Description : This another one that I guess falls in the "Stoner" Rock genre. I love Queens of the Stone Age and their new Album ...Like Clockwork put me in the mood to remix and rework this older track a bit.
Drums are Jam Stix 3. Guitars, Bass, and Organ are myself. Comments and input as always are welcome and appreciated.
This rock track was uploaded by topvega. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (20)
If you have time take a listen and give topvega some feedback.
Great band to model a song after. The only album I have of them is their one with No One Knows on it and that is great from beginning to end.
This one comes out of the gate guns a blazin'! I love music like this, in your face rock and roll. This is great live bar room music. Mix sounds great!
Thanks Wayne. I have everything they and Josh Homme has ever released including the stuff with Kyuss and his latest with Iggy Pop. Awesome album by the way. It is like David Bowie sang on a Queens of the Stone Age album.
It's beyond me how such a splendid track can get only two
favs at almost 300 listens (well, now it's definitely getting the third)! Folks of Looperman, are you deaf or what??! This is a powerhouse of sheer rocking quality and those guitars sound so majestic ! The only thing which is bothering me is how could I have missed this gem before..:)
Thanks bro...those kind words mean a lot. I think this is probably my best and most complete track. Which is funny because all the lead guitar was done in One take and just kinda flowed from me at the time.
I appreciate the support. Thanks for the listen and the awesome comment.
This is a great track! I kept seeing comments about vocals. Personally, I don't think it's really set up for vocals. There's a lot of guitar in there! That's not a bad thing, either. Funny thing is, when it first started, my brain went to John Lennon, then to Iggy Pop, into Mick Jagger, and then finally Josh Homme. The music is such a perfect blend of all of them, that any of them could fit in perfectly.
I super appreciate the kind words...I wish I was buds with Josh and could get him to try and do something on here. :) I agree it can kind of stand on its own since it is guitar heavy. Thanks again for checking it out and for leaving the review. Much appreciated.
TV I've had the chance to listen some other traX of yours & as someone who has had a progressive metal band in younger ages , I've always found :
1_your clean and fast licks & picking
2_your loOoOoOvely old effecT (Gtr)
& selecT of this track for sharing with us , is another remarkable point of yours as I've discovered just rightnow...
many thnx for taking me back in memory for awhile , to those days of those old tapes & queens of the stone age ...
respects & best wishes.__Behnam
Thanks Behnam, those are very kind words. I appreciate the support. This track pretty much sums up what my favorite style of Rock is. My 3 favorite bands currently are Clutch, Queens of the Stone Age and Rival Sons.
Thanks for taking the time to listen and for leaving a comment.
How the f..k I missed this song? I think it's a superb you got special sense how to make an awesome song from 3-4 chords (good musics don't need more :-)...
FAN of your guitar tone and, make something together... well?
Danke, my friend, what up bro? I honestly don't know a bunch of fancy chords. I just play what I feel and hope that it works out. I also appreciate the kind words on the lead work...I have never been comfortable playing lead but it is a passion. I would love to work together sometime. I think that would be awesome. I love your arrangements and the patience you have to do an awesome build. You can always reach me at I look forward to doing something in the future.
Thanks SP...yeah I have struggled to escape that "live" label but I guess I need to just embrace it and go with it. :) I hope to someday have vocals for this. Whether that means I have to sit down with some good herb and brainstorm or if someone who can actually sing decides to do me a favor. :D
I appreciate you taking the time to give this a listen and for leaving some feedback. Nothing worse than creating a track that you really feel is your best and nobody caring either way. I am humbled by the feedback I have gotten so far. Thanks.
Thanks bro...I like JamStix for the fact that it really gives the sound of a real drummer..for good or bad in some cases. :)
The "change" at 105ish is Toadies inspired. Another band I absolutely love. I would recommend their album Rubberneck to everyone.I appreciate you stopping in and giving it a listen and leaving some feedback. I feel like this is definitely my best track so far. It's nice to know others like it as well.
That's an awesome sounding guitar dude. It would make Ace Frehley jealous. Is it a Lessy?
Critique: Dude, you gotta get rid of the drum machine and get acquainted with drum loops. Machines sound like machines. Loops are actually musicians recorded so they are far more organic than machines. And really when you play against a loop some high quality musician recorded, you are in fact jamming with that human being across space and time.
Plus actually using loops is WAY easier than fussing w a drum machine.
Anyways the human stuff sounds hot. A couple good loops would light your beat right up. :-)
Thanks brosef, I appreciate the kind words and the critique.
The drums are actually not a "drum machine" but a drum sequencer called JamStix 3. I will be the first to say I don't do them justice. I have not a clue on how to get the best sound out of them. I have heard others who have and the program is really good at giving that "live drummer" sound and vibe. I started out using nothing but samples but got lots of criticism at how stale and monotonous they sound. I am currently working with Addictive drums for all my new tracks. I have been playing guitar for many years but the whole producing and engineering is brand new to me and I am still learning everyday. I do plan on going back in and seeing if I can rework the whole drum part. Might try using a loop and Addictive Drums.
