3rd Oct 2013 11:18 - 11 years ago
Description : 100 seconds recital pianO for thinking to deaf people ...
excuse me for quality fact thi is an old trial of mine and written by Final 2004 ! .
dedicated to all deaf humans whom can't hear this .

Comments (37)

If you have time take a listen and give deciBel some feedback.

topclass 30th Aug 2018 19:00 - 6 years ago
Interesting :)
Prelude 18th Apr 2014 21:58 - 10 years ago
0_0 !
yes you're right Behnam !
definitely my imagination about deafness was not true !
thank you for helping me underestand deafness better .
deciBel replied 28th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
thank U Cindy .
larrywiggles1 24th Mar 2014 12:37 - 11 years ago
Hi Behnam,

That certainly was a 100 seconds of so very thought provoking music, with such lovely key progression. I am privileged to have been able to listen to it. Thank you for sharing it.

Great Respect,

deciBel replied 27th Mar 2014 - 11 years ago
many thnx for your time & attention & shared idea Mark/Larry.
it's nice to know a thorughbred musician like U has a possitive feedback about this shorT & old trial & I appreciate U . regards.___B
Prelude 21st Nov 2013 07:13 - 11 years ago
this is smartest musical idea i've ever found!

music to remember indistinct people around our world !

there's no otherguess to remind healthy people about

humans who live unvoice inside themselves!

and never joy talent of swiming in waves of music!

ingenuity of yours inspired me for a poem for them.

and I owe this idea to you decibel and this intelligent

title for a piano piece !

god bless you .

* Prelude *
deciBel replied 22nd Mar 2014 - 11 years ago
dear Prelude , first many thnx for emmotional & poetry comment & all these kind words , buT who has told U that deaf humans live voiceless inside themselves ?!?!?
No , as I have seen , there's no alive human who live unvoice inside , buT if he/she is in Coma !
being deaf is not being voiceless inside...
this is my problem , this is your problem if we can't
underestand their voices when they want to pronounce our words...otherwise they talk with themselves like all of wishes.___Behnam
janis71 8th Nov 2013 12:43 - 11 years ago
Echoes in your track which echo in my heart for some reasons you can now understand, deary .
I hear the word "gap" while listening to your track ...
Between what deaf people hardly perceive or don't perceive at all, and what the luckiest ones can hear, ...
and it makes me sad ...

And you perfectly expressed this gap here, with this staccato structure . It always strikes me how you can faithfully depict human emotions or sensations through your music ... You allow us to almost read your mind whenever we listen to your pieces . That's true for me in any case, and you know that .
This is what I call "talent", in the purest sense of the word : The natural skill you have to speak without words and make hearts thrill and remember they're alive.

I'm conscious my comment looks dithyrambic and might make you blush, and I apologize for that, but that's what I really meant and felt like writing, deary .

Do take care,
Mibousamat .
deciBel replied 10th Nov 2013 - 11 years ago
my dear Carole , always reading your review makes me think more and learn what does listener think & may underestand while listening to my musiX.buT U may underestand me to say there are some times that I ask myself did this 100 seconds music work & made listener to really think about deaf people or noT ...sometimes reply is yes and some no...anyway thanx for worthy attention & presence which made me to know one of most important commentor's idea about this trial...merci merci & merci ..manam shoma ro busidam khanume wishes .___Behnam
FaridHumanoid 4th Nov 2013 23:09 - 11 years ago
I am always late and you know I'm sorry Behnam my So good friend.
You know that my Mom was a Teacher of Deaf Children and I guess I can use it in this way.
You always surprise me for your skills in composer softwares, FINAL 2004? sazandeye final ham shayad be sakhti betoone az barname khoroojiye behtar begire! ya to fekr mikoni betoone?
deciBel replied 6th Nov 2013 - 11 years ago
ow!Mr Humanoid ! chaghal khane vakile zaminkhar .
are manam kharam arvah ammat oh my friend i'm late i'm late.
Golabi ..
rut kam shod tuye public ham barat injuri neveshtam ?
Evisma 2nd Nov 2013 04:09 - 11 years ago
I love the delay here, but the fast run you do in the middle of this would benefit "automationing" the delay out for that second or two. I never know what to expect when I hit play on one of yours!
deciBel replied 2nd Nov 2013 - 11 years ago
yes,true matter U've pointed Evan .althoughT that's not dalay , I've added a considered echo that maybe sounds like delay because U can't imagine how horrible sounds piano in final 2004 (as U can read in description it's written by final 2004..and in those years ago)! ...and withouT that echo & 2 sort of reverb that pianO sounded like a toY ! but if U've used this word='delaY' for I forgot to send U that mail, I just can say : ''oh oh ! oops! I forgot , sorry ,this wacky mind & busy head of mine makes me forgot to see myself in mirror too !oops & aakh(We say Aakh or vaay in persian instead of your oops),I'll send that now after leaving looperman ''.
and about what U can expect to hear when U play on one of my trials , I tink U can excepT to hear me thinking loudly & talking to myself & my beloved one..but by instruments .
thank U very much Evan for usefull comment & worthy attention & true worthy critical point abouT delay(echo).best wishes for U Evisma both .___Behnam
ElenaSatine 1st Nov 2013 02:52 - 11 years ago
I listened to those 100seconds tracks that you had sent to tonality for my collaboration with him after his comment and your negative answer and i loooooved that one that seems a group of aunts are singing an untidy chorus together in it . but we want to use another one of those unique ideas of yours for overture-or intro- of our track featuring tonality.
but i wanted to ask you about that aunts track .
can i use that for a rock track of mine ?
i'll give credit to you for that by writing your name in title as collab . ok Behnam please?
those aunts are very cute for me.
deciBel replied 1st Nov 2013 - 11 years ago
yes colleague U can & just I'll be glad to hear the way U'll use please inform me as U wishes.__Behnam
KAMPUTERA 31st Oct 2013 04:08 - 11 years ago
Hi Benham,

