Description : The Sounds Of A Sun Foundry. Thoughts are most welcome.
This rock track was uploaded by Evisma. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (23)
If you have time take a listen and give Evisma some feedback.
Binary regreetings, highly advanced computer software program masquerading online as a real world Missouri bass bro.
Damn, will I ever stop commenting on this track? Only time will tell...
Your new avatar looks good though there's quite a lot of beard and not much hair. It also looks just like Nick Oliveri, another bass player, from Kyuss, QOTSA and other bands. You have been busted, computer software, so next time choose a picture of a less well known closet-dwelling bass player.
"It's the title of a Puscifer song"
Not quite - that's Vagina Mine. I always interpreted that as a variation of "my vagina" rather than the more amusing idea of a vagina miner, like a coal miner (an idea I got from you).
Some of the Puscifer stuff is good, some really isn't. Perhaps my favourite song is The Mission - the one featuring Milla Jovovich, who sounds amazing on it.
Puscifer is a terrible band/project name; quite immature really, as is Cuntry Boner.
In other vag news, I was out kayaking the other day with a friend on a small London river and saw the following graffitti on a bridge:
neo vagina
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is it what neo Nazis are into? Or is it some sort of advanced, super special designer vagina I haven't come across (haha) just yet?
No, mic still hasn't shown up though I've not been looking for it so that's no surprise.
I'm currently really struggling to do much good in terms of music. Not happy with my playing abilities or sound and feel like I've run out ideas on guitar. I do now have a bow for the cello but haven't started using it yet. I'm busy working on a half decent track merging some dance music you'll hate with some reasonably tasty, funky and mildly badass bass g and guit fiddle riffage.
Track will probably be called Tesseradecade. You would normally not continue listening after 10 secs of that sort of music but, as it's me, you might just give it a chance to see what it develops into (something you'll probably like).
10001110101--- (not real binary, but the chorus to a "Clutch" song)
"though there's quite a lot of beard and not much hair"
I keep the top cropped short for working outside. Not bald yet, but I do seem to see more forehead than I used to.
" It also looks just like Nick Oliveri, another bass player, from Kyuss, QOTSA and other bands"
Never seen him, but now I'm intrigued. I'll have to google him.
" Perhaps my favourite song is The Mission "
I like that one as well. Took a while to get the lyric "north end guinea". "The Undertaker" is awesome also. My favorite from them is probably "Mama Sed". I love the message. It's how I was spoken to growing up. Life is change, tuck and roll.
"Puscifer is a terrible band/project name"
We have a local-ish band called "Grannies Bathwater". God damn gut-wrenching name, doing "Countrocky" Country-Rock garbage. "Evil Poon" is another that come through often.
"neo vagina"
This is the work of a fucked up pedophile. Disregard and try to forget.
"special designer vagina I haven't come across (haha) just yet? "
By far the funniest pun in the history of Looperman. I laughed so hard I started to cough and nearly fell over. 85 wordsmith points for you, good man.
"I'm currently really struggling to do much good in terms of music. Not happy with my playing abilities or sound and feel like I've run out ideas on guitar."
Try to intentionally NOT sound like yourself. Not anyone else in particular, but only do things you've never done before. A cross between Mindless Self Indulgence, and Bjork.
I've heard of several artists who make up other personas or characters, and do the writing from their perspective.
You could try to do what I've mentioned a few times. Take a specific feeling or situation or incident, and try to express that feeling.
Can you write sad music? Can you translate the feeling of being hurt through music? The great feeling of a big, fat payday? The feeling before you do something dangerous? When I am short on inspiration, that's the kind of stuff I go to. May work for you, may not at all. Just something different, and different is growth if nothing else.
Over and out. Keep your eye out for brown trout as you kayak about.
I like the idea of a vagina miner though I guess that's kind of a gynaecologist. Or maybe it's somebody who knows how to extract the precious resources within - diamonds, gold, sapphire - that sort of stuff. Maybe a really effective vagina miner (which totally still rhymes) is, like the fine Kyuss song, a One Inch Man.
Sorry to miss out on your epic mega reply but it's your own damn fault. I always type in a separate document and then apply my favourite music making technique - Ctrl C, Ctrl V.
Damn, you're right - a faggot is a bundle of sticks, not one stick. Dumb me.
I also used to be a big fan of Dookie (not that I knew what the word meant) and still think it's a bit of a classic album. I even used to play Longview in my teenage school band (me on bass g).
Then they went all big and popular and I have no interest in anything they do. Pretty hard making lots of good songs when your formula is so limited.
