8th May 2015 02:05 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : If you're looking for Skrillex and his cronies, you've come to the wrong place. It's not that kind of dubstep. This track opens with a nod to my fellow Vault Dwellers and Wanderers of the Wastes, and transitions into a deep, dark celebration of the Horror movie genre. Some of you will get it. Some of you won't. Either way, I hope you all enjoy it. Thanks for listening. Take care. V.

Comments (45)

If you have time take a listen and give ValveDriver some feedback.

VintageNights 23rd Feb 2025 08:41 - 2 weeks ago
Wow this is time travel horror of some kind - the soundscape is incredible and expansive. Brilliantly composed and v creatively cinematic. Kay
ripzore9191 11th Aug 2020 22:51 - 4 years ago
Not your stereotypical/Mainstream dubstep but nonetheless it sounds really good, You get a favorite from me. :)
ValveDriver replied 12th Aug 2020 - 4 years ago
Thanks, man. I'm glad you liked it.

I kinda don't do anything mainstream or stereotypical. If it is, then it wasn't intentional.

Either way, thanks again for the time to comment.

Take care.
Stereonomicon 10th Aug 2020 23:05 - 4 years ago
Wonderfully dark track, imbued with neo-gothic atmospheres. The production is really of the highest level, you have the distinct feeling of being transported within the song, completely immersed in the sound flow. The compositional balance is optimal and the sound effects of voices and background noises form a fascinating embroidery that completes the otherworldly mood of the piece. Another proof of your great mastery of sound matter.
Best wishes and see you soon
CINCOCENT 18th Jul 2020 02:08 - 4 years ago
This is exactly what I'm looking for some raw cinematic dark grindage. Man you really have nice samples. Like I said man I like the kind of atmosphere so I don't know why just so europhoric! It definitely has that nightmarish twist to it. 1.10 yea kinda like horror video game theme
frankjavo65 26th Jan 2020 12:59 - 5 years ago
ok let me check thks for share!
ValveDriver replied 26th Jan 2020 - 5 years ago
eggs0ntoast 31st Oct 2018 12:22 - 6 years ago
wicked track man ......salute
B055man 2nd Sep 2018 04:26 - 6 years ago
VictorMih 11th Mar 2018 18:42 - 7 years ago
ValveDriver replied 5th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Tinka0 16th Jan 2018 03:42 - 7 years ago
Have we met?

Why not..

Great flow and atmosphere, I'm looking forward to hearing on some speakers.

We've got a similar style, I encourage you to verify that.

Good dubstep is hard to find these days.
ValveDriver replied 5th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Thank you. i’ll Check out your work.

Take care.
Ajerutis 26th Dec 2017 01:03 - 7 years ago
I will literally buy this from you. I think it would work perfect for an upcoming project im working on. Email me for details:
ValveDriver replied 5th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
I’m glad you like it, but it’s not for sale. I appreciate the kind words.
KoelStudios 30th Nov 2016 17:51 - 8 years ago
I like the groove.........

great work.
ValveDriver replied 2nd Feb 2017 - 8 years ago
Thank you.
BLEEP 29th Nov 2016 23:35 - 8 years ago
really good work! dark with an industrial touch
ValveDriver replied 30th Nov 2016 - 8 years ago
Thank you.
Squennix 28th Nov 2016 16:06 - 8 years ago
Shiiiiiiiiiit this is a very nice track! Usually I don't like dubstep but finally once I hear a good track wich is sounding quite different as the other shit out there daaaaaamn u're doing a good job mate!!! Keep it up!
ValveDriver replied 29th Nov 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks, man. It's because I don't like all the other dubstep shit out there that I decided to do something completely different. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for taking the time.

Take care.
swindla007 27th Nov 2016 15:29 - 8 years ago
Well finally i've found someone who genuinely makes dubstep great again. i totally dig your darkness man, its the same kinda vibe i try to put into almost all of my d&b tracks. Anyways, i know youve heard it a million times already but great work, keep it up, i hope to hear alot more like this in the future...
Dj Swindla
ValveDriver replied 28th Nov 2016 - 8 years ago
Swindla, what's happnin?

Thanks for the kind words. If you dig the darker side of music, you should check out the rest of my work. Darkness is kind of "my thing." As far as making dubstep great again, that's a pretty big compliment. It's not really my preferred genre, but I really like to incorporate dubstep elements into what I do.
I'm sure you'll hear more in the future.

Take care.
Fl4zh 27th Nov 2016 13:33 - 8 years ago
Might just be me, but i feel this track has like a spooky melody or halloween melody or what you want to call it.

Love the bass also.

- Fl4zh
ValveDriver replied 28th Nov 2016 - 8 years ago
It might be just you. I'm usually known for my positive and uplifting music that inspires happiness and rainbows. Seriously.

Thank you for the kind words.