You are fine. There is no problem with your song. The words I used were used to describe the feelings I felt. The music is Peaceful. Reminds me of a Daydream and gently sways me like a Waltz. The word Recollection means to think about the past while in the present time. So you're okay. :) I did not mean to startle you. Please do not worry. You are a good artist. Relax. :)

deciBel replied 31st Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Mario,dear thnX aloT for your attention to my reply & second presence . and well , now this new description of yours makes me underestand your previous commenT & feel better about this trial of mine . as I told personalY It's important for me to never compose a music to be similar to someone else's music .best wishes .___Behnam
StaticProjekt 30th Oct 2013 23:40 - 11 years ago
The emotion in the track is great, very inspiring
deciBel replied 31st Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
I'm very glad if U've found it inspiring , & gratefull for your attention & time to commenT on this trial of mine, dear Staticproject.
KAMPUTERA 30th Oct 2013 05:11 - 11 years ago
Peaceful Daydream Waltz - (Recollection)
deciBel replied 30th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
thanX for review , buT UnfortunatelY I don't underestand what U exactlY mean U mean this makes U remember a track in that name ? google search doesn't find exactly that name..just finds ''the daydream Waltz''. do U mean this name ?
brillbilly 28th Oct 2013 17:26 - 11 years ago
You create music that makes me always think and feel!

I hear more than just sounds,i hear feelings,i hear vibes,so hearing becomes feelings through its wonderful vibes.!

This was quite beautiful in its stripped back gentleness.!