"Couldn't disconnect hand from foot"
Me too, to an extent. I used to play drums a bit and even performed as the drummer for 5 nights in a theatre production of Cindarella when I lived in the tiny Gulf country called Qatar. But coordination is hard and playing fuckin fast and varying your grooves and doing accurate badass fills is so hard. And then there's complex jazz drumming, which is another awesome art.
One of a few reasons my tracks tend to be so drum-heavy is because I love quality drummers and guess I'm trying to emulate them. I love great drumming as much as any other instrument. Perhaps, in some ways, more.
Fuck me, that Tidewater accent is amazing! So damn funny.
A mild sorry for the confusing "illegal data aggregator".
I've been mining the 'later' rhymes for a while now for goodbyes and 'aggregator' was my latest so needed something to go with it. No meaning beyond that.
It's the title of a Puscifer song. They have some good stuff,... and some not-so-good stuff. Look for Cuntry Boner. Two track EP.
"Then they went all big and popular and I have no interest in anything they do"
Dookie was their last good thing. They went pretty soulless after that. Haven't cared since.
Went for an avatar change. Got tired of the old one. It was a photo taken to show a friend how small my closet is. Can't tell now after the effects, but I'm in the tiny closet in my music-room. Not sure why that closet was even made. It's like 2' X 2' X 8'. Great place for a cigar store indian or a tie collection, but that's it.
All hail The Evanator
He ain't no mothafuckin' hater
He always bringin' us a tasty bass riff
Don't turn away
Get in front of it
Vag-based regreetings, my fun china.
Not much work to do at work so I'm back yet again for more chit-chat. Mostly chat plus a little chit.
I watched the Louis CK link kindly provided by The Cru Dawg and am still confused over how you damn American chaps and chapesses pronounce that vag word. He seems to be having a laugh about what I consider the standard way of pronouncing it. I've heard it mentioned on loads of US TV shows and movies over the years and I'm certain it's always pronounced exactly as us Brits say it, just with whichever flavour of US accent the character has.
Yes, "rubbers" in the UK are not really condoms. We sometimes say "johnnies". I don't but other people do, not that I know why. Here, "fags" are not homosexuals but standard slang for cigarettes though we stil have "faggot", though that's seen as pretty damn offensive. What the gay community might even call The F Word, though that's a total guess. A faggot is actually a stick so no idea why gay people ended up being called that.
"I keep hearing that Looperman was not nearly as user friendly as it is now."
Yeah, it was pretty crap. Having a waveform is useful - often indicates to me the sort of track I shouldn't bother clicking on.
But the most significant change by far is the featured tracks page. I joined 4 years ago and did and got a few reviews but hardly "met" anyone and had no idea where to start or anything. So, I stopped using it until about 2 years later. Then I met you, Crucethus, The Valve and others. It's all because of featured tracks. That helps you see what other people are saying and guarantees that other people can find your work. Without it, how would I even know if you'd uploaded a new nice track bro? Before featured tracks, hardly anyone would find my music. Why should they as it was indeed all just a big, long list of tracks in the various different (and fairly limited) genres.
I have not seen or heard of Housebound but will check it out on your recommendation.
I get your point about people who comment on my tracks with no registered "Play" from them. Thanks as I hadn't quite worked that one out.
Finally: G minor for your vagina, G maj for your vag
About three hours ago, I wrote a very long reply, hit POST, and got a big fat "Server Not Found". Lost it all. This incarnation shall be much shorter. I've been having connection issues and thought the AT&T guy fixed it. Negative.
The previous reply mentioned something about how I thought faggot was a bundle of sticks, and how I heard a "Geek" was someone who bit the heads off of chickens. Never looked into it.
Damn, this is a sad comparison to the original reply. It could try harder, but it wouldn't matter. Starting to resemble a lot of my Junior High School essays, when I traded studying time for a drum set. Green Day's Dookie came out when I got a shitty drum set and I learned from that. Never got decent. Couldn't disconnect hand from foot. Couldn't kick without hitting hats.
I mentioned how I appreciate the looperman site and it's as close to sitting in a room with other musicians as I can get. Sad there is only a handful of active, level headed musicians who are cool enough to talk to. I appreciate everyone.
So Louis CK does a great bit on the pronunciation of Vagina in Boston as Vaginer.. about 6 min in.
My grandmother spoke with a massive Brooklyn accent. She used to call a toilet a terlet, and Oil earl. Myself I love the Tidewater accent, which is two isolated islands off the Virginia coast whose speakers sometimes drift into the only form of Elizabethan (maybe, maybe not) English known to exist. This is the Accent the founding fathers of the U.S. most likely spoke. A weird construct of Southern Dialect and Midlands English.
