Description : A gentle, reflective and beautiful shuffle blues piece featuring one of my best ever electric guitar solos (for about half of it). Also has bass guitar, synth bass, two programmed acoustic drum kits, two types of sample-based sitars, a heavenly pad and a distinctive main string part. Special, text-based prizes to be awarded to the best comments!
This blues track was uploaded by StaticNomad. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (27)
If you have time take a listen and give StaticNomad some feedback.
hi, many thanks for your replies and putting a link to this one: I've listened many times to this. And also I did some piece that somehow is based on yours but I think it's completely different... Anyway what I like the most here is the bassline and the first part (0:20 - 0:39). Very interesting and groovy playing but secial... I like also intro and the vintage synths you're using in introduction.
Very interesting guitar soloing - lots of little motifs played but very expressive - you have some really specific and unique sound and style.
I am courious also about the structure of this composition, I mean there's no really versus/chorus or something. To me it feels more like intro/part 0:20 - 0:39 that could be also the 'highlight' chorus/ dark guitar solo/brighter, upper register guitar solo from 1:57/suspended ending.
Nice work with finding a kind of a resonance of the sitar over guitar (2:45, 2:47 and so on). That sounds uniqe. I think I can hear it even better on your other tracks...
I will listen also to the full version of this if it's available...
This track was going to be the first 4 mins of a much longer deep shuffle blues epic. But I changed my mind and decided it would be better to keep this as a short track and then use the other material I had already composed for the other epic track.
Together they would probably be about 15 mins and I'm trying hard these days to do some shorter tracks (but I find it difficult). Here is the longer one, which is also a deep exploration of chillout shuffle blues (but it gets much more rocking than RAOHK):
I think the bass in RAOHK is probably best during the solo (from 1:57).
"I like also intro and the vintage synths"
I don't know if that pad intro synth is vintage but someone else said the same so I guess it is. I use it for the intro of another track I'm still working on.
"Very interesting guitar soloing - lots of little motifs played but very expressive"
Yes - my actual live playing is not as good as you hear. I carefully edit and join together the best bits of guitar solo jamming so try to find all the best little motifs and join them together in a fluent, expressive way. This is probably my best chillout guitar solo. 3:02-3:14 is my favourite section.
"structure of this composition, I mean there's no really versus/chorus"
Yes, it is strange - like many of my tracks. There are a couple of minutes of moving around different riffs and sounds and then it's a 2 min solo (so, half of the track) and then the end. No verse or chorus or bridge or middle 8 but not just a blues jam.
"a resonance of the sitar over guitar"
Yes, I think it's very unusual. Never heard anyone try that with blues before. Not much sitar in blues music! Now check out the sitar and tambura in There Goes Gravity. Lots more guitar riffs and soloing in that track.
Thanks for your very accurate and detailed review.
Man, these instrumentals you upload sound great, It's a good thing you go through each track the way that you do. I like that all the tracks listed play together kind of like a movies OST. Dedicated thoughts fitting in many things that go on, strange but very nice!! I enjoy the trips more these days, your style has grown onto the listener and I appreciate to hear what you create. For this track in particular, has something slightly different, maybe that spaced string that appears in the beginning. The guitars this time are something special, random acts of kindness, I see some nice things, never noticed before. Thanks for the open eyes and settled mind. Still wondering about that album release. I would like to listen to this offline as well. Thanks for letting us hear it here. How are you?
“I like that all the tracks listed play together kind of like a movies OST.”
Damn – that sounds like you actually listened to a load of them in one go!
“your style has grown onto the listener”
You know I don’t exactly make pop music. I’ve always felt that my sort of lengthy, complex stuff needs to be listened to a good few times so that people can some sense of what’s going on and how it all fits together. It’s not really suitable music for people just browsing on Looperman expecting to hear a nice, simple short catchy tune. This is the shortest track I’ve ever uploaded.
People really do need to own my stuff to get into it properly (sorry that’s not possible just yet). I’m not writing one album but about 8! I just keep putting off releasing even one as I don’t yet have the artwork though tracks for the first two albums are pretty much done. Though I do always worry about mastering as I’m no expert and want my stuff to be as good as possible.
I’ve had strong interest from a few people on the site about me releasing/selling some of my stuff so must get round to it sometime.
This one was going to be a 15 min track but I chose to turn the extension into its own 11 min track and leave this one as it is. Here’s the extension, which I’m pretty happy with:
In RAOHK, I’m particularly happy with the second half guitar solo. One of my most melodic and best constructed. I do also particularly like the strings early on. You’ll hear the same string part at different ponts in There Goes Gravity. And the same shuffle drums, though they get heavier and more insistent and also seem to get faster (though it’s all at the same tempo, as with almost all my tracks).
Hey buddy! This is a sweet song so far, and I'm really enjoying listening! I am in love with the guitar tone you achieve, and you played it so expressively, it's molten! When it becomes a duet with the sitar, it gets even more amazing! Very cool calm rhythm throughout, which does leave me wanting more. I would go more in depth, but I realize this isn't finished, and I need to do some gardening badly. Very creative song! Love it! Fave!
Yo. I changed my mind on this one and am fairly sure I'm going to leave just as it is. What it could/would/should/still might become is my latest upload called There Goes Gravity
That's all the extended stuff that I already mostly had when I uploaded this (which was just an experiment to see how I felt abut this short length).
I'm trying all the time to not do such gargantuan tracks as I do listen to people's whinges about the great length. But I must also always bear in mind that some of these complaints probably come from people not at all into lengthy, far out music so I must not change and deviate from what feels right just for them. It's really hard to know, isn't it?
Maybe a little like someone always reviewing your stuff telling you to be less weird and make your music sound more like Coldplay or someone.
Yes, the guitar tone during the solo seems pretty perfect. And the sitar touches are pretty unusual but also kind of subtle. I can think of no other blues track with a guitar solo and sitar underneath.
Yes, the chillout drums drive the whole piece and totally inspire most of the instrument playing.
You get gardening but don't forget There Goes Gravity. You may enjoy that even more as it gets really psychedelic towards the end. And it's got more sitar and tambura stuff in it.
i enjoy your music a lot. you create a beautiful atmosphere and your solo work is very expressive. you sustain the mood and maintain interest with all sorts of refining touches. best of luck with your production work. Dan
Thanks very much for the neatly expressed high praise. Unsurprisingly, I can't really fault it.
The refining touches are what I do on a constant basis and they sort of become the track. So, you start with a good riff and then keep adding extra touches and fills and layered riffs and spot effects and so on. And then those extra details end up becoming just as important and distinctive as the main riffs and parts.
I love all that detail and I hope it's the kind of thing of thing that makes my music stand out from various other instrumental tracks that perhaps drag a bit in some sections or don't really go anywhere after a while.
I'm a bit bored of working on this track but it's now up to over 14 mins long so I'll upload it fairly soon. Well, as much as I can fit on here (so, probably about 10:50).
I would rather stick with this as a short track but I know you will add in a whole lot of other stuff that is enjoyable to listen to. I always am impressed by how you layer everything heavily and there is so much going on but at the same time there seems to be room left for other stuff to come in. That's with almost all of your tracks if not all.
Thanks for sharing and it was a pleasure to listen
Yes, all that "other stuff that is enjoyable to listen to" is already added in. I'm just trying to finish up the big electric voodoo psychedelic rock ending and then it should be done.
Some of the other stuff is more sitar and drones and also some funky vocoded guitar.
I'm with you on this being good as a short track but it's also good to hear what it turns into. It's tempting to have a short and very long version but I guess I'll probably just put the long version on my blues album when it's done.
