8th May 2014 11:32 - 10 years ago
Description : my father -he is an old bass player-has guided me about drum and usage of short buss loops .
all credit goes to shortbusmusic about it .
i had put it in rock genre but due to comments i changed the genre t metal!
please drop yur words in my box :)
thank you much much guys :)

Comments (15)

If you have time take a listen and give ElenaSatine some feedback.

Tonality 27th Dec 2014 21:26 - 10 years ago
WOW ! Elena this is very very good !
i can't believe a sweet girl composed this !
wow...just wow !
ElenaSatine replied 16th Feb 2017 - 8 years ago
thank you much much .
BCVProductions 22nd Jun 2014 13:24 - 10 years ago
I like the different feel of the parts. the transitions are a little abrupt, but when I listen to it as a collage of samples it's very appealing. Especially the dark sounding guitar riff with delay and the ring-mod bell sound that has stereo delay. Good work. could be tied together with a vocal or a lead instrument imo. Hi-five to all old bass players.
ElenaSatine replied 16th Feb 2017 - 8 years ago
thank you very very much dear VirginiaSlimm .
please forgive me about such a late reply .
I have been absent .
thanks and sorry again .
FreeRadical 19th May 2014 08:23 - 10 years ago
Well it's started off well and i like the riffs so far (i'm reviewing as i listen to see if i can figure out what the others are talking about)
I think this is a good headbanging piece of metal, nice work with the drums, good choice of riffs.
Well i made it all the way to the end of the track and i actually didn't notice any riffs that don't work with each other. I thought it was a bit muddy in places but that just gives it a nice live feel.
I enjoyed listening to your track.
ElenaSatine replied 19th May 2014 - 10 years ago
thank you much much FR :)
this is good if you think it works .
he doesn't talk about riffs , but i don't care what the others want to show about themselves.
this is very good to have your review .
thank you much much for dropping these words.
Elena :)
StaticNomad 19th May 2014 02:21 - 10 years ago
Hi again. I've tried to explain as clearly as I can that, at the time references I gave, there are very clear "wrong" sounds that would be normally be described in English as "clicks" or "pops". I think everyone who works with cutting up audio parts has to deal with these unwanted sounds. These can be removed very easily in probably all modern DAWs. As I said - I do it all the time. Not removing these noises means I can hear every time that you have joined one piece of audio to another so the listening experience is not as smooth as it should be.

I'm not sure I can explain any more simply what these small sounds are so maybe you're having trouble understanding my English. As I said before, search for something like 'crossfade audio' in the Help section or manual of the software you are using. I'm not sure what your first language is but if you can translate 'crossfade audio' into your language and then read what that means, I think you'll understand what the problem is. And how simple it is to fix.

"i'll underestand if you download it and correct it"

Sorry - I don't really want to but I don't mind writing out some things to help you (or anyone else). And this 'crossfading audio' technique is easy to learn about and easy to do.

Good luck...

Oh, and I still think is a good track and I still like the riffs.
ElenaSatine replied 19th May 2014 - 10 years ago
okay so what are you looking for from writing comments to me if you're not going to help ?
do you just need to show you know somethings about music?
you're so nervous and pridefull.
i don't need your comments.
theHumps 15th May 2014 13:54 - 10 years ago
Cool track and great use of loops. It's well put together and has a dark heavy metal feel to it. A bit cinematic as I could hear this in a film sequence. The drums are powerful and effective. Well done!

ElenaSatine replied 19th May 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Wayne :)
thank you much much for the words .
i don't know much about differences of metal and rock
i thought this is rock because metal is faster and wilder toward this for me .
but as i see some people like you have called this Metal.
so i'm going to change the genre and put it in metal ....
thank you much much again.
Elena :)
StaticNomad 15th May 2014 06:02 - 10 years ago
Hi. You didn't tell me which software you're using but it should be quite easy to crossfade two bits of audio in any audio sequencer, also called a DAW. I just use Cubase and only have to select the two pieces of audio on the timeline and then press one button. And then the problem is removed.

If you have an audio waveform and then cut it off immediately, you will get an annoying 'pop' or 'click'. In your track, that is what is happening and it means that I can hear where you have put one riff next to another. The crossfade will just make the transition between the two pieces of audio smoother. So, it will very quickly fade out the volume of the first one and then fade in the volume of the second.

As I said before, I have to do this all the time as my compositional style means I'm always cutting up little pieces of audio and moving them around the timeline.

Search for something like 'crossfade audio' in the Help section or manual of the software you are using.

You track will sound much better if I can no longer hear the edit between the different riffs.