Louis CK is funny as hell. Jizzanthipuss is probably my favorite from him. Never thought of the word "Vagina" being a verb, but I guess "Dick" is, so why not? I've heard "Dick this bitch up" several times.
Archie Bunker was great with the accent, though I believe his character was living in Queens.
The Tidewater accent is nearly the Arkansas accent when combined with whiskey and the already prevalent inbreeding and rapid tooth loss.
Not much to do at work so I'm replying to you yet again.
G minor for your vagina totally rhymes without using a Brooklyn accent. The "-inor" and "-ina" are perfect rhymes. Unless you're saying one of those words a bit weirdly (admittedly, to my English ears). I couldn't hear a huge amount of accent on your 'Speak Up' thread recording but maybe you have some little quirks, like saying "minor" more like "my gnaw".
I know you sometimes trawl through the Rock tracks but, damn, going 100 pages deep is some serious searching. The kind I couldn't be bothered to do. Would take ages.
You could do with expanding your musical horizons beyond bass g and guit fiddle but you know what you like by your age so I guess there's no real point in suggesting anything. You also occasionally listen to some of my occasional guit-free tracks.
One of those will be the 46&2 cover, which is going fairly well though there's no obvious end in sight as my hugely rearranged structure is a bit confusing to work with. I'm looking forward to unleashing this ass-kicking riff-fest on your hopefully highly critical Tool-soaked ears but must wait until it's done.
I've gone through the awesome lyrics and have got so many potential titles for it. Right now, I'm going with What It Takes To Step Through as that's the coolest, most life-affirming vocal. Very powerful delivery. Make other title suggestions, if you like. Wallowing In My Own Chaotic Insecure Delusions is another contender.
"mystical bit comes only from all the sitar"
There's really not that much in my music though perhaps there are some layers of sound that give off a related vibe. I do actually have a real sitar but never even play it as them cheesewire strings are lethal bitches. Torture/death scene in a movie could just be forcing a guy to play heavy sitar riffage for an hour or so (till he bleeds out).
Here's my shortest track on Looperman (3:59!!!) that features some tasty guit fiddlin merging with sitar. Not sure if you've heard it.
100 percent disagree. We Yanks say minor as "my nerr", and vagina as "fun china". Err, and uhhh. I understand you "true English" speakers like to put "R"s at the end of words, like "vaginer", but leave it off the end of "pepper", opting for "peppah". Pretty sure we completely differ with "rubbers" and "fags" as well.
"I couldn't hear a huge amount of accent on your 'Speak Up' thread recording"
Broadcast companies like news anchors from my area and directly north of Missouri because we have nearly no regional accent. Further south, in Arkansas, speech gets presented rather slovenly by local yokels. We are in an odd calibration zone where all accents came together and canceled each other out,... I guess.
"going 100 pages deep is some serious searching. The kind I couldn't be bothered to do. Would take ages."
Not bad, really. Go to Tracks, click "Last", and there are a series of page numbers to choose from. Clicking the lowest page number a few times and you're there. Looperman was different then. Rock tracks got nearly zero attention. I keep hearing that Looperman was not nearly as user friendly as it is now. No avatars, waveforms, visually bland and pretty much like a big list. Glad we have what we have.
"Make other title suggestions, if you like. "
Me like.
"To Live And To Grow"
"What Could Have Been"
"Soften This Old Armor"
"Out The Other Side"
"Hoping I Get Cleared Away"
"Shedding Skin"
"The Means To Cross Me Over"
Watched a great (British?/English?) movie last night called "Housebound". Comedy/Horror. I've not enjoyed a movie like that in a while. If you have Netflix or any other streaming service, it's worth watching. The main chick's punk-rock attitude toward being under house arrest in her haunted childhood home with her annoying parents is hilarious. Many perfect conveyances of her disgust for everything. Great movie, you may or may not like it.
I've heard your short track. Good stuff.
You've mentioned to people before who comment on your tracks with no registered "Play" from them. That happens if you're not logged in. I could listen to every track on the featured page and not have a single one register my play if I'm not logged in. I've listened to several of your tracks and go to make a comment and realize I'm not logged in. I log in and leave a comment, but there is no sign I've even listened to it. I'm trying to get better about that. I often check my featured track and see who's listened and NOT commented. Helps me know if it sounds like ass, or if it's not too bad.
(disappears in puff of smoke, no goodbye)
It's not brilliant but there is something I like about China-High for your lazy eye.
