This cinematic track was uploaded by deciBel. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (18)
If you have time take a listen and give deciBel some feedback.
The Atmosphear is amazing and it goes on the way that I like it.
The sound rounds in my head and bring me to the new world that helps me to better thinking and better realizing.
Thank you as always.
My friend Behnam, I hope you are well. I finally have a few moments to spare so I can catch up with some of my favorite musicians.
Wonderful track, jazz/fusion at its best. I love your use of dynamics and tempo changes. This is fabulous only critique is the abrupt ending, but that is just being picky :) You continue to perform at such high levels. This is stellar work my friend.
I hope all is well with you. I will return soon. Take care.
Master ,Hi I was looking to lloperman buT was not online,
when I saw who has commented for me , I was convinced to come to appreciate exclusivelY your critique .
it's very good to see your mastership carefull attention.
yes , I'm agree with U , generallY as U can see in my reply to other friend like Domenico & BrandY my friends or master cunningham,personalY I categorize this as a subordinate level of my trials.and reason is 2 things :
1_usage of loops=nothing is written in this trial , all are loops..not from looperman maybe..but royalty free loops.
2_issues like that true critque of yours + if we think musical form of this trial is ( A _ B + A' _ B' } I don't like the way Part A goes to B or B goes to A or as U say the way trial is going to finish(abrupt was the proper word_and thnX for teaching me a new english word).that still doesn't convinces me . but these reasons made me upload this cause I was sure between U,Ed,Franco,or Dan at last someone will tell me what to do.Bear do U remember when We got friend?when U had written '' not sure if anyone care ''.
I feel the same ..but also I feel'' who is important to care..''?...''what is importance & why there should be any importance ''?...why there is a what and what is whY in our head? ...and I've changed to someone who doesn't enjoy ovations in looperman anymore..even don't feel that mood to
want express myself by music...why we should express ?...why
music should express our subjective world?..why sometimes ''never mind'' doesn't work ?
Hello Behnam, I've been off looperman for about 3 weeks, spent evenings recording and I finally uploaded something new. Hope you got my e-mail response last week.
I really like this track of yours. Jazzy at parts and very smooth and dreamy in others. The horns sound very live and I am curious as to what you used. The slow-down part is very cool as well and I would like to know how you did it. Impressive indeed!
Take care my friend
How R U Evan ?wish all is well around U both .
yes I have recceived your mail , buT seems U haven't recceived my last mail .no problem , I'll send it again.
about this trial I'm glad to see your positive idea .
personalY I saw this as a subordinate nlevel trial of mine (as U can see I had told to other friends before U too )buT if U remember this is the same insight that I had about that other trial ''1 muntes classical guitar flamenco taste ''if U remember (I told U I made that as a training , not a serious track ) ...and I have some times when I ask myself:
can a composer recognize better which one of his traX is working good , or a listener can recognize which one are better ...We'll talk in mail & would be interesting to know your idea too .thanx alot for attention , and perception & time for commenting on this trial of mine , and Evan , as U can see in Chris(Brillbilly) comment , he has wanted me to send him a line of materials which he has liked ...I mean to say U too can tell me if is there any special sound in this which U're minded to have it fr any usage , to send iT for U wishes of mine .____Behnam
Shamoozey glad to see your commenT & positive idea abouT this trial of mine & thnX for precense , attention & worthwhile commenT .& the resT in my notice .best wishes.__Behnam
thnX for presence , attention & shared perception of yours in commenT with me & us Mina .& about ending parT I think maybe there's an issue in your download Mina , otherwise I checked & track hasn't that problem in ending moments . va digar inke Mina shakhsan fekr mikardam in yek saro sedaye daraje 2 az sarosedahaye man hast as U can see in my replies before U too .amma khob zaheran dustan in bardasht ro nadashte and.take care .____B
I missed this one while I was away for a while I listen I think that you do not realize that for many of us you are also a teacher....This is very smooth and beautifully produced for clarity...I can hear the thoughtfulness that went into composing this one and bringing all the elements of the music together with each instrument adding its intended presence to the mix.....well done...we look forward to hearing more from you.....Ed
Ed , first my appologize about latency in reply for the same reason U know . U know this generous sentences of yours as a master to me , would be as an encouragemenT for me . thnX aloT for your stoppinG by , attention , and commenT my friend . best wishes for U,SincerelY___Behnam
This takes me back in my mind to a beach we visited in Andalucia a couple of years ago. Chilling and relaxing on the vast beach with nobody really that close to us. Then walking up to a bar just up from the beach in beautiful palms and floral surroundings, all timber and palms inside, open view of the beach and sea, with all soft seating and soft jazz playing in the background.