Otherwise, I do like the track so hope you can work out this crossfading technique as it is very useful.
ElenaSatine replied 19th May 2014 - 10 years ago
Hello Staticnomad again :)
i use FLStudio , sony acid pro , audicity , adobe audition3 .
but to be honest i still don't reallize what you're saying !
what is wrong with me or my music in those seconds ?
but i'll underestand if you download it and correct it and let me hear that version if you can .
i don't want to make you in trouble for that , but i'll really appreciate if you can do that for me .
i will write my email for contact if you reply that you can.
thank you much much .
Elena :)
XmafaX 13th May 2014 11:21 - 10 years ago
Very nice and original track.
Stunning drums.
Good work.
ElenaSatine replied 15th May 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Paulo :)
this is nice to have your comment too here !
thank you much much for dropping kind words.
Elena :)
deciBel 11th May 2014 18:33 - 10 years ago
interesting usage of those metal loops Elena.take care.___B
ElenaSatine replied 15th May 2014 - 10 years ago
:) hey Behnam what a great look !:)
i like your new avatar !
thank you much much for checking my stuff out .
when you say this is good i know this is good .
Elena :)
StaticNomad 11th May 2014 02:38 - 10 years ago
Hi. I really like some of this track. The riffs, the drum beats, the kick drum and more.

It's a shame that you, like quite a few other people on the site, don't say in the track description what you're doing here. So then I have to ask before I can make a judgment. Are you playing any guitar here? Are you programming the drums? Are you using drum loops? Are you playing the bass?

One thing which you should be able to do really easily to improve things is learn to crossfade between your different sections of audio so that you remove the awkward click and pop sound that shows where you have put two pieces of audio next to each other.

Here are some times when I can hear those clicks and pops:

0:03, 0:06, 0:09, 0:28 and many more in the second half without the drums.

Ask if you're not sure what crossfading two pieces of audio means. I have to do this all the time in my music (like hundreds of times just in one track).
ElenaSatine replied 15th May 2014 - 10 years ago
Hello staticNomad :)
thank you much much for the advice !
yes you should probably be right ! but can you please tell me how should i correct this secconds?
i mean what program or software and how ?
i appreciate you dropping this words .
Elena :)
crucethus 11th May 2014 02:23 - 10 years ago
Nice ..metal and ethereal at the same time, not easy to do and make it work. But you did.
ElenaSatine replied 15th May 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Steve :)
thank you much much for the comment.
Elena :)
topvega 9th May 2014 23:29 - 10 years ago
Pretty rocking and interesting tune...Nice job.

ElenaSatine replied 10th May 2014 - 10 years ago
hey tv thank you much much for dropping your words.
i appreciate .
Elena :)
ShortBusMusic 9th May 2014 16:41 - 10 years ago
I enjoyed this Elena, very creative use of a whole bunch of different loops. It sounds like a lot of the jams we used to do late at night after we completed a show :) I definitely am impressed with the way you wove everything together. Added to favorites for sure. I hope all is well.

ElenaSatine replied 10th May 2014 - 10 years ago
Hello Bear :)
this is nice to know you've liked it.
i've always tried so hard to make unique pieces
and your loops are awesome for me.
i appreciate your kind words and favorite sign.
Elena :)
TuneDef 9th May 2014 06:06 - 10 years ago
The ebb and flow of this track is crazy, the tempo changes, the use of the drums, the build ups....and its Rock!
I dig it!

Tune D
ElenaSatine replied 10th May 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Tune D :)
thank you much much for the kind words.
but I wonder to read you've thought tempo changes in this !
tempo is fixed in 150bmp.
anyway i really appreciate your review.
Elena :)
brillbilly 8th May 2014 20:40 - 10 years ago
Thats a good rock mashup.!

I enjoyed this and it's rock for sure.!

The main thing is to enjoy what you try to create,and dont worry too much if it's not to everyones tastes.!

ElenaSatine replied 10th May 2014 - 10 years ago
Hello brillbilly :)
thank you much much for the kind words.
i'm happy you've enjoyed this.
Elena :)
Cyberliam 8th May 2014 12:23 - 10 years ago
I dig the drums! Nice powerfull track, only elements are a bit separate from each others, a bit better arrangement will make this track more awesome!

ElenaSatine replied 10th May 2014 - 10 years ago
Hello Cyber :)
thank you much much for listening me.
about arrangement i don't underestand what you mean but you're wellcome to help me make it better .
Elena :)

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20th Feb 2014 19:17 - 11 years ago
Description : A metalish track built around loops by Planetjazzbass. Pure looperman product, all loops from here! :)

As everytime, any feedback welcomed. UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now even more scary, and in 256kbps!