My final, for now, offering:
G minor for your vagina**
I'm pleased with that one as I couldn't find anything music-related to rhyme with 'cunt'.
I have listened again to your Star Forge and noted the additional niceness you have injected.
Wah is much improved and acoustic g is particularly strong.
The thing I like most about the overall track is how much it sounds like an actual band. I guess some sections of my music sound like that though it's not really something I try to make happen. It can also be cool if it clearly doesn't sound like a live band. I just try do whatever sounds good.
I guess it's about not playing too perfectly and in too uniform a manner and having a good dynamic range. You've probably noticed a whole load of Looperman tracks that you can see are mere copy and paste jobs without even listening to them ie that's what the waveform shows (same thing repeated, with no dynamic variation or surprises).
With the ending here, I thought "Oh no, another basic fadeout" when the fading started but then it turned into something more elegant and enjoyable.
Regarding "somewhat mystical", I'm surprised you got the word wrong as you clearly meant 'mysterious', which is not the same thing.
But I'm only mysterious because there's all sorts of stuff that I haven't revealed about myself. I had no idea that was any sort of issue or that anyone I'd never actually met would be particularly interested in hearing my general, perhaps boring, life details.
"you seem to be a bit private"
Not really - I just don't get into loads of personal details on a site in which I talk 90% about music. I only ever chat occasionally about non-music stuff to a select small group ie The Valve, Crucethus and maybe a couple of others. It's only with you that I go off into substantial deviations about anything and everything weird and wonderful.
"others would think less of you if they saw you as a normal person"
I never considered that and don't really think much about my image. On this site, I'm just a musician and maker of nice tracks bro.
I can answer some other personal detail questions if you like.
"a sonic super-villain who travels to other dimensions and worlds and returns to display the other-worldly soundtrack and cosmic vibrations"
I like that description and it is what I'm trying to do, though through instruments and software as I can't yet afford a spaceship.
Later, (G) stringbreaker.
*A vague ethnic grouping chosen entirely for its alliterative qualities.
**Or maybe that should be V minor - the special, hidden vag chord.
I've resorted to going about 100 pages into Rock Tracks to find something to listen to and comment on. Only Crucethus and The Valve have music without guitars that I always listen to. Chill, trap, ambient, cinema, techno, dance, drumnbass, thats all there seems to be here. I get that they are popular, but I'm just not into it at all. The waveform can almost tell you the genre.
"you clearly meant 'mysterious', which is not the same thing."
Yes. The mystical bit comes only from all the sitar.
"I had no idea that was any sort of issue....I can answer some other personal detail questions if you like."
No issue. You don't need to disclose anything, and I hope you know I wasn't asking you to.
I'm glad the end of this track is better. I liked what I had and started rushing recording the end. I like it better now.
Shame on me for not thinking of 'slide for your hide'. But maybe 'hide' is a bit subtle/leftfield in terms of anatomy. That's why I thought I'd enlist your help as my earlier list was all I could manage. Oh no, here's another:
Drumroll for your dickhole
I don't like the organ or shaker attempts.
Damn, I see now that you've updated this track, potentially converting it into a nicer track bro. I will listen later, when I'm able. So, just a reply to your reply for now.
Now it has been explained, I get and appreciate your "two hunches" joke. Not a bad one at all. Quite subtle - too subtle and elliptical for me before so explanation was needed.
"The only kind I'm good at"
I disagree.
I wonder why you think I'm somewhat mystical. Must be some element of my writing I'm unaware of. I'm not really - more just a joker with a strong and bizarre imagination. My butler writes all my jokes for me (including this one) so you can blame him for any air of mysticism.
Kayaking through London was OK but I felt a bit unwell doing it in the heavy afternoon sun and with some serious chop from the tidal river's waves. Couldn't get out of the boat (ie land anywhere) for about 5 miles so quite a relief when I did. I hung out with a bunch of people living in a disused restaurant by the river, which is just above the little beach where I tied my boat up.
So: more thoughts later on your update, if I have any.
I bid you a Jew
*A standard, friendly greeting in masochist circles.
China-High for your lazy eye
Sousaphone for your juicy bone
That's all I got.
Glad you got the hunches thing. I feel a bit dumb explaining jokes. Good ones don't need explanations.
"I wonder why you think I'm somewhat mystical."
You've never said what you do for a living, just that it is boring. You've never shown your face as others have. You've given many veiled allusions about yourself, like you've mentioned a boring job, access to an e-mail account only every other week, you're a white, athletic, mid to upper 30's guy from the UK. Oh, and you like mangoes.
