30th Sep 2013 20:52 - 11 years ago
Description : This goes out to all of us that have been a child to the Matrix.!
A hidden force the seeks to break our souls.!


Comments (33)

If you have time take a listen and give brillbilly some feedback.

FreeRadical 26th Jul 2014 18:53 - 10 years ago
Well since i'm a fan of what you do i know this is going to be good, especially as i know you use Magix and i can't do jack shit with that programme (tried and failed miserably) this is pretty melancholic with a touch of industrial, It's like the rough meets the smooth at exactly the right point and pushes all the correct buttons. Some of it reminds me a little of Queen when they did the highlander album. Excellent guitar soloing and splendid choir effects.
Really enjoyed listening to this.
brillbilly replied 28th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
cheers mate for your great comments!

This is some of my deeper music but as with all my music its just done from the heart.!

Love queen too.!

Thanks for keeping a lookout for me music,i did put new one up just to pass time last night lol

peace man!

ValveDriver 6th Nov 2013 20:01 - 11 years ago
I like this. The contrast between the industrial (in the truest sense of the word), beat and the angelic choirs are balanced nicely. Good work, man.
brillbilly replied 7th Nov 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you very much for droppin by and leaving your kind comments.!

Thats real nice of you man!

life love n unity to you and your loved ones!

VickyDan 2nd Nov 2013 10:20 - 11 years ago
Hello *chris* ....

Very very interesting .... A major achievement that you have designed here.
I am very impressed with your original concept
The atmophere is very heavy and very intense ....
You have me, very pleasantly surprised my friend .... A great evolution in your musical "art".

brillbilly replied 6th Nov 2013 - 11 years ago
Please forgive my late reply Dan!

Sometimes Time is not on my side.!

Thank you so much for your ever kind comments.!

My music is just honist in it's creations.!

Let's just say i feel my way through!.

Thank you again for taking time to comment!.

life love and unity to you and your loved ones.!

peace my friend!

Leverett 31st Oct 2013 18:05 - 11 years ago
Intense! And the choirs work well too.
brillbilly replied 6th Nov 2013 - 11 years ago
Sorry for this late reply!

Lets just say my legs are small,lol

Thank you for your comment!

peace all the way!

Spivkurl 31st Oct 2013 15:38 - 11 years ago
This is dark, man! I generally don't like choir sounds, but you've done them really tastefully! That guitarish wail that comes in is just awesome! Potent song for sure! Always a pleasure listening to your tunes!
brillbilly replied 31st Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
thank spiv!

This was a moment i was feeling,so put my inner thoughts to outer music vibrations...Sad Deep Reflective and personal to many but always Honist in intention to provoke thought!

Thank you for taking time to drop in on this.!

SikStyle1 31st Oct 2013 15:19 - 11 years ago
Very epic and Cinematic! I love hearing stuff like this that strays from the everyday shit they play on the radio!
brillbilly replied 31st Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Cheers man,i just make what i like the sound of.!

maybe thats coz mainstream Radio has no feelings,just manufactured idols to bring in the $ for the massive music industry cartel!.

I will rent my ass to no one lol
ebaby8119 31st Oct 2013 14:57 - 11 years ago
i enjoyed every moment of that! that was great this should have been in the matrix! great piece.
brillbilly replied 31st Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Cheers man!

Im just like you in that i love nothing more to create what my mind is trying to convey.!

My feelings i put to my music,and i thank you for understanding about imagination and musical notation.!

Nothing better than knowing my music is being felt and not just heard.!

Life,love n unity to you and your loved ones!

Polyfronetic 28th Oct 2013 17:34 - 11 years ago
Hello BrillBilly, long time ago!
I hear you're still very creative. I like your way of working with the sounds. I just need to close your eyes and automatically see a movie. Again, it's you managed to stimulate my imagination and arouse emotions in me.

Thank you for this song!
lg Martin
brillbilly replied 28th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Hi Polyfronetic.!

You need no stimulation dear friend as your music creating is awesome!

Create then breath,think feel and the rest falls in to place.!...That's all i do.!

