8th Oct 2014 22:47 - 10 years ago
Description : When I visited Manhattan earlier this year, I found a very nice coffee shop called Cafe Angelique, just across the street (Grove and Bleecker). Every day I started with two large cappucinos, outside on a little bench, at sub zero temperatures (it was a very cold winter :-)). This daily rythm inspired me to make this track.

Thanks for listening.

Comments (15)

If you have time take a listen and give DrvanLansberg some feedback.

mudhoen 21st May 2015 22:09 - 9 years ago
Stunning piece of art. Really feel the summer nights vibe. Some nice cocktail on a warm summer evening with moonlight sinking in the water and this music on would make a night to remember. Thank you for sharing!
FreeRadical 6th Jan 2015 18:52 - 10 years ago
You might have made this about a place in winter but i'm getting a real summer time vibe off this. It's clean sounding, it's cool and everything about it oozes class.
Love the synth, love the guitar and like the samples as well.
I don't normally go for chill out but this is so well done i'm going to just have to hit that download button so i can hear it again later.
DrvanLansberg replied 1st Mar 2015 - 10 years ago
I get that a lot indeed, beach music, late night.

Thank you so much for your compliments, keeps me going. And I just love it that you had the courage to cross the chill out line :-). I hope you will ejoy the track for a while.

EtherBlu 6th Jan 2015 11:12 - 10 years ago
Lovely track. For me it was the bass, which was the pick of the lot. Superbly played by all the musicians and a perfect Chillout winter track it is! Great Mix & special applause to Mr. Slap Johnson, Sax part was wonderful Sir :)
DrvanLansberg replied 1st Mar 2015 - 10 years ago
Yeah, I love that bass too. Sometimes you just get lucky twisting knobs :-).

Slap Johnson and Franco Quadroni are simply great musicians. people like them add so much to Looperman (and therefor the tracks I make). I can't thank them enough.

And to you, thanks for listening and your feedback!
StaticNomad 6th Jan 2015 00:32 - 10 years ago
Hey, don't worry about not replying sooner.

There are probably quite a few people who have got track reviews because of my thread (best simple idea I've had in ages) who probably hardly use the site anymore so haven't even seen the comments.

Yes, Rhodes can provide awesome atmosphere. A lot of people find that. I've used it in quite a few tracks over the years. Here's a big chillout track in which it's very prominent:

Tiny Little Pieces

You should really think about contributing to my thread and selecting some of your favourite ever Looperman tracks. Maybe you'll suggest something unusual. Perhaps something hardly anyone has heard.

Congrats again on a fine piece of music!
crucethus 5th Jan 2015 20:58 - 10 years ago
The Syncopation is spectacular. Reminds me of Herbie Hancock in the early years. Brilliant track.
DrvanLansberg replied 6th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
Opinions on the drums track seem to vary quite a lot :-). Glad you like it and thanks for listening!
OPENMINDSDB 5th Jan 2015 20:28 - 10 years ago
DrvanLansberg replied 6th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
Thanks for your feedback man!
mrwolf14 5th Jan 2015 15:35 - 10 years ago
Very smooth and chilly.
Enjoyed it: my personal highlight are the guitars, the jazz one (~1:45) and the more funky rhythm one that follows (~2:25) and opens a very interesting more "complex" section of the track.
The synth-bass sound is "on-spot".
Well done!
Ciao, Domenico

PS: big thanks to MrNomad for pointing this out in his forum thread!
DrvanLansberg replied 5th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
Hi Domenico,

Many thanks for taking the time to check out the track and your compliments. Actually, most credits go to the "real" musicians like Franco Quadroni and Slap Johnson. Without the solo´s it would be just another little chill out track. So you can imagine how happy Looperman makes me all the time :-).

The bass sound was quite a puzzle to be honest. I got some feedback on the first try and that really helpd me in creating the perfect sound to lead this track.

And yes, many thanks to Nomad for creating the extra platform and to Promenade for listing my track!

Best, Doc
StaticNomad 21st Dec 2014 19:22 - 10 years ago
Hi. I started up a forum thread about favourite ever tracks on Looperman and promenade2239 chose this very track as one of his favourites. I thought you might like to know. I'm glad he did because I'd never heard of you and this is an excellent piece of music.

Maybe people will come check this out a bit more because of his choice. Or maybe they won't.

Bass synth is instantly cool. Makes me think of 80s hip hop.

0:20 shimmering pad is cool and is there Rhodes as well? Fat drum beats that drive this dreamy chill groove along. Just the kind of things I like.

1:02 fun lead and now it's even cooler groove chilling.

1:40 vocals were a surprise and then it's some jazz guitar, saxes and much more.

Good overall length.

Very skilfully done!
DrvanLansberg replied 5th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
Hi SN,

I owe you a big apology for not replying any sooner!

Thank you very much for creating an extra platform for members likes. In addition thanks for listening to the track. Glad you like it. As mentioned in my reply to Domenico, the bass sound was quite a job to get right. But I do like the result of other listener's input on it. And your comment on the 80's hip-hop vibe was given before too (although it was never my intention to create something like that at all :-)).

