Description : patience the cat is receiving dinner and chilling in the kitchen when a zombie breaks in. PHATKATZ cinematic concept and arrangements. SPIVKURL percs and consults. meow synth, FL Studio synths (megatron, toxic biohazard, flying cobra). Odd meter feel. The inspiration is a painting by Josephine Wall which can be viewed with an abbreviated version of track:
This cinematic track was uploaded by DanGoldstein. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (17)
If you have time take a listen and give DanGoldstein some feedback.
I am not sure how I missed this one, especially around Halloween, but I am glad I discovered it. This had to be a "nightmare" to try and capture all of the meter changes, and have the chaos all meld together to make a cohesive track. Really innovative and a lot of fun to listen to.....looks like the 3 mad scientists got together and made this one work really well. An enjoyable listen and a tip of the hat to all of you. I hope all is well.
Hey, Bear. It's crazy. For no particular reason I opened up this project tonight and here is your comment!Yup - the odd-meter was quite the challenge. glad you had a chance to listen to this one! Regards - Dan
Well...if you combine the imaginations & talent of the participants in this one you just gotta come up with something special....I was appreciating the creativity while listening & sitting here with a smile after...Happy Halloween.Y`all......great stuff.......Ed
This is..almost a lil too much irony. I watched a video last night that informed me of what the last episode of "Tom & Jerry" was. Not sure if 100 percent true because I haven't watched the last episode. It showed clips though. I dunno if you've ever watched it but I don't think you necessarily have to like cartoons to have seen this show before. Anyways, I didn't know the last episode was about both of them eventually killing themselves over cheating girlfriends. Their suicide was waiting for the train on the train tracks...eerie. This track almost fits that episode in a way. Creative use of fx. Synths are nicely done. Can hear this in Banjo Kazooie even too. Great collab between Spiv and Phatkatz. Definitely a cinematic production. peace
I remember Tom & Jerry but that is a bizarre thing to do for a last episode in a cartoon. I don't know Banjo Kazooie. thanks for the positive comments on the track. really appreciate it.
Oh man, where have I been, I didn't even realize this was finished! That darn cat! (Literally!) I love what you've done to take this idea too a complete (and completely vital) state! The ending was just crazy in a good way. I know it was a challenge to use those loops I sent, but you've done superbly in trying to understand my way of thinking. Burton has a great mind for cinematic arrangement and atmosphere, and this would be missing something without his work. Very happy to be a part of this, so thank you! Fav'd!
I'm glad you had a chance to listen to the final! it took a minute to bring this one around both conceptually and with the mix. but I think it landed in a decent place and I'm happy. thanks again very much.
it took a minute to get this one in focus. a lot of elements to mix (at least for this baby producer). but having a story line (especially a phatkatz story line) is a neat way to find direction and inspiration for a track. really glad you had a chance to take listen and enjoyed. see you round the cyberhood. Best - Dan
it was fun developing cat sounds. I think one was just made with the voice synth in FL studio using martian sound and the word meow. then effecting it in a few ways. I don't know how Spiv made his cat loop but it was awesome. I'm glad you enjoyed it. thanks for stopping by. peace. Dan
thanks very much Scott. it has had quite a facelift in the last few days. more present. but yea - I enjoy these cinematic efforts - telling a literal story at least in part. i'm fortunate to have good collabs. but the mix has been an absolute trial from heaven.
Man, so good! I'm not sure what I was expecting but this was great. It had me laughing right from the cat getting his food intro,lol. 3 talented looperman people putting ideas together coming up with a really cool and fun track.
I'm glad you had a chance to check it out RW. still tweaking it but I was happy with the zombie rock ending I came up with. Finally got my feet wet with some fun synths. thanks again.
you have a creative mind Midi...that's what makes a great producer...I like the sound of that lead melody....good to see
more people are in the spirit this yr....clean mix too
thanks a lot Jody. the collabs are fun. play off of one another's strengths. yea - maybe i will stay focused on Halloween for a minute. And yea - as you mentioned elsewhere - gonna start lining up x-mas art so I'm gonna be hitting you up for tracks! later, man.