No clue if you still live at home, have a girlfriend, hate an ex girlfriend, were ever in a band, near death experience, did music in school, interests beyond music, or why you're up so late at night.
I'm in no way saying that you need to change your M.O., just saying that you seem to be a bit private, or that you may think that since you are as good a musician as you are, others would think less of you if they saw you as a normal person, and not a sonic super-villain who travels to other dimensions and worlds and returns to display the other-worldly soundtrack and cosmic vibrations. It may take away the mystery.
I mean no disrespect in any of that. It may just be me, curious about the person I talk to the most. I offer up my details just because I feel I am nothing if I'm not 100 percent honest. Accepting everything about myself is part of that, and I'm not at all saying that you don't. I just try to be open.
Again, I don't need to know anything else about you. Your entitled to your privacy. No need to answer anything.
"I hung out with a bunch of people living in a disused restaurant by the river"
Sounds like the wrong kind of people to hang out with. Sounds like the kind of folks who would talk all cool with you for a few minutes, then corner you with a knife and steal your shit.
This track has been updated, and you should like the changes. All the same till 3:06, then everything is new but the main riff. All leads and wahs replaced.
The Wah section is much better. It fits in there like it's supposed to now. Good job.
The ending seems to be more clean. The added guitar over the fade out works.
It's definitely much more solid now. Not that it wasn't before, though.
Thanks for the extra guit-fiddle tips. That's the kind of stuff most people don't think to tell you. They just say, "Get this pedal. Get that Pedal." or "Buy stuff for making the things do the stuff." or, "you don't already know how to play, so I can't help you." Assclowns.
Anyhow. It sounds like you enjoyed your 4th just fine. If I could still burn the green, I would. My wife can, and it kinda makes me envious sometimes. We had a decent time. We had a group of friends and family over for a big-ass BBQ and blowout bonananaza. Everyone went home full of food and beer, and with all their fingers still attached. So, I'd say it was a success.
Again, awesome reworking here, mister!
Take 'er as she comes. Easy, with any luck.
I'm glad you like the new ending. Much better than the odd wah and detuned solo. The wah's "wooka-chicka-wooka-chicka" Was better that what I had before. I appreciate the suggestions.
Yes. Guitar Center seems to hire them exclusively. I get everything from I'll research online, then go to the stores to try something in person, then buy it through Sweetwater. 3 guitars, my pedal, and my MIDI controller have all come from there and 100 percent awesome service. Mandatory 2 year warranty on EVERYTHING. Free shipping over 50 bucks.
I don't expect you to get a pedal at all, really. Ampire, Amplitube and other amp sim software would be your best bet. Stomps are more for live playing. However, if you do, check out the Hardwire series from Digitech. Quality, and true bypass.
Again, a well set-up guitar, played with a gentle touch, offers the best results. Most music shops will do a full guitar set-up for around $70.
One thing you should never mess with yourself is the truss rod. There is a bowed rod in the neck of your guitar, and it can be loosened or tightened with an allen wrench. It adds or reduces the tension in the neck, counteracting the pull of the strings. When a neck starts to bow, that is the fix, but you can destroy the neck at the same time. Pay the guy, he'll do it.
You may be getting sick of the guitar talk. Sorry. A lot of people get discouraged because it sounds bad in the beginning. Just wanting to pass on what I've picked up.
"I used to be a necrophiliac till a rotten bitch split on me."
Ahhh, Well when I go, I want to go like my Grandfather did........ Died Peacefully in his sleep.......Unlike his passengers who died screaming and crying!!........¯\_(ツ)_/¯
New mix sounds more Cohesive and very professional. Me likey long time would be how I would say my feelings if I was born in ohhh I' don't know say Shanghai and forced to wear a mini skirt and parade out on the street soliciting strangers. Fortunately I speak proper English.........makes the transactions easier , I would gather. (^‿^). Anyhooo Time is Money.
Absolutely great track! It sounds to me as a good example of progressive rock track (although the tag is a bit outdated nowadays)with some ingredients of industrial....good and captivating intro introduces us to this pleasant journey and there are some very exciting changes along the way (1:37 for example, to mention just one). Excellent the 'fav' it goes!:)
Thank you for the kind words. Progressive Rock is my preferred listening, but it is slowly dying. Yes, much of it is old and really,.... not good. Dream Theater is good, but they're a bit too much. Petrucci is quite a dick about his ability. Enough already!!! Tool has really let me down with the crazy spans of nothing. Fates Warning is good.
