26th Jun 2014 13:47 - 10 years ago
Description : Edit: Changed a few volumes, the fade-out of the synth and slightly reworked a few transitions, nothing big though.
A DnB/Dance track with vocals. This track is a bit different to my other tracks uploaded so far. Feedback would be great!

Massive, Massive thanks to janis71: for her awesome vocals and to FutureAnalysis: too. Thanks to SLAPJOHNSON: for the sweet little flute sample.

Comments (13)

If you have time take a listen and give steve010101 some feedback.

Livingsoulsdie 28th Jun 2014 03:59 - 10 years ago
This track is awesome !
RenzWilde 28th Jun 2014 01:50 - 10 years ago
Some really cool sounds in this track. The intro, builds, stops and starts all sound great and makes the track feel a lot shorter than almost 6 minutes.

Good job man.
StaticNomad 28th Jun 2014 00:28 - 10 years ago
Yo. You reply quickly and intelligently. Some people do neither. Good stuff.

Yes, I was surprised at the lack of bass in this. Most people into dnb go crazy for it, me very much included.

“I personally like it when a track comes back to its heart”

I totally agree and I do that a lot in my own work, including what I call ‘bookending’, where I start and end a track with similar sections. However, in my tracks, there are journeys through so many sections and changes so bringing it back to the heart, the original vibe, I find binds it all together a bit better. Like finally returning to your original point during a conversation that has taken in many topics.

But, here’s the problem with how you’ve done it in your track. You’ve basically got a quiet intro and built that to something good and powerful. But you’ve then gone straight back to that same intro and built it again in almost exactly the same way as before (perhaps just straight copy and paste of parts). It’s not really interesting to hear it twice in such quick succession as I know what’s coming.

Now, if you stick in a different section to break up that return to the quiet intro build, that might well work. That would be ‘returning to the heart’ after a while away from it.

Or, you can go for what I suggested, which is stick some mid-level intense beats in there (eg fat midtempo ones), which will keep the energy going nicely after dropping back down from that first dnb section.

That’s why I said you need to think much harder about your structure as you have good elements but I think a cleverer structure, with a better flow of energy, would help a lot. But no problem if you totally disagree regarding suggestions for this track. You did say “you've given me a lot to think about for future tracks” so that’ll do for me.
steve010101 replied 28th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
I totally get what you're saying. I think that because I haven't fully developed my musical ear, I am prone to coming back to old habits/routines. I also have a habit of mixing genres when perhaps sticking to one is best. I often feel that I cant improve upon a section in a song, so I instinctively just repeat it.

I'll definitely pay more attention to this in the future though. As for this track, its been a learning curve.

Again, thanks for the advice.

Kind regards,

Spivkurl 27th Jun 2014 20:28 - 10 years ago
This is a pumpin mix! I dig it! The synths you've used sound really nice. The vocal parts work great for this style of song! Definitely the sort of track I can get into. Excellent work! Fave!
Billydragon1 27th Jun 2014 13:46 - 10 years ago
This is different. DNB was one of my early favourite genres - Goldie, Grooverider, etc
I like anything with flutes. Good buildup and introduction before the main drums kick in at 1.40. Then the quiet parts again, I would have carried on with the synths here(or another pad) from the busy section before or have them going at a lower level then fading it up incremently.
But DnB brings back many memories for me and your song definitely did. Thanks for sharing. - B
StaticNomad 27th Jun 2014 12:07 - 10 years ago
And I miss you
Like the deserts miss the rain

Remember that song?

Anyway, yours is good too. Very beautiful on 0:23. Flute sample blended with vocal?

0:44 classic little filtered dnb beat plus simple blocky chords and vocalisations. All sitting nicely.

Building now and kick drum build means it's going to drop and go big.

1:39 it does drop and it's good. Problem is that lead trancey synth is too loud, getting in way of drums. And there's no real bassline. Not sure I can hear one at all so it sounds too thin. No bottom, you see.

Back to quiet. Problem here is that you've kind of gone right back to the same structure as you already covered. So, it's not so interesting to hear pretty much the same build again. I thought it looked like an odd structure just from viewing the waveform and before pressing play.

Still no proper bass in second big breakout. There is an off beat sort of bassline but it's not covering the low end. I'd keep it in but add the low end the track is crying out for.

5:10 return to flute sounds good again.

I like your elements but think you need to think much harder about your structure.

On 2:23 I'd probably kick into a fat mid tempo killer groove ie not d'n'b at all. A whole range of good ones will slot right in (eg many from my track Trial By Ordeal that you liked) so give some a go as that'll help a lot with the structure.