Yes, heavy layering whilst also leaving space is mostly a matter of listening closely and trying to sculpt and remove things that interfere with the beat or any particularly good notes or parts.
Also important is making sure that when you're adding other layers and playing them in that you try to play mostly inbetween the layers you already have. If you do play over the top of another part, maybe make the new playing long, simple notes so that there's not too much of a clash. Or short ones that don't prevent you hearing the actual tune of another part.
Difficult thing for me to explain!
This isn't that heavily layered a track for me. I feel I have to layer things so that it's not just a simple, instrumental tune that sounds like it should have vocals.
I've listened to this one about 4 times now. I'm not going to give a very detailed technical review. It's been a long day and my brain is kind of done working. But, I still felt compelled to comment on it. So, I'll give it what I've got.
I like what you have here. The guitar in this has that sweet, dusty blues sound. I've always liked that. For a rhythm based guy, you did a great job on the lead solos. They're very smokey, rich and smooth. Like a filter-less Camel. Heh.
The bass line has good and strong presence without crowding everything else, and it does a great job at keeping things moving.
The strings are a nice incorporation. They class up the joint a little bit. Combined with the automated pads, it has a real pleasant, spacey Planet Caravan thing going on. Not to take away from any of your creativity or originality by any means. That's just what comes to mind when I listen.
If I were in a position in life where I could still fire up the ol' bongzilla, I would definitely put this track on my "fire it up" list.
I'm looking forward to hearing where you've gone with it. A rocking, double-kick laden, epic crescendo I assume!
Can't wait, man.
If I think of any detailed what-nots to add, I'll leave another review. But for now, the obligatory, ever popular "Sick track, Bro!"
Take care.
Yo. What's a happnin' is blues. Mostly deep shuffle blues morphing into some heavy electric voodoo blues reaching out into the puple haze in an attempt to connect with Jimi, wherever he is.
Well, this would be probably the greatest "Sick track, Bro!" review I've ever read. It should really only be three words long. You wanted to "Sick track, Bro!" it but couldn't help go on for a while - exactly as this track doesn't.
Thanks for the solo love. When I say I'm not much of a lead guy, what I mean is that I'm pretty crap at playing a whole decent solo in one go. It's partly due to being lazy but my creative imagination isn't a an organisational type of imaginative, much more abstract and absurd and humorous. I also struggle to envisage a whole track or plan it out properly beforehand, which is why I'm a loop-based composer. The looped sections just keep growing and growing and that's how I make all my epics. Not by ever actually planning out the considerable length and complex changes beforehand.
The solo in this was actually all played in one take but I played for about 4 mins then edited the best bits together as it had no real structure. Now I think I've given it definite structure and interesting movements. A good solo is such an art!
I totally agree with the strings classing the joint up, which is a good phrase. They tend to have that effect. Not a lot of blues tracks with beautiful strings. I came across a great sort of concept album about ten years ago that was all about exploring the combination of deep blues with strings eg cello and violin. The liner notes pointed out the worlds of blues and classical rarely come together. You don't often see a blues band with a string section, do you?
Sabbath's Planet Caravan is very, very chilled and gentle, as I remember.
"rocking, double-kick laden, epic crescendo I assume"
I have gone into a heavier ending (extending this to around 14.5 mins!) partly inspired by your comment. Guitar turns into some powerful, primeval riffs so I thought drums should follow suit.
Been working on nothing but this for the last couple of weeks and am getting a bit bored of it. Must finish and move into something else. Quite possibly some pure electro with no guitar involved at all.
Hi. Yeah, maybe a little like those Floyd chaps and I can see why you say that.
Not sure if they ever really did any lazy shuffle grooves (probably) but they did, famously, do some awesome 7/8 in Money. That's a damn clever piece of music.
I don't think they ever really featured strings as in this one but I could be wrong there (not that it matters too much).
I'm a big fan though they're only one of thousands of influences. But their finest stuff really is about as creative and original as rock music gets.
I'm also not sure if they ever really did any blues epics, which is what the full version of this certainly is.
I'm trying hard not to make it too boring as it features a hell of a lot of guitar playing, as with quite a few of my tracks. And it's all either shuffle or lazy triplet drum feel.
The last review was a more free form listen to the music review then the usual technical by the minute review. I do like the piece and wish to hear the expansion. When I do listen to your work, there sometimes is so much going on technically and musically it is hard to capture my thoughts all in one review.
Ah, cool. I get it. I wondered if you'd maybe blacked out for a couple of days. Perhaps lost your memory and been found almost naked in the grocery store. If you've seen Breaking Bad (well known TV show), that's the main character's way of getting out of being missing for a weekend cooking meth out in the desert. It's his excuse to his wife and it works. Who would want to believe anyone would make such a thing up?
I'd like to come back to great pieces of music I know well and hear them again seemingly for the first time. Maybe in old age, with severe memory loss. Something unusual to hope for, no?
I'm a bit biased but if I were reviewing my tracks I'd find it a bit bewildering and I might sometimes need 5-10 entries of 3,000 characters if I really wanted to describe all the little bits. Though I guess there's only so much you can say about liking another riff or drum fill and maybe it's boring and even more unnecessary to even attempt to describe all of it.
Thanks again as I always look forward to your reviews. Though not the Latin spam. I wish Maffin would review more of my tracks as he did one of the best I've read on this site on my Low Key Love track. Genuinely interesting reading, as you probably remember.
Sorry for the slow reply. I wanted to make it a good one.
I do try to be in my own league and always do something that feels like it was made by me and no one else. I think that's mainly why almost the only samples I ever use are drum loops (and hits). They almost don't count, if you know what I mean.
If I play and/or program all the riffs and parts I just have better control over them and can make them do a lot more and change them as necessary and feel like they're mine even though I use some fairly standard hardware and software.
I guess it is quite smooth.
There's a lot more guitar playing to come in this one. I'm just struggling with the end mega guitar solo right now. The track's up to 14 mins so I really hope it doesn't feel too long or self indulgent or boring.
I try to play guitar with both close control (of the timing and the bend I put on each string) and also some slapdash laziness to give it some character and make it a little messy and sort of free flowing at times. I often don't get it right.
Fortunately, detailed audio editing eventually fixes most of that!
"your ever expanding productions"
Yes, I have so many. Some I can hardly even remember and many I can't remember all the sections in them even if I try hard.
I really hope I don't run out of ideas and do the same repetitive stuff I've done before in 10, 20, 30, 40 years' time.
Must keep innovating, getting new sounds, learning new instruments etc in order to prevent that from happening.
Liked it - still hear Ry Cooder and Filmore West. Guitar is solid. I think those are strings in the intro and they are very effective. Good vibes throughout liked the transition at 2:45.
I still haven't listened to any more Ry Cooder since we last spoke about him and your comparisons of my playing with his.
I'm a bit in love with those strings and you can hear their compositional origin if you check the cinematic track in this track's description. I'm currently still using them a little in another unfinished track so probably need to fix that as I don't want three (quite different) tracks to feature pretty much the same string part. Otherwise I'll need to start paying myself royalties for all the samples I steal from my other work!
I thought you might particularly like the sitar bits during the second half guitar solo. Not sure if you like sitar - just guessing you do because of your love of bhangra. Not sure there is much sitar in bhangra. Probably but I wouldn't know.
Much more sitar and tambura and filtered, swirling droney sitar stuff in the full length version of this that I'm still working on.
2:45 transition is big sitar note backing up the big, bent guitar note.