very nice work behnam!
deciBel replied 29th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Chris forget about music , how are U man ? Mr BrillbillY paying the bills is noT such hard for people who live beside that university where I will never have enough money to can studY there hahaha...
about music ,I just should say wished this could be usefull for deaf's world..wished it can help even as a epsilon for their word ..and regarding your kind words I should confess when I know this track didn't help and won't help & so has no performance about its goal , I don't find myself worthy of adoration and kind words...U're a good friend of mine & I know U'll underestand me.___Behnam
Tonality 28th Oct 2013 17:15 - 11 years ago
sorry for being late in comment Behnam , i had downloaded and liked it . i came to ask can i use it for overture of my new track feat ladyinred ?
deciBel replied 29th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
My friend why U should be sorry for being late or never writing comment for me or any otherone ?not needed to such compliments.regarding usage of this 100'' I should be fair & tell U excuse me for saying No,U can't use it if U ask me cause this not true to ignore commentors befor U BurT & Steve & Kevin who have told they want use it ,and as U see in description below track too I have written abouT the reasons why I've cancelled collab request about this . buT never mind,I totalY have 16 track 100'' and I'll send U 2 other proposal rightnow by mail.appology again,thanx & best wishes.___Behnam
SikStyle1 28th Oct 2013 15:34 - 11 years ago
Your about to pass my song in plays lol
deciBel replied 28th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
ooooh ! about what a hard things U care in looperman .
personalY I think , quality of listener and commentors is more important that quantity of them .
buT if passing in play , make U don't answer to any other asians in looperman in that way U answered me in my last comment for U when I wrote U cello can be added and do like that in an RnB track(what a hard genre!)of yours and U asked me about what can I compose instead of appreciating someone who has listened your track seriouslY & commented for U honesT , tell me to pass U again (again cause as U see I usualy upload my cinematic trials in looperman & I've alreadY passed U about cinematic if U look that way )..buT as I told in first too , quality of listeners and commentors is what I prefer to quantity of them .___Behnam
JamesDavies 26th Oct 2013 14:20 - 11 years ago
the notes are like words to the song, the song has a thought of it's own and i think if anything the sound quality adds to that effect because if not it would sound less natural (it's almost like ya can hear the piano's thoughts at work) or at least that's how i felt it... this isn't my usual genre but i found it really pleasant and it's got a strong ending where ya can hear the piano echoing off ! keep it up :)
deciBel replied 27th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
dear James ,accordinG to that collaboration of mine with Chris(BrillBilly___althought that track was all by Chris & I just had gave him some haunting sound ,& actually Chhris ,my gentle friend had made me glad by writing collab) I know U & have listened your fantastic track .it's great to read your comment.beautifull explanation & analysis of yours is so lovelY & true for me .thnX for attention & taking time to comment wishes.__Behnam
johnnyproducing 26th Oct 2013 10:12 - 11 years ago
I owe you an apology behnam, what it mean't though was that I was talking nonsense and that's how most of the younger generations would feel about it when they view a comment like this, but I shouldn't have put that there. Wish there was an edit button right now.
deciBel replied 26th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
never mind man ! We're friends and such things happens between all friends.and mistake , belongs to alive people Johny...& We are alive .......I'm a collection of greatest mistakes U can't even guess....take care buddy .___Behnam
johnnyproducing 25th Oct 2013 09:51 - 11 years ago
Sounds emotionally, Could picture a number of things with it. It's like the track expresses that deaf people see many different things which influence them and the shortness expresses that they miss a great part in life too not being able to hear. At least that's how I view it but I am probably talking out of my ass
deciBel replied 26th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Johny good underestaninding of yours abouT deaf people , and the same moments while commenting on this trial and thinking to deaf abilities is so greaT & what I meant from this track . personalY it was more a sympathic sensation for me and didn't want to make them glad by justifications like adoring their other abilities...
Johny every year many of deaf humans are dying just because not hearing sound of a car in street by carless drivers..and althought I had no god and religion , buT I think if there was any hypothetical god , then he should be ashamed of deaf & blind people ..well , Mr Johny ! did U see U were talking to me and not your ass when you are commenting below my track ....this last sentence of your comment annoys me !! my friend,JohnY !U're so young, I know ,buT as I had seen U underestand very better than your generation ..and I didn't expecT U write like that way about writing comment for me ..!!U know I usualy write most respectfull and even longest replies my friend !i didn't expect my good friend Johny write that way about commenting for me...!___Behnam
Danke 23rd Oct 2013 15:45 - 11 years ago
Dear Behnam!

I will write a happy song and we will play together... :-)
Your guitar solo is what I need...It will be a positive song, to smile through the internet...later I'll call you, hope everything is O.K.
And again hope that you don't misunderstand this comment :-)
deciBel replied 24th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
for sure my friend . and U know how I'll be glad to can work with ojne of my best friends whose musical style is always
lovely for me ..just , man , my shortest finger in write hand is broken and has brace we can't count on my fingers and leads for a while , buT U send your track and I'll try for leads , even whith the same brace and broken finger ..for sure It would be a pleasant to work with U ...
and U've written about smile...I remember this word ...yes...there was a word calling laugh..calling smile...I remeber this word...just don't remember how was its act ...
I should see some pictures to can remember how I was smiling before ...but beyond kidding , Danke according to your cool personality I usualy talk with kidding and smile with U one's wonderfull to see U've underestod I usualy don't smile U underestood it man ,, ?haha,hehe,and ther human's voices which trying to explain someone is smiling in the end .take care .___Behnam
Sherris 23rd Oct 2013 15:16 - 11 years ago
you know my idea about this from those old days , but i just want to ask do you think enough about yourself too crazy Behnam ? oooho chera javabe emaile mano nemidi aghaye alaghemand be afrade karolal ? telephone ham zadam ham man ham Radin mobilet off hast . az inja ham ke az hichvaght nemishod baraye to yeki message dad . khastam begam hamdardie ma ro babate salgarde pedare faghidet pazira bash . man ke ishoon ro nadide boodam amma ghatan ishoon bayad marde besiar sharif va bozorgi miboode bashand ke pesari ba
shakhsiate to tahvile jamee dadeand .
atusa va Radin .
deciBel replied 24th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Atusa yes I know and remember your remindable reaction
while listening this track for the first time .and thanX aloT for your commenT my friend .man javabe emailam ro nadam chon hosele nadashtam , va are dige khob az inja ke kheili vaghte ke nemishe baraye man payam bezare kasi va to ke dige ino miduni va manam midunam ke to kollan daneshju budim ham ghorghoru budi .kheili manunam ke dar morede khosro yadet hast , va kheir , pedare man motassefane un chenan marde sharifo bozorgi nabud ke shoma 2 ta tuye payame telepphoni ham ruye peighamgire man dar moredesh gofte budid .
man ro ham kasi tahvile jame'e nadade Ati va velesh kon man hosele nadaram in harfa ro nemikham bedunam nemikhqam bezanam , nemikham befahmam , nemikham beshnavam...
va faregh az hameye inha migam jeddi to zendgi nadari ? hamash ke injaee chejuri 2 ta bache ro bozorg mikoni ?
bro ye kam be bache hat beres ba shoharet baba jan .take care and bests.___Behnam
mrwolf14 23rd Oct 2013 13:35 - 11 years ago
Hi Behnam,
I take the chance to send you my greetings. Hope everything is well man!