Take care.
mindhiest 27th Nov 2016 07:35 - 8 years ago
well, you don't need me to tell you that this is great. but this is great. the more I listen to dubstep and all of it differnt sound. the more I like it. I love the dark theme especially the intro. awesome intro.
ValveDriver replied 28th Nov 2016 - 8 years ago
Ha! Thanks man. I checked out some of your work the other night. I was impressed. You're definitely on your way to making some really good music! I'll swing by when I have more time to concentrate, and leave some comments, suggestions, and pointers for you.

Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment. It's always appreciated!

Take care.
Evolushroom 5th Jul 2015 02:01 - 9 years ago
Nice and deep as we like thanks for the sonorific experience
ValveDriver replied 5th Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
You're welcome, and thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it.

Take care.
25DjTj 2nd Jul 2015 13:28 - 9 years ago
pretty good track...
thank you valvedriver for a great (dubstep) track.
maybe you could add some pianos and strings for additional fx,but that's just some idea
anyways,that's one hell of a track.
ValveDriver replied 4th Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
TJ, Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to do so.

"maybe you could add some pianos and strings for additional fx"

Ya know, I actually did. I had a few in there in a few spots, but I wasn't 100% satisfied with them. So, when it came time for save, export and post, I took them out at the last second. Maybe I'll revisit this one down the road and try again with the strings and pianos.

Either way, thank you for offering up a suggestions. I like it when people do that. Even if I don't use it on this particular track, I'll take it with me onto the next one. SO, again, thank you.

Take care.
dyldonomus 30th Jun 2015 03:41 - 9 years ago
very different but still good the horror touch is pretty cool man
ValveDriver replied 2nd Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
Dyldonomus, I'm glad you enjoyed this, and thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts.

Take care.
silverman 30th Jun 2015 03:40 - 9 years ago
Second time round and it's gone in the faves.
ValveDriver replied 2nd Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
Welcome back, and thank you!

You're welcome to enjoy this one as many times as you'd like!

Take care, sir.

DMindProductions 30th Jun 2015 03:31 - 9 years ago
Hey man.

I'm not really into Dubstep anymore like I used to be, but let me say, this is great. This isn't typical dubstep, and that's why a like it.

Most dubstep songs today are so dull and boring because they are so similar to other songs, and they have nothing unique to them anymore. But this changed it.

I love hearing a dubstep song that I actually enjoy again.

Great job!
ValveDriver replied 2nd Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
What's happnin'?

I'm with you, man. I haven't been too thrilled with dubstep for a while. Once everyone started sounding exactly like Skrillex and Flux Pavilion, I lost interest. Fast. It's all the same formula, the same "drop," the same samples. Like you said. It got boring.

A lot of my work has always had trace elements of D&B, and dubstep, but usually as supporting roles to the primary Heavy Metal. (Maybe someday I'll re-upload my older tracks.) So, I decided to just put out what I wanted to hear in dubstep. This is the result. Most of my work is pretty dark like this one.

I'm glad I could restore your interest. Even if only a little. I'm honored to know that my work reached someone in a good way.

Thanks a lot, man. I genuinely appreciate it.

Take care.
GramoChopin 23rd Jun 2015 23:03 - 9 years ago
Horror movies huh? Big fan. right. here. Really like the ominous presence to it. Not the norm for dubstep but anything really dark usually hardly is. Really dig the vocal bits too. The Castlevania like melody is great. You pretty much know I like anything dark so this is all very nice to hear. Keep rocking....bro. peace

ValveDriver replied 30th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
I've loved horror flicks since I was a little kid!

"Not the norm for dubstep but anything really dark usually hardly is."

That's exactly why I did it. If I can break the norm and have a decent turn out, I'm going to.

I'm not sure what the Castlevania melody is. I know it's a game, but not one I've ever played. I'll have to look for the soundtrack.

Thanks for taking a minute, man. I appreciate your feedback!

Take care.
crucethus 22nd Jun 2015 06:13 - 9 years ago
Love the opening dissonance after what sounds like you stomping a frog. how did I miss this one? The wubba wubba with the maniacal spoken word is also effective as well. Love the synth choices on this one as it chomps down on your soul as you listen to it. Very Square wave oriented. But the beats get the head swayin. Or more like the grave digger would be timing his diggings to this beat. I am picturing a tongue in cheek video you could produce with famous monsters of the big screen over the years dancing out bling style. You know the bass progression reminds me of this recent Grace Jones diddy..(Yes I said Grace Jones!) called Corporate Cannibal.
and the dubstep remix
would be more relative to what you are doing here my friend.
great job
ValveDriver replied 30th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Cru, how's it goin' mister?

I think the video should be all the old classic monsters, (pre 1990's.), in tux-n-tails doing some old Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly numbers WHILE the grave digger is in the background diggin' a dirtnap bunkbed.

