10th Oct 2013 15:37 - 11 years ago
Description : I had this amazing vox: and drums by Eos and Mmedia to work with and this is what I came up with.
The acapella is from Porter Robinson and Mat Zo's tune Easy, so technically it's a remix, but I actually heard the original after I made my own song around the vox so it's not similar at all...maybe that's a good thing, I don't know.
But I really did my best with this one and tried to use everything I learned so far while mixing and mastering and I'm actually almost happy with the result.
Work in progress though...the piano comes out in one ear and the vox in the other so something went wrong anyway. =D
Edit: I'm NOT happy at all anymore - hearing all the flaws now...
Feedback will be much appreciated!

Comments (26)

If you have time take a listen and give SeriouslyJoking some feedback.

angler234 8th Feb 2018 21:58 - 7 years ago
vocals really make a track at times and these vocals work very well with this track..well done great track.
Mosaic 3rd Jul 2014 06:31 - 10 years ago
Hi sweet

Liking this one of yours, but needs a lot of tidying up,very nice vocal, never heard of the artist on the loop but might have to check her vocals out now after hearing her singing here, Like others have said seems to have a few flaws that seem blurred into the mix, personally I would add heavier beat to give deeper house feel to the track, This could be a very special track if flaws of the mix could be sorted, has so much potential to the track, really hope you re look at it, if you do please let me know would seriously love to hear it again when fixed up....Peace n Respect...Mosaic...PS I know you could sort this out going what I have heard of your other works here, been impressed with what I have heard previously....
AZZYKO 3rd Jun 2014 20:09 - 10 years ago
Great work here!
prgrzz 5th Mar 2014 04:16 - 11 years ago
Hey do...(swedish) lady,hmm i"m reading your text with the song. It's not so bad at all. The piano........your using FL..? do you use the "parametric EQ2 in you mixing track? i think not. If so then drop the 50 & 100 HZ. piano sounds better with the baseline. And not to much reverb..........:)) keep it clean. I like the song.....deep house...
Gsusfrk 19th Feb 2014 02:12 - 11 years ago
Arps are nice :)
Delays on them is good too :)
There seems to be a lot of compression, almost limiting the pads to sound different than I think if they were to be uncompressed. Though, I know the power of compression and how good it can be :)
Beat I feel is too low in comparison to the rest of the tracks within the tune. Kick needs to be more prominent, give it more flow and emphasis; though not too much compression, or clicks start to form.
Piano is a bit too loud and ducks the entire track a little.
So over all, all that's needed is a little mastering/mixing :)
Nice tune!
crucethus 1st Feb 2014 04:26 - 11 years ago
I think why you may not be happy with this is that it is missing a solid bass groove to hold the rhythm together. Without it it sounds very ambient eclectic. I know the type of dance music you like in the clubs and maybe gear the bass and percussion towards that and you will be satisfied!
SeriouslyJoking replied 2nd Feb 2014 - 11 years ago
Hi Steve!
Yes, it's the bass missing and also the overall state of the mix and mastering.
It's too long also...a lot of flaws really!
I need to look in to that bass groove thing more closely, I still have a lot to learn about that.
Prelude 26th Jan 2014 23:51 - 11 years ago
i liked it very much .
really takes me dance .
you are a rare tallent especially as a +18 years instructor and a mother!
a wonderfull one !
SeriouslyJoking replied 1st Feb 2014 - 11 years ago
Hi and thanks for listening!
I should finish this somehow, it's really half finished...but I'm glad you liked it!
Take care/ SJ =)
deciBel 25th Jan 2014 01:46 - 11 years ago
hey SJ wish everything goes fine with U .I've find this chance to take a listen to our wonderfull tallented mama music maker & got surprised !soon it'll be 1 year for U & annual rate of growth of your skill in music has been oviously wonderfullly triffic.
this one is groovy & energizer .there's a pleasurable psyco mood in this deep house track which has a bit dark ambient music flavour too , is verywelldone & U've designed a considered interval between vocal's scale & instrumental which is adorable & innovative . my thumb up & greatest respects .take care .____Behnam
SeriouslyJoking replied 1st Feb 2014 - 11 years ago
Hello the one and only Behnam!
Hoping everything is fine with you also - thanks for listening!
Take care/ SJ =)
monsterage 7th Jan 2014 23:06 - 11 years ago
Amazing, well done!!
SeriouslyJoking replied 1st Feb 2014 - 11 years ago
Thank you!!
azzyko16 7th Jan 2014 21:38 - 11 years ago
Nice job (Y)
SeriouslyJoking replied 7th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
esunsaudio 30th Oct 2013 21:59 - 11 years ago
hey really good remix will be sending to paavo in above and beyond see what he thinks
SeriouslyJoking replied 31st Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
That's awesome - Thanks!!!