And at the same time I want to say thank you for sharing your "trials" with us: even if the recording quality is not the best, the music is very moving and deep. And that's what matters!
Often we are are after the perfect sound and we forget about the importance of the message.

I like the comment from SeriouslyJoking: it's like if the player is desperately trying to tell us something... something very important to him. And I think this applies to a lot of your music.

Take care friend!
deciBel replied 24th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
how are U my good friend ? wish all is well there out of this vacuumed for U .Domenico I should say thnak U for your worthy attention to my trials . regarding quality of piano for sure I'm quite agree with U and U know thos old softwares and programs like final 2004 and the reason why quality is not good as I have written in description below track too .about ''SJ''as U know our good colleague , I should say I've always enjoyed her beautifull underestanding & worthy personality .and I'm agrree this comment it was one of the most beautifull comments I had seen from her below my trials .and in the end I just should say U know my greatest respects and appreciations about your presence and comment so I won't repeat them . take care & the rest in mail.___Behnam
SeriouslyJoking 23rd Oct 2013 08:57 - 11 years ago
This was almost painful to listen to, as if played by a pianist loosing his mind, grasping after notation and chords that are slipping away from him.
deciBel replied 24th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
SJ it's great to read such beautifull explanation from U . thanX for sharing your worthy perception with me and us my friend and my greatest appreciations for your attention , presence and taken time to commenT .best wishes.___B
DanGoldstein 23rd Oct 2013 08:22 - 11 years ago
i was fascinated by the effect at the end which prolonged the last notes. a beautiful, reflective composition.
deciBel replied 24th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Dan it's great to hear from U . and I'm glad to read your positive idea about this .best wishes.___B
ElenaSatine 22nd Oct 2013 11:14 - 11 years ago
bright and limpid and over humanly and pure .
shiny stars of a dark sky .
thank you for sharing these moments .
loveeeed this .
deciBel replied 24th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
hello and first seems i must say ''wellcome'' to looperman .
and I'm gratefull for choosing my track to listen & I appreciate your shared beautifull perception in your comment with us ( and me ).glad if U've liked it .__Behnam
DesignedImpression 22nd Oct 2013 07:16 - 11 years ago
Hello deciBel, The quality suits the feeling involved. I believe you did a good performance of your trial in this thought to the deaf. The topic you chose to write about with your piano goes into fine detail about one topic that leads to another of the same thing that has been blindly seen though unheard by the experience. The way the piano is played and what words you have provided us to imagine with go well with one another. Thank you for sharing with us, Stay tuned. Peace.
deciBel replied 24th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
dear desinedImpression , your beautifull underestanding about this track and title , and remindable analysis of yours about this trial (track)of mine , is worthwhile and I'm gratefull of your attention & comment .
thank you for presence , and sharing your beautifull perception to me and us .I'm senind my greatest appreciations to U .sincerelY.___Behnam
ShortBusMusic 22nd Oct 2013 04:34 - 11 years ago
My dear friend,

First let me say I have not received any of your emails. The only message I got was the one just now through Looperman. I believe my government (or perhaps yours) or perhaps both governments have intercepted our attempts to communicate. So, unfortunately, we may have to only communicate through Looperman. I do hope you have been well. I have been extremely busy and limited in the amount of time I have here on Looperman. Please know that I would never forget my friend, or what you have taught me these past years.

I truly enjoyed this piece, as I do all of your work. You have much talent, and it is my hope, that with your new leadership in your country that our two countries can become friends in the future. Until then know that I will always call you a friend and a brother.