Once I finish my dinner, I will be clicking on the links. I've always found Grace Jones to be a very interesting individual. I'm very curious to see what's behind curtain #1 and 2! Thanks for stopping by.

Take care.
bitronix 4th Jun 2015 07:12 - 9 years ago
The Dark ambience, and the theme proves that it's fitting to be a horror one. Great job on making the theme, the ambience, the tune, and the environment.
ValveDriver replied 30th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
2D2R, Sorry for the late reply, and thank you for taking the time to comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Take care.
ReonN 2nd Jun 2015 06:04 - 9 years ago
These ambiance. These sounds. It literally sounds like some horror movie. Liked how you made the track. No complaints here :)
ValveDriver replied 4th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks for the listen, and for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Take care.
Orlando51 27th May 2015 00:24 - 9 years ago
Exceptional athmosphere you created here...spooky and tense throughout! Production is tremendous! This must be one of the best track I' ve heard in any genre in these past few weeks here on Looperman. Instant favourite!!

Big compliments______Orlando
ValveDriver replied 27th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Orlando, Thank you!
That's a hell of a big compliment, man. Especially considering the massive amounts of talent which surrounds me. I'm truly grateful for your kindness.

Take care.
silverman 20th May 2015 15:37 - 9 years ago
The unkown.
Fight or flight.
Win or lose.
This could be the day we die ....

Great track.
ValveDriver replied 26th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Silverman, thanks for taking to the time to listen. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Take care.
Neomorpheus 20th May 2015 00:49 - 9 years ago
Damn V, I apologise man, I've been outta touch here lately and done gone and missed the debut of this mighty track! As anticipated, its indeed sum ass kickin tuneage, that only the ValveDriver truly can deliver ! When I saw "Dubstep" I thought yeah, this is gonna be unruly as F@#k! You didn't disappoint. I enjoyed hearing your take on the genre. Well executed blend of cinematic effects and Horror soundtrack. Absolutely dig the bridge there at 2:10 bro. I cranked the bitch to max volume and not only fried some speaker cones but also opened a dimension portal to somewhere I definitely didn't want to explore or allow anything in from. Had to back off a few clicks to close it !
Seriously, its always pleasure to sample your stuff. Thanks for the eargasm. Keep em comin please!!!
ValveDriver replied 20th May 2015 - 9 years ago
No biggie on missing the debut. I've been out for a while too. I understand, life has shit planned that we don't!

" I enjoyed hearing your take on the genre"

I heard some shit one day that called itself "Deep Medi Dubstep." So I checked it out further. It was pretty cool. Super bass driven, and pretty mellow all around. A nice wide, dark atmospheric, minimal kind of deal. Right up my alley as far as electronic goes. (Metal is a whole different story). I liked it quite a bit, and when I started the tune, it kind of just naturally flowed, so I let it. My track isn't as quality as a lot of what I've heard, but, it'll do for now.

" ...but also opened a dimension portal to somewhere I definitely didn't want to explore or allow anything in from."

Yes. I know it well. It's called the inside of my head when left alone for too long.

Anyhow, I'm glad to see you back, and I'm glad you liked the track. There will definitely be more coming. Even with as busy and chaotic as it's been, I'm still finding time to be creative. Not much sometimes, but I make sure to keep doing it.

Thanks again, mister.

Take care.
DanGoldstein 19th May 2015 13:24 - 9 years ago
you paint a dark, evocative picture of something very scary and threatening lurking. It is rich, interesting stuff. you have nice control over that kick drum!! very inspiring work. congrats.
ValveDriver replied 19th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Midi...thanks, man!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. My work is usually a little darker than most people on Looperman, so it means quite a bit when people still like my work enough to comment on it to let me know they like it.

That kick drum is about 3 different kicks layered, EQ'd and compressed. D3ERILICT had suggested they're too far back in the mix. I may try bringing them up a little. If they sound better, I'll re-upload as an edit.

Thanks again for taking the time to leave some kind words. I appreciate it greatly.

Take care.
Spivkurl 14th May 2015 17:47 - 9 years ago
Hello again! I didn't really notice that this was listed as dubstep, and I can hear why you would chose that of course, but I was pleasantly surprised by the creativity you added within that style. I think the bass work is quite good, and the mix sounded nice on my setup. I'm extremely into horror films, except that I HATE all of them that I've seen from the last 4-5 years... and that leads me to the only thing hard for me about this track, it sounds like it would be in a modern horror flick. That's not really anything to do with you or your music, just the bad taste in my mouth from poor film making. Every modern horror movie that is recommended to me turns out to be horrible generic regurge. I think your arrangement works great here, and it gives a very cinematic impression. An enjoyable listen all the way through!
ValveDriver replied 19th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Spiv, hello.

I'm guessing it's the fact that this track has modern music elements in it that makes it seem to you like it's a more modern horror sound. The audio clip is from a mid 80's flick. So, it's definitely from the prime era. Either way, I'm glad you liked it.