Thanks again for taking the time to listen and leave a comment.
Oh yes, definitely take the live band sound comment as a compliment. That means it's got lots of energy and dynamics and doesn't sound lifeless and planned out on a sequencer grid (even if some of it is).
Yes, I'm also a guitarist first but have got a lot better at production over the years and made massive improvements in the last 2.
The two big advances have been getting much better drum software and also the automated use of EQ. You can spend ages getting a decent guitar sound but it still just doesn't sound right at some points in the track. And you can use EQ creatively. It's not hard, you just have to listen carefully and try boosting it a bit and then coming back to it the next day to see if your change has helped or if it jumps out at you as being undesirable.
If you've got too much noise on a guitar part, there are a few, more specific, tools you can use to remove but I tend to just remove the high frequencies. I find most of my guitar parts are really boosted/excited by increasing the middle frequencies a bit.
I hate reading guides to how to produce and engieer so I just spend lots of time doing and learning from my mistakes and being humble about how good something is and always thinking hard about how it can better. And then I eventually do make it better.
Stick at it and you'll get better and do your guitar playing the justic it deserves.
Thanks and I hear you on the production part. I am enjoying that more and more now. It really is an art all it's own. I have been reading up on the art of EQ and dicking around a bit with it. Thanks again for all the pointers.
Thanks for taking the time to give it a listen and for your honest opinion on the plus and negatives of the track. I will track down the master and see if I can improve the mix in the ways you mentioned. I am guilty of being a guitarist first and a producer last.:) Hence the over the top levels on the guitars, lol. I am not sure if I should take the live band part as a compliment or not, but it is what it is. I have had zero experience mixing and producing before this so I am not sure how else to go about recording and not getting that "live band" sound. Hopefully my skills will improve in the future. Thanks again for the listen and for taking the time to give some constructive criticism.
Wow! This felt like time travelling... the spirit of the 70s is all around this track.
I liked everything. Probably it could work well with a good vocal part.
The solo-guitar parts are perfect: not a single rough edge. Good!
The rhythmic part is solid and pleasant. I liked the chord progression.
Overall, a really good song.
Ciao, Domenico
Thanks for the kind words Domenico, they are appreciated. I feel that this is probably my best track to date and one of the few that are done. It could use vocals but even without them it feels complete. Thanks for taking the time to listen and leave a comment. It helps to get feedback.
Thank you brother, always nice to get some good feedback and a pat on the back for the guitar work. I try to put some Organ in any song that I can get away with. I think it can add really good depth and color to a track. This is one of the few songs I can put in the finished folder. It just needs vocals. Thanks again for the support.
Thanks bro, it's always nice to get some good feedback on solos. Back when I played in bands I never felt confident enough in my soloing to contribute with them on stage. Since I took up Home Recording I feel my skills in that department have grown a bit. Still have loads to learn but I can fake it pretty well...:-) Thanks for giving it a listen.
sounds great. i hear some "pissed off" or "cussing out" vocals being delivered in this one! great guitar work/overall mix. good start for the day! peace.
Thanks bro, glad you liked it and I appreciate the feedback on the song in general and especially on the mix. I think I have come a long way in the Mixing/Mastering department. Was brand new to the whole recording and mixing thing. Was pretty lousy at it for a while. Seems like I can get a decent mix now. As for vocals, that is all that is missing. I pretty much consider this one done. I will attempt to figure out some vocal melodies for this and maybe write some lyrics but I am no singer. Maybe I will get lucky and someone who can sing will jump in on this. Everything I have done is open for collaboration.
Thanks again.
I will indeed keep the faith my friend. Thanks. I think this is one of the few I have done that doesn't have that "live" sound to it. Sounds more studio done, and I really worked hard to get it. I don't dislike my live sound and others seem to dig it, but there is something sweet about getting that studio sound. I don't have to tell you, your stuff always sounds fantastic. Studio quality. So it means even more when you chime in with some praise. The support is greatly appreciated.
Thanks man, that's a hell of a nice compliment. I don't know shit about theory or even scales, I am self taught and hearing that feels good. I could benefit from taking some lessons though. Maybe someday. As for sound, I am a bit obsessive with the sound and tone of instruments and overall mix. I sometimes spend more time working on getting a sound for a guitar or bass part than anything else.
Thanks again.
This is an incredible fusion of instruments working together! I really like this one a lot. My only input is that this should get more plays and reviews! OUTSTANDING!!
Thanks bro, I appreciate those really kind words. I think this is my best track of all I have done so far. Except for vocals it is done. I spent lots of time working on the EQ for each instrument in the mix so that they would blend together well and not step on each other. Your kind words make me feel good about putting in the extra work on it.
Thanks again for listening and for the support.