Sweet! Thanks for the links. I didn't dig down too deep, but at first look, they look pretty handy. I'll be digging deeper for sure.
I had a guitar way back before the beard, and the gray hair from which it's made. I didn't know how to play it back then, either. But, I came up with some pretty cool shit that I still remember. Since I started doing this whole Looperman thing, I've learned A LOT about music, so this time around, the intention is to actually learn the damn thing and play it like it's supposed to be played. Not just hammered on with the distortion cranked to 11. For now, I may be able to piece together enough riffs to be able to put out a track or two. I just need to pick up an interface before I do.
" is an actual wah pedal controlled by my foot. It's recorded in."
I guess I knew that. With everything I do being a plug-in that basically lays over the top of whatever I'm modulating, I sometimes forget that not everyone does that, and can't just delete a setting.
"I don't want the taking of my advice to make you dislike one of your own tracks. We do what we do for ourselves. Not others, but others give an important non-partial opinion that can help in songwriting. "
That's the perfect way to look at it, my friend. That's why I always say "take it, or leave it." Because it's all just my opinion with the intent to expose a new angle for consideration.
As far as the evil synth solo with your it. Do it now. Or later. But totally, I'm all for it. Whenever that perfect, minimal bass makes itself present, just let me know.
"All are us belong to your bass."
In 2000, there was an internet meme that took a gabber-techno track that had broken English from some Japanese video game, and made a gif of it. Thing got huge. It's old enough now that it's past all of it's living stages as a meme, and retired as a classic. Now, it gets used unironically, and referred to as if it's an old friend. Stupid fuckin' meme.
"the intention is to actually learn the damn thing and play it like it's supposed to be played. Not just hammered on with the distortion cranked to 11."
Doesn't matter. I play bass like it's a guitar. Whatever sounds good and is charming to the ear and represents you. Damnit, man, I'm still stoked for you! New instruments are awesome.
You should check your intonation. A harmonic on 12, and fretted at 12 should register the same on a tuner. If not, the saddles need to be adjusted. That is an important part of the notes not sounding off when you fret.
Action is another thing. The height of the strings. If you're doing chugging riffs and general chunkiness, a low action is great. Solo type stuff, higher to avoid buzz. Action should be adjusted first, then intonation.
Nevermind man! You're going to make some awesome sounds no matter what. Even broken instruments have character. My Lowery does some weird stuff sometimes. Radio comes through it, it just picks up the signal. 12 inch speaker, and any time you play it, the radio is faint underneath.
Thank you for clarifying the meme thing. I had no clue.
I did no BBQ and no kabooms. I did Boulevard Pop-Up IPA, (favorite), some acquired dank homegrown, (favorite), and StudioOne. I reworked the ending to Star Forge. The only thing that is the same after 3:06 is the main riff. All wahs, leads and outro are new. Not exactly what you mentioned, but trying a few different things lead it to where it is now. I may still add an acoustic to the ending. Something interweaving.
Ok. I'm back with yet another installment of "What the hell was Valvedriver thinking, anyhow?!"
A question that's been asked several times in my life. Today was one of those days, too. I saw Mad Max: Fury road. That movie was ab-so-god damned-lutely perfect in all of it's cinematic post-apocalyptic, metal-as-Hell badassery. So much so, that I could not contain my proverbial hardon. Therefore, directly after the movie, I went out and shot my load all over a B.C. Rich, complete with coffin case, and cheesy ironic metal awesomeness. Thus, marking it as my territory. So, here I sit. The proud new owner of a guitar that I don't even know how to play.
That's how freakin' awesome that movie was!
That business about being sweat-logged by 10 am. Not cool, man. Heh, literally. I can relate to your sun induced misery, though. The steel mill is about the same. Just make sure you DO keep yourself hydrated. That heat exhaustion is no joke. Also, pedialyte, is kinda delicious on a hot day. Try to eat fresh fruits in the mornings. They have natural sugars and carbs that help out a lot.
Shall we?
I like the intro. It is very Celtic/folk sounding. It kind of lures you in with a false sense of security before sinking it's hooks into you.
For the reverse slide into the drums, have you thought about taking out the reverse cymbal, and letting the last note of the acoustic guitar sustain a full note, then, the drums and bass will come in like someone kicking in a door.
Jump to the ending. 3:30 to be specific. I don't know how much more you plan on doing to this, but here's my suggestion. Bookend the intro. But, don't just use the same part. Instead, rebuild the riff with all your badass bassery, so they're all one intense, high energy riff that brings you full circle. Then re-introduce the guitar lead from 0:30, and lay it ever so delicately over the top. Finish it out with an abrupt ending, letting that last note sustain again. Here is where you drop in your reverse cymbal. Like a ramp on a cliff to launch a big rig off of it's edge.