Intro reminds me of a Yamaha DX7. I like the spaciousness of the synths and strings over the bass. Trippy tune. Guitar coming in is rippin. The quite at 1:22, then rippin guitar again. Ballsy Blues playing with quite a bit of emotion. I like that in this tune. I find myself getting lost in the music and not thinking about the theory so much. Sweet tune you have made. Great chord changes. thumbs up if I were a sentient being with opposable thumbs...oh wait I am.. so thumbs up. Glasses raised, one hand slapping the other in a rhythmic motion creating a sound.
Well this is a bit weird. Nice review but your words suggest you're hearing this for the first time. But you already reviewed it a few days ago!
Sorry for not getting back to you but I often take a bit longer to get back to the best reviews and people I theoretically know best on here as I like to give a reply that matches the quality of the review and/or give a considered and accurate response to any questions (eg to thehumps I had to look up the names and models of my guitars).
Never played a DX7 but no doubt there's some sort of heavenly pad on it. Useful sound, that.
Gotta have spacious strings to let that essential groove flow.
This track gets a lot of bluesier (with added balls) and I've just been recording some killer riffs for around the 11/12 min mark. Might have to get them in earlier in this epic exploration of deep shuffle blues. This is just the gentle intro.
I never think about the theory (cos I can't), just feel everything. You're more classically trained so perhaps can't help the theory coming out as you listen, though it's a little difficult for me to empathise with that.
In adding more riffs and chord sequences to this, I can't help but think what a load of crap that talk you hear about how you have to be poor and black to really feel the blues, understand and play it properly. I'm neither of those things or at all sad when playing it but the playing I've just been doing is the real essence of the blues, in my biased opinion (no one else has heard it yet). Some big, acoustic slide with rapid trills and wailing bends.
Yes, opposable thumbs. I have a dub/blues/chillout track called that, you may remember.
I guess you could slap your opposable thumbs together for this one.
I shall reply to your other review soon and find some other things to say. Shouldn't be hard...
Yes - I'm playing all these instruments. See my track description eg "features one of my best electric guitar solos". Doesn't that indicate that I'm playing it?
Or you could read the longish answers I've already given that talk about my playing here and even the named instruments that I'm using (eg model of guitar).
Well the intro is bloody terrible, the middle bit sucks and i can't even be bothered to listen to the end.
Just kidding. I've only just hit play and as usual i'm feeling your rhythms and melodies. It has kind of a tangerine dream vibe about it. very deep, very mellow and a good groove.
It makes me think i really must spend more time sorting out my tunes before i post them.
Cheers for sharing Mr. Nomad.
Yo. I could probably improve it if I got rid of that intro, the middle and then just chopped off the end. Just pare it down to the middle 8 or something.
Anyway, don't listen to Tangerine Dream at all but know of them so I guess that vibe is coming from the intro pad. As far out as my music is, I don't use as many pads as people might expect or as I expected I would years ago when I started my music production journey.
I find they take up a lot of space and I quite often use delayed guitar parts instead to give the far out vibe. But pad and strings are prominent here
Yes, I try to make all my tracks deep. That's what really drives me. I love good melodies and grooves and stuff but I have to somehow make it all deep (however exactly that's done). That's why I don't make pop music and almost all my favourite music is pretty damn deep.
It's a lot easier to make things deep if you're actually playing stuff and not just using samples. And I also tend not to be inspired in a deep way by typical club dance music as I find it often a bit cold so doesn't inspire deep playing.
Shuffle blues is much better for that. Those strings and that sparse drum groove really drive the emotion in the whole thing. That sort of guitar soloing I can knock out all day as it comes quite naturally. You've just got to get the timing right but it's great fun flowing over the lazy grooves.
"i really must spend more time sorting out my tunes before i post them"
Go with what feels right and inspires you. I have to make it deep or I'm not at all happy. I'm also not happy if it sounds too regular and predictable so sometimes spend ages finding ways that I can inject something surprising and original (for me) that I haven't done before. So, the sitar bits in the solo added that vibe in this one, I feel.
Hi MrNomad,
This was really a surprise! A new song below 4 minutes!
Can't really believe it... and in fact this is only a "teaser". So it's better :-)
A couple of words on what we have here: the intro is great, like these initial bass notes, almost "rough" then at 1:22 the high bass-notes are a bit "dissonant" which brings some "uneasyness" to the song, soon confirmed by the deep synth notes, which make the section darker. Liked.
And then you start your guitar solo, nice sound: in some points a bit "nasal" but always very bluesy (a "cold" type of blues, almost Gilmourish in some passages).
The sitar notes are a nice touch: subtle and gentle, they don't try to push the song somewhere else but they rather accompany your guitar as good friends. Liked it.
What I didn't like: the ending. But of course, I'll wait for the complete version ;-)
Ciao, Domenico
Some good detail in your review, as normal. Yes, amazingly short for me. This has got a lot of comments for the number of plays. It was at something like 10 comments for 30 plays - the best ratio I've ever had.
First bass you hear in this at 0:20 is synth bass. Then at 0:40 it's my processed guitar thing that I do a lot of.
1:19 it moves to bass guitar. I will try to explain the uneasiness and dissonance. This track is made on the same DAW timeline as a whole bunch of other tracks. I took some bass from another track and stuck it in there at 1:19. But that bass playing is not playing to a shuffle groove so it shouldn't really be in time. But it works OK.
Depp synth notes you mention are that synth bass again, just with a cutoff filter sweep applied to make it sound more like a synth than a bass.
I know what you mean about the slightly nasal guitar solo parts and that's an interesting word to choose. Lots of beauty but also a slightly strange feel. Yes, a bit like Gilmour and probably also like thousands of other guitarists. I don't try to sound like anyone else and don't try not to sound like anyone. Musically, I don't really know what I'm doing - I just play as I feel along with the music, always trying to do interesting things with a lot of soul and passion and groove.
You totally understood what I was doing with the sitar. That instrument is sitting on the timeline (as it features in other tracks) so I thought I'd try augmenting the guitar solo in a few places. No my intention to turn the track into an eastern/Indian thing and I don't think I did. Unusual to have sitar under a guitar solo unless you're making it a full-on Indian track.
Yes "good friends" is an accurate way of putting it.
3:08-3:10 is the best part of the solo.
Lots more to come from this one. Ending works OK here but that end fades perfectly into the start of the second half of the track and the continuation of the shuffle blues odyssey you will get to hear sometime soon.
there is a lot of blues soundings i agree but listening through the whole track makes me want to call it weird rather than blues (i mean in good way). great solo! ;)
I really like this track! We always love to feature new artists. Please contact me once you are ready to release your music and we will feature you on one of our shows.
Normally when I see messages such as yours my first thought is that they're spam and just someone trying to promote a radio station. But I guess I'd also be looking out for music to play if ran/did a show on a radio station. So I'll take it on faith that you're genuine.
I will release my music eventually and then I guess it'll be played on a few shows so I will keep yours in mind.
I'm sure there are loads of people oon this site who would let you play their stuff now (ie all those people who make their unfinished tracks available for download, which is definitely not me).
This would be an awesome title for a song if the album were called "predictable acts of human suffering"
Nice long slow intro to reel you in like a fisherman catching his (sea)bass. Slow loping shuffle beat with a lazy-eye bass line. Guitars are zipper-like efficient with there scraping quality countering the high bass-line. 1:57 in and finally a sense of melody, but a slow drooping bluesy ballsy melody line. Chord structure pleasantly sounding from 2:45 on with the mix of the bass line and the melodic guitar with the slight whisper of a pad underneath. It continues to build in intricate structure with those three elements I just described until it sadly ends. I could see you taking this one places as this is an awesome intro and it seems to be going somewhere interesting musically (that's the dream isn't it?) So good job..keep on it. move ahead try to detect it, it's not too late whip it...whip it good...sorry got lost in something devoish there.