Hope those suggestions are of some use.
steve010101 replied 27th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
Good tips. I definitely need to get some bass going on in there after the drop. I also agree that the the 'punctuated' end of the big synth section is a little too immediate. In fact, all my uploads have a strong punctuated end at some point in the track -- something I need to work on. As for the repetition, thats probably the influence of all the psytrance I listen to. I personally like it when a track comes back to its heart, so I'd probably keep the repetition in there -- its just a personal preferance of mine.

Good advice though -- you've given me a lot to think about for future tracks.

Kind regards,

Oxnitrogen 27th Jun 2014 11:04 - 10 years ago
Wow wow wow,
simply magic.Keep it up bro
steve010101 replied 27th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks man. Really appreciate the comment!

Kind regards,

kelanuvelle 27th Jun 2014 03:31 - 10 years ago
Nice Work! I wrote an entire song to this instrumental in less than 5 seconds! That's how much it got me pumped and how beautifully it flowed. The drum pattern had me up dancing. I don't know WHY but this reminds me of Janelle Monae. Possibly something she'd dance to in her black and white. I SUCK at feedback if you couldn't tell.. but a good track is a good track and overall you've got gold here.

If you don't mind or have the time, check out my "Jonestown massacre" track on my profile, (its also available on iTunes #shamelessplug) I made the beat for that song with loops I found on this site. I wrote/performed the vocals for it too. New to this site so if you're down to collab maybe we can hook something up!?

steve010101 replied 27th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks for the kind words. I'm still kind of finding my own sound, so a collab is a bit out of my comfort zone. Thanks for the offer though.

Kind regards,

Cestevens1783 27th Jun 2014 02:14 - 10 years ago
Again, I love it. I am definitely keeping a look out for more from you. Another download from me.
steve010101 replied 27th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks again Charlene, glad you liked it!

Kind regards,

lakeway915 27th Jun 2014 01:16 - 10 years ago
Really nice track! Like the progression of chords at 1:17. Really nice! Keep it up!
steve010101 replied 27th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks a lot! Yeah, that little section has a bit of a 'jump' to it, which kind of leads into the break.

Thanks for the kinds words.

Kind regards,

GramoChopin 26th Jun 2014 22:19 - 10 years ago
Nice synths and vocals. I agree with SJ though on some things. There needs to be a bit more punch in the drums and kick. It's not fleshed out enough, the flute however sounds fine to me when it came in. This has more of a dance like vibe going on rather than dnb. Mainly because there isn't a roll to it, not much at least. Just a bit of honest critique, I never sugar coat my words if i hear something I think could be better. Come back to this one over time, great track. peace

steve010101 replied 26th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
I followed your suggestions and the kicks and drums are a lot stronger now.

I tend to underpower my drums and kicks on my tracks, which is a bad habit of mine. I replaced the original kick with a more agressive one this time and turned up the knob on the side-chaining -- has much more powerful punch now.

Yeah, this probably is more Dance than Drum and Base, or something in between.

Thanks for the suggestions/comment.

Kind regards,

SeriouslyJoking 26th Jun 2014 21:17 - 10 years ago
I hear the changes - sounds better.
The drums really do come through punchier now and the reverb works, and the little vocal in the end - LOVE it!
steve010101 replied 26th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
I'm glad you liked the changes!

Kind regards,

SeriouslyJoking 26th Jun 2014 14:52 - 10 years ago
Very good chilled parts and the intro is amazing, I love that autotuned (?) vocal sample there right in the beginning - you could bring it back later on also, it's really beautiful that way.

The uptempo parts could have more movement and some more punch in the drumline and more...reverb (I tend to missuse and overuse reverb because I love the sound of it but here you almost have a little too dry sounds mixed together I think).
The flute sample definitely needs more reverb and maybe a hint of delay?
These are just a few suggestions I thought of while listening, but I'm an amatour with a bit of unusual musical taste so don't take this too seriously... =)
There will be better guidelines coming from the others here.

But a GREAT start!
DnB is one of my old favourite genres so I'll be keeping an eye on this to hear how it developes.

/SJ =)
steve010101 replied 26th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
Yeah, I totally agree with the uptempo part -- it sounded a bit weak and 'muddy', if that's the right word. I changed up the the pad to be a bit more aggressive and clean (I think it sound a lot more powerful now).

I side-chained the drum pattern, so it comes out a lot clearer and louder now. As for the reverb, I also tend to overdo it, so I decided to do less this time -- bad mistake! I put more reverb on the vocals and flute and you were absolutely right, it does sound a lot better.

I also put the intro vocals at the end, since you liked them so much.

Again, thanks for the good suggestions/advice -- sometimes I get too close to a track and can't hear it properly any more -- so another set of ears is of great importance.

Thanks again.

Kind regards,


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WALLYKETA: 0039447-0000756 (wallyketatekloop),
ECKSJOE: 0148594-0020057 (8bit Loops - Drums),
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