I haven't exactly been too thrilled with recent horror flicks either. In my opinion, they started to lose their flavor once CGI replaced all the Tom Savini's out there. Back in the late 70's and early 80's when the budgets were low, the film was grainy, and the lighting was crap is when they were the best. That rawness is what made them scary. Well, that and I was just a little kid back then.

Thanks for listening and also for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it.

Take care.
D3RELICT 14th May 2015 06:46 - 9 years ago
Wow, I must say wow.

I'm not really a horror fan but I love all sounds dark and grimy so this definitely something up one of the many dark alleys I frequent.

Two things I like in particular about this track is that glassy lead synth and the drums. That synth has just the right amount of space and reverb. The percussion sounds are just excellent although I would have put them slightly more forward in the mix. They're sort of shrouded by all the bass and fx. But maybe they work because they're cloaked in the darkness of the sound.

Either way, very well done! I hope you have more like this coming down the pipe because this is a sound I think I need more of.

ValveDriver replied 19th May 2015 - 9 years ago
D3RELICT, How are you? I apologize for such a late reply. Busy days, my friend.

I love the horror. The campier the better, if you ask me. The dark sounds are something that I've always really liked too. I guess it sort of goes hand in hand.

Thanks for the compliment on that glassy lead. It's one of my own creations. I like to create all my tracks from as close to scratch as possible. So hearing that my synths are turning out good makes it worth the work.

You may be absolutely correct about bringing the drums forward. As much as I love the electronic music, my first love is death metal. A genre that's heavily guitar driven. A lot of times, the drums sit further back. I think 35 years of listening to metal kind of programmed my ears to pay more attention to the bass and lead sounds. The next piece I do like this one, I will definitely keep your suggestion in mind. Thank you for the suggestion.

As far as more like this coming down the pipe. I can guarantee you there will be more. I don't know if you've already listened or not, but my "Twas Brillig (Slithy Tove Remix) is kind of similar to this. It's not as dark or horror driven, but it's really bass-y, has a heavy beat, and pretty spacious. Check it out if you haven't already.

Thanks again for the kind words, and suggestion. I'm glad you enjoyed this one.

Take care.
Tumbleweed 14th May 2015 03:15 - 9 years ago
The V strikes again....I gotta send a link on this one to our oldest Son...he`s in film production & has been into horror since he was a wee`ve got the whole vibe nailed hope of mercy here...the wasteland is unforgiving...and what lives there unimaginable....and this is the soundtrack from the neighbourhood that resides at its edge....holy`re good at it....Ed
ValveDriver replied 14th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Ed, How've you been, Mister? I hope everything is well up there.

If your son is into horror, then he'll probably recognize the vocal sample right away! Maybe even the opening sound effect, as well.

I think it's because of my love for horror since I was just a kid, too, that helps me capture that dark vibe.

"....holy`re good at it...."

Heheh. Thank you, sir. I take that as a great compliment!

Good to hear from you. I'll be heading over to your page to check out any tracks that I've missed while I've been out. I'm pretty far behind on a few different people.

Thanks again, Ed. It's always a pleasure.
Take care.
StaticNomad 14th May 2015 00:42 - 9 years ago

I've chosen this track as one of my favourite Looperman tracks in the thread I started a few months ago.

I have never seen The Venture Brothers so I don't know if it's suitable supervillain viewing material. I'd expect some shows about world domination to be popular in an evil lair.

I'm also a superhero called Sliderman, with the ability to harness and control exceptional energy through the glass slide on my little finger. I'm surprised we haven't met in a real world crisis situation. Or at least on the superhero/supervillain forums, which tend to be dominated by superhacking heroes and villains.

I could probably vanquish you for good in a face-off but I have to think of your family. And I also want to see you progress even further musically. But I'll take out your Valve Army with the power of my slide if necessary.

"Maybe I can send you a screen shot of my synth set up"

No, don't worry. I don't know if I could reprogram that on my software synths (pretty much all in Reason) though I guess it might be possible to get close. There are shitloads of awesome sounds I'd love to have but I already have loads so it's just a matter of time until I get round to using more. I have so many synth and sample presets that it's boring to go through them. I tend to go on occasional synth preset browsing binges and that's partly why you're almost guaranteed to hear at least a few new sounds in every track I do. I'll just have to stumble upon that warm, malevolent bass sound in my own way.

I appreciate your interesting point about singing being weird. What is weird is people singing what they're saying and it often seems ridiculous but kind of fun when they do it in musicals (ie just break into song, having previously been just talking). I've kind of always wanted to use spoken word samples in my music but also don't want it to be tied to anything anyone has already made (ie the sampled speech) so I just keep it as pure self-created music, containing very few samples (apart from drums).

"At least, I think there's progress"

You're definitely progressing. This one may well be your best produced yet, hence me offering no criticisms, which is rare.