Thank you for your very kind comments.!

And if you feel that my music gives you stimulation,then im truly lost for words!.

Massive thank you and full respect to you!

chromdom 26th Oct 2013 06:24 - 11 years ago
Why wasnt this in GEARS OF WAR?
MOVE OVER DEVOTCHKA! we have a new soundtrack!
brillbilly replied 28th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Cheers man!

This is what ever it is, to who ever it may relate too lol

This is from an x child of the Matrix.!.... ME!

Life love n unity to ya!
Danke 26th Oct 2013 00:59 - 11 years ago
Dear God!

How the hell did I miss this know, we growing older and we loose our ear but I didn't know we are less in sight...I'm sure that one... :-)
incredible theme Chris, you are an an all rounder I think...
maybe the movie soundtrack for 'The road' by C. McCarthy...
All the best, Danke
brillbilly replied 28th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you Danke!

I just share what i sometimes feel.!

Emotion is a powerful tool in keeping my soul unchained.!

Thank you for taking time to listen and comment.!

Peace man all the way!

deciBel 25th Oct 2013 09:38 - 11 years ago
well I know I've commented before for this , but just wanted to say yesterday I was listening to many traX I have from U and thaught this is my favorite between them (althought t's so hard ti can choose one between many amazing nice traX of yours).I really like this theme Chris .best wishes.___Behnam
brillbilly replied 28th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Hi dear behnam!

Sorry for my late reply,but sometimes we have to go do things like pay bills lol.

Im fine just short on PC TIME.

As always im very greatful that my music gets so much love.!

If there's one thing in life i love the mosts.

Its giving Free with Love what i create!.

They are my thoughts n feelings all rapped up in parcels of sound........No training required,just real life experiences that make me look n think outside the box!.

Thank you for your kind comments behnam...sending you loving vibes.!

beerling1970 24th Oct 2013 22:23 - 11 years ago
I have been listening again mate and oh my god I am hooked :)
brillbilly replied 28th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Soz for late reply...lets just say the wind picked me up and dumped me in fields lol.

Thanks for feeling this.!

It genuin in its emotion mate!

Darkreine 22nd Oct 2013 21:35 - 11 years ago
What if I told you..... that this was friggin awesome!!

Love all of this from the industrial machine working in the background to the gospel choir and excellent guitar work.

Top job Chris!!
brillbilly replied 24th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Well....... Um?

Ok then,but first you must understand that i look just like my Avitar lol

Cheers DJ Darkreine spiritualy floating with ya in the Dam lol
AmethystToTurquoise 22nd Oct 2013 18:08 - 11 years ago
like watching a film this is the very best of cinematic productions ive heard in years,well thought out and great skills admire this work very much
well done my friend
brillbilly replied 24th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you so very much for taking this deep voyage.!

My music comes from the heart!

The emotion in this i try to convey is genuin and deep in nature!

Moving!.....I do hope so and cinematic for thought provoking inner images to ponder!

I thank you!

Life,love n unity to you both!

johnnyproducing 20th Oct 2013 18:56 - 11 years ago
Well brillbilly you did it again, sounds great and full of emotion, keep going like this because every track from you is interesting to listen to.
brillbilly replied 24th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Hi johnny sorry for late reply!

but lets just say C02 is running low lol

Thank you for taking time to leave your kind comments.!

peace man!

mrwolf14 14th Oct 2013 13:16 - 11 years ago
Hi BB,
This is a wonderful piece of music: it really touched my heart.
Only one word: thanks!
Ciao, Domenico
brillbilly replied 20th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Hi Domenico!

Thank you so much for feeling this!

This is personal to me and moving in it's design.!

It's made from emotion and from the heart!

I thank you for taking time to listen and comment!

Peace all the way man!

DHankinson 13th Oct 2013 20:00 - 11 years ago
This is really good man! I live the pulsating feel of it!
brillbilly replied 20th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Sorry for late reply!

Someone keeps nicking the hours in the day lol.

Thanks for your kind comments!

