Description : A little bit mental three track demo.
This techno track was uploaded by FreeRadical. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (32)
If you have time take a listen and give FreeRadical some feedback.
"A-Buzz A-Buzz A-Buzzing like them killer bees"... had to get back to you regarding that. It's from The Cure, their song "The 13th"... Very cool song. I love 90s music still after all this time, and The Cure's album "Wild Mood Swings" is so under-rated. All their albums are original, but I've never heard anything like that one. 1996 was such a strange year for music, everyone was high on acid and having an evolution moment, then things went to shit in pop culture. Can't say why your mix made me think of those lyrics, as I totally didn't listen to your style of music back then. Probably should have though. Listening to your mix again as I type, and its really groovy! Hope you are well today!
The Cure were one of my favourite bands when i was at school so i'm familiar with the song. I think "kiss me kiss me kiss me" was my favourite album but there's so many to choose from it's hard to pick a winner. 1996 was a pretty crazy year for me. Far too many drugs and nightclubs (was a good time thinking about it) As for being well, i'm ok if not a little fed up with being signed off work (been six months now and it gets pretty boring sometimes)
But you're right. I have no idea why this made you think of the cure as it doesn't bare any resemblence that i can pick out lol.
Glad you could drop by and blast this one as i was pretty pleased with how it turned out.
you're mixing using only FL Studio?
good job with the mix. all your tracks...
frequencies are the most in the journey.
and that oldschool style is increasingly present in their tracks.
is your favorite style?
I liked this psychedelic and intense style, tried something like Psy Trance?
I'd be curious to see it produce ...
Alright fine I'll shall review this track. I don't really like to be one of those people who constantly listen to a track but doesn't leave feedback. I try to review as many as possible but of course there is always many others. But yea real great start with the first half FR.
That synth at the end of the first half got just a lil annoying, the ringing one? But that doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things as I appreciate all elements a production involves. Not as easy as people may think.
2nd half is pretty mellowed out a bit and gets a lil deep house almost. I have some house tracks I've yet to finish. At least I think there house...hmm that's not the issue here though. The issue is why are you so good at long fricking tracks? ha
Like this build up rise at the 5:30 mark, this whole 2nd half vibe you started has this eastern feel to it after listening to it some more. 6:20 Those percussion like sounds that become more audible sounds like someone snapping their mouth with a mixture of someone flicking some cards about.
3rd half sounds like a nutty professors lab. lol and HA! at the vocal part towards the end. Now with that vocal bit it sounds like the 3rd half is a theme to some coked up techno loving gangster. Really love this production here FR, must of took alot of focus and patience. Excellent, peace
Must have missed this one, haven't been on much lately, let me explain. My septic system in my new (rented)house just crapped out on me and you just CAAAN'T put that shit off, lol! Been going on for like 3 weeks now, damn. OK now lets talk about this 3 song track of yours.
First part was pretty darn cool, very professional sounding, imho. The middle part takes on it's own feel and took me a few secs to acclimate to it. I liked the vocal snippets you used. The third part is a bit more rigid and really separates itself from the first two parts as far as it's feel and the vocal samples were cool. But I guess you want all three to be separate and still flow together, seems like you just did that pretty darn well.
Very cool track man. You have now mastered the 3 for 1 special. I will now bow in reverence. Namaste.
Hey Wayne cheers for stopping by. I hear you as i've had a similar problem with my drainage thanks to a plasterer pouring all his crap down it.
Glad you could stick around for all three tracks i think the first one is easily the best.
I'm currently working on a whole albums worth of a mix. I got 63 minutes so far and the end is in sight. It's hard to keep a mix going for 80 minutes i tell you.
Anyway, cheers again for your comments, they are always appreciated.
Thanks Chris. This track seems to be relatively "popular" dare i say so i must have done something right. The first bit seems to be the one i'm getting the most comments about.
Are you seriously in the S.A.S. now? One minute your watching the skies then the next it's Andy McNab time. Your life takes you to some strange places huh?
Anyway, cheers for dropping in and leaving your thoughts.
I meant to comment on this earlier but something got in the way. I read the comments so i know it is a three track demo. But out of the three the first one is massive. I just can not get with the 8 bit like music in the other tracks. Im just not a fan. But overall nice work.
I also read something about using loops to kick start your creativity is just as creative as building from scratch. So really you do deserve credit.
Another awesome track Free Radical! I really like all three beats you created here. But the one I liked the most was the first one. The vocal samples were cool too. The mix sounds good on this end. Thanks for such an enjoyable listen. Nice work as usual.