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Description : This is my newest creation, at a stage very near to completion. No third-party mastering or mixing, as with all my tracks. Just have to fix a few tiny things. I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO MIX EVERYTHING IN THE SAME SESSION. This song has all human-played instruments - no quantization or MIDI! My brother does all the vocals except for the interlude part, which I do. My other brother plays the rhythm guitar (a Gibson Les Paul Custom - only one of 12 in the world!!) and I play the accompanying guitar (a Johnny Mar Jag and PRS). He has a lot of guitars :P A good friend of ours, Ronnie, plays the bass and another friend, Freddie, plays the drums. The drum track was done in one take (had to use an electric drum set due to time constraints - but acoustic kits are so much better). Overall, pretty satisfied with the result. Let me know your thoughts.
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The guitars sound great and they have a very modern British feel with the 8th note phrasing.
I like the mix - it gives it a raw edge lots of people love.
Rhodesy :)
Thanks for the support.
This one comes out of the gate guns a blazin'! I love music like this, in your face rock and roll. This is great live bar room music. Mix sounds great!
Thanks for the listen and the feedback.
favs at almost 300 listens (well, now it's definitely getting the third)! Folks of Looperman, are you deaf or what??! This is a powerhouse of sheer rocking quality and those guitars sound so majestic ! The only thing which is bothering me is how could I have missed this gem before..:)
Thumbs up - Hat's off______Orlando
I appreciate the support. Thanks for the listen and the awesome comment.
This is a great track! I kept seeing comments about vocals. Personally, I don't think it's really set up for vocals. There's a lot of guitar in there! That's not a bad thing, either. Funny thing is, when it first started, my brain went to John Lennon, then to Iggy Pop, into Mick Jagger, and then finally Josh Homme. The music is such a perfect blend of all of them, that any of them could fit in perfectly.
Excellent work, man.
Take care.
there is the thing abou the guitar that starts too soon but can be waiting until later on.
1_your clean and fast licks & picking
2_your loOoOoOvely old effecT (Gtr)
& selecT of this track for sharing with us , is another remarkable point of yours as I've discovered just rightnow...
many thnx for taking me back in memory for awhile , to those days of those old tapes & queens of the stone age ...
respects & best wishes.__Behnam
Thanks for taking the time to listen and for leaving a comment.
How the f..k I missed this song? I think it's a superb you got special sense how to make an awesome song from 3-4 chords (good musics don't need more :-)...
FAN of your guitar tone and, make something together... well?
Best, Danke
I appreciate you taking the time to give this a listen and for leaving some feedback. Nothing worse than creating a track that you really feel is your best and nobody caring either way. I am humbled by the feedback I have gotten so far. Thanks.
The "change" at 105ish is Toadies inspired. Another band I absolutely love. I would recommend their album Rubberneck to everyone.I appreciate you stopping in and giving it a listen and leaving some feedback. I feel like this is definitely my best track so far. It's nice to know others like it as well.
Thanks again.
Critique: Dude, you gotta get rid of the drum machine and get acquainted with drum loops. Machines sound like machines. Loops are actually musicians recorded so they are far more organic than machines. And really when you play against a loop some high quality musician recorded, you are in fact jamming with that human being across space and time.
Plus actually using loops is WAY easier than fussing w a drum machine.
Anyways the human stuff sounds hot. A couple good loops would light your beat right up. :-)
The drums are actually not a "drum machine" but a drum sequencer called JamStix 3. I will be the first to say I don't do them justice. I have not a clue on how to get the best sound out of them. I have heard others who have and the program is really good at giving that "live drummer" sound and vibe. I started out using nothing but samples but got lots of criticism at how stale and monotonous they sound. I am currently working with Addictive drums for all my new tracks. I have been playing guitar for many years but the whole producing and engineering is brand new to me and I am still learning everyday. I do plan on going back in and seeing if I can rework the whole drum part. Might try using a loop and Addictive Drums.
Thanks again for taking the time to listen and leave a comment.
Yes, I'm also a guitarist first but have got a lot better at production over the years and made massive improvements in the last 2.
The two big advances have been getting much better drum software and also the automated use of EQ. You can spend ages getting a decent guitar sound but it still just doesn't sound right at some points in the track. And you can use EQ creatively. It's not hard, you just have to listen carefully and try boosting it a bit and then coming back to it the next day to see if your change has helped or if it jumps out at you as being undesirable.
If you've got too much noise on a guitar part, there are a few, more specific, tools you can use to remove but I tend to just remove the high frequencies. I find most of my guitar parts are really boosted/excited by increasing the middle frequencies a bit.
I hate reading guides to how to produce and engieer so I just spend lots of time doing and learning from my mistakes and being humble about how good something is and always thinking hard about how it can better. And then I eventually do make it better.
Stick at it and you'll get better and do your guitar playing the justic it deserves.
But this is cool - fairly relentless rocking, really. Loads of good lead work, though I think some of it's probably too loud.
This would be really classic in a live situation - the kind of stuff people love to move to.
It also pretty much sounds like a live band rather than one guy doing each part separately in a studio.
Excellent playing but you could make the mix better.
I liked everything. Probably it could work well with a good vocal part.
The solo-guitar parts are perfect: not a single rough edge. Good!
The rhythmic part is solid and pleasant. I liked the chord progression.
Overall, a really good song.
Ciao, Domenico
Thanks again.
Thanks again.
Thanks again for listening and for the support.