Please find it in your heart to forgive my late reply.
Your album title idea is a good one though I may have a better related one. This title comes from watching some TV documentary years ago on torture. Doctor was explaining that the best way to really fuck with the mind of the torturee (?) is to perform random acts of human kindness.
I can see how that might be confusing and discombobulating. Not sure if the opposite works in real life ie being occasionally vile to someone you're generally lovely towards. Don't think that then makes them like you more but not every act has an equal opposite in this universe.
Guitar scraping quality is partly the newish strings (only change em every few years cos I'm so lazy) plus the distortion and how I play them.
I was going to damn you for all eternity for suggesting there's only "finally a sense of melody" at 1:57 but don't think you really meant prior stuff lacked melody.
I do have balls but they're not drooping or blue.
Your "slight whisper of a pad" is the synth bass, which gets a bit pad-like as the cutoff filter is turned up (at various points in the track).
I am trying to whip, whip, whip this into the fine shape it's taking and am making progress on the heavy electric voodoo riffs of glory ending. It's damn powerful though currently over 14 mins so pretty heavy going for most listeners. I really hope it's not boring!
Just in case you don't know it, here's the heaviest, deepest blues perhaps ever recorded. Also, stunning anti-war song. Check the lyrics!
This is a very good piece of work. I love this. The length is fine, you don't need to extend this any further. You'll find that it much appreciated with the length it is at the moment.
Well done.
Any chance of this becoming downloadable in the near future?
Hi. I agree that I don't need to extend the length and that it's fine as it is.
However, I already have loads of other sections and the transition right at the end of these four minutes into the main track is just great.
Yes, I could leave it like this and people would enjoy it (as they already seem to do).
But I tend o make long form music that really explores a number of musical themes and sounds. I've never done a proper shuffle blues track so this is it.
No, no chance of this becoming downloadable in the near future. I'm putting together a whole bunch of albums that will probably be released for free. This will be on the blues album.
I guess I'll have a Bandcamp page or similar with albums free to download.
Actually, the answer may be yes, possibly in the near future but not from this site.
What could I say this exceptional work?
I felt the presence of Indian elements, and when mixed with the relaxing sound of the drums, everything is so lovely.
surely a perfect soundtrack for some time in India.
the job with the bass lines are awesome, I think are the exctase of this song,when the guitar comes in, it gets even better!!
You worked very well the progression of the elements.
instruments comes from light going into music,is a fantastic journey, feeling able to generate thousands of thoughts.
you knew how to use the instruments very well in this piece, the end of it is exciting,
and as I already expected it would be a great song.
The Indian elements are just the two types of sitar I have in here that can be heard during the guitar solo in the second half. They are sample-based instruments that I played in from the keyboard. I didn't try to make this an Indian track. I just like the sound of the sitar and I think it really adds something interesting to the guitar solo.
Yes, the drums are very relaxing and drive the whole piece. They make me play the guitar in a different way and you will hear a lot more cool blues rocking and soloing in the full version that I will upload when it's finished. I've never done a proper shuffle blues piece before so this is it!
The first bass sound you hear is synth (when the drums come in) and then after that it's a processed guitar part (as bass) when strings stop playing. Then after that it's all bass guitar with synth bass sometimes on top.
I started as a bass player when I was about 14 but have been mostly a guitarist for many years now. I was a much better bass player when I was about 17 and don't play it much anymore.
Glad you found this so beautiful. I think it's both interesting and relaxing.
Hi. I think the length of this melody is not fine.
I've felt at the end of the melody that that was only the beginning and I won't tell you how many times I've listen to your song before coming now on-line to Looperman...maybe you could say I'm a fan of your music...cause, I guess that's what a fan does..put on repeat what he or she likes (for sure that's what I've done today).
I wait, patient, for the whole song to be upload here..and maybe it will be available for download... :) regards
Thanks for being a fan and for listening so many times.
I think the track being this long is good but I have many parts other parts that I have already composed but not yet finished.
So I will add those to it and you will get your wish for it to be longer.
Thanks for waiting patiently but I won't be making it available for download here. Not until it comes out on my blues album...
You`ve got a good one going here Static....I do like the maintains that late night in the city blues vibe (if thats the right description) all the way with the lead guitar weaving those cool melody bits...very nice job on the guitar too by the way...would be a cool accompaniment for a video but its dam good listening music just as it is....enjoyed this one.....Ed
Hello. This one is right up your late night street. Damn, it's got a lot of comments for the number of plays. It was at something like 10 comments for 30 plays - the best ration I've ever had. Reminds me of your level of popularity on this site.
Maybe it's something to do with it being so much shorter than most of my other tracks. Perhaps commenting at all on something that's over 10 mins is just too daunting for most people. Or maybe they're awful tracks but this short one is great. Anyway, I don't make music for Looperman members, I just happen to post it here.
It's going to be a lot longer because I've already got a lot more recorded for it, just not yet finished. The drums stay at the same tempo but get busier and less sparse so appear to pick up pace. That kind of shuffle groove I find incredibly easy to play loads and loads of blues guitar on. I could go on for hours so am finding ways to give each section real character. And there's a hell of a bass riff driving it all plus my usual other range of sounds.
Late night in the city didn't come to mind when making this but I know what you mean. Morphine are the greatest group for that, not that they're even a blues group.Or jazz. Just their own unique genre.
I do like this one's legth and would be happy to leave it at this length. But the other stuff I have is irresistible and it'll be interesting to hear the range of guitar soloing though I think the best solo is in this version (after 2 mins). Noitce the sitar playing occasionally under those guitar solo notes.
The solo was one take of playing but then chopped up and reordered as not every bit of it was great. I was just noodling about so had no real structure. The careful editing has really given each section each progresses through some character. One of my best solos, especially as I'm not really a lead player or soloist.
Have a listen again when I post the extended epic version.
Kinda trippy and laid back blues. Lots of effects. The first few seconds of the intro reminds me of a Godfathers intro on one of there tracks but I can't think of which one off hand. What make of bass and electric guitar do you use?
To me some of the best guitar solos are ones that feel the music and play to the groove. An old timer musician once said to me "play the music". He didn't mean just play your part, he meant play along side the music, feel it out and add to it rather than over play and showcase your talents on every part you play. I think you did that here and most of the time for that matter.
I like it, shorter always works for me but in this case I am looking forward to hearing more. Like the splashes of the resonator guitar, damn that's such a cool sound.
Greetings. Very laid back blues and first proper deep shuffle blues I've done.
Not really that many effects. Not sure if you mean on guitar. Mostly just delay, reverb, a little distortion - nothing unusual.
Not sure who Godfathers are. A band, I guess.
My bass is a Vintage 5-string (can't remember the model) though I rarely play it so I'm not very good anymore. Used to be much better in teen years when that's mostly all I played. Little practice these days means no stamina in left or right hand and picking fingers get blisters so easily.
But there's some nice bas guitar in this track.
Main guitar is still the first I ever bought (in 1996) and it's small and light and comfortable and cheap. It's the Epiphone Les Paul Special II (Vintage Sunburst). I also use a Variax but don't like it much and find it hard to play but it still pops up in my tracks.
Main resonator is the Ozark 3515bte and other one (that I don't like) is a Republic Resolian Steel Antique Brass.