3 flew the cookoos nest :p I like this version :D I like that voice synth, going see if I can find one. I have Natural reader which I guess is similar, text to speech. Used it on Gothic Lullabye (the poem part) Was the Zombie after Patience's tuna? Joe say's they don't like cat meat. Uh oh, there's men in white coats coming :O .....
yea - i guess we could do worse than reps for creative lunacy. def zombie wanted patience' food. has no use for the housecats per se. prefers hanging with ferals. making this up of course. just my contribution to the urban legend.
Your Mad....Hahaha.....In a good way...
Not many can go off, the deep end and make sense of it's direction...
I see you can, very well done...
Solid Mix as well...
thanks soundhound. I appreciate it. just keep trying to stay out of the way of the melody! That zombie did need some taming, however. He was hissing off the spectrum and needed some cuts. thanks for stopping by. nice to hear from you. regards - Dan
yea. Burton comes up with the story lines and Pat managed to figure out my crazy time signatures and enhance as always. still tweaking this one. there is a zombie rock ending now. thanks for stopping by Mark. you have really heard the evolution like nobody else buddy.
Your stuff is really off the cuff. This truly is on the bizzare (however you spell it) side. It's really freaky sounding. I'm going to download it and play it to my mates when we're all a bit out of it because i reckon this would freak everyone out.
Congrats for daring to be different.
thanks very much FR. still mixing and recently added a bit of zombie rock at the end. i honestly would like to color this one even more to elevate that freaky aspect but I'm happy if you are tuning into it nonetheless. thanks again for the cyber visit. - Dan
Thanks for stopping by Joe. I'm glad you are liking it. trying to think how I can effect the zombie voice a little to sustain interest. same with the meows. Anyway, i tried twice this morning to upload new version without success. It seems i will need to do a new upload for the revision. Thanks again for your comment. Regards - Dan
I'm not much of a lead guitar player or I'd give it a shot at the end, good description hahaha. Like the edits :D These are a blast!! I still need to use that boiling murder somewhere 3:D> For what ever reason that biohazard loop just doesn't sound right to me with spiv's beat :/ Popular zombie right there! He really gets around. I think I've killed him twice now so far, f*er keeps coming back for more! Looks like it's Patience's turn to do him him, if she doesn't get eaten or turned into a zombie cat :D How did you make the Meow? (not the meow synth I used, the other "meow")
hey Burton. that meow was made using the vocal synth in FL Studio. I think it is the martian sound. you just type in the word meow, tell the synth what flavor you want, and out it comes. I have a lot of mixing to do but I think the version posted now (as of 10/14) is pretty much laid out in final form. I am posting an abbreviated version on the website and that one will be revised as well. Talk to you soon. Enjoy the Halloween season.
hi, very nice and funny work. I really like all 'cat' sounds. There's some ambient wet noises like waterdrops or something. The breaking of 4/4 meter is good as well as breaking cat's chill. Great work. Alex
Description : Banda sonora de un videoclip que acabo de producir.Cuenta la experiencia de una pareja de astronautas y los recuerdos de ella al perder a su compañero. Espero que os guste. Animo y suerte para todos.
Description : it is! Another colab with maestro Tumbleweed! Ed provided the unfinished, basic track...I composed and recorded the long intro using different synths and then added piano (well to the fore) and some brass arrangements along the rest of the track (no violin this time...hehe) and then did the final mixing to wrap it up as it is presented now. I hope you will enjoy it and we both appreciate your listening time and your valuable comments:) Otherwise all thanks to Ed!
Description : Just send me the link where you use that, please
Anyway, I'm looking for artists, especially doing melodic techno, deep house etc... to work in my music label called Chick Records
Description : Treated field recordings of bells and thumping big stainless steel sculptures and synth. Inspired by a trip to the sub-Antarctic Islands.