I tried to send a message through your profile but the contact is turned off. Again, my apologies for any discomfort I may have caused in my absense. Take care of yourself, and it was good to hear from you. And keep making music my friend. It makes our world a smaller and better place. All my best.

Your brother Bear
deciBel replied 24th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
dear Bear , U know your words all are appreciated and worthwhile for me . and hyour presence makes me honoured
as usual .and I wanted to answer U here , buT I thaught It's not logicall to I share my opinions opposit to Islamic regime of Iran here & as U too have told me many times I should be carefull althought there' ain't happen any thing,but anyway ,I thaught it's better sent U an email and a private message.just here I want to add for sure Iranian nation have greatest respects for all oter nations and American and europe and Asian all are brothers and sister and human kind is totally a unit existance for our nation and nation donoT follow what islamic murder regime tries to
say about many of other countries .
personalY I think human kind is a unit existance and human is beyond his passport , and no heart and no brain have no borderlines like countries and nationality is a subordinate factor for definition of us (humans all) which can never define who we are in facT ..and personally I know many American who I really love them , and many Iranians who I have hated them ...and personalitY & perception are somethings beyond where we born ...and for sure We all know it's not Barry Morgan's choice to attack to Afghanistan...and it's noT Behnam Zandi's choice to support terrorist groups like hezbollah in lebanon & palestine...otherwise Iran & America was calling eachther '' Hello Brother ''......thank U veryvery much for your attention and worthy comment and words which means aloT for me . Bear beynd music , I appreciate your prsonalitY & thaught and wishes brother.sincerelY.___Behnam
Spivkurl 18th Oct 2013 17:28 - 11 years ago
I've never heard piano done so well! It's soothing and disturbing at once! I like the atmosphere and the recording quality personally! Great stuff! Faved for sure!
deciBel replied 21st Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Patrick my friend first appology for my latency for the reason U know and then I should say I'm very glad to see your possitive idea and kind words about this trial of mine ..
buT ..U know Patrick ?..I ask myself , have I been really usefull by this track and this thaught about deaf world ...and when I see answer is '' NO '' , I feel disapointed ...
I know U can underestand me...thanx again for your worthy attention and energetic wishes.___Behnam
Samina 8th Oct 2013 20:43 - 11 years ago
Dear Behnam
Thank you for giving me another chance to take some time and think about a concepts around me in the universe.
100 seconds piano for thinking about people with hearing problems makes me think about several things ... to put it more precisely ... I have listened to this piece for several times and each time I am sooo much drowned in my thoughts that can't really collect my scattered thought because I am led from one concept to another and another and other so that I find myself trying to figure out what is really hearing something and listening to something ... and whether the reality of what I hear is what I really hear or what is produced in my head according to my capacity of thought and knowledge and the wy I realize the world ... Since we first started talking about this concept and when I saw your sign language avatar here in looperman I,ve kept thinking and thinking that, OK, I am able to hear and to speak and to see, walk and move and so forth and live a normal life... but do these qualities guarantee that I am living a normal life and disabled do not... does it realy make me special...of course not... The main difference is that they know how precious each and every of these abilities are... no matter how limited their capabilities are but I take them for granted...
I am rather wordy and talkative in this comment Behnam ... I am quiet aware... but these are only seconds of what this piece or as you call them 'trial' makee me think of... Thanks beyond words for sharing.
Best wishes
deciBel replied 18th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Mina , first excuse me for being late in reply for reason U know about my joB ..
and then ..abouT your thaughts ...your words,sense,and underestanding,is more beautifull than this trial of mine ,and wished I could compose your words by musical instruments to share this beautiful thaughts of yours with more people .
as U know , casual explanation of the reasons why,and the quality of how a music makes us to think or feel , is a lesson which I'm learning here in looperman ,buT your explanatorY shared perception in your commenT ,can be a good subject for another trial for me , when I learned my lessons good enough . and this comment of yours was instructive for me to know some times listener of a music , can go over & over beyond its composer's expectancy .
honesty I should confess,Wish U , Farid & Sherris , who have seen me from near in physical world too ,don't talk to me in a way which I'm not sure if I deserve that or noT ..althoughT no doubT it's so great for everyone to read his friends are such kind , and having such beautifull perception .buT Mina , do U know ?...