"I don't do the psychedelic drugs anymore, but I do love the music"

I've never done them but have always loved the music. Psychedelic is pretty much my main genre.

All hail the Valve Army!

P.S. I made a nice track bro dedicated to you and I've just finished one dedicated to Evisma, featuring lots of lead bass g.

9,000 Years Too Young

Which Looperbro will be next? No plans right now...
ValveDriver replied 14th May 2015 - 9 years ago

"I've chosen this track as one of my favourite Looperman tracks in the thread I started a few months ago. "

I remember the thread. Thanks, man! I'm honored.

I don't know if you're familiar or not with Johnny Quest. It's a kids cartoon that came out in the mid 60's. It's about this kid who's dad is a super scientist/adventurer. His dad's "bodyguard" and a couple of his friends, and dog. They go on perilous adventures all over the world. In 2003, a couple of guys came out with The Venture Bros. It's a total animated spoof of Johnny Quest. But not at all for kids. Well, today's kids. It's totally for the kids that aren't kids anymore that grew up watching Johnny. It's full of pop culture references, sarcasm, irony, and just general funny shit. It's entirely a show that supervillains would watch. For inspiration, if nothing else.

"I'm surprised we haven't met in a real world crisis situation"

We may have. Being a supervillain, I do travel a lot. You know, heroist/villainary conventions, Seminars, and whatnot. We may have bumped into each other at one. Stranger things have happened. I suppose, though, I would have remembered noticing the energy levels of my mechanized valve minions draining into your slider, and nothing like that rings a bell.
I would suggest planning your attack on my valve army very carefully. You must take into consideration that my army is made entirely of all things metal, and metal has a tendency to smash glass with the greatest of ease.

"that's partly why you're almost guaranteed to hear at least a few new sounds in every track I do. "

I intentionally do that. I guess, I just like it when artists refer back to their own work. Also, it helps keep a common thread that, if used on the same album, keeps the songs similar enough to carry a flow that's not too eclectic. (that among other things involved)

Thanks for the progression recognition, (Progression recognition. Song title?), sometimes, I second guess my work when it doesn't come out exactly like I had planned.

I've already went and listened to 9,000 years young. I left a mini-review for the time being. I'll get back to do a proper one soon.
Burtsbluesboxes 12th May 2015 07:54 - 9 years ago
Oh yeah, slow deep and dark ;) Excellent! 3:)
ValveDriver replied 14th May 2015 - 9 years ago

Thanks, man. I'm glad you liked it.

Take care.
flonut7 11th May 2015 07:11 - 9 years ago
My stage name is Mc ScaRy so of course i dig this vibe....ha...but on the real i definatley feel like you captured the vibe you where going for, as the numerous comments like "Creepy" can backup. But i also feel an element of beauty and twisted fate fucked adventure through depression and rage.....but i am bi polor.....good shit
ValveDriver replied 14th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Flonut7, thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. I always appreciate it when people take that time. I'm glad you enjoyed it. "Creepy" is kind of what I do! Stick around for more fun!

Take care
promenade2239 10th May 2015 20:49 - 9 years ago
hi again and many thanks for the reply!

So I managed to play this one on speakers and definitely can appreciate very solid bass foundation now. Good synth sounds, particulary I like that kind of drone synth sound pretty much, can't really label it very precisely - it adds some very nice, kind of organic and insect feel. I guess there are many different synth layers in here.
Also that female lead-in element (0:13) is very similar to some of your older works...

Overall this is very fine synth stuff: I find it much more 'morphing' than really 'melodic' in a traditional way (nice arpeggiated kind of 'glassy' sound from about 1:08 and some other places later). When listened first time to this I realized there's actually a harmonic 'bridge' part from 2:10 which can really make this tune even more listenable regarding to the overall structure. Background choirs are nicely placed as well as the man's voice sample.

Not something that I can listen all day for sure, as I basically would preffer something that is full of light and warm haha... but I can appreciate this production too for it's decadent atmosphere! Probably Hans Rudolf Giger will fit perfectly here

Best to you, Alex (which I prefer:)
ValveDriver replied 11th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Alex, hello again!

"I like that kind of drone synth sound"

That's a good thing to call it. That's basically, exactly what it is.

The female lead in sounds similar because I've used it in "50 Weight and Body Paint" and also in "Twas Brillig-Slithy Tove". I've always liked it when artists would somehow connect songs, or reuse an element from past works. I guess some would call it recycled, or not creative, but I like to do it.

"Probably Hans Rudolf Giger will fit perfectly here"

Almost 25 years ago, I was an 18 year old artist when I discovered Mr. Giger's work. I went out and bought all of his books and spent countless hours studying his work. I mean, right down to the individual brush strokes. The perspectives, the compositions, the textures, everything. I dissected them fully. He was like a god to me. The worlds he created and the creatures that lived within were completely original and never before seen. He is what inspired me to drive my creativity and push for the originality that no one has ever seen, or with my music, heard.
So, when you say to me that Hans Rudolf Giger would fit perfectly into my song, it is truly one of the greatest compliments I could receive. So, for that, I sincerely thank you.