*fingers crossed for luck*
Polyfronetic 26th Oct 2013 04:34 - 11 years ago
Cool beats and nice vocals - a fresh piece of sound!
SeriouslyJoking replied 27th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you for listening and leaving a comment!
I like this track a lot myself, too bad I still haven't learned how to do a proper mastering/EQ''s clicking and popping a lot.

Take care!
WongKiShoo 18th Oct 2013 20:32 - 11 years ago
Need to post a comment in order to download... I can't stream at the moment but will post a proper review after I've had a proper listen :)
SeriouslyJoking replied 19th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Hey, that's quite a cliffhanger comment! =D
Looking forward to hear what you thought.

I'm not satisfied at all with this track anymore, there is some serious issues with the sound quality overall and my EQ'ing skills really suck...

So I better stop whining about it and get back to work.

Going to check out your stuff later!
Take care/ SJ
CognacXE 17th Oct 2013 04:01 - 11 years ago
Really Nice and refreshing.
SeriouslyJoking replied 19th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you for that!
mrwolf14 15th Oct 2013 15:26 - 11 years ago
Hi SJ,
We have a good song here.
I really like the piano part.
I think you still have to figure out how to mix it perfectly with the voice, but please do not remove it: I would rather chop-out the vocal instead!
Do not touch that piano!
I simply love it.
Ciao, Domenico
SeriouslyJoking replied 15th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
On no not the vocal!!
Haha - well I'm going to have to think about that. The vocal is of a very poor quality - not the vocalist and the singning but the the sample itself so it's hard to make it sound good in the mix. Or hard to me to do so, anyway.

Thanks for the feedback, Domenico!
Trying to continue working on this shortly.
InverSound 14th Oct 2013 04:17 - 11 years ago
you should dial down the frequency on the phaser, it's way too hissy, you know the phaser? I'm assuming you used a phaser effect device on this, any way the bass drum sounds pretty good pretty deep
SeriouslyJoking replied 14th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Hissy sounds funny! =D
But yes, I think I'm following - I'm actually just now learning about EQ'ing and practising on an other song (until now I just cheated with all the EQ'ing stuff and not really done that much of it at all) and when I figure out how to do it more properly I'm going to EQ this song. Or well - it has to be finished first...but after that.
Your ears were right - there is a phaser.

Thanks for listening and for the advice, you talented guy!
Take care.
Darkreine 13th Oct 2013 15:46 - 11 years ago
SJ you just get better and better. Excellent work here!!

SeriouslyJoking replied 13th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Thanks Kenny - maybe I should chance my nick to DeadSerious now?

No, just kidding.

Take care!
edzwood 12th Oct 2013 02:45 - 11 years ago
again it's a very good song. I agree the acustic piano is a little loud in places especially next to the vocal. And or maybe bring the vocal up a little louder in the mix??? It's all relative. But beside those tweeks it's a totally cool song. say where did you get the vocals???
SeriouslyJoking replied 12th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Hi Edzwood!
The vocal is from here, uploaded by Gezus: but I'm not sure who the vocalist really is. It's supposed to be a sample from an older song :

Anyway - thanks for listening and for the advice!!!
EDDE 11th Oct 2013 21:45 - 11 years ago
Nice work!!! I like your music, keep it going.
SeriouslyJoking replied 12th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Thanks so much for that comment! =)
JJWeekz 11th Oct 2013 19:43 - 11 years ago
Beautiful artwork!
SeriouslyJoking replied 11th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Thanks for listening! =)
Ivanivan 11th Oct 2013 18:13 - 11 years ago
SeriouslyJoking replied 11th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you!!
crucethus 11th Oct 2013 02:41 - 11 years ago
Hey this is a good one from you! remember the great DJ and remixer from the sound factory NYC ,Junior Vasquez, never listened to the original song before he remixed a tune (Check out Cher's moonlighting theme)
SeriouslyJoking replied 11th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
That remix was superb!! I had never even heard of Junior Vasquez, thanks for educating me!
The remix sounded as if it had been done just recently, it hasn't aged at all - a really cool house beat.