there are moments when I ask myself :
''is this really of avail to compose for thinking tpo deaf people and invite listener to 100 seconds think abouT them?''...
and I have some doubt about true answer ...
...anyway..human is addicted to the hopes , & I'll try to
try...try to try to hope..these type of traX can really help
deaf peoples world ...
this is great question :
'' did this track really helped as long as 100 seconds to
deaf peoples world ? ''
buT...a '' No '' ...
is an untented facT ..
which means I've not been succeeded ..
best wishes of mine for U,all humans who have such beautifull perceptiveness while listening to a music , and also deaf people in this plannet of humans .
SikStyle1 8th Oct 2013 17:21 - 11 years ago
I love piano and this my friend is amazing skills keep up the good work.
deciBel replied 8th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
it's so great to see your possitive idea & thnx aloT my friend for worthy attention and wishes.___Behnam
Tumbleweed 7th Oct 2013 00:03 - 11 years ago
Hi is quite a unique piano sound...very bell like...but I know and you is the feeling that the music conveys that speaks to the are special Behnam...and I am happy to have met you and your music here....Ed
deciBel replied 7th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Ed , master ,how are U ? lastnight I was thinking should write an email & ask '' How are U '' ?,cause there was no news from U for a couple of the days , and now I'm glad to see U fine .
and ...regardng your kind comment,first I rally wish U know this is not a compliment by an eastern guy if I say no doubT , I'm honoured to know U ( & some others too) here fact I was so lucky Ed ..that day when I joined to looperman peradventure and U may don'T feel by yourself , U may don'T think so by yourself such about yourself if I honesty say beyond music & your lovely guitar playing style which I adore , I've learned ( & am still learning) so much from your personalitY( as a true manner of a master behaviour & talking )your insight & even talking ...
things which no doubT ar so more important & more worthy than the way we play instruments,and things which won't be teached in no college...
& has made me learn abouT personality & actually life for my future ..the days will pass and I may never can be honoured to see many of my unseen friends here who are dear for me U , Danke , Steve Brown ,Chris ( brillbilly),Mike Stokes,Wayne , Domenico, even little Corina or even VickyDan & Patrick(spivkurl) althought we have never sent email to eachother and also many of others whom I don't make my reply longer by writing their names now ,humans who I knew them all here & We may never meet eachother , buT they are alive and will remain in my mind beyond the time ...... looperman worked as a college ,or some how a new university for me ,and more than music I've learned about personalitY & mastership behaiviour and insight in this site ,which is so worthy for me.
appology for long reply and my gratest appreciations to your attention for listening to this trial of mine & in he end as usual my best wishes . Sincerely.__Behnam
SoraSolitudine 6th Oct 2013 22:33 - 11 years ago
It's a good intro!
Sounds like the beginning of a sci-fi movie!
I love it!
Good job! :D
deciBel replied 7th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
thank U very much for presence , attention & commenT .great apprciations.___Behnam
Tonality 6th Oct 2013 22:02 - 11 years ago
you thinking very nice Behnam . i love your thinking .
deciBel replied 7th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Mumivand your nice percepT is the reason of your kind sentence & I appreciate your thoughts so much . wish I can be the same U think .thnx alot my friend for attention,and wishes.___Behnam
Burtsbluesboxes 6th Oct 2013 01:50 - 11 years ago
This is great :D i think I'll put a track together with this! Thank you Benham :D I'll leave you a link when done.
deciBel replied 6th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
It would be great to see what U'll do with iT Burt .
I'll looking forward to hear from U .thnx for yor attention and interest .best wishes.__Behnam
crucethus 5th Oct 2013 02:56 - 11 years ago
I liked this, I downloaded and may do something with it as well!
deciBel replied 5th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
glad to see U've liked iT Steve , for sure hearing what U'll
do with iT,would be a pleasure & according to different taste of your wonderfull musiX with my trials , I think your usage would be so interesting & I absolutely like to hear
it . thnx alot my friend for your attenition and presence & wishes.___Behnam
evilarmy83 5th Oct 2013 02:36 - 11 years ago
I downloaded it and Im going to see if I can create something to add. Your looper buddy, -Kevin (evilarmy83)
deciBel replied 5th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
for sure would be great if U may create anything to add to this as U've told Kevin , my friend . thnx alot for your presence & attention ,and CommenT buddy & as usual in the end best wishes.___Behnam
theHumps 4th Oct 2013 17:10 - 11 years ago
Short pieces of music can be very powerful and can impact the listener in so many individual ways. I never know what to expect when I listen to one of your songs but I always know I will be drawn in and take a little musical trip, thanks to you!!