Take care, Alex.

promenade2239 8th May 2015 19:37 - 9 years ago
haha just realized I can't download this haha. I don't usually allow downloads as well (with some few exceptions)

so I will listen later on!
promenade2239 8th May 2015 19:33 - 9 years ago
hey valve driver,

so nice to see you again. Not much to say on this one... but it's only because that I am listening on the laptop speakers now... anyway I am going to download this track to get much better listening experience and a proper pespective. For now I can only say that the beat you've used here seemed so similar to the one from 'Twas Brilling' and it's remix at first.

Anyway my true name is Aleksander - Alex is an artificial name given to me by a guy which I am woking with currently (not on musical matters at all)
ValveDriver replied 10th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Aleksander, it's good to hrar from you as well. Which do you prefer to be called, Alex, or Aleksander?

Hopefully you had a chance to listen to this on better speakers. Laptop speakers really aren't conducive to any kind of bass-y music. Also, I hope you enjoyed what you heard.

As far as beat similarity goes, it is similar. But the type of song that it is is very similar. Bass driven and heavy. This one is just a lot darker. I really like the slower, heavier driven beats.

Anyhow, thanks for listening, and taking the time to share your thoughts. I alway appreciate it.

Take care.
Byleth 8th May 2015 18:16 - 9 years ago
Just great, for some reason remind me metroid OST at some parts.

I will fav it for sure.

also your voice adding at 3:18 sec is just epic :)

Nice work, my one of my fav from you its still hard to beat your "Cyclamen Laid In Stone - Say Goodbye".

see ya
ValveDriver replied 11th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Hey, man! Good to hear from you.

I've never played Metroid, so I'm not familiar with the OST. I will have to check into it, though.

That whole vocal sample is pretty cool. I only used about a third of it. There's still plenty more. Maybe on the next track, huh?

Thanks for the kind words, and for the fav, as well!

Take care.
StaticNomad 8th May 2015 16:40 - 9 years ago

Of course you know how to operate a big crane. And you can do it with your mind. That's because you're a superhero/supervillain (depending on your mood) whose power is remotely controlling any valve-based machinery. You can assemble a worldwide Valve Army of machines in seconds. Makes up nicely for not being able to fly, have super strength or mind read.

Early on there's a sexy, breathy lady who then gets dominated by a warm yet malevolent wave of bass. Killer bass sound that I should try to make and, obviously, use.

Your spoken word guy sample is fantastic. You're good at using these samples and this may be your best yet.

Creepy horror lead has a lot of character and weird beauty.

This track sits powerfully without ever really getting too banging. But you could actually dance to it. Great psychedelic drug music.

I don't mind the dubstep snare in this whereas I hate it in a lot of crap dubstep tracks I hear. Probably because everything around it has little to no imagination or finesse. This oozes with both.

2:38 useful little break and then back with enhanced badassery.

4:07 awesome scary scream. What the hell is that?

This somehow feels quite long even though it's only 5 mins. Maybe cos it's dark and oppressive so sort of heavy listening.

Oh cool, you've fixed the ending. Now perfectly leaving us hanging on a puzzle.

Overall: best dubstep track I've heard in a long, long time.

P.S. Maybe you could do me a list sometime of some quality dark dubstep a bit like this. No commercial brostep crap.
ValveDriver replied 11th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Usually, I'm a superhero TO the supervillains. Usually we just hang out in super evil HQ's and eat tuna fish sandwiches and watch The Venture Brothers reruns, though. It's mostly fun, but sometimes it's just boring. That's usually when I start forming up my valvedriven armies and break things.

"Killer bass sound that I should try to make and, obviously, use."

Maybe I can send you a screen shot of my synth set up to give you a starting point. It would probably be easier than trying to type out the "coordinates."

The spoken word samples. I'm not sure why I like them so much better than singing. I guess because the concept of singing is odd to me. I mean, I get why people sing, but the idea of elongating syllables and altering pitch to say the same words you use to talk is a funny concept.

"This track sits powerfully without ever really getting too banging. But you could actually dance to it. Great psychedelic drug music."

Early on, in my attempts at music making, I challenged myself to make bass/beat driven tracks that just kind of steadily roll on, but never get boring. It's still a work in progress. At least, I think there's progress. Also, I love psychedelic drug music. I don't do the psychedelic drugs anymore, but I do love the music.

The 4:07 scream is exactly that. A scream. I found it on and knew I had to use it someday. This just happened to be the debut.

I will work on a dubstep list for you. I have a couple compilation CD's full of it. I'll dig it out and get the artist/track names for you.