Life love n unity to you and your loved ones!

Burtsbluesboxes 13th Oct 2013 05:11 - 11 years ago
Awesome!! need I say more? :D
brillbilly replied 13th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Never!...thanks more than enough man!

Big thanks for taking a mo to listen and comment!

Peace man!

SikStyle1 12th Oct 2013 15:47 - 11 years ago
Wow very good and cinematic did you make this all!?! WOW. I love the fire kitty too
brillbilly replied 13th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Thanks very much for your comments,i made this using sounds from my magix soundpools,then just played about making beats n effects.........Just make what ever i think goes lol!
KAZNA 3rd Oct 2013 16:21 - 11 years ago
Thanks man.I will put your name under the song/video. Just to know,maybe I will put some drums on it.
brillbilly replied 3rd Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
No worries man!

you go enjoy and do what ya like to make it more personal to what idea's you have,i would love to hear what you do and see ya vid!

give me heads up when it's done man!


janis71 2nd Oct 2013 09:38 - 11 years ago
It stroke my heart with a hammer of sorrow . So many pictures we're getting used to, while they're unbearable and make angels cry .
I heard a love bleeding, a soul crying and a world dying .
Your music is calling us for an instant and healthy reaction to try to preserve the essential .
Thank you for this moment of epiphany, my dear Chris ...
Big hug to you,
brillbilly replied 3rd Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Salut Carole!. ;)

Merci beaucoup pour vos commentaires réfléchis.

Citation: Ta musique nous appelle à une réaction instantanée et sain pour tenter de préserver l'essentiel.!

Très vrai chère dame!

Nous avons tous besoin de prendre un peu de recul et de partager l'amour n'est pas la haine, nous devons prendre les mains des enfants et de leur montrer que tous les adultes adorent, les guerres, violance, la haine et à contrôler .... Certains adultes veulent quitter un beau monde pour les jeunes générations puissent en profiter comme nous l'avons fait une fois.!

Notre monde est manipulé, et je n'aime pas la direction il se dirige!

Merci beaucoup pour votre aimable pensée commentaire provocation est!

L'amour de la vie de Hugg, et l'unité à vous et à vos proches!

chris *** ***;)
beerling1970 1st Oct 2013 21:20 - 11 years ago
O M G this freaking awesome mate I am feeling all the emotion in this, great work :)
brillbilly replied 3rd Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Cheers beer!

yeah if i do cinematic music,you can bet ya bottom dollar it's going to pull on the heart strings,it's just my thoughts to music,so it's deep!
MStokes 1st Oct 2013 16:50 - 11 years ago
awesome work, firecat
brillbilly replied 3rd Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
cheers bro!

I remember the good old days of work rest n play,now it just seems we just have the first one lol.

Cheers bro!
deciBel 1st Oct 2013 14:36 - 11 years ago
hey Chris how are U my friend ? glad to find a new from U after couple of the days in which I've been absenT , and wish all is well around U .
regarding this track , Cinema works better than my language for expression of its moments . always your musiX can move me .never repeat yourself & always thaughtfull & considered usage of materials by U , carries me note by note and leave this greY evening of Tehran for awhile to space between clouds to the moon where there are noT soldiers for not allowing to cross borderlines & work as
a psychologic short break . yes therapeutical is the word ,curative is their tarrent and I'm most gratefull of yours my good friend , for sharing these,one by one ,all.
best wishes of mine(which U know them Chris for U) & your beloved one ( as U yourself say usuallY _ and gentle & lovely ) .take care .___Behnam
brillbilly replied 3rd Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Hi dear Behnam!

Yes my friend,like me i too have been absent,but sometimes we have to take care of the more important like keeping a good roof over our heads lol.!

Im real pleased my music has that ability to take you to other places free from harm!.

Im always reaching out to people through my music,as it cannot be chained to a solid wall,it's universal.!

Thank you for taking time to comment,and as always i take all comments to my heart.!

Life love and unity to you and your loved ones.!

Peace all the way my friend!

