12th Feb 2015 22:57 - 10 years ago
Description : Hi guys!
Just wanted to take a look at the wave form here on Looperman it still a brick? This is just the second assignment for the Ableton Live course (you can read about it in the forums). Having issues with the compression, clipping and distortion.
Edit2: Made an update and took away some audio effects and reduced others. Maybe it's sounding a little clearer now. Also added some midi tracks and rearranged the mix a bit.

Comments (12)

If you have time take a listen and give SeriouslyJoking some feedback.

KErf 25th Apr 2015 14:32 - 9 years ago
Like THIS!
Darkreine 29th Mar 2015 09:10 - 9 years ago
Hey SJ, it's been a while since I've heard one of your tracks and my have you grown!! I love the direction you are taking your music. Keep on experimenting it's how we learn!! Great Job.
ScottB55 27th Mar 2015 19:18 - 10 years ago
Really cool, SJ. Not quite sure what breakbeat is, but it sounds good to me.

SHWAK 27th Mar 2015 02:06 - 10 years ago
visually looks good and plump
BradoSanz 27th Mar 2015 01:56 - 10 years ago
I'd suggest getting a free limiter here:

Click "try em'" and download to your computer. The demo version mastering limiter (along with some other plugins) is free to use and will keep your music from clipping in the future. It's a quite effective and easy tool to use and can be very beneficial to any mix. I'd suggest giving it a try!

I actually like the mix on this one. Sure there is what to my ear sound like some lossiness on some of the sounds used, and the drums could be a tad louder in my humble opinion, but the whole structure is great. I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Beautiful piece.

FreeRadical 14th Feb 2015 09:04 - 10 years ago
This is sounding good to me. Love those arp's and the swirling pad effects. The drum work is interesting and it's got plenty of "umph" The waveform doesn't look completely like a brick so your nearly there. I'm sure with a little more tweaking you'll get it sounding exactly how you want it.
To my ears it sounds fine anyway.
Cheers for sharing.
SeriouslyJoking replied 15th Feb 2015 - 10 years ago
Hello FR!
Thanks for listening - I also like the "umph" effect.

Take care and Cheers!
/ SJ
crucethus 14th Feb 2015 02:19 - 10 years ago
Ok here is my take on this. There is a little bit of clipping I hear, lower your headroom before compressing. Your musical taste is much more eclectic than I gave you credit for my dear. I really like this though. My thoughts on effects are this....when you first get a hold of a new toy you want to try everything and you want to hear the effect slapping you across the face. But as you go on you learn when to hold back and when to use it effectively, and that just takes time and practice. So keep doing these segues as they will help you grow. I have about 26(90 min) old cassette tapes of material (from back in the day) that will never see the light of day because most of them were practice songs. For me listening to Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music, and Also Brian Eno was a master class in how to arrange sounds subtly and effectively. Some musicians used to complain that no one can hear themselves on a Bryan Ferry track which could have up to 30 musicians on it, but the whole sound together is what made it lush and vibrant...tasteful. so keep on keeping on.
SeriouslyJoking replied 15th Feb 2015 - 10 years ago
Hi Steve!
Well, I still didn't lower the volume which I really should have and am going too because if I turn the limiter off, the master volume thing turns all red...the good thing is that I now actually understand why and so forth. So going to fix that later.

About the very cool new effects in Ableton - I turned some of them off now and tweaked some others. I'm hearing you there but Im still a little too found of them to hold back all the way. But maybe at the next tweaking.

About your old stash of practice songs - this Looperman account with a maximum of 50 songs (I'm on my 49th now, some of them are hidden) is my stash of practice songs I guess. Too bad people have to hear them!! =D
But I actually don't post ALL of them, I have an other stash in my daw that never will see the light off day.
Well, anyway thanks for the feedback and for sharing your thoughts Steve and I hope all is well with you.

Take care!
/ SJ =)
promenade2239 13th Feb 2015 20:05 - 10 years ago
Thanks for your reply!

The waveform shape has no meaning at all. Waveform itself does not make any sound.

Thare's some great polish duo making breakebeat by sampling old polish jazz recordings. check it out:
I tried this concept when remixing doudei's track

the idea here was to get the 'realistic' and 'transparent' sound of each instrument as possible.

Adding effects is ok but ultimately it will always distort the original message. Again: try taking off the effects!

Automated phaser/flanger or similar effect on drums... - truly it's just some crazy idea for me!

Also I noticed that you're using Ableton now but ultimately DAW does not make any sound. It's just an another interesting experience and at first it makes you believe that from now you will create better sounds. Bullshit.
It is just an another interesting toy.

My only advice would be: stick with the music that you love and simply keep going!

Hope it's useful.
SeriouslyJoking replied 13th Feb 2015 - 10 years ago
Listening to Skalpel now - really groovy and good tasting music.
I see what you mean about keeping the sounds crisp and clean and taking off the effects - which I did after the first rendering but I put some new ones back on because I really dig that echo effect on the drums and the vocal sample and all the rest.
But I tried to keep it in only a few places and not along the entire track so I tried automate it which wasn't really succesful.