...and now I'm off to eat more tuna sandwiches and watch more cartoons. (And by that, I mean eat dinner and get the kids in bed.)

Take care, mister.
Danke 8th May 2015 13:30 - 9 years ago
Trade mark my Mister!!!

Doncare you call it dubstep this is ValveDriver music...with it's best moments...those bass synths from 0.13 and 3.18 are killer...first class horror...o.k. we get that dubstepish drums but it could work with acoustic or electro tone too...cause those dangerous synth tones bring the high standard...incredible track from the most hazardous mind and brain in here...:-)

Hats off, hope all is well my friend!!!

ValveDriver replied 10th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Danke! How are you, mister?

I'm glad you liked it. I know you're more of light and upbeat kind of guy, so it means a lot when you like my hazardous work!

Things here are busy. But all around, they're good.

Thanks again, my friend!

carowithak 8th May 2015 09:00 - 9 years ago
OMG, this is so creepy-kinda-awesome. Very dark, indeed... The title fits the track very well, I like it! *thumbs up*
ValveDriver replied 9th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks, man. I appreciate the kindness.

Take care.
SHWAK 8th May 2015 05:46 - 9 years ago
this shit is fucking creepy man!
ValveDriver replied 8th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Stand the fuck by. It's kinda what I'm known for around here.

Thanks for listening and taking time to comment.

Take care.
Evisma 8th May 2015 03:14 - 9 years ago
Been a minute,... Bro be missed, yo.

If John Wayne Gacy was in the Underworld movies, this would be on the soundtrack.

Wow, dubstep that is actually,..... enjoyable. Sounds more like what I would like to think of as "gettin freaky" music. Something slightly dominating about the feel of this one. Not whips and ball-gags, but burlap and elbows.

1:09 lead line seemed a bit odd at first, but you stuck with it and I really dig it after hearing the progression a few times.

Some dense "digital biscuit batter" moments. Damn, that is some really clear, well mixed badassery from 3:09 on. Awesome when cranked.

The abrupt stop, as mentioned, is all I can say. Friggin awesome.

I paid no mind to the labeled genre. I saw something from you, and hit play.

Hope all is well with you and yours.

Take 'er sleazy.

ValveDriver replied 8th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Bro been busy as a mo fo fo sho, yo!

I'm glad you liked this. I know you're generally not an electronic fan, so it means even more that way.

The lead at 1:09. I was trying to go for that "chime-y" thing they always had in all the themes to the old horror flicks in the late 70's to mid 80's. I'm not sure which flick that originated in, but I know it's heavy in Halloween and Hellraiser.

I'm not exactly sure why the ending came out abrupt. But, Like Static said, it's probably an easy fix. I'll check it out when the house finally gets quiet. I already have a pretty good idea what the problem is. The abrupt ending should be, ahem.....Dead By Dawn.

"I paid no mind to the labeled genre. I saw something from you, and hit play. "

Thanks, man. That tells me I'm doing something right. I appreciate it.

If she's sleazy, take 'er twice.
StaticNomad 8th May 2015 02:49 - 9 years ago
Valvular and vulvular greetings!

Damn, your valves have been away from the featured tracks page for so long - an epoch, perhaps.

I put this through some rather expensive high-end gear and did a load of tests and all the data show that this is a nice track bro. Double blind experiments with random test subjects produced the same result.

Basically, this is badass proper dubstep - none of the commercial, histrionic crap I usually hear. That ain't the Valve style.

I was looking forward to pressing play on this even though it's classed as dubstep. As it's you, I expected you to deliver. And you really have.

Damn, where do I begin with this? Everything sits quite beautifully and it's all executed with almost flawless skill. Wonderful mix and it's not at all too loud. Only complaint is the very end as it seems to get cut off and not fade to its natural conclusion. Should be easily fixed.

Actually, I'm going to run out of words so I'll give this my customary detailed review another time.

Overall: for this you win a very large, dark and imposing Nice Track Bro trophy. It's going to cost me a small fortune to ship that huge hunk of steel so far and it won't be going through your letterbox. Look out for a huge crane lowering it onto your porch.

Also, in the age that you've been away, I've been extremely busy and have uploaded something like 10 tracks, which is about 2 albums of material for me (hey, one's 17 mins and contains loads of vocals - Old Man Tribal

I'll just suggest one other as Crucethus and myself both think you'll get into it, seeing as we know jazz metal is your favourite genre. Look out for the concrete face smearing middle. You can hardly miss it.

Emperor Tritone

Massive congrats!
ValveDriver replied 8th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Yo, What's a happnin' bro? It has been quite a while. As I've said in the forum, shit's been busy lately. Big change up at work with hours and crap. Between that, and 3 has, unfortunately, had to take the back burner for a while.

Yes...tell those random subjects that I'll get their payments in the mail soon, and I appreciate their help.

