A ambient type of DnB track, one to make you think, Second attempt at the DnB genre for this year, again apologise to Drum and Bass artist, guessing again not your normal DnB.Used flute Rhodes Piano, and a few other bits to hopefully get the feeling for the piece I wanted, along with a few break beats/bass lines and FX etc...
Please comment/review and the favour will be returned...
Peace Love Respect...
This drum and bass track was uploaded by Mosaic . They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (20)
If you have time take a listen and give Mosaic some feedback.
hi Mosaic, this is some really good music from you.
It's also only your's third track Im listening to - and must say I like it a lot! Although am not quite aware of 'mainstrean' dnb style - but Im using dnb drums sometimes anyway... And I'd say I can really feel the connection with what you did here. I love a kind of almost eastern pad you're using around 0:32... Also the rhodes are very gently and perfecltly placed in the backround which creates some very unique athmosphere. Really good work on this one: this is groovy, energetic track yet still calming and peaceful indeed.
Thank you for the review on this one, pleased you enjoyed, not my fav genre to do, rather do trance any day, but always fun to try something else, even if not mainstream way of doing it, basically make tunes the way I would like to hear, if others enjoy, well and good...Peace n Respect...Mosaic....
Digging the atmosphere here - hopeful tension is always nice! The track is definitely missing some bass. While listening, my brain automatically added in some rolling neuro bass, then I realised that it wasn't there! Says something about expectation, and obviously, I have read that it was intentional.
Thank you for the review sorry about late response, missed it when doing return comments, pleased you enjoyed track mostly, yep does have 3 bass lines in this piece, but want the bass lower in the mix, guessing that is why they didn't stand out for you...so it had a trance type of feeling along with the breaks etc...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
I like this track and the feel of it. Reminds me of some mid 90's bands that used the DnB beats over a mellow tune as well (can't think of the names right now). Juest read a comment on panning of the vocals. I think that's a great idea.
I do have one addition though. Did I miss a bass here? If not, then it might be a good idea to put it somewhat louder. I do miss it a bit. And I would leaave out the last two repeats of the vocal to be honest. Let it just end with a bang :-).
But great track all in all.
I'll let you know when I have an answer to your question.
Matey thank you for the review and your thoughts, much appreciated, yes has a couple of bass lines in track, left them at the level they are because didn't want them over powering the string and flute etc, knew doing this track as with a lot of my non trance tracks always do things little different then the normal genre, meaning what's expected as to that genre,going to add panning to the vocals over next day or 2 when have music PC up running again, agree they could do with it, just to give some variety to the vocals, will look at what you said about dropping last 2 vocals out...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
This may just be my opinion, but peace is not attainable. And wow ironic, people are yelling outside my apartment complex right now. But no, I just think this because the world isn't ready for that right now. There can be no good without the bad. Even when it gets to a point where it's almost entirely good, there will still be bad. But I don't want to talk your ears off with my opinions, this is a great track. Thought provoking like others said. Thumbs up. Peace
Thank you mate for the review, guessing one of those questions that will go unanswered I suppose, and also thinking maybe it will never happen, peace on earth, can always just hope...Glad you enjoyed this track man...Much appreciated...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Hey mate, cool track! Good beat but still nice and chilled out! The flute and rhodes really help with this! I enjoyed listening to this a lot so well done on your second attempt at this tough genre! :)
Thank you for stopping by and reviewing this one, had better response then thought it may get, being so different from most DnB tracks up here, yep agree fairly tough genre especially when not having many DnB samples in library even makes it tougher, but did enjoy doing this one, so maybe and just a maybe might try again in future...Peace n Respect man...Mosaic...
Ahh my friend, you have added Trance sensibilities to Drum and bass rawish sounds. good mix. I agree with Val d's assessment of the vox. A cool pan would do wonders. You can get lost in this song (in a good way) good work mucho props from this corner of the web
Thank you mate for the review, pleased you enjoyed track, seem to add trance feelings into most of my non trance stuff, maybe because trance is my genre to do lol, sometimes a good thing sometimes maybe not... :))...Like said to Val's review don't use vocals much so need to learn different things you can do with them in near future, as want to use vocals more in my works to come...Peace n Respect friend...Mosaic...PS have new POP track up now...Hopefully you will enjoy...
I do like this. It's a pretty mellow track. I suppose in going with the theme, "contemplative" would be a better term.
It's quite fluid within itself. The production quality is very clean. Nothing drowns out anything else.