But I guess we have somewhat different preferences there - I also like the crispy clear drums but also flangered ones sometimes!
I could always make one version without the effects on and an other with, to see which one people prefer but I guess there isn't enough interest to listen at a lot of different versions of this track so maybe not anyway...ha ha.

About Ableton - oh you are partially wrong!! It does make a difference to the better, most definitely.
It has some great audio effects that doesn't exist in FL Studio for instance. And also a more creative workflow, which I just am trying to learn about now.

But of course it's not me suddenly being better, it's the people who created that DAW who did the whole improvement. It's easier to get good sounding material from Ableton. So if you create a great sounding track in FL you need to be really good. To do the same in Ableton you only need to be average...

Hey, maybe that's also what you meant?
Thanks again for the feedback, Alex!
Spivkurl 13th Feb 2015 19:31 - 10 years ago
Hey, this is fun to hear! I don't think of this as a brick waveform. I downloaded it to check in an audio editor, and there is only subtle clipping in a couple places. I think the mastering *level* is pretty close to good. The problems people are hearing may be due to clashing effects, or effects on the master channel that or too "wet" in their mix. Just what I thought of when listening. I like it a lot though. Has fun 15 years ago sound about it. Nicely done!
SeriouslyJoking replied 13th Feb 2015 - 10 years ago
Hi Spiv!
You are right about the brick form, it could be worse! I guess the mastering level is due to the audio effect device I placed in the master channel - it worked wonders. But I probably should tweak it somehow to get rid of the small clipping and also simply turn the volume down a bit before rendering. There is a wet effect here and there which you could hear and I agree about it being too wet. I failed with the automation but am going to look into it some more later.
Thanks for checking the levels in your audio editor!!

15 years ago sound!
Ha ha ha, I like that. I actally think this is the closest I've come so far to make a track sound the way I like it to sound. This is my ultimate taste in music. And it's sounding really old! =D

Thanks for listening and for all the feedback.
AsidRayne 13th Feb 2015 17:19 - 10 years ago
I found that some pads were a bit too loud and took away from some of the drum glitchiness, making it sound like it has a bit more distortion (probably from the clipping).

Then again I absolutely hate using ableton and probably have no idea what I'm talking about xD

But this is a very good track! :D
SeriouslyJoking replied 13th Feb 2015 - 10 years ago
Hi AsidRayne!
Yeah, it's still too loud. I'm going to adjust the levels later to see if that makes any improvement.
Why do you hate using Ableton?
I totally love it so far, but I only have the free trial version and have had it for a week or so...maybe it'll change. =D

Thanks for listening and take care!

(I'm actually listening to your track as I write this. My ears!!! Talk about aggressive sounds.)
promenade2239 13th Feb 2015 08:26 - 10 years ago
hi again SJ,
this is some very lovely electronic track with nice retro sounding synths.
Brick shaped waveform? This is a good example:

But seriously, I always enjoy listening to your tracks and this time is no difference. Good to see your music evolving.
Yes, at some point there's a lack of clarity on your recording. It's a bit like a 'filtered' listening. I thought you might try to take off the effects and simply observe what happens. Probably some synths already have reverbs (and other effects) so mixing different reverb effects might be the reason for unclear sound. Some proper order in applying effects might be eventually considered. There are many tutorials out there on YT, some amount of teory is needed at some point anyway. Myself I experiment a lot and ultimately I do not believe in strict rules. But of course there's no way around it.

Hope this makes sense. It doesn't change my perception of your track at all which again is a very lovely one.
Thanks also for checking my song and some nice words. I appreciate that.

Best to you and till next time, Alex
SeriouslyJoking replied 13th Feb 2015 - 10 years ago
Hi Alex!
I suddenly relised that there infact are worse looking wave forms...thanks for pointing that out. =D

The lack of clarity is probably because of the reverb/delay effect I turned on and off with automation troughout the track. I loved the effect it gave but it also clutters the mix too much...I tried to do a more fine tuned automation and not just the on/off type but the program would not let me do that. I need to look in to that some more to maybe figure it out later.
Very glad to hear that you liked this anyway!

/ SJ =)
BradoSanz 13th Feb 2015 07:54 - 10 years ago
All I can say about you and your mixing and mastering skills - don't get frustrated if it's not perfect right now. Just keep mixing. As your experience increases, it will steadily become easier to mix and master your music with a satisfactory end-result. You're improving. I can hear it. Good stuff! Keep on making beautiful music!
SeriouslyJoking replied 13th Feb 2015 - 10 years ago
Hello EpicRecord!
Yes, I'm going to keep at it. This new Ableton daw is so fun to work with, but it's of course hard to grasp all the new features and learn how to use them in such a short time (one week to be more exact =D).

Thanks for listening and take care!

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