Beautiful track. This track is so calming and relaxing it takes me right back there.
dear TimPhill,your beautifull comparison , is even more beautifull than my track for me and certainly that is so worth t me .I should appreciate beautifull perception and obviouslY I'm glad if whenever I see someone says has enjoyed from any trials(traX)of mine.besy wishes,respects.___Behnam.
dear Richie,your beautifull perception abouT this trial(track) of mine,is so worthwhile for me and your generous words would be an encouragemenT. thanX aloT for your presence,perception, wishes.___Behnam
What a great tital name for this prodution
wonderful and very original the variation of generals
from ambient jazz and cinermatic blend so smoothly
very well produced
dear Kevin,your beautifull commenT is more beautifull than my trial(track) and encouragemenT from a tallented colleague is so worthwhile for me ,beside and also as U've written,I thaught abouT cinematiC genre by myself too,buT I'm never sure abouT genre and in facT according to my main Idea when first I was tryinG on this trial , I put it as ambienT,but I'm quite agrre with cinematiC too .thnaX aloT for your presence,perception,time and comment as always and my best wishes.___Behnam.
dear Spivkurl , U made me so gald by your presence here and your pleasinG commenT is worthwhile and worthy of appreciation to me , unfortunately althoughT i've been ever curious and minded to listen to one of your traX,buT I had never found time before according to my shit job,buT now this commenT made a good reason for me to try serious to find this opportunity to listen to one of your traX today or tomorrow,I've underestood from my friends thaT U're a tallented colleague and sure will be a great pleasure to me to listen to wishes.___Behnam
I like this, slyly ambient and then lounge-Jazz and then back and forth. Almost like being stuck outside and every now and then a window opens up so you can see and hear what's going on. cool stuff You've been paying attention !!!
Steve , cool analysis U've had abouT this one too and your carefull attention is loudable and wrth of appreciation as always for me . by the way my friend , from this wednsdaY , I won't be here for some Undefined time . will upload 2 other traX of mine and then will miss U all in looperman .cause I thaught according to you're busy maybe it was last time in which I was honoured to know your worthwhile comments and all friends of mine know it here , just told U as a worthwhile colleague too , to know .accepT my best wishes Steve , and I'm gracefull for all comments which U wrote for me in this short time that We listened eachother traX in looperman .I hope to can come back soon here again .sincerelY.___Behnam
Have missed some of the episodes here forgive me because I see another identity, and also another musical style .... I could believe, that you are a chameleon, my friend. Fortunately there are your avatar ....
Very surprised today, but I still enjoy the music you allow us to listen to here ....
Hi my friend and hahahaha ''chameleon''like''suphisticated''is a world which I'll remember by U dear Dan ,think right the same time in which I was writing a private message for U,U too were ariting this comment for me ,and guess now U've read that PM by me and got the matter .ja Dan , last week It's that I'm here beside U and just has remained this picture of me in the mirror of looperman memories for me. any way , my friend U made me ashamed by that appologize cause no doubt U've made me honour whenever U may had time and mood to listen any of my trials and I should appreciate your presence,perception and comments always.Dan because of this cool & right ''chameleon''and just for fun and also for U , tomorrow I'll upload a Latin track and all thiese remaining days will upload a new genre which I haven't before hahahaha...not kidding and U're invited from today to listen that tomorrow if U may had time and mood.take a good care to yourself and family my best wishes as always,sincerely.____Behnam
I have had the opportunity to listen to many of your tracks, probably more than a lot of the artist here. I am very fortunate to have been given such an honor. The one thing that stands out the most about this track from all the rest is equalization. What I mean by that is it is your instrumentation, your sound effects, your audio engineering is smooth throughout the track. You have grown substantially as a composer and audio engineer since the first time I listened to your music. Something else about you that I want to point out, you are the most respectful to all composers and other artists. Always willing to learn and listen to others creations. Never criticizing, and such an honorable composer, an honorable man. This is beautiful. I hope to hear more from you. You only keep getting better and better everyday.