Description : There are a lot of talented people :
Ft Ankit Sharda for the mantra,
Ft Xelaplus for the choirs,
Ft jjweekz for the voice effect,
Drums :
AcidPro on darbuka
Danke on big cymbals
Loopfreak on indian percussions
Anubis on big drums
Tell me what this track made to you ^^'
Thank you.
Description : Dark, slow, ambient, cinematic jazz with funereal piano turning into something much funkier, psychedelic and beautiful in the second half. Out of the darkness and into the light, you could say. Instruments: electric guitar + bass, lots of synth sounds, including a horn, double bass, another big legato bass, pizzicato strings, two types of piano, a heavily delayed slide guitar instrument, zither, synth arp, one brushy drum loop, kettle drum rolls and 4 programmed acoustic drum kits. This is quite a special track for me and is only the second I've put in the cinematic genre. The more you listen, the more it changes (it even has key changes) and the last three minutes are really quite far out and should probably be longer. Best track I've made for a few months. Interesting thoughts and reflections appreciated. Free sex for the best reviews...
This track is an elaboration of dgalantic’s track “Starting Over 0172257.” It is almost entirely comprised of loops by other artists on looperman. The newsreel in the intro section is from public domain footage of the Vietnam War. Prince Fatty chimes later in with some words of wisdom. The track was sequenced with Mixtikl and edited in Audacity.
Loops from the following artists are included:
1. ThatJeffCarter’s guitar “feedback 197765”
2. three of Nightingale’s harmonica trills: “angels 0088377, inner light 0088361 and never and never 0088366”
3. Heavily fx’ed vocal excerpts from Eshar’s “7th Dimension 0002644”
4. Dcmack’s rhythm loops “2 bass drums 1- 0085449, 2- 0085446, and 4- 0085448.”
5. Steelyvibe’s choral wash “luno frunezo 0005719”
6. Nightingale’s guitar loop “diving deep 0043488”
7. Rasputin1963’s chorals “ soul ladies gospel riff 0088641 and reggae soul girls choir 0087693”
Genre: Cinematic
Tags: papico, Cinematic, Piano, feedback, choral washes, choir, harmonica, guitar, dgalantic- starting over, thatjeffcarter-feedback, dcmack- 2 bass drums 1,2 and 4, nightingale-angels, inner light, never and never, diving deep, eshar-7th dimension, steelyvibe- luno frunezo, rasputin1963-soul ladies gospel riff, reggae soul girls choir, Vietnam War newsreel
Description : So a new track for everyone. Im pretty impressed by this one, and would even place it higher than one of my best tracks, Angel And A Demon. However, I'm trying to decide whether or not I should put vocals to it. I have some in mjnd, but idk if itd be better to leave as is and keep it instrumental or not. Take a listen and let me know! Also, let me know if anything is too loud, still working on my mastering.
Love what you do and do what you love.
Made out of Looperman Loops!
Made in 2 Hours!
I was bored and was thinking about a epic movie u got it a full Cinematic Movie Soundtrack...Say what u think..........A NEED FEEDBAK ! A know...its just mixing loops together but it was really , really big fun to make this!
some very cold stuff ... nice to hear something unique..
in all seriousness ... I loved it ..
keep 'em coming you crazy guy..
I think it is a very 'funny' song and the cat sounds are good too. Keep it up!
Props to all! I fav'd :)
more people are in the spirit this yr....clean mix too
Not many can go off, the deep end and make sense of it's direction...
I see you can, very well done...
Solid Mix as well...
This is exactly the kind of abstract I would expect from the combination of colabbers on this one.
Bizarrely sets a scene.
Congrats for daring to be different.
Cool one! I will listen to the next version for sure.
But i cant play guitar :)
i realy enjoyed the listen.
stay tuned