You confused me by saying you enjoyed the resonator on here as there is none! The splashes you heard must be the sitar bits during the second half solo. Can't think what else you could mistake for resonator. I almost always say I track description if its in the track.
I do my best to feel the music and play to the groove rather than just widdle about all over the place. This is a wonderful groove for laidback playing and even more so in the later parts (that you haven't heard) when it appears to pick up pace and get more insistent.
I could do blues playing over this type of groove all day. Comes very naturally.
I hope you noticed that the drums are mostly just the EZ Americana kit. If not, you will now!
Good to hear you want to hear more. These 4 mins are really just an intro..
Thanks. I dig it too. An interesting blend of sounds is what I aim for with each and every track.
I feel I always have to get something slightly unusual in there so, with this one, it was an occasional touch of sitar during the guitar solo as well as the different strings in the first minute or so.
Love what you have so far.....guitar riffs with the bass guitar in the back ground sounds perfect. And yes this is probably the perfect length for me but I know it's not your style. Looking forward to hear the rest when you finish it. Definite fav for now.
Yes, I like it this length but have some killer other stuff to get to that's already composed, just not yet finished.
The transition right where this track ends into the major bass riff is just great. I have seriously considered leaving this as this length but I cannot split up that great transition that no one has yet heard. I've only it for you lucky Loopermen, Looperladies and Looperhermaphrodites.
I would like to do some shorter stuff but I've never done a proper deep shuffle blues epic so this is it. And it needs to be long to get in all the ideas and the extensive guitar playing. Long form mega musical exploration is just what I do. It suits my far out style.
Yes, some nice melodic bass guitar in the background during the second half solo. First main bassline you hear (0:40) is actually guitar though my octave pedal - something I do a lot. Actually do it much more these days than playing my bass guitar (something I should change).
The rest will be uploaded over the top of this track.
Thanks but I certainly can't say this is the best guitar solo ever. That would be one hell of a claim!
I'd have to really sit down, listen to a lot of music and think extremely hard to choose even my top 50 favourite guitar solos. There are just so many good ones, and of hugely differing lengths.
Three I would go for would be Jimi Hendrix's Hey Joe and All Along The Watchtower solos and various solos from Creedence Clearwater Revival's amazing 11 minute version of Heard It Through The Grapevine. I'm sure David Gilmour and Jeff Beck would also feature in there somewhere. And some heavy bands and also old rock 'n' roll solos.
But this one is definitely one of my best ever guitar solos and I'm not really a lead guitarist. More of a textural groover and riff merchant than a lead guy.
Glad you liked it.
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Very interesting guitar soloing - lots of little motifs played but very expressive - you have some really specific and unique sound and style.
I am courious also about the structure of this composition, I mean there's no really versus/chorus or something. To me it feels more like intro/part 0:20 - 0:39 that could be also the 'highlight' chorus/ dark guitar solo/brighter, upper register guitar solo from 1:57/suspended ending.
Nice work with finding a kind of a resonance of the sitar over guitar (2:45, 2:47 and so on). That sounds uniqe. I think I can hear it even better on your other tracks...
I will listen also to the full version of this if it's available...
This track was going to be the first 4 mins of a much longer deep shuffle blues epic. But I changed my mind and decided it would be better to keep this as a short track and then use the other material I had already composed for the other epic track.
Together they would probably be about 15 mins and I'm trying hard these days to do some shorter tracks (but I find it difficult). Here is the longer one, which is also a deep exploration of chillout shuffle blues (but it gets much more rocking than RAOHK):
There Goes Gravity
I think the bass in RAOHK is probably best during the solo (from 1:57).
"I like also intro and the vintage synths"
I don't know if that pad intro synth is vintage but someone else said the same so I guess it is. I use it for the intro of another track I'm still working on.
"Very interesting guitar soloing - lots of little motifs played but very expressive"
Yes - my actual live playing is not as good as you hear. I carefully edit and join together the best bits of guitar solo jamming so try to find all the best little motifs and join them together in a fluent, expressive way. This is probably my best chillout guitar solo. 3:02-3:14 is my favourite section.
"structure of this composition, I mean there's no really versus/chorus"
Yes, it is strange - like many of my tracks. There are a couple of minutes of moving around different riffs and sounds and then it's a 2 min solo (so, half of the track) and then the end. No verse or chorus or bridge or middle 8 but not just a blues jam.
"a resonance of the sitar over guitar"
Yes, I think it's very unusual. Never heard anyone try that with blues before. Not much sitar in blues music! Now check out the sitar and tambura in There Goes Gravity. Lots more guitar riffs and soloing in that track.
Thanks for your very accurate and detailed review.
“I like that all the tracks listed play together kind of like a movies OST.”
Damn – that sounds like you actually listened to a load of them in one go!
“your style has grown onto the listener”
You know I don’t exactly make pop music. I’ve always felt that my sort of lengthy, complex stuff needs to be listened to a good few times so that people can some sense of what’s going on and how it all fits together. It’s not really suitable music for people just browsing on Looperman expecting to hear a nice, simple short catchy tune. This is the shortest track I’ve ever uploaded.
People really do need to own my stuff to get into it properly (sorry that’s not possible just yet). I’m not writing one album but about 8! I just keep putting off releasing even one as I don’t yet have the artwork though tracks for the first two albums are pretty much done. Though I do always worry about mastering as I’m no expert and want my stuff to be as good as possible.
I’ve had strong interest from a few people on the site about me releasing/selling some of my stuff so must get round to it sometime.
This one was going to be a 15 min track but I chose to turn the extension into its own 11 min track and leave this one as it is. Here’s the extension, which I’m pretty happy with:
There Goes Gravity
In RAOHK, I’m particularly happy with the second half guitar solo. One of my most melodic and best constructed. I do also particularly like the strings early on. You’ll hear the same string part at different ponts in There Goes Gravity. And the same shuffle drums, though they get heavier and more insistent and also seem to get faster (though it’s all at the same tempo, as with almost all my tracks).
Thanks for your thoughts.
That's all the extended stuff that I already mostly had when I uploaded this (which was just an experiment to see how I felt abut this short length).
I'm trying all the time to not do such gargantuan tracks as I do listen to people's whinges about the great length. But I must also always bear in mind that some of these complaints probably come from people not at all into lengthy, far out music so I must not change and deviate from what feels right just for them. It's really hard to know, isn't it?
Maybe a little like someone always reviewing your stuff telling you to be less weird and make your music sound more like Coldplay or someone.
Yes, the guitar tone during the solo seems pretty perfect. And the sitar touches are pretty unusual but also kind of subtle. I can think of no other blues track with a guitar solo and sitar underneath.
Yes, the chillout drums drive the whole piece and totally inspire most of the instrument playing.
You get gardening but don't forget There Goes Gravity. You may enjoy that even more as it gets really psychedelic towards the end. And it's got more sitar and tambura stuff in it.
The refining touches are what I do on a constant basis and they sort of become the track. So, you start with a good riff and then keep adding extra touches and fills and layered riffs and spot effects and so on. And then those extra details end up becoming just as important and distinctive as the main riffs and parts.
I love all that detail and I hope it's the kind of thing of thing that makes my music stand out from various other instrumental tracks that perhaps drag a bit in some sections or don't really go anywhere after a while.
I'm a bit bored of working on this track but it's now up to over 14 mins long so I'll upload it fairly soon. Well, as much as I can fit on here (so, probably about 10:50).
Thanks again for your thoughts.