I think the only suggestion I would have is to do some dynamic panning / automation on the vocals. With that sample being the only one, it's kind of the star of the show. Give it a bigger role. Maybe play with the tail of the delay. Move it around within the track a little. Weave it in and out of the pads. As it is, it's alright, but it gets to be a little repetitive, and has potential to be much more.
Check out FreeRadical's "Bad Boy Sound." It's a completely different beast than this, but the vocals in it are a perfect example of vocal automation within the track.
That aside, I dig the mellow nature of this, and could listen to a complete album full of tracks just like it.
Keep up the D&B trials, man. They're sounding good.
Take care.
Thank you for the in-depth review, much appreciated matey, agree with you about vocals, but not using vocals often in tracks don't have much of an idea how to work them like you said, so maybe will sit down and fiddle around and see if can make better in near future, trying to use vocals more into my tracks now, so will be a benefit doing so, thank for your kind words and that you enjoyed the track...Peace Respect...Mosaic...
Thank you for the review of this track, glad you enjoyed the smoothness of the piece, guessing because my fav genre to do is Trance, makes it easier, as in trance you need smoothness and drive to work together, DnB not one of my fav genre's to do, been doing some other genre's of late rather then trance...Thank you for the fav too much appreciated...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...Will head your way later today when have a little more time...Thanks...
Good track. I have not much to add to what the others already wrote: I like the contrast and the tension deriving from it.
It keeps the song interesting.
Very well done.
Ciao, Domenico
I dig it, i was able to keep motivated with a positive vibe with this one, and when that happens the household women think im all manly and charming so then i get goodies n stuff lol, thanx for sharing!
Cool track. Great atmosphere you set up with the melodic background throughout, compliments the question of peace nicely. But the drums are there keeping pace not allowing the listener to get to chill. Nice contrast. I don't know if D&B is set that way or that's your stamp on it. Either way, it sounds great.
Btw, as I was listening, I was thinking what a cool sample you took of Christopher Walken and wondering what movie it might of been from before I read your description. haha
Matey thank you for stopping by and reviewing this one, yep wanted the 2 contrasts been beat and flute etc, to give the feeling of possible peace, if that makes sense, lol had to go Google Christopher Walken as never heard of him, don't watch many film's or TV so had no idea, now I know who he is....many thanks again...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Hi mate, what a great sound. You really are starting to get a feel for the genre. Atmospheric is a good description or Intelligent D&B, I'm a big fan of the latter. Yes defo start with the bankers! ha ha
Thank you for the review, glad you enjoyed the sound and feel of the piece, but will be last DnB track for this year, maybe forever lol, might try again in future, but looking forward to uploading my next 2 genre tracks then back to trance...Peace n Respect Dude...Mosaic...
I'm enjoying this one very much! I especially like the drums, the fills are very well crafted! The tempo is very good for this style, and the mix sounds excellent! I kind of got bored of the vocal part after a while, but that's nothing said about your artistry or anything. Haven't been listening to much DnB lately, but I'm glad I checked this one out! Looking forward to your new tracks!
Thank you for the review and support my friend, glad you enjoyed the track, sadly only had one vocal snippet to use in track, tried to place it so didn't get to boring, think it worked overall, but would have been good to have a little more, but that happens, even tried to break up the loop, but didn't sound overly good...Will be last DnB track for this year, looking forward to uploading pop track next week, then house track, then back to trance, keeping the artist that helped under chains at moment....all will be revealed when uploading...Peace n Respect matey...Mosaic....
How do we have peace on Earth? Good question and I'm sure many ideas as to how we could achieve it. First we need to make everyone in the whole world listen to this track, then listen to each other. Cool concept type song with a good point. The drums were pretty cool, not too much in your face like some dnb tracks are. It gives the track some space and allows the nice pads, vocal sample and sounds you picked to come through in places. Like it, well done on the mix, nice job mixing in the vox and a cool vibe overall.
Hope all is going great in the land down under, take care my friend!
Friend thank you for the review and kind words, hey if made everyone in the world listen this track, might have opposite affect lol, Please you enjoyed Wayne and thanks for fav mate...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Creative coposing ideas Mosiac...the big beat up front but those peaceful easy-flowing pads and chimes etc in the backing....neat concept....I wouldn`t know how it fits the genre...but it fits in the good listening genre for me anyway...kudos to you on trying some different genres..its not something I have yet had much success at..."Peace on earth" is not something humanity has yet accomplishes ...guess some of us are fortunate to have been born in countries that at least have a good measure of it compared to the many less fortunate tribes.....keep on....Ed
Thank you mate for stopping by, pleased you enjoy track and concept, when loading knew it wasn't going to suit everybody, agree some of us are luckier then others for sure, can only hope for world peace, don't know if achievable or not, can always hope!