And thanks for feedback!
Take care. =)
StaticProjekt 11th Oct 2013 00:09 - 11 years ago
chill as hell, really like the vibe straight from the start
SeriouslyJoking replied 11th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
That's nice to hear -
Thanks for listening and for the great comment!
FastFunghi 10th Oct 2013 22:27 - 11 years ago
Hi SeriouslyJoking!
I like it, nice play with the vocal. The kick could use a little bit more bounce/bass! And sometimes I miss the rhythm a lil' bit. So maybe let the synths 'communicate' with percussion a bit more. Overall great job! It has a soothing feel to it, and uplifting. Cheers!
SeriouslyJoking replied 10th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Good addvice! Thank you - that's what I need.

I'm noticing a lot of flaws now which I even didn't hear before...
To be continued, I guess.

Thanks for listening!
SikStyle1 10th Oct 2013 17:29 - 11 years ago
I really like your music i had to fav this. :) :) It's not even my kind of music but your voice is beautiful and the song fits it nicely.
SeriouslyJoking replied 10th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Oh no it's not my voice!
I actually don't know who the vocalist is...which is strange.

But thanks! I appreciate the comment, the fav and thank you for the listen.
Take care!
PRINCELECTRO 10th Oct 2013 16:34 - 11 years ago
well,,, you made a remix before hear the original song?

thats incredible!! good job! faved!
SeriouslyJoking replied 10th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Yes, or well - I didn't think of it as a remix from the beginning, of course.
This guy Gezus uploaded the Acapella here and I fell immidiately in love with it and had to make a song around it.
THEN I discovered the original track...haha.

I'm so glad you liked it - I really tried my best creating this. Although there is still plenty of room for improvement.

Thanks for listening, friend!

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Description : An attempt at writing a deep house track. Recorded in some guitar, chopped out some loops and built the track around it. Not sure if you could call it a deep house track though but there you go.
30th Apr 2016 21:44 - 8 years ago
Description : A slightly hypnotic song here, a little impulsive but also comes very relaxing.
As always tinged slightly dark.
I knew again not what kind of a genre it is really.
Therefore, it is under Deep House because that fits in my opinion, quite good. But who knows ....
Who wants to understand the text, but not be German, which can be read by a translation.
To see under - Lyrics ....
Hopefully you like this song - feedback would be nice.
4th Apr 2016 08:49 - 8 years ago
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23rd Feb 2019 04:18 - 6 years ago
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29th May 2013 19:59 - 11 years ago
Description : feat. Auqa (Vocals from the 70s)

A mix of 80s House and 90s Deep House.

Love or hate it, thanks for listening! :)
6th Dec 2021 15:20 - 3 years ago
Description : Demotrack #03 St.Ra
Somtimes a banana is not enough, so i turned up my smoothie mixer added some strawberries and this got me back to my roots. I started with fl and deep house. I programmed a slow analog drum machine Blofeld mixed with 808 and Rickenbacher Bass.
1st Nov 2016 17:48 - 8 years ago
Description : Here's a deep house track, you can download a higher quality version here:
the vocal was taken from this website
23rd Jul 2015 17:53 - 9 years ago
Description : Strated making this Deep House styled track yesterday and yea... :D Hope you people like it or dont like it :) and feedback would be great always :)
8th Feb 2018 21:27 - 7 years ago
Description : A lively upbeat track with crisp sounds and chopped up looperman vocal sample made with logic pro x instruments,plugins and sampled fx.
3rd Feb 2019 14:47 - 6 years ago
Description : Again some new experiments. Welcome to my first G-House attempt! It was pretty muck constructed with loops but i also used some one-shots from my packs. Enjoy, comment and download! Peace.
15th Jan 2019 09:59 - 6 years ago
Description : Another wee tune I made in Ableton, I found a cool funky guitar loop on here from a user called Danke and also a vocal from a user on here called Searz. The rest I made myself using various samples and instruments
4th Jun 2015 16:29 - 9 years ago
Description : Now for a bit lighter topic I thought I uploaded one of my most recent tracks. I wanted to make a very deep synth and think I managed to do so. Build up to the 2nd part really gives it more depth. Let me know if you like it or give me hints to make it better. I did not use an actual drop in this. Thought it did not fit the track.
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Description : big melody with Japanese incredible voice
7th May 2016 16:55 - 8 years ago
Description : Summer is an South African Deep House produced by me ReckLezz Beatz

Hope you like
14th Jan 2020 18:50 - 5 years ago
Description : Remixed 50 cent