Always a great time when I listen in on your latest upload, and an interesting concept behind the song, thanks for sharing your insight into the track. Take care Benham!


deciBel replied 5th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Wayne reading such a possitive analysis in comment from a throughbred & expriencefull mucisian who U are , is so great & means alot & else ,I want to say this is so good to read compatiblity of point of views of ours abouT duration & Timing in music for expression of a concept to an audiance(listener).personallY I think
Music , as a tool , as an instrument ,can be impressive & shorT and enough! .althought as U underestand, I'm not talking abouT this piece of mine,I know this may have many week points too & know this piece is not that good one between short traX , but I mean to say it's great to see U too think music as a tool or an instrument has this strength & ability to can express & affect on Audiance's Mind .
thnx aloT wayne for your attention to this trial of mine &
as usual in the end my best wishes for U._______Behnam
domr30 4th Oct 2013 04:43 - 11 years ago
j aime bien
deciBel replied 5th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
glad U've liked iT .thnX for attention & comment.cheers.___Behnam
XmafaX 3rd Oct 2013 13:29 - 11 years ago
Hi my friend. Nice piano. It meets the title of the track.
This "sad" piano strings gives us a nice ambient sound
Good Work
deciBel replied 4th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Paulo how are U my friend ? it's nice to hear from U . thnx for presence ,attention and shared perception of yours in your comment regarding this trial with me(us) .take care buddy.__Behnam

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21st Jul 2015 19:56 - 9 years ago
Description : This track contains only free loops from several Looperman artists. Enjoy!

Applied loops (fully or partially):

CENTRIST: 0079105-0057561 (Leaving a Legacy - Main Strings Build), 0079105-0057560 (Leaving a Legacy - Main Strings),0079105-0057559 (Leaving a Legacy - Final Strings),
XXSNIPERXX: 0798480-0081769 (TRAP PACK No2 Hat Loop), 0798480-0083534 (TRAP PACK No4 Bass),
DRMISTERSIR: 0208341-0073663 (offpoint), 0208341-0073326 (stay bizy trunk thumper),
THEOFFICIALFROSTBITE: 0797099-0065711 (That Generic Trap String), 0797099-0065712 (That Generic Trap Trombone),
EBCOTT3: 0626891-0069594 (Dark Piano and Synth Trap Loop), 0626891-0079497 (Deadly Drums),
SHORTBUSMUSIC: 0500098-0072481 (Tokyo Lights Polophony),
LOOPFREAK: 0531700-0073756 (Stuck in the Dirty South - Tubular Bells),
SEANKH: 0677589-0069246 (synth while you work),
KRISTIJANN: 0711069-0071946 (LOOK AT ME),
BDENNEY: 0805869-0068329 (Wild For The Night INTRO DRUMS),
STREETSBEATZ: 0959110-0062623 (Ratchet Gutta - Ride),
NEURO: 0674084-0075917 (Fingers Crossed),
KRITEX: 0823832-0076627 (Normal Trap Beat),
YGPRODUCTONS: 0754277-0081190 (Im Back Clap),
STEVEJAZ: 1118799-0069952 (Jazz loop in F),
SINTHETICRECORDS: 0403648-0051082 (Sinthetic - Sub Bass),
3RDNIPPLEMUSIC: 0609523-0068579 (nv flpluck ethereal 90),
ULTRAMEADOW: 0242823-0014943 (Electro Dirty Loop),
TECHSEEKER: 1107241-0073336 (5 Seconds Only - Delayed Percussion Fill),
NEEZLE: 0689209-0077281 (Squeaky Trap Lead),
BLAZINS: 0321894-0028473 (Low Blow),
BUG: 0067564-0001416 (Minimal),
ANDULAH: 0267062-0074744 (Celt Islam Future Bass),
DOZYDEVIL: 0668753-0057186 (Class Wobble Loop),
DUBTEK: 0831304-0060241 (Dubstep Skittish Bass loop),
DANKE: 0671112-0082860 (Ghosty drum),
REFL3XDUBSTEP: 1045829-0068786 (braken-to-the-stars-melody-synth) - deleted user?
5th Jul 2021 14:54 - 3 years ago
Description : Banda sonora de un videoclip que acabo de producir.Cuenta la experiencia de una pareja de astronautas y los recuerdos de ella al perder a su compañero. Espero que os guste. Animo y suerte para todos.
20th Apr 2007 23:29 - 17 years ago
Description : Initially composed intro for Malos Nolwàfantasy saga. But also used by Apinax Dvd-Collections backround music.
6th Mar 2014 18:27 - 11 years ago
Description : it is! Another colab with maestro Tumbleweed! Ed provided the unfinished, basic track...I composed and recorded the long intro using different synths and then added piano (well to the fore) and some brass arrangements along the rest of the track (no violin this time...hehe) and then did the final mixing to wrap it up as it is presented now. I hope you will enjoy it and we both appreciate your listening time and your valuable comments:) Otherwise all thanks to Ed!
13th Oct 2019 23:16 - 5 years ago
Description : Every instrument is performed and recorder live. Piano, double bass, drums, strings.

