
27th Jun 2015 02:30 - 9 years ago
Description : A track I made for a contest on freelancer dot com. I wasn't aware of it until almost last minute and had to rush three entries. You could enter as much as you want. I really wanted this version to win out of the three I made. Very pristine vocals from a singer named Eliza Smith. The contest has been over for a while so I don't have much of the info anymore. Probably do but don't feel like looking it up. So anyways, this is sort of deep house/chill out type of track and remix of her vocals. She also had an original song to her vocals and entrants job was to remix in the style of another artist. I forgot the artist name. I tried my best but it's more in my style, my third version was probably more similar to the artist we had to mimic

*Contest info

Comments (15)

If you have time take a listen and give GramoChopin some feedback.

NitramBeatS 6th Aug 2015 01:28 - 9 years ago
So good! U got a lot of potential, this my favourite for real!
Keep it up mate, would love to here more!
Spivkurl 7th Jul 2015 21:34 - 9 years ago
I think the music here has a lot of potential for success, and you should be proud there. My personal preference dictates that I mention that the main vocals are far to stereo. Totally takes away from the music, to the point where it doesn't matter any more... like it could be better as just a pella, and I like the music, so it seems like a sin almost. Beware the new plugin, it's almost like automatic fader/feature creep, if you know what I mean. My recent song was composed on FL4 about the same time as switching to FL12, and stemming it out to further mix in FL12 has been a real challenge to get it to sound good and authentic.... plus it's using FAR more processing power for little benefit. Just an example. Stay true to your art, and don't be too concerned with fame or financial success in this life... it may not be the only one you live. You've got talent and drive, keep using it!
GramoChopin replied 7th Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks for the feedback bro. I hear what your saying on the vocals. Like stated, this is one of three versions. Each version I tried something different with building music around it and tweaking the vocals. I literally had a week at max to get things done so yea...flaws. You know I don't like flaws Spiv lol As much as it's an inevitable thing. It was also my intent to keep things simple arrangement wise as it would of been something to play on radio if it won. The prize was radio play and only like hundred something bucks. lol So it wasn't anything too huge. And I gotta eat out here Spiv so making a living off music or least a good side hustle is the goal. I didn't go to school for this for nothing and I don't like my job at all. I just want to do what I have a passion for and wouldn't mind doing it all day. Thanks for all the words and input my friend! peace

Darklighter 6th Jul 2015 04:50 - 9 years ago
those vocals are great
GregVincey 4th Jul 2015 19:58 - 9 years ago
Hey man can you send me the link to the site, somehow i am unable to find it>
silverman 4th Jul 2015 16:40 - 9 years ago
I think I've got it!
This great sounding track and the comments have inspired me and opened a little door on my learning curve me thinks.
I've downloaded quite a few pellas but cannot for the life of me get them to fit no matter what I do.
It never dawned on me ... lay the pella down first ... work on it a little set some kind of scene and space and then .... build around it ... build around the vocal instead of trying to shove the vocal inside beside on top of underneath something else!
I'm rambling.
Great little number and thanks for the inspiration.
EazyBeatz 4th Jul 2015 07:35 - 9 years ago
One of your best works yet! U are awesome at your style .U always seem to have no problems giving me new tracks to fav. Gonna keep a copy for my personal library. Ps thank u for the mention in the forums! What a swell guy u are keep up the great work, and thanks for sharing . -EazyBeatz
GramoChopin replied 4th Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
LOL This is the first track of mine you've faved bruh bruh. Big thanks for the feedback. And no problem on the shout out!

crucethus 4th Jul 2015 06:33 - 9 years ago
Yo Gramo

This is awesome. I love the minimalism but it directs the listener to the voice and the music is just a background. Which is what you would be aiming for in a remix contest like this. 3 thumbs up (might be one too many?) Great work
25DjTj 3rd Jul 2015 12:55 - 9 years ago
some good production here..
vocal,percs,beats,everything fits well together.
good rnb feel to it
thanks for the listen
faved and downloaded
RichieWinn 3rd Jul 2015 08:25 - 9 years ago

I love what you have done here. I think your interpretation of the music behind such a gorgeous vocal is just perfect. I like in particulary the half time feel of the handclaps that punctuate the track very well. The dynamics are nice too and drift in and out in a very relaxed way. Top job sir!!

centralsdev 28th Jun 2015 23:32 - 9 years ago
that a good song.
ShortBusMusic 28th Jun 2015 16:22 - 9 years ago
Beautiful song Neo. Love the atmospheric build, that pad is really special. The mix on this one is really nice, with this great big spacial feel to it. Vox are off the chain good....nothing to critique here my friend. Another great track that illustrates your talents my friend. I hope all is well.