Cheers homie. Yeah it seems that most people like the first one the best (including me) It's hard to put three tracks together that will be as good as each other so i might strip this one down and just extend the first bit.
Cheers for tuning in to this mad tune.
Mad hatter's tea party Perfect :D When I listen to music I see like a scene playing out, that's a perfect description! Alice in Insane asylum :p Wtf was eraser head about O.o I could see this working with that as well.
Shit yes, man! Now that I've had a chance to sit down with headphones and no distractions, I'm diggin' the hell out of this.
It's an appropriate title. There does seem to be a certain bit of madness to it. I know the style of music is nothing like anything he's used, but there's a certain David Lynch quality to it. Kind of a subdued static that makes you think, "what the hell is happening here? I freakin' love it!" I think because it's so bouncy, it sounds like it should be happy, but the synths are actually very aggressive and kind of relentlessly in your face. That's a good thing. Ya know, it kind of reminds me of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, too. You know, when they all start taunting Alice to the point where she's almost confused. But instead of being set in Wonderland, it was in a post-apocalyptic institution of some sort heavy with flickering fluorescent lights. Of course, that's just my interpretation, anyhow.
As far as the length goes, anyone who complains about it being too long, doesn't know how to enjoy music. Or read, apparently. I say keep doing the mini-mixes if that's what you like to do. Don't change your style for some impatient bastards. Somewhere over the years I picked up this little gem, "If you make it the way you like it, others will like it too." That's no joke there, mister. Coincidentally enough, I happen to be one of the "others" who like it.
Well i am a bit mad so i try and reflect that in what i do (which is why it's not to everyones taste. You won't find no slushy love songs round here)
All i know about David Lynch is Twin Peaks and that dodgy Eraserhead movie (What the f**k was that all about lol?)
I get the mad hatters tea party thing, i like to concentrate more on noises and rhythms rather than killer melodies (mainly because they never sound right when i do them. I get an idea in my head but it never works the way i want it so i just stick with loops, efx and samples mainly)
Cheers for being one of the "others" who like it. I rate your stuff so it makes it that little bit more special.
Thanks again.
This is Great FR.The overall composition of this track is great. Ima try working out to this beat,see if i can do the whole 10 mins.Wish me lucky..:)...great one brah.
I hope your workout went well. I think maybe i should try some of that myself lol.
Anyway, i'm glad you stopped by, lent your ears and commented.
Cheers Benjizo.
I don't know if it's just my mind set when I pressed play, but this first track in the set made me think of the lyrics "A-Buzz A-Buzz A-Buzzing like them killer bees" --- bonus fave if you know what song that's from... heh... Fck pop music when you're making stuff like this! I think I'm on the second track now, but don't take my word for it. I like this one too, it has kind of a minimal vibe, but is a little deeper than that. Sweet drop around 5:45 or so! This sounds really good for a long mp3 so way to go! Ooo another track, are these all at the same tempo/key or did you just do really well combining them? Great bouncy feel to this section! You're getting better at these mini-mixes for sure! I like the sampled voices you used. Okay I'm feeling good now, going to go break some toys. Thanks for the cool listen!
The only thing i can think of with reference to killer bee's is Anthrax's album "attack of the killer bees" but i doubt you're going on about that?
Yeah, i'm going to "try" and just go back to writing single tracks again as these minimixes seem to cause confusion (f*** knows why. I would have thought it was fairly obvious it's not supposed to be one track but there you go)
I don't think they're all in the same key but the tempo remains constant throughout. I didn't actually write a lot of it, it's just a mash up of various loops really with a few synths.
Anyway, cheers for dropping in and leaving your thoughts as always.
Coooooool stuff! Really like it until 3:15, then .... i'm gonna be honest, from thereon it just sounds like the song's gone on a completely different course... it just doesn't really fit but well done anyways.
It's not supposed to be one track. It's supposed to be a three track demo. Perhaps i should have been more clear about that in the track description but i'm glad you like the first part. Perhaps i'll strip it down and just make it into one track to avoid confusion.
Cheers for stopping by.
Greetings. You and your mega lengthy tracks. Do you really expect people to sit all the way through these things? If you can't say it in a few minutes, what's the point in going on for ten?*
*Joke/sarcasm for obvious reasons
Anyway, this is more pumping stuff. 0:30 really takes off and that blippy intro lead makes much more sense now. Very fat and solid bass.
1:00 that's a cool vocal sample. The way the synth screech comes in at the end of each phrase works really well.