Does any that make a lick of sense? It's hard to put brain-sounds into word-texts.
The "wah" part. I like it. But it doesn't fit in this song. It's kind of like, Wah the hell is this doing here? (Ba-dump-PSH!) Maybe just turn off the wah, but leave the guitar there as it is played.
"When I'm not feeling it, I don't TRY to feel it. I think the last two tracks have benefited from that approach. "
AAAAHHHHH SSSHHHHIIITTTTT!!!!!!!! Mr. V has got a mother fuckin guitar!!!!!!!!! I am VERY excited for you.
The main thing you need is a tuner, and know not to press real hard on the strings. Just enough to touch the frets without buzzing. Pressing hard is like bending. Makes the note sound bad, even though you're doing most things right. Play soft, and amplify to compensate. Fuckin shit, man. I'm stoked for you! I feel like I got a new toy!
"Does any that make a lick of sense? It's hard to put brain-sounds into word-texts."
I understand completely. I'll got in and focus on the second half of the track. I'm not big on revisiting stuff, but I get what you're saying about bookending. The wah part will get reworked as well. I like it, but it could be done better, with it continuing on through till the lead stuff comes in. Can't turn it off, it is an actual wah pedal controlled by my foot. It's recorded in.
"a tattoo of Elvis, hunched over on the shitter with a sandwich clenched in his dead hand."
I go for the classy ones, too. My wife can belch so loud, it will hurt YOUR chest. Amazing human feat.
"So, take 'em, or leave 'em."
I always take them. I just don't always keep them. I try 95 percent of the advice I'm given (from credible critics, like you) and I know that if I don't like the change, I don't have to save it.
I don't want the taking of my advice to make you dislike one of your own tracks. We do what we do for ourselves. Not others, but others give an important non-partial opinion that can help in songwriting.
I've thought about doing a track with about a minute of very minimal background bass playing in the middle, and asking you to lay down an evil solo synth part. I've done a tiny bit of collaborating on this site, but not much. Someday, maybe.
"All are us belong to your bass."
Not sure I get it. Is it nappy-time again? My bass owns no one. At least I don't think it does. It does stand over the PRS like it's his bitch. Says "Know your role, short-shit!".
I think, overall, you're making leaps and bounds. Probably that "Let It Be" approach. Which reminds me, I'm kind of surprised Static would take an interest in Elvis. I'm more of a Beatles guy, myself. My wife...she's a G.G. Allen type. She's actually got a tattoo of Elvis, hunched over on the shitter with a sandwich clenched in his dead hand.
I don't really have any technical suggestions other than the ideas for the parts you mentioned not being too sure on. I think it sounds pretty damned sweet. So, take 'em, or leave 'em. But whatever you do, keep cool under that sun, man.
Bass for your face
Drums for your thumbs
Keys for your knees
Guit fiddle for your middle
No keys in this but you get the idea. Any other instrument-anatomy connections?
I would not have guessed I would care much for Elvis. I never listen to his music but do like a few songs and greatly respect him and like him when I see him interviewed.
I was in Memphis for 2 days and was booked in to visit Sun Studios and Graceland as part of the music-related holiday I did (3 days Chicago, 2 Memphis, 6 New Orleans, 0 Ozark meth land).
3:07 wah is OK - bit like dance music synths there. Not great but OK and short so no big deal but removing it would not hurt the track at all. Maybe best to do that as it's so brief.
3:29 lead has a horn kinda quality/mood. Strange, eh?
Fadeout ending is a bit of a copout, something I've said before. I think you've even changed and improved fadeout endings I've complained about.
"TWO kinds of hunches"
Can't say I really got that reference.
Fear not, the butler will not disclose your email. I have no need to do a background check on him as he was conceived and raised specifically for buttling duties. Those bred for specific roles can always potentially stray and betray their masters so I always keep a close eye on him, just in case.
Consider this track fully reviewed.
I'm off kayaking through central London tomorrow and then at the weekend on other side of the country (towards you but that ocean would take a while so not this time).
Kick for your dick
Slide for your hide
Organ for your,... organ
Shaker for your money-maker
"removing it would not hurt the track at all. Maybe best to do that as it's so brief."
I will probably not remove it, but I'll redo it better. It was a quick thing and really the first idea after turning on my pedal's wah.
"3:29 lead has a horn kinda quality/mood. Strange, eh?"