Two first singles of my upcoming horror jazz LP are out on the most of streaming platforms. Go give me couple of spins!

Vocal for this track needed, contact me (all of the contact info is in my profile).

Let me know what you think about this tune. Tnx.
23rd Mar 2008 19:55 - 17 years ago
Description : Careful! Watch your volume or the first note might make you jump!
18th Oct 2018 19:59 - 6 years ago
Description : Just send me the link where you use that, please
Anyway, I'm looking for artists, especially doing melodic techno, deep house etc... to work in my music label called Chick Records
4th Mar 2023 09:07 - 2 years ago
Description : Treated field recordings of bells and thumping big stainless steel sculptures and synth. Inspired by a trip to the sub-Antarctic Islands.
9th Aug 2018 20:36 - 6 years ago
Description : There are a lot of talented people :
Ft Ankit Sharda for the mantra,
Ft Xelaplus for the choirs,
Ft jjweekz for the voice effect,
Drums :
AcidPro on darbuka
Danke on big cymbals
Loopfreak on indian percussions
Anubis on big drums

Tell me what this track made to you ^^'
Thank you.
17th Jun 2015 19:26 - 9 years ago
Description : Dark, slow, ambient, cinematic jazz with funereal piano turning into something much funkier, psychedelic and beautiful in the second half. Out of the darkness and into the light, you could say. Instruments: electric guitar + bass, lots of synth sounds, including a horn, double bass, another big legato bass, pizzicato strings, two types of piano, a heavily delayed slide guitar instrument, zither, synth arp, one brushy drum loop, kettle drum rolls and 4 programmed acoustic drum kits. This is quite a special track for me and is only the second I've put in the cinematic genre. The more you listen, the more it changes (it even has key changes) and the last three minutes are really quite far out and should probably be longer. Best track I've made for a few months. Interesting thoughts and reflections appreciated. Free sex for the best reviews...
14th Feb 2020 20:31 - 5 years ago
Description : My cinematic masterpiece Convo! :-) This song is great for action scenes and building suspense.

"Who Goin be the hero?"

This song and others from the album are available for licensing and using in videos, tv, and film.

For More OR HQ download visit
6th Dec 2015 22:51 - 9 years ago
Description : 4!_(07@2nd) harmonic protocol reboot sequence

This track is an elaboration of dgalantic’s track “Starting Over 0172257.” It is almost entirely comprised of loops by other artists on looperman. The newsreel in the intro section is from public domain footage of the Vietnam War. Prince Fatty chimes later in with some words of wisdom. The track was sequenced with Mixtikl and edited in Audacity.

Loops from the following artists are included:
1. ThatJeffCarter’s guitar “feedback 197765”
2. three of Nightingale’s harmonica trills: “angels 0088377, inner light 0088361 and never and never 0088366”
3. Heavily fx’ed vocal excerpts from Eshar’s “7th Dimension 0002644”
4. Dcmack’s rhythm loops “2 bass drums 1- 0085449, 2- 0085446, and 4- 0085448.”
5. Steelyvibe’s choral wash “luno frunezo 0005719”
6. Nightingale’s guitar loop “diving deep 0043488”
7. Rasputin1963’s chorals “ soul ladies gospel riff 0088641 and reggae soul girls choir 0087693”
Genre: Cinematic
Tags: papico, Cinematic, Piano, feedback, choral washes, choir, harmonica, guitar, dgalantic- starting over, thatjeffcarter-feedback, dcmack- 2 bass drums 1,2 and 4, nightingale-angels, inner light, never and never, diving deep, eshar-7th dimension, steelyvibe- luno frunezo, rasputin1963-soul ladies gospel riff, reggae soul girls choir, Vietnam War newsreel

bpm: 120 key: D
29th Jun 2015 00:48 - 9 years ago
Description : So a new track for everyone. Im pretty impressed by this one, and would even place it higher than one of my best tracks, Angel And A Demon. However, I'm trying to decide whether or not I should put vocals to it. I have some in mjnd, but idk if itd be better to leave as is and keep it instrumental or not. Take a listen and let me know! Also, let me know if anything is too loud, still working on my mastering.
26th Jan 2016 12:11 - 9 years ago
Description : A song I wrote with the music of denyjanuary.

Not entirely sure which genre it would fit under, so I chose cinematic.
21st Jan 2017 21:56 - 8 years ago
Love what you do and do what you love.

Made out of Looperman Loops!
Made in 2 Hours!
I was bored and was thinking about a epic movie u got it a full Cinematic Movie Soundtrack...Say what u think..........A NEED FEEDBAK ! A know...its just mixing loops together but it was really , really big fun to make this!