Around 3 mins and you're kind of doing a DJ crossfade into your next section. don't like it as much as the first. But at 4:00 it makes more sense and that rising offbeat bass warp sound is cool and the sort of thing I should use.
4:00 lead delayed and then fading out noise provides some cool atmosphere.
Damn, I've written a fair bit and only halfway through the track. Just as well I don't have to review my own tracks (actually, I do in replies to comments).
That'll do for the first half. Might comment on second half another time.
Your mixes are always tight and I don't have much to suggest regarding production. Don't know if these sounds an samples just come in such a clean form and you just lot tem together. Can't be that easy, can it? Everything sounds clean and makes sense to me. And I'm just sitting at home listening rather than out on the dancefloor.
I honestly don't know if people actually sit through the whole ten minutes but what i do know is a lot of people don't get that it's more than one track. I keep getting a lot of "liked the first three minutes, but the rest doesn't fit" kind of comments.
I think i'll just go back to making one track at a time as these mini mixes aren't sitting well with everyone. Ah well, at least i tried to do something a bit different.
But you are right. Purchased loops don't need a lot done to them, you just match them up and "paint" around them.
i liked the gangster movie (or sounded like it anyway) clip about 8:00 in. it is impressive to write over 10 minutes of music in an interesting way. seems this work would be very welcome by the indie stations on the net. hats off on your great work, man.
I won't take too much credit as the bulk of it is just pro loops that i cobbled together and then threw a few synths over the top of. Glad you enjoyed it but it doesn't take much to make a ten minute track when most of it's already been written for you.
Thanks for dropping by.
Well if i'm honest it's more tech house than techno really but i didn't notice a category for that so i just put in the techno category.
Cheers for stopping by and leaving comments. It's much appreciated.
Thanks Joe, I did one not so long ago that was an hour long but there's no chance of me ever uploading that with the file size limit we have.
Cheers for dropping in and leaving comments. It's the whole reason i do this so cheers!
Hi FR,
very professional work, Respect bro*if i could say something i would say that the pluck fadeout around 3:00 which is good, could be a little longer but thats not realy important, by the way nice lift up around 5:40 and the vocals fits great,everything is working good. down and Fav
Good Job,DRO
really nice track at the start love the plucks I don't know how you keep managing to knock 10 minute tracks out so seamlessly lol,
middle one wasn't for my taste but again the 3rd one was pretty crazy nice work, I've always thought about making some trance like the 3rd one but never got round to it!
I will one day though ;)
Good stuff!
Thanks. I'm a bit cautious about uploading anything at the moment as i've only got headphones to mix with which makes it a bit tricky to get the mix right so places are bound to be out and i can't do much about it at the moment. Glad you liked two bits of it.
Cheers for popping round.
Another Maaaaad groove, I must say you've got this stuff down...
Got that touch of craziness that is need to make stuff like this work...
10min. wooow to play stuff like this on guitar, would be to much like work...LOL
Headphones or not this is really good, people come off the floor ringing wet...
Most would pack it in about half way through the tune...
It's great for the DJ, he can run to the bar and get a drink.....
I've been a fan of electronic music since the late 80's so i would hope that i've got some sort of grasp on it by now lol. I like the idea of a track that gives the DJ a break but i must get back to actually writing stuff as i haven't made a tune without loops for ages.
Cheers for dropping in and leaving your thoughts as always.
The vocal chops and FX are just perfect and awesomely mixed.
The main synth is really catchy.
Is a new track being mixed or added at 3.15 because there's no need for stretching the tracks(cuz lately in your single upload there are 3-4 songs mixed after 3 mins or soo.Seriously there's no need for that)
I really don't get the transition there but apart from that everything's properly mastered and mixed.
Loved the FX.Can you give me the sample pack's name or so?
Thanks, i'm glad you could stop by and comment. There's three tracks here rolled into one. I want to do a bit more with the last track as i think it needs something.
The sample packs i used were "the sound of hotmouth" from prime loops "Ultimate house" from loopmasters "Bass addict from prime loops" "vintage movie samples 2" from loopmasters and there's a few more but the names escape me right now. Too many to remember.
Cheers again for checking it out.
Dont know how you keep it up mate but another great mix. As Techno as it gets but listen-able Techno not really into that banging hardcore stuff! Class mix as usual.
Too much time on my hands is how i keep up. I just had to adjust the bass on the first part as it was in the wrong key. Headphones are a pain in the arse.
Cheers for dropping in and giving your support as usual.
