Description : The title represents the track itself. I now feel I must master every aspect, every track must utilize my full potential. Every track I have to put my all into. This is only a rough mix, but I just couldn't resist to share it. I plan to layer this track quite thoroughly and edit at least every 4 bars. Major drum changes will also be applied. This is an evolving track, it will lead to a dark half with more focus on the drums and bass. (no pun intended) A member named StaticNomad has also partially inspired this track. I thank you for your review on my Wavy Mindframe track. Also heavy influence from Goldie, which I consider to be a master of dnb. A mixture of old and newschool dnb at 174 bpm. The journey of mastery starts here.
This drum and bass track was uploaded by GramoChopin. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (18)
If you have time take a listen and give GramoChopin some feedback.
hey neo
looks like this was uploaded way back...i hope that the full version will be out soon (if it isn't?)
exciting mix...
the drums though could be introduced by some riser(just an idea)
anyways thanks for the listen
Thanks alot analog. Alot more dnb on the way, alot of music in general really. The finished version will be LOADS better. Be sure to check back. If I end up not re-uploading the finished version on here I'm going to reserve for my Mecha EP as a bonus track will have some heavy innovate dnb tracks. It is coming...Thanks again. peace
Thanks man. Dnb definitely seems to be some hidden art I'm good at I guess. Didn't think I was doing the genre justice at first. And this is still just a rough mix in case you didn't read the description. The final version will probably blow your mind.(Or so I hope so) I'm going to put alot into this track, maybe a 5 to 8 minute track. Probably will upload on my soundcloud so I don't lose the quality. Thanks again, peace
wow! great and powerful introduction. it starts for me from 1:09. really clever work but still feels like a teaser. I want more!
or at least a proper ending
incredible dnb here
Thanks alot for the feedback Promenade, and yea. It is just a teaser, I like to tease sometimes. This will be about 6 or 8 minutes when I'm done. At first I was going to make it 5 minutes but I have a few old tracks that are longer. I've decided on patience for this track. Going to really push my limits. The wait will be worth it, glad you enjoyed my progress! peace
Damn this makes me want to get back into D&B. It's got a great atmosphere, bass is pretty solid, the drumming is awesome (but i'm hoping it'll pick up a bit more). Not sure how close this is to being finished so I don't think theres much advise I could give but I do like where this is going.
Also I respect the whole "giving each track your all" thing, it takes a lot of self-discipline to do that but the music usually ends up being much better so good on you. Can't wait to hear the finished product.
Do it man, I'm starting to really get into it again. Definitely my fav genre right about now. I would love to hear more dnb(jungle too) from other members on here. The drums will have a heavy amount of tweaks done, the track is still in progress. So this was more or less a teaser. Thanks for checking this one bro, appreciate it! peace
I think you are off to a really good start GC...I haven`t listened to a lot of D&B but when I do I often find some really rich sounds behind the beat in a lot of the mixes..nice width in the might be able to get a bit more power in the drums with fairly fast attack, quick release compressor...I would even try just a touch of mid-side processing on them (I know that is a bit unusual)...Nugen makes a Stereoizer vst with a drum kit preset (very subtle) that really works great...I use the free version that came with Computer Music Mag a couple of years ago...try a bit more 80hz on your bass eq..and scoop out a little more between 200-400..You have room for a bit more limiting if you want when you get it finalized... just a couple of very minor suggestions GC & they may not help as I expect you already have a good knowledge of where you are have a really good mix on the go..and I sure am no expert when it comes to mixing most of the electronic genres....You have set yourself some high goals...but give it time...and get your reading from reputable sources ....keep on man......Ed
Thanks alot Tumbleweed. I will definitely use your suggestions, drums are going to be heavily edited in this. I can also edit the mid-side and sides by using Ozone's 4 powerful equalizer. (I know they have 6 out currently) I usually do this by the mastering stage. And I don't think it should be too much different mixing a electronic type of track compared to maybe a acoustic or chillout track such as yours. Alot of my productions would probably sound maybe better if I had a sub for monitoring to pick up the rest of the lows. All I have are my AV40's from M audio and some studio standard sony headphones. I apologize if bass was perhaps too loud, I start alot of rough mixes like that. Love bass, and by "and get your reading from reputable sources" do you mean my description? Either way, thanks again for checking this one out. peace
Excellent stuff. I really like this. Thanks for sharing the evolution of the track and I look forward to seeing (hearing) how it progresses. Kick that D&B bootie ;) Tim Terror.