Klandestyne 27th Jun 2015 20:25 - 9 years ago
hi gramo
really liked the vibes in this track
real strong vocals , nice laid back drums with little variants there and the synth movements deep
hit of the fave me thinks
Danke 27th Jun 2015 09:00 - 9 years ago
Very cool track Gramo!

Atmospherical chill with those brilliant house like vocs are a top duel this time...

Congrats and handshake, Danke
GramoChopin replied 28th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks alot Danke! Glad you enjoyed. I'm going to try to make a bit more songs like this. Just gotta find the right vocals or vocalist.

Orlando51 27th Jun 2015 02:57 - 9 years ago
This is very fine chill out track beyond any doubt. Splendid vocals help the composition to shine to it's full potential!
Excellent work!

GramoChopin replied 28th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Really appreciate that Orlando, glad you enjoyed. And I actually did nothing to those vocals, I kept as is. They sounded that good already. Glad I wasn't the only one who thought so. Except for the other contenders. Too bad I didn't place though. Maybe I'll win the next one. Sorry, just talking to myself. Thanks again!

DijamMusic 27th Jun 2015 02:44 - 9 years ago
Hello mate,
I love this track mate.
It’s just a brilliant track…….favs it goes
Well done
GramoChopin replied 28th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Big thanks bro. Glad you like it and really appreciate the praise and fav. peace


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6th Jun 2007 13:15 - 17 years ago
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7th Jun 2015 06:58 - 9 years ago
Description : I used some new "Anthem" pickups from L.R. Baggs on my Martin acoustic to see how it performed, and it definitely beat my expectations. Captured the sound perfectly as I needed.

Anyhoo, this song is almost a prayer, hence the repetitiveness of the verses. As Christians, we believe that God will one day return and take away every suffering and all evil for good; in that regard, this song is almost one of waiting too. Very simple, with vocal harmonies and whatnot. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did making it. Made in 13 hours.

Someone else wrote the words, I was just inspired to use them. I only added the "Yeah" and "Amen."
25th Feb 2018 15:30 - 6 years ago
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4th Oct 2019 03:26 - 4 years ago
Description : So a guy buys a nice guitar at a pawn shop but returns it a few days later after waking from a sound sleep to hear it playing by itself. When he tells of his experience he is shocked to learn the owner had actually died while playing it. Is it fantasy or truth? Is the guitar in this track that very same guitar? Its all part of the mystery and fun of Halloween !
EDIT: modified ending to a deeper voice
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Description : This track describes a magical state that I experienced a long time ago. Maybe you also know the feeling that you can't describe something like this with words ... luckily we have the music for it!
3rd Jan 2018 15:12 - 6 years ago
Description : So this is my first Chill Outish track. I was just trying something new and then suddenly this was a thing. Everything you hear is home made. I hope you enjoy. - Mr. Spook'd
1st Apr 2020 06:31 - 4 years ago
Description : Original
Eli Adrong - Faded (Feat. Emilyn)

Absolutely fantastic vocals from her.

Pure chill-out electronica.

Some of my best chillout. Her vocals were definitely inspiring.
11th Dec 2014 12:46 - 9 years ago
Description : A progressive journey incorporating deep ambient chillout, swing jazz, hip hop, d'n'b, trance and a slight touch of acid with a thousand ninjas battling in space. Features a great deal of my lead slide resonator guitar playing. Also a whole load of synths, programmed acoustic drum kits and manipulated drum loops, big basslines, regular electric guitar, vocoded guitar parts and bass guitar (distorted right at the end). If you like deep chill, far out soaring beauty, fat beats and 170 BPM uplifting slide trance controlled mayhem, you might just get into this. In my heaven there is an endless supply of honey mangoes (an exquisite beauty of the fruit world) and even more slide guitar. A 1,000-year-long version of this track plays there on a loop (long enough not to get bored of it) but here I offer you the Earthly 11 min version. You must be very good to be accepted into my heaven to hear the full thousand year version so best start now. It may be heaven's main theme tune but it's not above criticism so feel free to let me know what you think of it. Maybe you prefer the soundtrack in hell. I hear it's pretty badass...
24th Jun 2019 23:31 - 5 years ago
Description : This is a pretty chill track with a certain vibe. I really enjoyed making it.
Hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you think, any feedback is appreciated.
7th Jul 2019 14:30 - 5 years ago
Description : "no internet connection" Album track 4-12-18 ft miper OUT on all platforms.

16th Mar 2017 19:15 - 7 years ago
Description : A little 30 seconds snippet of a beat which I made out of a sample I found on the site, so I decided to upload it here and share it everyone.

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12th Mar 2014 09:30 - 10 years ago
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Applied loops:
12th Dec 2010 14:24 - 13 years ago
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