dear BrandY ,my friend althoughT ofcourse I'm honored when I see your positive Idea abouT This trial of mine ,buT at the same time I've wondered too ! as I have told to my other friends too I thaught it would be as a subordinate level in my trials and wouldn't be good enough ,buT Comments tells me another thing and it makes me know that still there are alot of things for me that should try to learn . thanx about for your kindness and generous words abouT me in your commenT,perception,and encouragements,and I'm glad for finding such good friends like U and the other friends of mine in looperman in this short time(this is just abouT 5months that I upload my music in looperman and here is my frist and last try to share my music anay where as U know) that I have uploaded sme of my traX here , has improoved my knowledge,perception and underestandinG abouT musiC and should appreciate U and U all .would try to learn more althoughT musiC is not & won't be my joB and I'm noT minded to be a professional(like U) musician in future too .thanx aloT for every thing my good friend , take care to yourself and your daughter.respects.
my dear friend, what this music triggers in me i cannot put into words. there are some parts about it that have a magical effect in my mind and i cannot figure out where it comes from, but it is a familiar sensation. almost like a lucid dream.
i will listen to this many times and see what happens after a while. most sensible piece of music, i love it.
my good friend,such possitive comments from U and my other friends makes me Wonder cause I didn't think if it can be called ''a successfull trial '' ! and I just can be gracefull for your beautifull explantions which was more beautiful than this trial of mine .glad I am Savino to read U have liked it and accept my best wishes as always.
behnam we call this...... very very nice...... lol
Yeah man this music is what i love,and the music is superb and perfect for the title!
Ambient i think is a good genre to put this in,but i fully understand that sometimes it can be either Ambient or Chillout as both are relaxing to listen too!
Ok this is what this music makes me feel and think!
It's like the first part is laying on a beach,its beautiful warm and your just relaxing with great friends,then you head up the beach to the bar and some smooth jaz leads you to the dancefloor!
You drink you dance you enjoy every moment,its time to take some fresh air,so you walk back down the beach to find that blissful spot,you go back to watching the stars twinkle on the soft ripples of the ocean!.
But to end the night on a real high,you head back to the bar and party till dawn.!
This is superb,this is what i love about your creations,this is trying out idea's that when they work they really work well,and a story can be pictured in my mind as i listen and feel its vibes!
very nice trip man! ;)
I would so love if you could send me the ambient parts,as i have a idea,or think i have an idea,or an idea came in to my head and im now thinking about it lol ;)
and Chris I would call U ''a kind friend''who tries to encourage his younger friend with his worthy of adoration personality and words . your lovely analysis was certainly more beautifull than both faces of that hour in this track and I should appreciate your perception .and abouT that ambienT parT certainly I would be glad if It can be usefull and as U have wanted it's in your mailbox now that I was writing this reply.take a good care to U and family my friend & wish U'll have a good weekend man.and in the end as always the same best wishes that U know my friend.
My good friend , Mike, thanx alot for your beautifull explantions more beautiful than this trial of mine .and as U may know better than the others , I(by my self) don't think it was one of my better(if there can be any better of course in my trials)musical trials .your encouragements is appreciated by me and thanx alot for everything as always my frind.take a good care to yourself.the same best wishes that U know fro me.
Really enjoyed this new song of yours Behnam!
I enjoyed boths sides of the "hour" and I really like the "haunting noises" (as Corina calls them) which are following you through all the song.
On the jazzy part... nothing to say! Wonderful bass, the trumpet solo is top-class and everything works perfectly together.
Very well done!
PS: I think you are also improving a lot the overall sound quality of your mixes! keep up the good work!
Ciao Domenico , and honoured I'm if U've enjoyed it ,there was two different mood in it as U've said and for me best part was when movement jazzy Bends down to movement one in the middle and by myself I think it was a subordinate level of my trials and grade 2 and nothing was admirable in it .and hahaha (Cor)ina and in fact majority of my friends don't like those hauntong wind which is always blowing in my traX but I don't know why they are always blowing in my mind too and ofcourse my mind has a lot of noise in itself too .any way specially your idea about jazzy part ( according to you know better than me about jazz)and also your important dea about Bass made me glad .thanx for your presence,perception,time,and comment my friend and take wishes.___Behnam.
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Description : Banda sonora de un videoclip que acabo de producir.Cuenta la experiencia de una pareja de astronautas y los recuerdos de ella al perder a su compañero. Espero que os guste. Animo y suerte para todos.