Hey so thanks for checking this one out, that mix I linked up is in steady rotation for me right now. Learning. Check back within 2 weeks to a month lol it's a long time but I think that might be how long it takes for what I "really" want to do with it. thanks again, peace
Starts off ambient then moves into the drum and bass … very different but enjoyed. The drum and bass really comes in abruptly though; may I suggest fading it in?
Thanks for the feedback MW. I probably will take that into consideration and tweak in changes that are similar to anything in this Monster quality mix from Goldie. Thanks again, peace
Def good 1st impression of the beginning steps into your mastery journey. Interested to hear the updates along the way. Curious to hear more of this 2nd half missing. For some reason I picture PS1 and GT. Sounds like this could be an intro to some type of racing simulation, Speedsters. Liking this direction.
Thanks for sharing the preview with us, the following pieces should be good. Stay you. Peace.
Thanks alot for the feedback DI. I'll be sure to do this one justice, I've been listening to a very nice mix while I was at work overnight. I'd definitely recommend you check it out if you like dnb. Thanks again bro, peace
Hello! The intro definitely grabbed me at first; I thought this would be a power ballad at first! (before I saw the big Drum And Bass sign underwards lol)
Thnx for the preview. Great what you have so far, looking forward to the completed track.
I really enjoy good dnb but never tried to make a dnb track. I'd like to have a go at it one day. Then all the artists that are good at it can feel even better about themselves after hearing my attempt, lol.
Lol I'm sure you can make a good dnb track....just not better than me though. ha no, messing wit ya. I would really like to hear your track if you make a dnb production. Thanks for the listen and comment, peace
I can dig it. The "intro" is pretty long, but hey, why not? Good all around, and as other's have said, yes it has a classic 90's vibe. And, in my opinion, that's a good thing! Cheers!
Thanks bro. So an A+ already huh? Will I get a S ranking when I add the extra 3 minute half and other "many" edits? ha It's going to take some patience but will be worth it I think. Appreciate you checking this one out and leaving your thoughts, peace!
definitely retro feel as others have mentioned - personally i will always look back to this era with a lamenting sigh and a satisfied but tense grin across the face.
brought up awesome memories and forgotten vibes.
coming along nicely so far and i am looking forward to hearing how it develops further.
i will now go and listen to omni trio - renegade snares followed by adam f - circles.
Thanks man. It's going to be about 5 minutes when I'm done with it. Might take a month or two because I do not want to rush this one. That goes for all my tracks from here forward. Glad you took the time to listen, peace
I like the crazy sound at 1:06 that announces your upbeat groove. lots of interesting colors and really enjoying the listen. it's great to challenge oneself to achieve a higher level. all the best of luck with developing this one. it is a winner!
Thanks midi. Yea i just liked how that synth moved, so I added it into the mix. Really appreciate you stopping by and listening to a unfinished track! peace
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Please comment/review and the favour will be returned...
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Description : Hey guys,
i wanted to share with you my track
with the "last year DNB Drums" that i uploaded a while ago.
i know its not finished and polished,but it sounds simply good :D
Let me know your critics!
looks like this was uploaded way back...i hope that the full version will be out soon (if it isn't?)
exciting mix...
the drums though could be introduced by some riser(just an idea)
anyways thanks for the listen
or at least a proper ending
incredible dnb here
Also I respect the whole "giving each track your all" thing, it takes a lot of self-discipline to do that but the music usually ends up being much better so good on you. Can't wait to hear the finished product.
Peace. LIS
Starts off ambient then moves into the drum and bass … very different but enjoyed. The drum and bass really comes in abruptly though; may I suggest fading it in?
Thanks for sharing the preview with us, the following pieces should be good. Stay you. Peace.
Overall, nice dreamy song, keep it up!
I really enjoy good dnb but never tried to make a dnb track. I'd like to have a go at it one day. Then all the artists that are good at it can feel even better about themselves after hearing my attempt, lol.
Good stuff so far. Peace
brought up awesome memories and forgotten vibes.
coming along nicely so far and i am looking forward to hearing how it develops further.
i will now go and listen to omni trio - renegade snares followed by adam f - circles.
cheers :)
I love the long detailed intro, then transitions over into some smooth D&B. The bass stab is sick.
It reminds me of some old-school Optical and ED Rush.
Well done. FT