Applied loops (full or partially):
PLANETJAZZBASS : 0111346-0014566 - (funkenstone), 0111346-0039117 - (my goat is sick), 0111346-0014648 - (black bomber), 0111346-0018490 - (heat shield), 0111346-0038108 - (sennheiser zen 1), 0111346-0038109 - (sennheiser zen 2), 0111346-0015208 - (pig milk), 0111346-0019635 - (hippo pool), 0111346-0032035 - (bover boots), 0111346-0014682 - (trekkin time), 0111346-0014803 - (i told you so), 0111346-0014561 - (frontal lobe), 0111346-0020779 - (fat flies), 0111346-0032147 - (smooth shoes).
MEGAPAUL : 0448131-0058899 (E 100BPM 4 bars main riff), 0448131-0058767 (HM A 85BPM 4bars), 0448131-0059390 (D-Red-Ralf-has-gone-120BPM-8bars)
REI4REAL : 0039029-0001514 (rei iron E 75), 0039029-0001680 (rei hammer 02 D 140)
ACIDTONE : 0037502-0002671 (double kick bass with china)
ANCHOR : 0072432-0001749 (lots o double bass trash)
XARNOR : 0085913-0008990 (metal drum loop)
GUITARGURU : 0057331-0001168 (wavey rock riff), 0057331-0001169 (robot talk)
BLAQHSTARRMUSIC : 00665575-0014482 (acoustic overdrive gt)
SPIVKURL : 0186161-0065468 (acidic arpeggio)
CHILLDADDY : 0067852-0001439 (indian calling tom tom)
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE : 0071878-0003099 (lion perc and orc 01), 0071878-0002818 (salsa groove 01), 0071878-0003153 (fx el 3 114)
SASH : 0020884-0001302 (screaming feedback)
LJSHADOW : 0144345-0014306 (hitter)
DRMISTERSIR : 0208341-0069232 (she loves it)
WADIZZLE5000 : 0711434-0054859 (break break break)
STREETSBEATZ : 0959110-0062623 (ratchet gutta - ride)
DJ_FRED_VAL : 0002663-0002511 (fv roland dr-550 120), 0002663-0006690 (fv rock beat 140), 0002663-0008079 (fv xylo attack 140)
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Description : heavy metal song
22nd May 2024 03:44 - 10 months ago
Description : I asked Danke if I could add some vocals to his track Future Machine and he kindly agreed and sent me the track. The lyrics are about a soldiers experience in war as he and his trench mates are told to get up and out of their trench and attack the enemy across open fields. I can only imagine the fear, tension and chaos that goes through one's mind at that moment.
18th May 2012 20:20 - 12 years ago
Description : I am totally just gonna encourage you to hit play...and enjoy!

Thank you so much Mr. Bear for the track and the mix :-), now you'll have something to entertain you on your trip :-)

17th Dec 2016 17:09 - 8 years ago
Description : I discovered Meshuggah around 2003 and was blown away by the power, complexity and super Heavy sound of their music. Their "Nothing" album marked the switch to 8 string guitars and pushed Heavy Metal into a whole new territory. My track is a variant cover of their song "Nebulous". I have stayed pretty close to the original but added a few dynamic elements of my own. Its loud, its super heavy and way out there...Beyond Nebulous.
8th Jan 2015 12:32 - 10 years ago
Description : This unconventional metal track is dedicated to Valvedriver though it's not a parody of his fine music or me actively trying to sound like it. I struggled for months with the first few minutes of this track knowing that I must be able to take it somewhere deeper, more psychedelic and powerful. Then I loaded some sampled choir voice instruments, as used in my track Reckful and suddenly found myself happily in Valveland - not a place I visit often. Feeling amply Valvedriven and newly inspired, I added the last few minutes fairly easily and very quickly. So: it's a twisting, turning mixture of grunge, menacing ambient, mystical metal and ultra-heavy funk. Instruments: electric guitar+bass, synth basses, female choir voices, one synth pad, some other synths on the nastier side of things and a few programmed heavy acoustic drumkits playing a mixture of triplets and straighter grooves. Interesting thoughts appreciated. Favourite bits? Shit bits? Please listen on good headphones/speakers as there's a lot of heavy bass in this. Now get ready to rock: balls out, hands in the air and with rebellious joy in your heart. Just try not to headbang the hell out of your laptop. Go!
30th May 2018 20:33 - 6 years ago
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let me know if you use it. would be nice to hear the results.
21st Mar 2018 06:44 - 7 years ago
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16th Jun 2016 01:06 - 8 years ago
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enjoy - comments are welcome
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