11th Mar 2014 09:15 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains only free loops from and several loops from Looperman artists (listed below). I "made a promise" that my next track will be use a lot of jazzy loops - well, i done with this track, for the great sadness of jazz lovers or experts i think - i fear they will never forgive me. :) While my ISP launches my internet out of the Earth system for a long time, i had to face the fact that i dont have too much downloaded jazz loops on my computer, so i think no wonder that this one is sounds like if i smoke some marihuana while making it. But hey, who cares, i like the result - it reminds me the (maybe only) really funny episode of "Breaking Bad", where Pinkman uses some heroin and flyes up with an idiotic smile on his face - that chapter is priceless. :D
I dont think this one needs a vocal, but ofcourse you can use it if you want, and as always, just write and i will give any support as i can. Any feedback welcomed too as always. Enjoy! UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!

Applied loops :

STEVEJAZ : 1118799-0068664 (The Jazz Vehicle), 1118799-0068713 (A Lydian Chords 1),
TUMBLEWEED : 0498019-0068255 (G Sharp Acoustic Rhythm), 0498014-0068257 (120 A Tele Rhythm),
JOEFUNKTASTIC : 0630386-0055418 (MrF - Great Scott - Set 1 - Piano 120 A), 06300386-0054520 (MrF - South Bronx Ghetto Piano 92C),
DANKE : 0671112-0066558 (Heaven Calls), 0671112-0067503 (Reggae Sax),
REI4REAL : 0039029-0005229 (Rei Smile03 D 120), 0039029 (Rei - Plain3 D 100),
SERIALCHILLER : 0000003-00000076 (Chilla Do Do Vox Fx),
DJFREDVAL: 0002663-0007540 (FV 120 BackBeat2)

Comments (6)

If you have time take a listen and give traz75 some feedback.

Tumbleweed 12th Mar 2016 02:43 - 9 years ago
stopped by for another listen traz...sounding good....Ed
traz75 replied 12th Nov 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Ed! Sorry for the late reply, i were inactive a bit this year...
Spivkurl 14th Jun 2014 18:13 - 10 years ago
Pretty cool song! Don't hear this style nearly enough! I heard something around the 1 minute mark that I've heard before, and I think I've used it in one of my songs as well... I just can't for the life of me figure out where... You used the guitar parts in a very pleading manner! The electronic glitchy sounding high hat parts are a nice touch, they have good momentum. Pleasing to the ears, and what more can one ask for? Fave!
traz75 replied 15th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you!
I know what you think for. Around 1:03, there is a loop what is very-very similar to the main theme of an old song, "Needles and pins" from "Smokie" - maybe you heard that and finds familiar because that.

Just a few days ago told this a guy to me too, and i think he has right.

Regards, traz
GramoChopin 9th Jun 2014 23:10 - 10 years ago
Interesting mix of sounds here. I like the saxophone parts too, very creative track. Nice entries Traz! peace

traz75 replied 12th Nov 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Gramo! Sorry for the late (a bit :D) reply, dunno how i can't see your post until now...
Regards, traz
ScottB55 19th Mar 2014 21:10 - 11 years ago
I notices you had used some loops Joe (MrF) had made for me awhile back (Great Scott) so I had to check it out. Everything blends well...Good job!

traz75 replied 22nd Mar 2014 - 11 years ago
Thank you Scott! Jazz is a bit far from me as style i think, so im really glad i can made something weird, but good from this at all.

Regards, traz
Tumbleweed 17th Mar 2014 01:44 - 11 years ago
that is some unusual mix traz...multi genre musical excursion...good for you & thanks for including a couple of my loops...keep on..Ed
traz75 replied 22nd Mar 2014 - 11 years ago
Thank you Ed! You (and a few other people) uploads a lot of so cool loops that is really hard to me NOT to use at least a few of them in any random track i make. :)
Danke 11th Mar 2014 13:41 - 11 years ago
Hello Barátom! :-)

Ne haragudj hogy az utolsó íméledre még nem válaszoltam, de most sok minden történik...

Ez a nóta viszont nálam nagyon betalált...fuziós jazznek hívnám popos elemekkel tarkítva...most nagyon nem érzem hogy egy igazi 'looperman' rakta össze a nótát...egyben van, tök jók a hangulati váltások, a grooveok...

Szerintem ez az eddigi legjobb nótád, én még soxor meg fogom hallgatni...:-)

Favd, downloaded, congrats, Danke
traz75 replied 12th Mar 2014 - 11 years ago

Semmi gond, tudom hogy elfoglalt vagy hiszen írtál az éppen induló "vállalkozásodról", meg amúgy is láttam hogy éppen ezerrel melózol. :)
Ráadásul lassan már két hete hogy nincsen netem... :S

Szerintem is egészen tűrhető lett (bár nem hiszem hogy legjobb, de az ilyesmi ugye személyes ízlés dolga), de igazából a szerencsén múlott hogy nem csúszott félre a dolog mert nagyon nem akart összeállni egésszé, már szinte teljesen tanácstalan voltam amikor ráakadtam arra a "dududu"-ra, ami kapásból helyretette az egészet és megadta az alaphangulatát is. Utána már csak egy kis tempóvariálás kellett és készen is volt.

Majd lesz egy dal amivel kapcsolatban szeretném kikérni a véleményedet - elsősorban a szöveggel kapcsolatban (magyar, és a nagyon jó/nagyon gáz között váltakozik a véleményem :D) -, de majd mailben elküldöm ha lesz netem, meg amúgy is nagyon ráér.