Description : it is! Another colab with maestro Tumbleweed! Ed provided the unfinished, basic track...I composed and recorded the long intro using different synths and then added piano (well to the fore) and some brass arrangements along the rest of the track (no violin this time...hehe) and then did the final mixing to wrap it up as it is presented now. I hope you will enjoy it and we both appreciate your listening time and your valuable comments:) Otherwise all thanks to Ed!
Description : Just send me the link where you use that, please
Anyway, I'm looking for artists, especially doing melodic techno, deep house etc... to work in my music label called Chick Records
Description : Treated field recordings of bells and thumping big stainless steel sculptures and synth. Inspired by a trip to the sub-Antarctic Islands.
Description : There are a lot of talented people :
Ft Ankit Sharda for the mantra,
Ft Xelaplus for the choirs,
Ft jjweekz for the voice effect,
Drums :
AcidPro on darbuka
Danke on big cymbals
Loopfreak on indian percussions
Anubis on big drums
Tell me what this track made to you ^^'
Thank you.
Description : Dark, slow, ambient, cinematic jazz with funereal piano turning into something much funkier, psychedelic and beautiful in the second half. Out of the darkness and into the light, you could say. Instruments: electric guitar + bass, lots of synth sounds, including a horn, double bass, another big legato bass, pizzicato strings, two types of piano, a heavily delayed slide guitar instrument, zither, synth arp, one brushy drum loop, kettle drum rolls and 4 programmed acoustic drum kits. This is quite a special track for me and is only the second I've put in the cinematic genre. The more you listen, the more it changes (it even has key changes) and the last three minutes are really quite far out and should probably be longer. Best track I've made for a few months. Interesting thoughts and reflections appreciated. Free sex for the best reviews...
This track is an elaboration of dgalantic’s track “Starting Over 0172257.” It is almost entirely comprised of loops by other artists on looperman. The newsreel in the intro section is from public domain footage of the Vietnam War. Prince Fatty chimes later in with some words of wisdom. The track was sequenced with Mixtikl and edited in Audacity.
Loops from the following artists are included:
1. ThatJeffCarter’s guitar “feedback 197765”
2. three of Nightingale’s harmonica trills: “angels 0088377, inner light 0088361 and never and never 0088366”
3. Heavily fx’ed vocal excerpts from Eshar’s “7th Dimension 0002644”
4. Dcmack’s rhythm loops “2 bass drums 1- 0085449, 2- 0085446, and 4- 0085448.”
5. Steelyvibe’s choral wash “luno frunezo 0005719”
6. Nightingale’s guitar loop “diving deep 0043488”
7. Rasputin1963’s chorals “ soul ladies gospel riff 0088641 and reggae soul girls choir 0087693”
Genre: Cinematic
Tags: papico, Cinematic, Piano, feedback, choral washes, choir, harmonica, guitar, dgalantic- starting over, thatjeffcarter-feedback, dcmack- 2 bass drums 1,2 and 4, nightingale-angels, inner light, never and never, diving deep, eshar-7th dimension, steelyvibe- luno frunezo, rasputin1963-soul ladies gospel riff, reggae soul girls choir, Vietnam War newsreel
Description : So a new track for everyone. Im pretty impressed by this one, and would even place it higher than one of my best tracks, Angel And A Demon. However, I'm trying to decide whether or not I should put vocals to it. I have some in mjnd, but idk if itd be better to leave as is and keep it instrumental or not. Take a listen and let me know! Also, let me know if anything is too loud, still working on my mastering.
Love what you do and do what you love.
Made out of Looperman Loops!
Made in 2 Hours!
I was bored and was thinking about a epic movie u got it a full Cinematic Movie Soundtrack...Say what u think..........A NEED FEEDBAK ! A know...its just mixing loops together but it was really , really big fun to make this!
The sound rounds in my head and bring me to the new world that helps me to better thinking and better realizing.
Thank you as always.
Wonderful track, jazz/fusion at its best. I love your use of dynamics and tempo changes. This is fabulous only critique is the abrupt ending, but that is just being picky :) You continue to perform at such high levels. This is stellar work my friend.
I hope all is well with you. I will return soon. Take care.