I really liked that part that came in at about the three and half minute mark. Nice job on this one. I wish it could have gone on instead of fading at ten minutes.
Thanks. I only just realized this morning that the bass in part one was out of key. That's bloody headphone mixes for you.
Cheers for stopping by and giving your support.
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Thanks for joining me on this wild ass ride. Fuckin crazy it's been 13 years of music. Insane. Thank you to everyone who's ever listened to a song I've uploaded whether on here as zacvoos or ApolloForce, or on my soundclouds as ZachUndefined, RunnerTwoThree, or ApolloForce. Thank you all.
Well done mate.
But you're right. I have no idea why this made you think of the cure as it doesn't bare any resemblence that i can pick out lol.
Glad you could drop by and blast this one as i was pretty pleased with how it turned out.
Crazy minimix !!!!
you're mixing using only FL Studio?
good job with the mix. all your tracks...
frequencies are the most in the journey.
and that oldschool style is increasingly present in their tracks.
is your favorite style?
I liked this psychedelic and intense style, tried something like Psy Trance?
I'd be curious to see it produce ...
best wishes
That synth at the end of the first half got just a lil annoying, the ringing one? But that doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things as I appreciate all elements a production involves. Not as easy as people may think.
2nd half is pretty mellowed out a bit and gets a lil deep house almost. I have some house tracks I've yet to finish. At least I think there house...hmm that's not the issue here though. The issue is why are you so good at long fricking tracks? ha
Like this build up rise at the 5:30 mark, this whole 2nd half vibe you started has this eastern feel to it after listening to it some more. 6:20 Those percussion like sounds that become more audible sounds like someone snapping their mouth with a mixture of someone flicking some cards about.
3rd half sounds like a nutty professors lab. lol and HA! at the vocal part towards the end. Now with that vocal bit it sounds like the 3rd half is a theme to some coked up techno loving gangster. Really love this production here FR, must of took alot of focus and patience. Excellent, peace
First part was pretty darn cool, very professional sounding, imho. The middle part takes on it's own feel and took me a few secs to acclimate to it. I liked the vocal snippets you used. The third part is a bit more rigid and really separates itself from the first two parts as far as it's feel and the vocal samples were cool. But I guess you want all three to be separate and still flow together, seems like you just did that pretty darn well.
Very cool track man. You have now mastered the 3 for 1 special. I will now bow in reverence. Namaste.
Glad you could stick around for all three tracks i think the first one is easily the best.
I'm currently working on a whole albums worth of a mix. I got 63 minutes so far and the end is in sight. It's hard to keep a mix going for 80 minutes i tell you.
Anyway, cheers again for your comments, they are always appreciated.
yep,i feel super,cool beer,light breeze and just go back to chillin in the S.A.S..... Sun An Shade!
This S.A.S is great to be in,it gives me Vit D free,if it can find its way through the geo=engineering crap in the sky lol
Great bit of oldschool man!
The first part played as i was rollin
The rest i just layed back and let it take me, after a hard month of being in the world of what i call Life lol.
Thank you fore 10 mins of tripped bliss.!
Loved it all,the spoken parts are superb along with the whole concept.!
Damn good work mate!
DL n fav'd to get me back in the swing of things!
cheers mate!
Are you seriously in the S.A.S. now? One minute your watching the skies then the next it's Andy McNab time. Your life takes you to some strange places huh?
Anyway, cheers for dropping in and leaving your thoughts.
Love & Light,
I also read something about using loops to kick start your creativity is just as creative as building from scratch. So really you do deserve credit.
Danced around the studio for 10 min.
My wife thinks I'm mental now
I blame you
Glad you could stop by and glad i got you up and moving.
Cheers for tuning in to this mad tune.
It's an appropriate title. There does seem to be a certain bit of madness to it. I know the style of music is nothing like anything he's used, but there's a certain David Lynch quality to it. Kind of a subdued static that makes you think, "what the hell is happening here? I freakin' love it!" I think because it's so bouncy, it sounds like it should be happy, but the synths are actually very aggressive and kind of relentlessly in your face. That's a good thing. Ya know, it kind of reminds me of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, too. You know, when they all start taunting Alice to the point where she's almost confused. But instead of being set in Wonderland, it was in a post-apocalyptic institution of some sort heavy with flickering fluorescent lights. Of course, that's just my interpretation, anyhow.
As far as the length goes, anyone who complains about it being too long, doesn't know how to enjoy music. Or read, apparently. I say keep doing the mini-mixes if that's what you like to do. Don't change your style for some impatient bastards. Somewhere over the years I picked up this little gem, "If you make it the way you like it, others will like it too." That's no joke there, mister. Coincidentally enough, I happen to be one of the "others" who like it.