Remélem jól mennek a dolgaid, üdv!

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Tags :
Description : Slow ballad improvisation using Ibanez Artcore guitar tc electronics pedal wireless pickups ballad track champion 100 amp tascam 8 recorder laptop and Imagination
26th Oct 2021 13:17 - 3 years ago
Description : I wanted to do a track that’s snappy, jazzy, and smooth. Enjoy

3rd Sep 2019 00:37 - 5 years ago
Description : Every instrument is performed and recorder live. Piano, double bass, drums.

Instruments Used:
-"WELTMEISTER" upright piano (MADE IN GERMANY in 1938)
-"KAY" upright bass (MADE IN GERMANY somwhere in 1950th)
-TAMA Imperial Star + Pearl OMAR HAKIM snare + Various Ziljian cymbals.

I just put together some old ideas to see if it will work. Some vocals and brass, or guitars is clearly needed. Let me know what you think about it. Tnx
13th Apr 2024 03:32 - 11 months ago
Description : 4/12/2024

BPM 135

LOOP BY R4reSh1t

rage beats , dark synths , vintage rage, jazz rage , spooky beats , dark type beat , ken carson , playboi carti , opium , die litt type beat , lil tecca , intro type beats , autumn , yeat , kan kan , jace , d savage , rich amiri, kodak black type beat
17th Feb 2014 08:09 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : Do not freak out just because this is jazz! There's also blues, rock, funk and a little hip hop in it to break up the deep, chillout jazz sections - gets particularly rocking then funky at the end. Main bassline (the track's foundation) is recycled leftover slide resonator guitar parts detuned one octave to make a slide bass sound. Also features: piano, violin, hammered dulcimer, organ, ethereal pad guitar, bass guitar, jazz/blues/rock electric guitar and multiple programmed acoustic drumkits. This was difficult to make at times as I thought I needed more leads parts eg from sax or trumpet. But I'm happyish with the end result. I expect very little interest in this as it's both jazz and long jazz. But it's also an unusual type of genre-mixing jazz. So, leave your thoughts, good or bad, if you like...
20th Dec 2024 10:09 - 3 months ago
Description : I think it's a late evening song to accompany you for a single drink.
Jazzy in most of the aspects. It is made single handedly so please consider it an experimentation for the thrill of making music.
Hope you will like it.
25th Jul 2017 18:26 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track made me just stop working on it and listen to it for enjoyment.
Smooth Mellow funky Jazz. Uses: 0111003-djrumplestiltskin-swung-funk-drum-beat, 0087009-mrroads442-guitar-line, 0072485-michiel555-mellow-funk, 0058934-ferryterry-90-bpm-soprano-sax. Is this Funk or Jazz?
19th Dec 2019 16:53 - 5 years ago
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120 BPM
1st Aug 2014 19:41 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This jazz fusion track contains loops only from looperman artists. UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!

Applied loops (fully or partially) :

JFW : 0226904-0060572 (JFW - Bassline 1), 0226904-0060573 (JFW 1 - Bassline 1 - tonal variation),
TRANCEFER : 0052497-0001085 (Jazz Club Sound Perc Loop), 0052497-0001086 (ChillLounge - Piano Riff),
MEGAPAUL : 0448131-0059455 (D-C-130bpm-Delayed-Guitar), 0448131-0059581 (The Melon Bass Riff 100bpm),
MWRATRIDGE : 0631933-0052906 (House be home), 0631933-0052980 (The Final Hour),
ARTEMKUK : 0267945-0022097 (Simple jazz ish loop),
RICKMAL : 0300400-0026909 (Guitar woofin),
CRYPTIXIC : 0538582-0043542 (Lemon Guitar only),
FERRYTERRY : 0747210-0059379 (Guitar steps 5),
SLAPJOHNSON: 0067443-0007179 (Jack Russell Flute loop 2),
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE : 0071878-0003640 (Double Bass g 118),
SHORTBUSMUSIC : 0500098-0052359 (End of World Choir in Gm-Cm),
SOUNDLI : 0402590-0052498 (Karolis Soundly - Beat),
3rdNIPPLEMUSIC : 0609523-0059038 (visher lonely b note 112),
MRFUNKSTASTIC : 0630386-0054433 (Mr Funk beautiful pianos series session five 150f).
22nd Jul 2017 15:53 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Cover by Bleep - Electro Jazz - 95 bpm
Can follow me too on soundcloud:
25th Jul 2019 18:04 - 5 years ago
Description : ableton live and getting on the keyboard for a change
8th Jul 2020 00:07 - 4 years ago
Description : I created a hip hop groove in Logic and decided to duel some Saxophones. I am playing the Baritone sax on the left pan and the Tenor Sax on the right pan.
I added some bells like a boxing match bell to give it a fight drama feel. The hip hop track itself is dope to me. The duel is cool too. Who won?
1st Jun 2017 15:13 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Complex drumbeat / Strange ambiance / a bit of jazz / a bit of Hip hop / a bit of sample / Needs vocal !!
5th Feb 2025 18:32 - 1 month ago
Description : Something different, no strat but my J6 jazz box and flatwound strings. Hope you'll enjoy it.
26th Jun 2024 11:54 - 8 months ago
Description : completed versions available on demand