KAZNA 1st Oct 2013 13:27 - 11 years ago
I just want to record.And make a music video on it. Can I do that. I will write your name under the video. If you want,just say me what to write(your name or ...).
brillbilly replied 3rd Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Yeah sure man,enjoy and just put brillbilly would be great!

Thanks man!
Neomorpheus 1st Oct 2013 01:09 - 11 years ago
Dope track BB and yes I can certainly relate to your Matrix references.
You nailed some pretty dark and foreboding simulated reality with this tune by the way.
The orchestration and choir voices work perfectly for building tension. I was hoping to hear that guitar work its way up to an eargasming Gilmore type lead though, especially since this has some serious Pink Floyd-ish flavoring throughout.
Great job all the same, I really enjoyed it.
brillbilly replied 3rd Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
yeah i know what ya saying about maybe a higher build on the guitar,but what the heck,i dont have a contract lol

Thanks for dropping in and leaving ya kind comments!

peace man! ***bb***
crucethus 1st Oct 2013 00:53 - 11 years ago
I like when you add industrial elements to your music. adds a great depth. Chord progression of Neil Young's Like a Hurricane (verse). Good job with this my friend.
brillbilly replied 3rd Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Thanks man,i love trying out new stuff!

Glad it came out ok!


Cestevens1783 30th Sep 2013 23:47 - 11 years ago
Wow, this is an amazing track. Just brings about this feeling of being on the edge of losing hope, but still trying to fight for something. Ha I hope you know what I mean. Strong emotional track, love it.
brillbilly replied 1st Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Yeah i get ya!

It's just awesome to see how people feel a track and what they get from it.!

So pleased you felt the emotion in this!

Thank you!

Tumbleweed 30th Sep 2013 23:46 - 11 years ago
Oh I like that bit that kicks in around 1:50....a bit dark...but there is also a kind of majestic quality about the whole thing...really some very rich sounding pads evolving in the background..this was great listening right now as I am in one of those funks where my ideas aren`t enough to motivate me to sit down and play....superbly done Chris...floats itself all the way across the water to these old prairies...Ed
brillbilly replied 1st Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Then what more can i add but thank you,for feeling my music!

I love the fact that music can be so universal!

Sending you kind warm vibes man!

Fire up that guitar man,you know she's worth it! Em Bm D A ish? bending notes,that easy chilled stuff that makes me go girly lol!

Peace my man!

KAZNA 30th Sep 2013 23:18 - 11 years ago
Well done!!! Can I record some words(vocals) on It ? And can I ask you,if you have in better quality to send me on my mail or something ?
brillbilly replied 30th Sep 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you,yep do what ya like with it for personal use, but soz this is the best sound quality at mo,and sorry i dont really do collabs,so ya have to use as is.!

Thank you for liking it that much!

el3ktrom 30th Sep 2013 23:12 - 11 years ago
Really like it!!where did you get those nice voices?
brillbilly replied 30th Sep 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you,the voices are just in my magix soundpool,i take them and play about with them with reverb/echo/pitch and kick um up the ass a bit until they fit on the line lol

Thanks for droppin in!
FastFunghi 30th Sep 2013 22:19 - 11 years ago
O.O! Freakin awesome!
brillbilly replied 30th Sep 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you so much!

Love life n unity is the only way to go man!
SoraSolitudine 30th Sep 2013 22:10 - 11 years ago
A great job as usually. I really admire your skill at making cinematic tracks :D
This one made me imagine a kind of movie in an ambient after a war... I don't know... a postapocalyptic scenery...
Well done!!! :D
brillbilly replied 30th Sep 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you Sileilxluna!

I just find a way to get across my feelings through my music!.

I see a world where children suffer from hidden hands that like to control.!

Thank you for your kind comments!


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21st Jul 2015 19:56 - 9 years ago
Description : This track contains only free loops from several Looperman artists. Enjoy!