Thanks for sharing and it was a pleasure to listen
Yes, all that "other stuff that is enjoyable to listen to" is already added in. I'm just trying to finish up the big electric voodoo psychedelic rock ending and then it should be done.
Some of the other stuff is more sitar and drones and also some funky vocoded guitar.
I'm with you on this being good as a short track but it's also good to hear what it turns into. It's tempting to have a short and very long version but I guess I'll probably just put the long version on my blues album when it's done.
Yes, heavy layering whilst also leaving space is mostly a matter of listening closely and trying to sculpt and remove things that interfere with the beat or any particularly good notes or parts.
Also important is making sure that when you're adding other layers and playing them in that you try to play mostly inbetween the layers you already have. If you do play over the top of another part, maybe make the new playing long, simple notes so that there's not too much of a clash. Or short ones that don't prevent you hearing the actual tune of another part.
Difficult thing for me to explain!
This isn't that heavily layered a track for me. I feel I have to layer things so that it's not just a simple, instrumental tune that sounds like it should have vocals.
Thanks for stopping by...
I've listened to this one about 4 times now. I'm not going to give a very detailed technical review. It's been a long day and my brain is kind of done working. But, I still felt compelled to comment on it. So, I'll give it what I've got.
I like what you have here. The guitar in this has that sweet, dusty blues sound. I've always liked that. For a rhythm based guy, you did a great job on the lead solos. They're very smokey, rich and smooth. Like a filter-less Camel. Heh.
The bass line has good and strong presence without crowding everything else, and it does a great job at keeping things moving.
The strings are a nice incorporation. They class up the joint a little bit. Combined with the automated pads, it has a real pleasant, spacey Planet Caravan thing going on. Not to take away from any of your creativity or originality by any means. That's just what comes to mind when I listen.
If I were in a position in life where I could still fire up the ol' bongzilla, I would definitely put this track on my "fire it up" list.
I'm looking forward to hearing where you've gone with it. A rocking, double-kick laden, epic crescendo I assume!
Can't wait, man.
If I think of any detailed what-nots to add, I'll leave another review. But for now, the obligatory, ever popular "Sick track, Bro!"
Take care.
Well, this would be probably the greatest "Sick track, Bro!" review I've ever read. It should really only be three words long. You wanted to "Sick track, Bro!" it but couldn't help go on for a while - exactly as this track doesn't.
Thanks for the solo love. When I say I'm not much of a lead guy, what I mean is that I'm pretty crap at playing a whole decent solo in one go. It's partly due to being lazy but my creative imagination isn't a an organisational type of imaginative, much more abstract and absurd and humorous. I also struggle to envisage a whole track or plan it out properly beforehand, which is why I'm a loop-based composer. The looped sections just keep growing and growing and that's how I make all my epics. Not by ever actually planning out the considerable length and complex changes beforehand.
The solo in this was actually all played in one take but I played for about 4 mins then edited the best bits together as it had no real structure. Now I think I've given it definite structure and interesting movements. A good solo is such an art!
I totally agree with the strings classing the joint up, which is a good phrase. They tend to have that effect. Not a lot of blues tracks with beautiful strings. I came across a great sort of concept album about ten years ago that was all about exploring the combination of deep blues with strings eg cello and violin. The liner notes pointed out the worlds of blues and classical rarely come together. You don't often see a blues band with a string section, do you?
Sabbath's Planet Caravan is very, very chilled and gentle, as I remember.
"rocking, double-kick laden, epic crescendo I assume"
I have gone into a heavier ending (extending this to around 14.5 mins!) partly inspired by your comment. Guitar turns into some powerful, primeval riffs so I thought drums should follow suit.
Been working on nothing but this for the last couple of weeks and am getting a bit bored of it. Must finish and move into something else. Quite possibly some pure electro with no guitar involved at all.
Sick review, bro!
Can't wait to hear the 11 minute version! :)
Not sure if they ever really did any lazy shuffle grooves (probably) but they did, famously, do some awesome 7/8 in Money. That's a damn clever piece of music.
I don't think they ever really featured strings as in this one but I could be wrong there (not that it matters too much).
I'm a big fan though they're only one of thousands of influences. But their finest stuff really is about as creative and original as rock music gets.
I'm also not sure if they ever really did any blues epics, which is what the full version of this certainly is.
I'm trying hard not to make it too boring as it features a hell of a lot of guitar playing, as with quite a few of my tracks. And it's all either shuffle or lazy triplet drum feel.
Maybe it'll be ready in a week or so.
Thanks for checking in.
I'd like to come back to great pieces of music I know well and hear them again seemingly for the first time. Maybe in old age, with severe memory loss. Something unusual to hope for, no?
I'm a bit biased but if I were reviewing my tracks I'd find it a bit bewildering and I might sometimes need 5-10 entries of 3,000 characters if I really wanted to describe all the little bits. Though I guess there's only so much you can say about liking another riff or drum fill and maybe it's boring and even more unnecessary to even attempt to describe all of it.
Thanks again as I always look forward to your reviews. Though not the Latin spam. I wish Maffin would review more of my tracks as he did one of the best I've read on this site on my Low Key Love track. Genuinely interesting reading, as you probably remember.
Just one more reply to you to go!
Blissed,trippy and as smooth as silk.!
Your musical ability inspires,as there's nothing more moving than real playing ability.!
Beautiful guitar playing,man you make them guitars sound priceless.!
Superb and always fresh and unique and another great Track to add to your ever expanding productions.!
very nice!
I do try to be in my own league and always do something that feels like it was made by me and no one else. I think that's mainly why almost the only samples I ever use are drum loops (and hits). They almost don't count, if you know what I mean.
If I play and/or program all the riffs and parts I just have better control over them and can make them do a lot more and change them as necessary and feel like they're mine even though I use some fairly standard hardware and software.
I guess it is quite smooth.
There's a lot more guitar playing to come in this one. I'm just struggling with the end mega guitar solo right now. The track's up to 14 mins so I really hope it doesn't feel too long or self indulgent or boring.
I try to play guitar with both close control (of the timing and the bend I put on each string) and also some slapdash laziness to give it some character and make it a little messy and sort of free flowing at times. I often don't get it right.
Fortunately, detailed audio editing eventually fixes most of that!
"your ever expanding productions"
Yes, I have so many. Some I can hardly even remember and many I can't remember all the sections in them even if I try hard.
I really hope I don't run out of ideas and do the same repetitive stuff I've done before in 10, 20, 30, 40 years' time.
Must keep innovating, getting new sounds, learning new instruments etc in order to prevent that from happening.
Thanks for the appreciation.
I'm a bit in love with those strings and you can hear their compositional origin if you check the cinematic track in this track's description. I'm currently still using them a little in another unfinished track so probably need to fix that as I don't want three (quite different) tracks to feature pretty much the same string part. Otherwise I'll need to start paying myself royalties for all the samples I steal from my other work!
I thought you might particularly like the sitar bits during the second half guitar solo. Not sure if you like sitar - just guessing you do because of your love of bhangra. Not sure there is much sitar in bhangra. Probably but I wouldn't know.
Much more sitar and tambura and filtered, swirling droney sitar stuff in the full length version of this that I'm still working on.
2:45 transition is big sitar note backing up the big, bent guitar note.
Thanks for the words.
Sorry for not getting back to you but I often take a bit longer to get back to the best reviews and people I theoretically know best on here as I like to give a reply that matches the quality of the review and/or give a considered and accurate response to any questions (eg to thehumps I had to look up the names and models of my guitars).
Never played a DX7 but no doubt there's some sort of heavenly pad on it. Useful sound, that.
