolutely tallented colleague .respects,best wishes._______Behnam.
BunnieRabbit replied 14th May 2013 - 11 years ago
I enjoy listening to this track with headphones to add to the movement of sounds. It interweaves through my head like the hallucinations I get while sleep deprived :P Thank you for your thoughts!

janis71 13th May 2013 06:02 - 11 years ago
Love the Portishead touch in it . I've just had 2 hours of sleep before a hard day of work so I know the feeling ...
Your track's great !
Cheers ;)
BunnieRabbit replied 14th May 2013 - 11 years ago
Now that you mention it, there is a very Portishead-esqueness about this! Thank you for the wonderful compliment!

BluesArcAngel 13th May 2013 04:20 - 11 years ago
Really good. I love it and yeah the song pretty much fits me to a T lol
BunnieRabbit replied 14th May 2013 - 11 years ago
As a musician it is both a curse and a blessing ;)
Thank you for listening!


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EDIT: modified ending to a deeper voice
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3rd Jan 2018 15:12 - 7 years ago
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2nd Mar 2018 16:40 - 7 years ago
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11th Dec 2014 12:46 - 10 years ago
Description : A progressive journey incorporating deep ambient chillout, swing jazz, hip hop, d'n'b, trance and a slight touch of acid with a thousand ninjas battling in space. Features a great deal of my lead slide resonator guitar playing. Also a whole load of synths, programmed acoustic drum kits and manipulated drum loops, big basslines, regular electric guitar, vocoded guitar parts and bass guitar (distorted right at the end). If you like deep chill, far out soaring beauty, fat beats and 170 BPM uplifting slide trance controlled mayhem, you might just get into this. In my heaven there is an endless supply of honey mangoes (an exquisite beauty of the fruit world) and even more slide guitar. A 1,000-year-long version of this track plays there on a loop (long enough not to get bored of it) but here I offer you the Earthly 11 min version. You must be very good to be accepted into my heaven to hear the full thousand year version so best start now. It may be heaven's main theme tune but it's not above criticism so feel free to let me know what you think of it. Maybe you prefer the soundtrack in hell. I hear it's pretty badass...
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24th Jun 2019 23:31 - 5 years ago
Description : This is a pretty chill track with a certain vibe. I really enjoyed making it.
Hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you think, any feedback is appreciated.