Applied loops (fully or partially):

CENTRIST: 0079105-0057561 (Leaving a Legacy - Main Strings Build), 0079105-0057560 (Leaving a Legacy - Main Strings),0079105-0057559 (Leaving a Legacy - Final Strings),
XXSNIPERXX: 0798480-0081769 (TRAP PACK No2 Hat Loop), 0798480-0083534 (TRAP PACK No4 Bass),
DRMISTERSIR: 0208341-0073663 (offpoint), 0208341-0073326 (stay bizy trunk thumper),
THEOFFICIALFROSTBITE: 0797099-0065711 (That Generic Trap String), 0797099-0065712 (That Generic Trap Trombone),
EBCOTT3: 0626891-0069594 (Dark Piano and Synth Trap Loop), 0626891-0079497 (Deadly Drums),
SHORTBUSMUSIC: 0500098-0072481 (Tokyo Lights Polophony),
LOOPFREAK: 0531700-0073756 (Stuck in the Dirty South - Tubular Bells),
SEANKH: 0677589-0069246 (synth while you work),
KRISTIJANN: 0711069-0071946 (LOOK AT ME),
BDENNEY: 0805869-0068329 (Wild For The Night INTRO DRUMS),
STREETSBEATZ: 0959110-0062623 (Ratchet Gutta - Ride),
NEURO: 0674084-0075917 (Fingers Crossed),
KRITEX: 0823832-0076627 (Normal Trap Beat),
YGPRODUCTONS: 0754277-0081190 (Im Back Clap),
STEVEJAZ: 1118799-0069952 (Jazz loop in F),
SINTHETICRECORDS: 0403648-0051082 (Sinthetic - Sub Bass),
3RDNIPPLEMUSIC: 0609523-0068579 (nv flpluck ethereal 90),
ULTRAMEADOW: 0242823-0014943 (Electro Dirty Loop),
TECHSEEKER: 1107241-0073336 (5 Seconds Only - Delayed Percussion Fill),
NEEZLE: 0689209-0077281 (Squeaky Trap Lead),
BLAZINS: 0321894-0028473 (Low Blow),
BUG: 0067564-0001416 (Minimal),
ANDULAH: 0267062-0074744 (Celt Islam Future Bass),
DOZYDEVIL: 0668753-0057186 (Class Wobble Loop),
DUBTEK: 0831304-0060241 (Dubstep Skittish Bass loop),
DANKE: 0671112-0082860 (Ghosty drum),
REFL3XDUBSTEP: 1045829-0068786 (braken-to-the-stars-melody-synth) - deleted user?
5th Jul 2021 14:54 - 3 years ago
Description : Banda sonora de un videoclip que acabo de producir.Cuenta la experiencia de una pareja de astronautas y los recuerdos de ella al perder a su compañero. Espero que os guste. Animo y suerte para todos.
20th Apr 2007 23:29 - 17 years ago
Description : Initially composed intro for Malos Nolwàfantasy saga. But also used by Apinax Dvd-Collections backround music.
6th Mar 2014 18:27 - 11 years ago
Description : it is! Another colab with maestro Tumbleweed! Ed provided the unfinished, basic track...I composed and recorded the long intro using different synths and then added piano (well to the fore) and some brass arrangements along the rest of the track (no violin this time...hehe) and then did the final mixing to wrap it up as it is presented now. I hope you will enjoy it and we both appreciate your listening time and your valuable comments:) Otherwise all thanks to Ed!
13th Oct 2019 23:16 - 5 years ago
Description : Every instrument is performed and recorder live. Piano, double bass, drums, strings.

Two first singles of my upcoming horror jazz LP are out on the most of streaming platforms. Go give me couple of spins!

Vocal for this track needed, contact me (all of the contact info is in my profile).