Gotta have spacious strings to let that essential groove flow.
This track gets a lot of bluesier (with added balls) and I've just been recording some killer riffs for around the 11/12 min mark. Might have to get them in earlier in this epic exploration of deep shuffle blues. This is just the gentle intro.
I never think about the theory (cos I can't), just feel everything. You're more classically trained so perhaps can't help the theory coming out as you listen, though it's a little difficult for me to empathise with that.
In adding more riffs and chord sequences to this, I can't help but think what a load of crap that talk you hear about how you have to be poor and black to really feel the blues, understand and play it properly. I'm neither of those things or at all sad when playing it but the playing I've just been doing is the real essence of the blues, in my biased opinion (no one else has heard it yet). Some big, acoustic slide with rapid trills and wailing bends.
Yes, opposable thumbs. I have a dub/blues/chillout track called that, you may remember.
I guess you could slap your opposable thumbs together for this one.
I shall reply to your other review soon and find some other things to say. Shouldn't be hard...
Or you could read the longish answers I've already given that talk about my playing here and even the named instruments that I'm using (eg model of guitar).
Just kidding. I've only just hit play and as usual i'm feeling your rhythms and melodies. It has kind of a tangerine dream vibe about it. very deep, very mellow and a good groove.
It makes me think i really must spend more time sorting out my tunes before i post them.
Cheers for sharing Mr. Nomad.
Anyway, don't listen to Tangerine Dream at all but know of them so I guess that vibe is coming from the intro pad. As far out as my music is, I don't use as many pads as people might expect or as I expected I would years ago when I started my music production journey.
I find they take up a lot of space and I quite often use delayed guitar parts instead to give the far out vibe. But pad and strings are prominent here
Yes, I try to make all my tracks deep. That's what really drives me. I love good melodies and grooves and stuff but I have to somehow make it all deep (however exactly that's done). That's why I don't make pop music and almost all my favourite music is pretty damn deep.
It's a lot easier to make things deep if you're actually playing stuff and not just using samples. And I also tend not to be inspired in a deep way by typical club dance music as I find it often a bit cold so doesn't inspire deep playing.
Shuffle blues is much better for that. Those strings and that sparse drum groove really drive the emotion in the whole thing. That sort of guitar soloing I can knock out all day as it comes quite naturally. You've just got to get the timing right but it's great fun flowing over the lazy grooves.
"i really must spend more time sorting out my tunes before i post them"
Go with what feels right and inspires you. I have to make it deep or I'm not at all happy. I'm also not happy if it sounds too regular and predictable so sometimes spend ages finding ways that I can inject something surprising and original (for me) that I haven't done before. So, the sitar bits in the solo added that vibe in this one, I feel.
Thanks for the thoughts.
This was really a surprise! A new song below 4 minutes!
Can't really believe it... and in fact this is only a "teaser". So it's better :-)
A couple of words on what we have here: the intro is great, like these initial bass notes, almost "rough" then at 1:22 the high bass-notes are a bit "dissonant" which brings some "uneasyness" to the song, soon confirmed by the deep synth notes, which make the section darker. Liked.
And then you start your guitar solo, nice sound: in some points a bit "nasal" but always very bluesy (a "cold" type of blues, almost Gilmourish in some passages).
The sitar notes are a nice touch: subtle and gentle, they don't try to push the song somewhere else but they rather accompany your guitar as good friends. Liked it.
What I didn't like: the ending. But of course, I'll wait for the complete version ;-)
Ciao, Domenico
First bass you hear in this at 0:20 is synth bass. Then at 0:40 it's my processed guitar thing that I do a lot of.
1:19 it moves to bass guitar. I will try to explain the uneasiness and dissonance. This track is made on the same DAW timeline as a whole bunch of other tracks. I took some bass from another track and stuck it in there at 1:19. But that bass playing is not playing to a shuffle groove so it shouldn't really be in time. But it works OK.
Depp synth notes you mention are that synth bass again, just with a cutoff filter sweep applied to make it sound more like a synth than a bass.
I know what you mean about the slightly nasal guitar solo parts and that's an interesting word to choose. Lots of beauty but also a slightly strange feel. Yes, a bit like Gilmour and probably also like thousands of other guitarists. I don't try to sound like anyone else and don't try not to sound like anyone. Musically, I don't really know what I'm doing - I just play as I feel along with the music, always trying to do interesting things with a lot of soul and passion and groove.
You totally understood what I was doing with the sitar. That instrument is sitting on the timeline (as it features in other tracks) so I thought I'd try augmenting the guitar solo in a few places. No my intention to turn the track into an eastern/Indian thing and I don't think I did. Unusual to have sitar under a guitar solo unless you're making it a full-on Indian track.
Yes "good friends" is an accurate way of putting it.
3:08-3:10 is the best part of the solo.
Lots more to come from this one. Ending works OK here but that end fades perfectly into the start of the second half of the track and the continuation of the shuffle blues odyssey you will get to hear sometime soon.
Good to hear from you.
You win 10 bitcoins for your review:
My production style is mostly inspired by baby's bottoms.
They inspire me to make the mix as smooth as possible.
I try to make every track I do unusual and distinctive as I don't work in any particular genre and don't want to.
It would have helped if you'd said a bit about why you found it weird. Maybe it was those little bits of sitar during the second half solo.
I see it as more beautiful than weird but you're free to hold any view you like of it.
Thanks again.
Normally when I see messages such as yours my first thought is that they're spam and just someone trying to promote a radio station. But I guess I'd also be looking out for music to play if ran/did a show on a radio station. So I'll take it on faith that you're genuine.
I will release my music eventually and then I guess it'll be played on a few shows so I will keep yours in mind.
I'm sure there are loads of people oon this site who would let you play their stuff now (ie all those people who make their unfinished tracks available for download, which is definitely not me).
Good luck.
Nice long slow intro to reel you in like a fisherman catching his (sea)bass. Slow loping shuffle beat with a lazy-eye bass line. Guitars are zipper-like efficient with there scraping quality countering the high bass-line. 1:57 in and finally a sense of melody, but a slow drooping bluesy ballsy melody line. Chord structure pleasantly sounding from 2:45 on with the mix of the bass line and the melodic guitar with the slight whisper of a pad underneath. It continues to build in intricate structure with those three elements I just described until it sadly ends. I could see you taking this one places as this is an awesome intro and it seems to be going somewhere interesting musically (that's the dream isn't it?) So good job..keep on it. move ahead try to detect it, it's not too late whip it...whip it good...sorry got lost in something devoish there.
Your album title idea is a good one though I may have a better related one. This title comes from watching some TV documentary years ago on torture. Doctor was explaining that the best way to really fuck with the mind of the torturee (?) is to perform random acts of human kindness.
I can see how that might be confusing and discombobulating. Not sure if the opposite works in real life ie being occasionally vile to someone you're generally lovely towards. Don't think that then makes them like you more but not every act has an equal opposite in this universe.
Guitar scraping quality is partly the newish strings (only change em every few years cos I'm so lazy) plus the distortion and how I play them.
I was going to damn you for all eternity for suggesting there's only "finally a sense of melody" at 1:57 but don't think you really meant prior stuff lacked melody.
I do have balls but they're not drooping or blue.
Your "slight whisper of a pad" is the synth bass, which gets a bit pad-like as the cutoff filter is turned up (at various points in the track).
I am trying to whip, whip, whip this into the fine shape it's taking and am making progress on the heavy electric voodoo riffs of glory ending. It's damn powerful though currently over 14 mins so pretty heavy going for most listeners. I really hope it's not boring!