Yes been enjoying branching out doing other genre's, have a very nice pop track coming next week, then house, then back to trance for sometime, Yep found the piano loops was talking about in review, haven't found track made with them yet, will look again today, if okies might upload to here...Thanks once more Ed...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Thy Age Old question:
When they stop acting like Cavemen, beating People, Countries over the head and taking what they want...When industries are built on resources NOT outside
of their domain...And they stand on their own not on the backs of the poorest
of the poor...When there's no more Greed....
Then there may be Peace, on Earth...
Smokin Track... Kinda knocked me back for a second, like getting kicked
into reality....If you get my drift...
Hit the nail on the head with this one: Outstanding.
Thank you for the review of this piece, pleased you enjoyed the listen, will be last DnB for this year, looking forward to getting few other genre's done then going back to doing trance for a little, will head your way today friend...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Mozzy, every track that I've listen to of yours so far has some sort of semblance to it, I don't know if its the right word, but I'm always getting picture memories of things in the past, scenes I've watched in movies. A subliminal signature to your music, perhaps?
If anything, this is the scene of a bloodied guy pace walking and ready to get some retribution..
Great job, Mozzy. Looking forward to your Pop track, I need inspiration!
Thanks for the review of this one, as said to ZEE not my fav genre or easiest to do, didn't I would do another so soon to the last DnB put up, maybe got it out of my system now lol, maybe is something to do with my style on your thoughts matey not sure, maybe I do it because of what I've been through in my life, plenty of shite happened matey believe me, so very pleased mate for the review and that you enjoyed track, guessing this not going to be everybody's cup of tea so to speak track wise...Very excited about pop track mate, rate it up there with Circles Never Open but without all the hair ripping out, compared to that one this pop track was a breeze, especially with the help of the 2 talented guys from the loop, not letting names out of the bag until uploading track lol....So don't ask lol....Peace n much Respect Ozzy...Mozzy... :))
Nice intro with the sampling and break beats. This is already an improvement on your last D&B track. I like the riffs and i like the atmosphere. How do we have peace on earth? Well getting rid of the bankers would be a good start. I like the way you've kept it pretty minimal and the beats are great.
You've done a cracking job here mate. This is a really nice track to wake up to.
Thank you for being the first to review this one, pleased you enjoyed track, yep that is the question how do we get peace on earth? would be nice to have peace, guessing this track isn't going to be everybody's cup of tea so to speak but hey I like to be different lol, wanted a more ambient type of DnB something to make you think while listening to it...Again thank you matey...Peace n Respect FR...Mosaic...
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Please feel free to download from kayos2.bandcamp.com if you want to support our work. Many thanks, Oli&Kay
Description : In 2015 I made a dubstep track called Labyrinth Of The Absurd. This is part 2. Check out part 1 if you haven't yet. This is a Dark D-n-B. Or whatever.
I used Serum, Massive, Sylenth1. I used no presets, and no prefabricated loops. This is all original content from scratch. The only exception being the vocal samples.
Description : Ambient breaking into dnb I guess. All loops (except for 1 synth by my 7 yo daughter) so I can’t take much credit for this. Free demo loops from Loopmasters and LM loops from:
the inimitable blindwolf2; ambient bass loop - danke; arax; l-3436512-0214678; apollo; drmistersir; looperman-l-0291301-0226917; looperman-l-2972616-0231648; jakebur4; looperman-l-0337508-0047278; buffalonugalus; mmedia
Description : 170 BPM drum 'n' cell epic. That's drum 'n' bass with lots of my layered, lead cello playing. It's both banging and chilled out, with intricate basslines and soaring, melodic cello parts. Instruments: electric cello, piano, three synth basses, two synth pads. Drums are loads of drum loops supported by a few programmed acoustic drum kits. It's fast and powerful stuff but there are also two deep grooving half tempo sections. No guitar so anything that sounds like it might be is, unsurprisingly, cello. This was fairly hard to make and required a lot of hard work. It's still far from perfect, especially the rather abrupt, unimaginative ending (I couldn't think of anything better). Have a good listen and then consider leaving me some fascinating feedback. Not much drum 'n' cell about so I like to think this is worth checking out...
Description : This track uses lyrics written in Morse Code, with tempo and pitch adjustments to fit. I’ve also programmed some Morse into an analog synth part.