Keep it up, man.
Take care.
All i know about David Lynch is Twin Peaks and that dodgy Eraserhead movie (What the f**k was that all about lol?)
I get the mad hatters tea party thing, i like to concentrate more on noises and rhythms rather than killer melodies (mainly because they never sound right when i do them. I get an idea in my head but it never works the way i want it so i just stick with loops, efx and samples mainly)
Cheers for being one of the "others" who like it. I rate your stuff so it makes it that little bit more special.
Thanks again.
Anyway, i'm glad you stopped by, lent your ears and commented.
Cheers Benjizo.
Yeah, i'm going to "try" and just go back to writing single tracks again as these minimixes seem to cause confusion (f*** knows why. I would have thought it was fairly obvious it's not supposed to be one track but there you go)
I don't think they're all in the same key but the tempo remains constant throughout. I didn't actually write a lot of it, it's just a mash up of various loops really with a few synths.
Anyway, cheers for dropping in and leaving your thoughts as always.
Keep up the good work!
Cheers for stopping by.
*Joke/sarcasm for obvious reasons
Anyway, this is more pumping stuff. 0:30 really takes off and that blippy intro lead makes much more sense now. Very fat and solid bass.
1:00 that's a cool vocal sample. The way the synth screech comes in at the end of each phrase works really well.
Around 3 mins and you're kind of doing a DJ crossfade into your next section. don't like it as much as the first. But at 4:00 it makes more sense and that rising offbeat bass warp sound is cool and the sort of thing I should use.
4:00 lead delayed and then fading out noise provides some cool atmosphere.
Damn, I've written a fair bit and only halfway through the track. Just as well I don't have to review my own tracks (actually, I do in replies to comments).
That'll do for the first half. Might comment on second half another time.
Your mixes are always tight and I don't have much to suggest regarding production. Don't know if these sounds an samples just come in such a clean form and you just lot tem together. Can't be that easy, can it? Everything sounds clean and makes sense to me. And I'm just sitting at home listening rather than out on the dancefloor.
I think i'll just go back to making one track at a time as these mini mixes aren't sitting well with everyone. Ah well, at least i tried to do something a bit different.
But you are right. Purchased loops don't need a lot done to them, you just match them up and "paint" around them.
Cheers for checking out one and a half tracks.
Thanks for dropping by.
Cheers for stopping by and leaving comments. It's much appreciated.
If you would/could take some more tracks into this mix, then you could make a free radical dj mix......
Sound is cool and good - like always :)
Samples are great and all is fine
but it is like a few already sayed, it sounds like a mix from 3 tracks and it ends like there should come even 7 more
But i am sure you work on part 2 already - right?
Cheers for dropping in and leaving comments. It's the whole reason i do this so cheers!
very professional work, Respect bro*if i could say something i would say that the pluck fadeout around 3:00 which is good, could be a little longer but thats not realy important, by the way nice lift up around 5:40 and the vocals fits great,everything is working good. down and Fav
Good Job,DRO
middle one wasn't for my taste but again the 3rd one was pretty crazy nice work, I've always thought about making some trance like the 3rd one but never got round to it!
I will one day though ;)
Good stuff!
Cheers for popping round.
Thanks for your support.
Got that touch of craziness that is need to make stuff like this work...
10min. wooow to play stuff like this on guitar, would be to much like work...LOL
Headphones or not this is really good, people come off the floor ringing wet...
Most would pack it in about half way through the tune...
It's great for the DJ, he can run to the bar and get a drink.....
Solid piece of work...
Cheers for dropping in and leaving your thoughts as always.
Loved the bassline.It's really nice.
The vocal chops and FX are just perfect and awesomely mixed.
The main synth is really catchy.
Is a new track being mixed or added at 3.15 because there's no need for stretching the tracks(cuz lately in your single upload there are 3-4 songs mixed after 3 mins or soo.Seriously there's no need for that)
I really don't get the transition there but apart from that everything's properly mastered and mixed.
Loved the FX.Can you give me the sample pack's name or so?
Awesome work!!
The sample packs i used were "the sound of hotmouth" from prime loops "Ultimate house" from loopmasters "Bass addict from prime loops" "vintage movie samples 2" from loopmasters and there's a few more but the names escape me right now. Too many to remember.
Cheers again for checking it out.
Cheers for dropping in and giving your support as usual.
Cheers for stopping by and giving your support.