Yes, there is a Rhodes playing chords. I just love the Rhodes and use it many tracks, since it creates the atmosphere I like so much. Just a few simple chords can actually direct the whole track.

Yeah, the vocals... :-). Just thought to do something very little a bit differently.

Anyway, many thanks for your feedback and compliments man! Much appreciated.

Best, Doc.
doudei 25th Oct 2014 22:38 - 10 years ago
this is so hot and listening to that makes me smooth and happy.
the bass alone is killer and i will listen to this many times. not only because i feel like there is a lot to learn but because this sound is bliss to me, therapeutic almost.
honestly i can't think of a tune i'd rather listen to on a cold morning with some fresh brew.
nothing better to get started into a new day than they way you described it.
next time in nyc i will get two large cappucinos from this place and listen to your tune the way you intended.
i know it sounds far fetched but the day will come. i hope they will still be around...
i really tried to find some constructive critique to say about this lovely track but this mixing and musicianship is way beyond my finesse and on them headphones it sounds so sexy and pretty much flawless, i can't fault anything really.
kudos also to the other musicians involved, Franco Quadroni, Slap Johnson and Know Kontrol.
DrvanLansberg replied 5th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
Hi Doudei,

Many thanks for commenting on my track. So glad you like it and even more that it makes you happy! You are actually the first to call my music therapeutical :-), and I will take it as big compliment! nmever looked at it like that before.

The best thing however in your comment is the fact you get the feeling I was trying to pass. It was exactly that, freezing cold winter's mornings, but still needing to be just outside to really experience that. I need to disappoint you however, I was informed that Café Angelique closed that place recently. Very unfortunate, but there are still 2 other shops on Manhattan they run :-).

Of course it is actually the real musicians that make this track. I am just putting it together around and in between the solo's. And don't worry, most of this track is a result of just simple luck. We all need some luck every now and then while creating our tracks, right? ;-)
soundhound 12th Oct 2014 20:44 - 10 years ago
Solid piece of work, all very nicely done...

Real cool flavours in the synth work, all the adds are tastefully done as well..

I Like It...

DrvanLansberg replied 5th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
Thanks Soundhound for your feedback! It was a lot of fun creating the track, mostly because of the hogh quality providers of the solo's and vocal.
promenade2239 11th Oct 2014 20:36 - 10 years ago
hi again, I added some more sounds to this track - I really enjoyed it a lot! Just some keyboards and vocals - hope you will like it:

I just realized I made some quite similar music a few weeks ago. It's not so well produced as yours but it contains lots of improv instead. You may check it out if you like:

Thanks a lot for a great track!
DrvanLansberg replied 5th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
Thanks Alex, just listened to both and especially your own track I love! Of course your additions to this track are beautiful as well. It is so great to see some one being inspired by this track. Thanks for taking the effort to make it better!
failingtimes 9th Oct 2014 02:45 - 10 years ago
Nice, love the way it starts out, kinda all techno-e, then bam hits you with some funk, then a lil jazz then that sick sax solo comes in, and just......... yah... I'm diggin this, great job, your super talented, I don't think I have to tell you to keep up the super terrific work but, keep it up. FT
DrvanLansberg replied 5th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
Thanks you FT! Glad you like the result. But I am not so sure on the talented part however :-). Sometimes we get just a bit lucky when creating a new track.
promenade2239 9th Oct 2014 02:15 - 10 years ago
hi, thanks for sharing the sounds of such a great quality!
I like this composition a lot - it reminds me of some deep chillout songs I have listened a few years ago. This one evokes the memories and some nice atmosphere - very relaxing and soothing. Love the gentle phased Rhodes and pads in the background. Great drums and funky bassline. Somehow you might add some more ambience to all solo lines - it will sound more even dreamy and far-out than it is already! I like the sax solo - its better mixed in the recording. Excellent laidback guitar playing by Franco. But still the Rhodes make this song! Beautiful production - love it! Alex
DrvanLansberg replied 5th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
Hi again Alex! Yeah, I think we agree on Rhodes in general, don't we :-). Mixing the sax was quite a challenge since the original file was recorded in 11.025 KHz. I recently did another mix of the track, doubling the sax, panning one to the left and the other to the right and shifted the second track 1/64th. A lot of Slap's sax solo's are recorded with reverb, unfortunately. It makes his great solo's more difficult to mix in the tracks I make.

Anywaym thanks for listeing, commenting and listing it in the "nice Looperman tracks" thread :-).
Orlando51 9th Oct 2014 00:41 - 10 years ago
This pleasant jazzy chill out is an excellent work on every possible need to say more:)

Hat's off and respect_____Orlando
DrvanLansberg replied 5th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
Thank you very much for this great comment (and posting irt even twice :-)). It's feedback like this that keeps me loving my hobby so much!

Thanks, Doc
Orlando51 9th Oct 2014 00:39 - 10 years ago
This pleasant jazzy chill out is an excellent work on every possible need to say more:)

Hat's off and respect_____Orlando

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24th Jun 2019 23:31 - 5 years ago
Description : This is a pretty chill track with a certain vibe. I really enjoyed making it.
Hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you think, any feedback is appreciated.