JustinMachelski-Robot Drums 1-300012
Buffalonugaluss-Bwampbwamp Beat-82554
BigB24-Gameboi Bass Lead Stabs-261845
Kzdano-Ghostmane X Ronny J Melody-144693
PhillyIceT-Lil Tecca Type Bells Melody-214833
ECKSjoe-Cymbal Roll-13216
Blastobeats-Stick To The Plan-Part 7 FX Bel 160 F-282332
NicolayZay-Og Plugg Transition-258470
Description : So ive been listening to alot of dnb lately, and i decided to try my hand at it. It turned out to be alittle more chillout than I wanted it to be, but I still like how it turned out.
Description : Merry Christmas to everyone, and thanks for all your downloads. This song is from 2016 but is here in this christmas. Thanks to Raphael29 for this great loops. Have a nice day and enjoy!
Description : Hey guys,
i wanted to share with you my track
with the "last year DNB Drums" that i uploaded a while ago.
i know its not finished and polished,but it sounds simply good :D
Let me know your critics!
It's also only your's third track Im listening to - and must say I like it a lot! Although am not quite aware of 'mainstrean' dnb style - but Im using dnb drums sometimes anyway... And I'd say I can really feel the connection with what you did here. I love a kind of almost eastern pad you're using around 0:32... Also the rhodes are very gently and perfecltly placed in the backround which creates some very unique athmosphere. Really good work on this one: this is groovy, energetic track yet still calming and peaceful indeed.
Thank you for the review on this one, pleased you enjoyed, not my fav genre to do, rather do trance any day, but always fun to try something else, even if not mainstream way of doing it, basically make tunes the way I would like to hear, if others enjoy, well and good...Peace n Respect...Mosaic....
There's some nice breaks in there too. Good job!
Thank you for the review sorry about late response, missed it when doing return comments, pleased you enjoyed track mostly, yep does have 3 bass lines in this piece, but want the bass lower in the mix, guessing that is why they didn't stand out for you...so it had a trance type of feeling along with the breaks etc...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
I do have one addition though. Did I miss a bass here? If not, then it might be a good idea to put it somewhat louder. I do miss it a bit. And I would leaave out the last two repeats of the vocal to be honest. Let it just end with a bang :-).
But great track all in all.
I'll let you know when I have an answer to your question.
Best, Doc
Matey thank you for the review and your thoughts, much appreciated, yes has a couple of bass lines in track, left them at the level they are because didn't want them over powering the string and flute etc, knew doing this track as with a lot of my non trance tracks always do things little different then the normal genre, meaning what's expected as to that genre,going to add panning to the vocals over next day or 2 when have music PC up running again, agree they could do with it, just to give some variety to the vocals, will look at what you said about dropping last 2 vocals out...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Thank you mate for the review, guessing one of those questions that will go unanswered I suppose, and also thinking maybe it will never happen, peace on earth, can always just hope...Glad you enjoyed this track man...Much appreciated...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Thank you for stopping by and reviewing this one, had better response then thought it may get, being so different from most DnB tracks up here, yep agree fairly tough genre especially when not having many DnB samples in library even makes it tougher, but did enjoy doing this one, so maybe and just a maybe might try again in future...Peace n Respect man...Mosaic...
Thanks mate for the review and the fact you enjoyed the track, much appreciated...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Thank you mate for the review, pleased you enjoyed track, seem to add trance feelings into most of my non trance stuff, maybe because trance is my genre to do lol, sometimes a good thing sometimes maybe not... :))...Like said to Val's review don't use vocals much so need to learn different things you can do with them in near future, as want to use vocals more in my works to come...Peace n Respect friend...Mosaic...PS have new POP track up now...Hopefully you will enjoy...
It's quite fluid within itself. The production quality is very clean. Nothing drowns out anything else.
I think the only suggestion I would have is to do some dynamic panning / automation on the vocals. With that sample being the only one, it's kind of the star of the show. Give it a bigger role. Maybe play with the tail of the delay. Move it around within the track a little. Weave it in and out of the pads. As it is, it's alright, but it gets to be a little repetitive, and has potential to be much more.
Check out FreeRadical's "Bad Boy Sound." It's a completely different beast than this, but the vocals in it are a perfect example of vocal automation within the track.
That aside, I dig the mellow nature of this, and could listen to a complete album full of tracks just like it.
Keep up the D&B trials, man. They're sounding good.
Take care.
Thank you for the in-depth review, much appreciated matey, agree with you about vocals, but not using vocals often in tracks don't have much of an idea how to work them like you said, so maybe will sit down and fiddle around and see if can make better in near future, trying to use vocals more into my tracks now, so will be a benefit doing so, thank for your kind words and that you enjoyed the track...Peace Respect...Mosaic...