Let me know what you think about this tune. Tnx.
23rd Mar 2008 19:55 - 17 years ago
Description : Careful! Watch your volume or the first note might make you jump!
18th Oct 2018 19:59 - 6 years ago
Description : Just send me the link where you use that, please
Anyway, I'm looking for artists, especially doing melodic techno, deep house etc... to work in my music label called Chick Records
4th Mar 2023 09:07 - 2 years ago
Description : Treated field recordings of bells and thumping big stainless steel sculptures and synth. Inspired by a trip to the sub-Antarctic Islands.
9th Aug 2018 20:36 - 6 years ago
Description : There are a lot of talented people :
Ft Ankit Sharda for the mantra,
Ft Xelaplus for the choirs,
Ft jjweekz for the voice effect,
Drums :
AcidPro on darbuka
Danke on big cymbals
Loopfreak on indian percussions
Anubis on big drums

Tell me what this track made to you ^^'
Thank you.
17th Jun 2015 19:26 - 9 years ago
Description : Dark, slow, ambient, cinematic jazz with funereal piano turning into something much funkier, psychedelic and beautiful in the second half. Out of the darkness and into the light, you could say. Instruments: electric guitar + bass, lots of synth sounds, including a horn, double bass, another big legato bass, pizzicato strings, two types of piano, a heavily delayed slide guitar instrument, zither, synth arp, one brushy drum loop, kettle drum rolls and 4 programmed acoustic drum kits. This is quite a special track for me and is only the second I've put in the cinematic genre. The more you listen, the more it changes (it even has key changes) and the last three minutes are really quite far out and should probably be longer. Best track I've made for a few months. Interesting thoughts and reflections appreciated. Free sex for the best reviews...
14th Feb 2020 20:31 - 5 years ago
Description : My cinematic masterpiece Convo! :-) This song is great for action scenes and building suspense.

"Who Goin be the hero?"

This song and others from the album are available for licensing and using in videos, tv, and film.

For More OR HQ download visit
6th Dec 2015 22:51 - 9 years ago
Description : 4!_(07@2nd) harmonic protocol reboot sequence

This track is an elaboration of dgalantic’s track “Starting Over 0172257.” It is almost entirely comprised of loops by other artists on looperman. The newsreel in the intro section is from public domain footage of the Vietnam War. Prince Fatty chimes later in with some words of wisdom. The track was sequenced with Mixtikl and edited in Audacity.

Loops from the following artists are included:
1. ThatJeffCarter’s guitar “feedback 197765”
2. three of Nightingale’s harmonica trills: “angels 0088377, inner light 0088361 and never and never 0088366”
3. Heavily fx’ed vocal excerpts from Eshar’s “7th Dimension 0002644”
4. Dcmack’s rhythm loops “2 bass drums 1- 0085449, 2- 0085446, and 4- 0085448.”
5. Steelyvibe’s choral wash “luno frunezo 0005719”
6. Nightingale’s guitar loop “diving deep 0043488”
7. Rasputin1963’s chorals “ soul ladies gospel riff 0088641 and reggae soul girls choir 0087693”
Genre: Cinematic
Tags: papico, Cinematic, Piano, feedback, choral washes, choir, harmonica, guitar, dgalantic- starting over, thatjeffcarter-feedback, dcmack- 2 bass drums 1,2 and 4, nightingale-angels, inner light, never and never, diving deep, eshar-7th dimension, steelyvibe- luno frunezo, rasputin1963-soul ladies gospel riff, reggae soul girls choir, Vietnam War newsreel

bpm: 120 key: D
29th Jun 2015 00:48 - 9 years ago
Description : So a new track for everyone. Im pretty impressed by this one, and would even place it higher than one of my best tracks, Angel And A Demon. However, I'm trying to decide whether or not I should put vocals to it. I have some in mjnd, but idk if itd be better to leave as is and keep it instrumental or not. Take a listen and let me know! Also, let me know if anything is too loud, still working on my mastering.
26th Jan 2016 12:11 - 9 years ago
Description : A song I wrote with the music of denyjanuary.

Not entirely sure which genre it would fit under, so I chose cinematic.
21st Jan 2017 21:56 - 8 years ago
Love what you do and do what you love.

Made out of Looperman Loops!
Made in 2 Hours!
I was bored and was thinking about a epic movie u got it a full Cinematic Movie Soundtrack...Say what u think..........A NEED FEEDBAK ! A know...its just mixing loops together but it was really , really big fun to make this!