I hope all is well with you.
when I saw who has commented for me , I was convinced to come to appreciate exclusivelY your critique .
it's very good to see your mastership carefull attention.
yes , I'm agree with U , generallY as U can see in my reply to other friend like Domenico & BrandY my friends or master cunningham,personalY I categorize this as a subordinate level of my trials.and reason is 2 things :
1_usage of loops=nothing is written in this trial , all are loops..not from looperman maybe..but royalty free loops.
2_issues like that true critque of yours + if we think musical form of this trial is ( A _ B + A' _ B' } I don't like the way Part A goes to B or B goes to A or as U say the way trial is going to finish(abrupt was the proper word_and thnX for teaching me a new english word).that still doesn't convinces me . but these reasons made me upload this cause I was sure between U,Ed,Franco,or Dan at last someone will tell me what to do.Bear do U remember when We got friend?when U had written '' not sure if anyone care ''.
I feel the same ..but also I feel'' who is important to care..''?...''what is importance & why there should be any importance ''?...why there is a what and what is whY in our head? ...and I've changed to someone who doesn't enjoy ovations in looperman anymore..even don't feel that mood to
want express myself by music...why we should express ?...why
music should express our subjective world?..why sometimes ''never mind'' doesn't work ?
I really like this track of yours. Jazzy at parts and very smooth and dreamy in others. The horns sound very live and I am curious as to what you used. The slow-down part is very cool as well and I would like to know how you did it. Impressive indeed!
Take care my friend
yes I have recceived your mail , buT seems U haven't recceived my last mail .no problem , I'll send it again.
about this trial I'm glad to see your positive idea .
personalY I saw this as a subordinate nlevel trial of mine (as U can see I had told to other friends before U too )buT if U remember this is the same insight that I had about that other trial ''1 muntes classical guitar flamenco taste ''if U remember (I told U I made that as a training , not a serious track ) ...and I have some times when I ask myself:
can a composer recognize better which one of his traX is working good , or a listener can recognize which one are better ...We'll talk in mail & would be interesting to know your idea too .thanx alot for attention , and perception & time for commenting on this trial of mine , and Evan , as U can see in Chris(Brillbilly) comment , he has wanted me to send him a line of materials which he has liked ...I mean to say U too can tell me if is there any special sound in this which U're minded to have it fr any usage , to send iT for U wishes of mine .____Behnam
Thanks for inviting us to your colorful musical world. I enjoyed myself while listening to this track of yours.
Mamnoon Decibele aziz. faghat fekr mikonam chand saniye az akhare track nist, mesle inke zud ghat mishe.
Mina :)
Amazing ambient and instruments combination
Good work!
Beautiful track. This track is so calming and relaxing it takes me right back there.
Enjoyed the listen.
wonderful and very original the variation of generals
from ambient jazz and cinermatic blend so smoothly
very well produced
Have missed some of the episodes here forgive me because I see another identity, and also another musical style .... I could believe, that you are a chameleon, my friend. Fortunately there are your avatar ....
Very surprised today, but I still enjoy the music you allow us to listen to here ....
Brandon Michelle
i will listen to this many times and see what happens after a while. most sensible piece of music, i love it.
Yeah man this music is what i love,and the music is superb and perfect for the title!
Ambient i think is a good genre to put this in,but i fully understand that sometimes it can be either Ambient or Chillout as both are relaxing to listen too!
Ok this is what this music makes me feel and think!
It's like the first part is laying on a beach,its beautiful warm and your just relaxing with great friends,then you head up the beach to the bar and some smooth jaz leads you to the dancefloor!
You drink you dance you enjoy every moment,its time to take some fresh air,so you walk back down the beach to find that blissful spot,you go back to watching the stars twinkle on the soft ripples of the ocean!.
But to end the night on a real high,you head back to the bar and party till dawn.!
This is superb,this is what i love about your creations,this is trying out idea's that when they work they really work well,and a story can be pictured in my mind as i listen and feel its vibes!
very nice trip man! ;)
I would so love if you could send me the ambient parts,as i have a idea,or think i have an idea,or an idea came in to my head and im now thinking about it lol ;)
Very very nice work with 2 different genre's
Thank you for sharing! ;)
pleace love and unity to you and your loved ones!
I enjoyed boths sides of the "hour" and I really like the "haunting noises" (as Corina calls them) which are following you through all the song.
On the jazzy part... nothing to say! Wonderful bass, the trumpet solo is top-class and everything works perfectly together.
Very well done!
PS: I think you are also improving a lot the overall sound quality of your mixes! keep up the good work!