Also loving the subbtle piano and all the other little sounds in the background.
Thank you for the review of this track, glad you enjoyed the smoothness of the piece, guessing because my fav genre to do is Trance, makes it easier, as in trance you need smoothness and drive to work together, DnB not one of my fav genre's to do, been doing some other genre's of late rather then trance...Thank you for the fav too much appreciated...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...Will head your way later today when have a little more time...Thanks...
It keeps the song interesting.
Very well done.
Ciao, Domenico
Thank you mate for the review of this one, glad you enjoyed track and contrasts...much Respect....Peace...Mosaic...
Pleased you enjoyed listen and thanks for the review, pleased you in good books with lady folks...Peace n Respect...Mosaic....
Btw, as I was listening, I was thinking what a cool sample you took of Christopher Walken and wondering what movie it might of been from before I read your description. haha
Matey thank you for stopping by and reviewing this one, yep wanted the 2 contrasts been beat and flute etc, to give the feeling of possible peace, if that makes sense, lol had to go Google Christopher Walken as never heard of him, don't watch many film's or TV so had no idea, now I know who he is....many thanks again...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Thank you for the review, glad you enjoyed the sound and feel of the piece, but will be last DnB track for this year, maybe forever lol, might try again in future, but looking forward to uploading my next 2 genre tracks then back to trance...Peace n Respect Dude...Mosaic...
Thank you for the review and support my friend, glad you enjoyed the track, sadly only had one vocal snippet to use in track, tried to place it so didn't get to boring, think it worked overall, but would have been good to have a little more, but that happens, even tried to break up the loop, but didn't sound overly good...Will be last DnB track for this year, looking forward to uploading pop track next week, then house track, then back to trance, keeping the artist that helped under chains at moment....all will be revealed when uploading...Peace n Respect matey...Mosaic....
Hope all is going great in the land down under, take care my friend!
Friend thank you for the review and kind words, hey if made everyone in the world listen this track, might have opposite affect lol, Please you enjoyed Wayne and thanks for fav mate...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Thank you mate for stopping by, pleased you enjoy track and concept, when loading knew it wasn't going to suit everybody, agree some of us are luckier then others for sure, can only hope for world peace, don't know if achievable or not, can always hope!
Yes been enjoying branching out doing other genre's, have a very nice pop track coming next week, then house, then back to trance for sometime, Yep found the piano loops was talking about in review, haven't found track made with them yet, will look again today, if okies might upload to here...Thanks once more Ed...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
When they stop acting like Cavemen, beating People, Countries over the head and taking what they want...When industries are built on resources NOT outside
of their domain...And they stand on their own not on the backs of the poorest
of the poor...When there's no more Greed....
Then there may be Peace, on Earth...
Smokin Track... Kinda knocked me back for a second, like getting kicked
into reality....If you get my drift...
Hit the nail on the head with this one: Outstanding.
Thank you for the review of this piece, pleased you enjoyed the listen, will be last DnB for this year, looking forward to getting few other genre's done then going back to doing trance for a little, will head your way today friend...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
If anything, this is the scene of a bloodied guy pace walking and ready to get some retribution..
Great job, Mozzy. Looking forward to your Pop track, I need inspiration!
Thanks for the review of this one, as said to ZEE not my fav genre or easiest to do, didn't I would do another so soon to the last DnB put up, maybe got it out of my system now lol, maybe is something to do with my style on your thoughts matey not sure, maybe I do it because of what I've been through in my life, plenty of shite happened matey believe me, so very pleased mate for the review and that you enjoyed track, guessing this not going to be everybody's cup of tea so to speak track wise...Very excited about pop track mate, rate it up there with Circles Never Open but without all the hair ripping out, compared to that one this pop track was a breeze, especially with the help of the 2 talented guys from the loop, not letting names out of the bag until uploading track lol....So don't ask lol....Peace n much Respect Ozzy...Mozzy... :))
Thank you for the review, glad you enjoyed track mate, not my fav genre or easiest for me to do, so pleased you enjoyed...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
You've done a cracking job here mate. This is a really nice track to wake up to.
Thank you for being the first to review this one, pleased you enjoyed track, yep that is the question how do we get peace on earth? would be nice to have peace, guessing this track isn't going to be everybody's cup of tea so to speak but hey I like to be different lol, wanted a more ambient type of DnB something to make you think while listening to it...Again thank you matey...Peace n Respect FR...Mosaic...