Description : This is my newest creation, at a stage very near to completion. No third-party mastering or mixing, as with all my tracks. Just have to fix a few tiny things. I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO MIX EVERYTHING IN THE SAME SESSION. This song has all human-played instruments - no quantization or MIDI! My brother does all the vocals except for the interlude part, which I do. My other brother plays the rhythm guitar (a Gibson Les Paul Custom - only one of 12 in the world!!) and I play the accompanying guitar (a Johnny Mar Jag and PRS). He has a lot of guitars :P A good friend of ours, Ronnie, plays the bass and another friend, Freddie, plays the drums. The drum track was done in one take (had to use an electric drum set due to time constraints - but acoustic kits are so much better). Overall, pretty satisfied with the result. Let me know your thoughts.
This rock track was uploaded by BradoSanz. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (20)
If you have time take a listen and give BradoSanz some feedback.
The whole thing is plain solid man, congrats on that. The voice is spot on, very radio friendly, did you used lots of editing on the vocals or you just have it in you ? anyway it sounds great !
This is incredible stuff, you guys are amazing.
I haven't had the time to hear all your songs yet but so far this is the one i enjoy the most, everything is just so well balanced and professional sounding.
Well Done !
Don't know how I missed this one, but I'm very happy I found this. Your entire family is very talented. You guys should form a family band because this song is absolutely great!
Was the mixing hard to do for this one? I would think it would be harder to do mixing for real instruments rather than doing it for synthesizers, as you have to deal with interference and outside noises the mic picks up. Regardless the mix sounds great on this end. Once again another impressive track from you, can't wait to hear more!
Thanks Modnex! Mixing was actually very fun, even if it was challenging haha. I devoted an entire day, a few trips to our family's cars, and fine-tuning to get this to sound decent haha. I've learned that taking your music to a car or truck stereo system can actually help a lot in the process of polishing off a mix. It helps reveal little weak spots in the mix that you won't necessarily notice on studio monitors. Thanks for the listen!
Hi. I've commented a reasonable amount on your acoustic tracks but not heard so much of the rocking stuff.
This sounds very good, even though I'm not particularly into it. The vocals are excellent. I don't love them but they're perfect for this style. Right up there with a lot of very commercial, big-selling music.
I can go into more detail if you like regarding the other instruments but just wanted to say for now that the vocals really stand out. This kind of music is all about making them stand out and be catchy so you have a definite success there.
Oh, and EQing the vocals probably hasn't removed any unique quality. They sound good but also quite generic, which is partly what makes them good (in commercial terms).
Oh and I like the delivery of the line "If I'm honest with myself" - probably the delivery of "honest" in particular.
Ah - one criticism. Vocal delivery of the "you" in "without you" and "day" in "another day" I do not like.
Haha, I agree with you on your vocal critique :P I sing that part (I didn't want to as I feel my voice doesnt exactly capture the energy my brother does) and I did it against my will :P I appreciate the honesty Static, and thanks for listening and offering your opinions on my music. It really means a lot.
Pure rock. All sounds good to me. Nice guitar sounds, nice voices, all fits very well. On my system it sounds realy well mixed (special for a real played rock song)
So you all did a great job. Looks like your fam is a club of talentet boys :) and lots of talentet friends are around .... thats always good to make some nice music.
Glad to hear your opinion Evisma! I was having trouble making the vocals sit nicely in the track so I had to rearrange EQs on the vocals to make them sit better, might've removed some of the uniqueness from them in that regard. Thanks for the listen!
Yet another impeccable track! congrats on the outcome. If you aren't signed yet it will surely happen soon at this rate. keep up the great work.-EazyBeatz :)
it's simply a teenage rock dream track, very radio friendly indeed. Sorry to say but I do't get it, I am too old for this. But anyway it's so nicely performed and I can really appreciate that. Really nice work on this one!
Haha understood promenade :P We all have our own tastes and preferences but I'm thankful you at least looked at it for its good parts :P Thanks for the listen.
Nice job. I know how much it takes to record drums because im a drummer. To do this track in one take is awesome ! You guys are very tight. Reminds me of when I was in a band except we were a metal band lol. Nice job man your music is awesome.
Yeah, the drummer Freddie has been playing drums for 15+ years now so he's a mature musician haha. He's got his timing down - it was the other instruments that weren't so perfect haha. :P Thanks for the listen!