"Basically, this is badass proper dubstep - none of the commercial, histrionic crap I usually hear. That ain't the Valve style."

I haven't been a dubstep fan for very long. At least, not on the grand scale, anyhow. So, I'm not real fluent, or instinctual in the production. I just know that when I do listen to it, I prefer the more deep, traditional style. I don't mind that big commercial crap on occasion. But it's generally few and far between.

"Actually, I'm going to run out of words ..."


Well, luckily, I can run big cranes, and love doing so, so when the trophy gets here, I'll be twice as excited! I might even hijack the crane so I can lower it myself.

Later, after the kids are all in bed and I have more time, I will check out your nice tracks, bro. I started to listen to the featured one you have up now. I got about half way through and all hell broke loose on the homefront, and had to put it on pause. I'll be back to it to leave some kind words. Or, just neutral words. Or a pleasant mix of both.

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19th Sep 2024 17:44 - 5 months ago
Description : Faking! - (Prod. BCI)

My first full song (10+ hrs of work) I've made in years.
I blended in a lot of Splice samples but the idea is completely original.

I know it isn't everyone's favorite genre of music but it's definitely mine

Any feedback is much appreciated

Free use for anything - Credit me @ BCI
22nd Feb 2015 14:35 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : Update //** Quality has been adjusted from 160kbps to 192kbps. Hope this helps :) **// Hey guys, today I bring you my first remix track and my second real attempt at dubstep. This track is a remix of my buddy's, Golden track. You can check out the original here : and his soundcloud here : This is the short version aka the demo version. I plan on making a longer version later. As always your comments and tips are very welcome. Thanks for stopping by, and take care!
11th Nov 2020 22:44 - 4 years ago
Description : Full title: A Dark and Spooky Goodbye Punch in the Stomach from a Buffalo

Created on GarageBand using loops from this site.
21st Mar 2014 15:29 - 10 years ago
Description : First track here
10th Oct 2018 04:23 - 6 years ago
Description : Hope you enjoy! I used some loops from Looperman but the bass drop is all mine.
30th Apr 2019 12:13 - 5 years ago
Description : This is my first ever track, it's a Dubstep where I have place the banger acapella by iGDTrap. Hope you guys have fun listening!

Update has been made base on your Critics.
Have fun listening, Im out.
3rd Sep 2019 21:25 - 5 years ago
Description : This is an old project I made back in 2015. The voice you hear is Richard Trager from the game "Outlast".So, I present to you: Dr. Trager By ProPAIN. If the Site Director or whatever is willing to approve me uploading loops, then I will see about uploading the Bass Drop by itself for you to be creative with. Thank you for listening!
5th Sep 2012 21:44 - 12 years ago
Description : This is my new single! It's a little different style than I'd normally go for (deeper and darker), but I really liked the instrumental, which is my HakaN96, and just HAD to do something.

Let me know what you think of it! My mixing/mastering skills arent the best. I put the song under the Dubstep genre (because of the instrumental) but with all the singing i'm not sure if it's more popish or not. What do you think?

If you enjoyed the song please like my Facebook page! I would love to hear from you!
1st Apr 2020 20:03 - 4 years ago
Description : Hard, gritty, screech dubstep.
This is in a set, you can find the Drum loop, the Build Up loop and the Bass loop on my profile.
I'm looking for a Riddim producer to help me make the last song in my EP.
13th Oct 2014 14:47 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : I updated the song because I modified the bass to make the track more clean. The growl bass is gone
16th Oct 2019 21:30 - 5 years ago
Description : Dubstep track i've made
13th Jun 2020 18:07 - 4 years ago
Description : yep, I made another one. I've been working a lot on my music lately, coming out with new songs in a day or 2 of making them. I took a snip of a minecraft youtuber's video because I got inspiration of another song, with.. the same snippet. I kind of copied the idea, but I didn't add too many vocals. Please, tell me if the mixing is right because something seems off. This is actually my first 6 minute song, idk if I did everything correctly layout-wise. (btw title won't let me put apostrophes)
2nd Feb 2017 03:32 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : this was made for a video called cyberpunk 2077. I went with dubstep instead of my usual cinematic orchestral. It conveyed the mood better. check out the video. and let me know what you think. subscribe to my channel I'll doing more videos. love to hear with vocals.
4th May 2019 22:16 - 5 years ago
Description : This is my first time making Riddim. It's 150 bpm and in F. I hope this could be something that will catch peoples attention and put a smile on there face, Heck maybe some headbanging as well. Please enjoy. :)
18th Sep 2022 15:31 - 2 years ago
Description : Created using samples from Remixlive's "Dubstep" sample pack as well as sampled growls from Soberts' bootleg remix of "Hench" by jPhelpz and "Tinnitus" by Evilwave and Antima and also some wobble sounds that I made by myself using FL Studio Mobile's synthesizer plugins. The drop is at 0:27