Just in case you don't know it, here's the heaviest, deepest blues perhaps ever recorded. Also, stunning anti-war song. Check the lyrics!
Machine Gun(Jimi Hendrix)
But it will taste so wonderful. You will have to invent new words just to describe the never-before-heard flavours in it.
I hope life is not too boring or painful for you while you wait.
Well done.
Any chance of this becoming downloadable in the near future?
However, I already have loads of other sections and the transition right at the end of these four minutes into the main track is just great.
Yes, I could leave it like this and people would enjoy it (as they already seem to do).
But I tend o make long form music that really explores a number of musical themes and sounds. I've never done a proper shuffle blues track so this is it.
No, no chance of this becoming downloadable in the near future. I'm putting together a whole bunch of albums that will probably be released for free. This will be on the blues album.
I guess I'll have a Bandcamp page or similar with albums free to download.
Actually, the answer may be yes, possibly in the near future but not from this site.
I hope that answers your question.
Thanks for the interest.
I felt the presence of Indian elements, and when mixed with the relaxing sound of the drums, everything is so lovely.
surely a perfect soundtrack for some time in India.
the job with the bass lines are awesome, I think are the exctase of this song,when the guitar comes in, it gets even better!!
You worked very well the progression of the elements.
instruments comes from light going into music,is a fantastic journey, feeling able to generate thousands of thoughts.
you knew how to use the instruments very well in this piece, the end of it is exciting,
and as I already expected it would be a great song.
9,12 Mb of pure beauty.
almost at the limit
with all respect__Anubis
The Indian elements are just the two types of sitar I have in here that can be heard during the guitar solo in the second half. They are sample-based instruments that I played in from the keyboard. I didn't try to make this an Indian track. I just like the sound of the sitar and I think it really adds something interesting to the guitar solo.
Yes, the drums are very relaxing and drive the whole piece. They make me play the guitar in a different way and you will hear a lot more cool blues rocking and soloing in the full version that I will upload when it's finished. I've never done a proper shuffle blues piece before so this is it!
The first bass sound you hear is synth (when the drums come in) and then after that it's a processed guitar part (as bass) when strings stop playing. Then after that it's all bass guitar with synth bass sometimes on top.
I started as a bass player when I was about 14 but have been mostly a guitarist for many years now. I was a much better bass player when I was about 17 and don't play it much anymore.
Glad you found this so beautiful. I think it's both interesting and relaxing.
I've felt at the end of the melody that that was only the beginning and I won't tell you how many times I've listen to your song before coming now on-line to Looperman...maybe you could say I'm a fan of your music...cause, I guess that's what a fan does..put on repeat what he or she likes (for sure that's what I've done today).
I wait, patient, for the whole song to be upload here..and maybe it will be available for download... :) regards
I think the track being this long is good but I have many parts other parts that I have already composed but not yet finished.
So I will add those to it and you will get your wish for it to be longer.
Thanks for waiting patiently but I won't be making it available for download here. Not until it comes out on my blues album...
Maybe it's something to do with it being so much shorter than most of my other tracks. Perhaps commenting at all on something that's over 10 mins is just too daunting for most people. Or maybe they're awful tracks but this short one is great. Anyway, I don't make music for Looperman members, I just happen to post it here.
It's going to be a lot longer because I've already got a lot more recorded for it, just not yet finished. The drums stay at the same tempo but get busier and less sparse so appear to pick up pace. That kind of shuffle groove I find incredibly easy to play loads and loads of blues guitar on. I could go on for hours so am finding ways to give each section real character. And there's a hell of a bass riff driving it all plus my usual other range of sounds.
Late night in the city didn't come to mind when making this but I know what you mean. Morphine are the greatest group for that, not that they're even a blues group.Or jazz. Just their own unique genre.
I do like this one's legth and would be happy to leave it at this length. But the other stuff I have is irresistible and it'll be interesting to hear the range of guitar soloing though I think the best solo is in this version (after 2 mins). Noitce the sitar playing occasionally under those guitar solo notes.
The solo was one take of playing but then chopped up and reordered as not every bit of it was great. I was just noodling about so had no real structure. The careful editing has really given each section each progresses through some character. One of my best solos, especially as I'm not really a lead player or soloist.
Have a listen again when I post the extended epic version.
To me some of the best guitar solos are ones that feel the music and play to the groove. An old timer musician once said to me "play the music". He didn't mean just play your part, he meant play along side the music, feel it out and add to it rather than over play and showcase your talents on every part you play. I think you did that here and most of the time for that matter.
I like it, shorter always works for me but in this case I am looking forward to hearing more. Like the splashes of the resonator guitar, damn that's such a cool sound.
Not really that many effects. Not sure if you mean on guitar. Mostly just delay, reverb, a little distortion - nothing unusual.
Not sure who Godfathers are. A band, I guess.
My bass is a Vintage 5-string (can't remember the model) though I rarely play it so I'm not very good anymore. Used to be much better in teen years when that's mostly all I played. Little practice these days means no stamina in left or right hand and picking fingers get blisters so easily.
But there's some nice bas guitar in this track.
Main guitar is still the first I ever bought (in 1996) and it's small and light and comfortable and cheap. It's the Epiphone Les Paul Special II (Vintage Sunburst). I also use a Variax but don't like it much and find it hard to play but it still pops up in my tracks.
Main resonator is the Ozark 3515bte and other one (that I don't like) is a Republic Resolian Steel Antique Brass.
You confused me by saying you enjoyed the resonator on here as there is none! The splashes you heard must be the sitar bits during the second half solo. Can't think what else you could mistake for resonator. I almost always say I track description if its in the track.
I do my best to feel the music and play to the groove rather than just widdle about all over the place. This is a wonderful groove for laidback playing and even more so in the later parts (that you haven't heard) when it appears to pick up pace and get more insistent.
I could do blues playing over this type of groove all day. Comes very naturally.
I hope you noticed that the drums are mostly just the EZ Americana kit. If not, you will now!
Good to hear you want to hear more. These 4 mins are really just an intro..
I feel I always have to get something slightly unusual in there so, with this one, it was an occasional touch of sitar during the guitar solo as well as the different strings in the first minute or so.
The transition right where this track ends into the major bass riff is just great. I have seriously considered leaving this as this length but I cannot split up that great transition that no one has yet heard. I've only it for you lucky Loopermen, Looperladies and Looperhermaphrodites.
I would like to do some shorter stuff but I've never done a proper deep shuffle blues epic so this is it. And it needs to be long to get in all the ideas and the extensive guitar playing. Long form mega musical exploration is just what I do. It suits my far out style.
Yes, some nice melodic bass guitar in the background during the second half solo. First main bassline you hear (0:40) is actually guitar though my octave pedal - something I do a lot. Actually do it much more these days than playing my bass guitar (something I should change).
The rest will be uploaded over the top of this track.
Take care till then.
I'd have to really sit down, listen to a lot of music and think extremely hard to choose even my top 50 favourite guitar solos. There are just so many good ones, and of hugely differing lengths.
Three I would go for would be Jimi Hendrix's Hey Joe and All Along The Watchtower solos and various solos from Creedence Clearwater Revival's amazing 11 minute version of Heard It Through The Grapevine. I'm sure David Gilmour and Jeff Beck would also feature in there somewhere. And some heavy bands and also old rock 'n' roll solos.
But this one is definitely one of my best ever guitar solos and I'm not really a lead guitarist. More of a textural groover and riff merchant than a lead guy.
Glad you liked it.