This is a cool pop rock sort of song, I dig it! I think your brother's and your vocals are quite excellent! All the guitars sound pretty good too. All in all a very cohesive mix. I agree that it could be improved with a real drum kit, as I found the cymbals to be quite tinny, but it didn't really take away from the effect of the song. Had fun listening! Great work!
I agree with the drum thing haha. Just can't beat an acoustic kit haha. But it did the job regardless, even if it wasn't my first preference :P All the best,
Hi Epic,
This is a "perfect" track.
First of all: it's well played. Damn good!
The band works well and the playing is tight and "convincing".
The sounds are all very good: I cannot point out any weak point. Maybe you could do "more" on the drums (with a live kit) but they are already convincing. Very convincing.
Outstanding delivery of the singers: you and your brother have good intonation and interesting voices. Liked.
Ciao, Domenico
Thanks, Domenico! Yeah, I agree that the drums are the weakest point of the mix, but they're entirely acceptable for me considering what I had to work with haha. I can only go up from here! WOOOOOO
This is my best work as of yet. Still a few tiny, tiny issues that I need to flesh out in future recordings, but this new software (PT9) is definitely a step up from PT6 haha.
Great to hear you guys rock out. Live to fight another day, which reminds me to fight the good fight of faith. Most excellent job. Crystal clear professional and pristine recording, vocals, music, lyrics, etc, etc, etc. On a list of all excellent comments, I vote all of the above for a perfect score.
The amazing thing to me is that I did all this with the bare minimum in terms of recording stuff. All I had to record was an MBox 3 with a L and R channel haha. I had to "mix" the drums from the kit itself and hope for the best haha. Thankfully, my ear was decent enough to get it close to where it needed to be, balanced-wise.
Really good job, ER. You have an excellent band. You are very lucky to have your playing mates close enough to all play together...I envy you! My mates all all over the world, so we have to send the tracks to each other.
Yea, they're all in their 30s haha. They're old bandmates of my oldest brother Ernie haha. I invited em to jump in on the track and they were happy to oblige haha! Was very fun to record.
Thanks, KingVortex. Yeah, I spent 12 consecutive hours mixing this song down yesterday :P I happened to have a free day so I spent it doing this! Glad you liked!
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I haven't had the time to hear all your songs yet but so far this is the one i enjoy the most, everything is just so well balanced and professional sounding.
Well Done !
Was the mixing hard to do for this one? I would think it would be harder to do mixing for real instruments rather than doing it for synthesizers, as you have to deal with interference and outside noises the mic picks up. Regardless the mix sounds great on this end. Once again another impressive track from you, can't wait to hear more!
This sounds very good, even though I'm not particularly into it. The vocals are excellent. I don't love them but they're perfect for this style. Right up there with a lot of very commercial, big-selling music.
I can go into more detail if you like regarding the other instruments but just wanted to say for now that the vocals really stand out. This kind of music is all about making them stand out and be catchy so you have a definite success there.
Oh, and EQing the vocals probably hasn't removed any unique quality. They sound good but also quite generic, which is partly what makes them good (in commercial terms).
Oh and I like the delivery of the line "If I'm honest with myself" - probably the delivery of "honest" in particular.
Ah - one criticism. Vocal delivery of the "you" in "without you" and "day" in "another day" I do not like.
Pure rock. All sounds good to me. Nice guitar sounds, nice voices, all fits very well. On my system it sounds realy well mixed (special for a real played rock song)
So you all did a great job. Looks like your fam is a club of talentet boys :) and lots of talentet friends are around .... thats always good to make some nice music.
stay tuned ER
Vocals are really good. Nice character to the voice, though not really unique.
V-drums or not, they sound pretty good. This was a pleasant listen. I'll be looking for your tracks in the future.
Yeah, the drummer Freddie has been playing drums for 15+ years now so he's a mature musician haha. He's got his timing down - it was the other instruments that weren't so perfect haha. :P Thanks for the listen!
I agree with the drum thing haha. Just can't beat an acoustic kit haha. But it did the job regardless, even if it wasn't my first preference :P All the best,
This is a "perfect" track.
First of all: it's well played. Damn good!
The band works well and the playing is tight and "convincing".
The sounds are all very good: I cannot point out any weak point. Maybe you could do "more" on the drums (with a live kit) but they are already convincing. Very convincing.
Outstanding delivery of the singers: you and your brother have good intonation and interesting voices. Liked.
Ciao, Domenico
This is my best work as of yet. Still a few tiny, tiny issues that I need to flesh out in future recordings, but this new software (PT9) is definitely a step up from PT6 haha.