Not married to that either. It is a very high guitar line transposed down an octave. That's why it's so "horny" sounding. It will be rewritten as well.
"TWO kinds of hunches"
You mentioned private parts investigating. Investigators get "hunches", like an inkling or vague idea. Also, constant exploration, or investigation, of one's own privates would give one a literal hunch, from such constant downward manipulation.
Bad joke. The only kind I'm good at.
Hope the kayaking went well, and you had some good scenery.
First, I just want to say this is a solid track. Everything, so far, is quality. The composition, the mixing, the instruments used. I have quite a bit of good, (and a minor suggestion or two.) to say about this track on it's own, and a few opinions related to things covered in previous comments. But, as it is, I've been awake for about 20 hours now. To try to attempt any intelligible word usings with the brain and the face and the typing of the things that make words and stuff...would just lead to the equivalent of a literary version of a Jackson Pollock painting.
Or the musings of a schizophrenic.
I will be back in the very near future to construct a coherent review.
It be OK. It's the time of year when I teeter on the brink of dehydration. I lose SO much fluid throughout the day, it's impossible to catch up. Shirt is soaked to the waist by 10:00 a.m. on a good day. I have to drink Pedialite just to regain my electrolytes.
"a minor suggestion or two to say about this track on it's own, and a few opinions related to things covered in previous comments."
I would love to hear them! I've got a few issues with the wah and the ending solo-ish line,... that is actually a higher guitar line transposed down. I'm up for suggestions.
An interesting track from you Evisma. Sorta reminds me of another that I cant for the life of me name, I only remember the beat. But, still great nonetheless. I do as well, get a Middle Eastern vibe; which I do enjoy. The Wah pedal does sound just a tad bit off to me, but you have stated certain things about in other comments, so I won't get into that. Gotta love Sintheticrecords ey?
Hey Evan, this is loaded with some far out strings and things! That intro reminds me of an 80s song by a band called Diesel - "Sausalito Summernight".
For me this has sort of an Arabic or Middle Eastern vibe to it. Yeah, pretty neat effect there with the Wah, you could have stretched that out a bit more for sure!
I Dig it man !
I will be listening to your Sausalito song now. Gotta know.
Interesting you say Arabic. I never had any kind of intentions for that. I'll take it!
The wah was short because I was getting clips all over the place. Pedal's wah is a bit crackly. You can hear a few toward the end of the line. I had it go linger, but it was distracting to me. I'll be messing with pitch-shifed wahs a bit more now.
Wow rock on!
Love it.
At 3.07 there is what sounds to me like white noise through a wha wha peddle.
Doesn't sound like it belongs there but ... I've nackered my speakers and am listening to this at the moment on two small pc speakers with one of those centre bass units which isn't bad for playing pool on Miniclip but for music .... well I'm off out to get me some new speakers and headphones shortly.
Love it though.
I'm glad you liked the track! I'll listen to the wah part again, as it is an odd part. My biggest issue was the sudden drop of low-mid frequencies when the wah ends.
I hope you had good luck with the speaker and headphone purchase. I don't use monitor speakers. I do everything with headphones, then listen on five different systems and adjust accordingly.
I have not been to a Sun Factory but I did go to Sun Studios in Memphis in 2013. And then visited The King's house nearby, with its incredibly low walls - perfect for keeping out absolutely none of his hordes of fans. I still don't get that.
This has a cool and badass vibe, with the intro quite the acoustic surprise. Sounds kinda folky and 12-stringy.
Yet another reverse lead-in to take us into the drums. I'm not specifically complaining about it here, just pointing out that maybe you've done it too often across your body of bass work.
First riff has balls and a different and fine tone from you. 0:30 guitar slots in nicely. Quite a cool melody.
1:00 killer trill. Badassery fading away to take us into the next section.
Drums are pounding and faultless. Mostly those Sintheticrecords loops?
1:46 key change to make things more progressive.
2:00 octave bass jumps more like funk bass. Not something you do often.
2:23 cool percussive tones. Lovely layering of percussion.
This is really far out progressive stuff. Not like my psychedelic stuff but something else. More like prog rock.
Running outta words so I'll finish the review another time.
I would not have guessed you would care about Elvis. I've never been into anything of his, but I did see one impressive video of him, half fat, sweating monsoons, out of breath at the piano, busting out "Unchained Melody". He looks severely winded before he even starts. Pulled it off like a fucking champ.
"Yet another reverse lead-in..... maybe you've done it too often"
I went through and listened to the intros of my tracks after you said this, and about 1 in 5 has a swell of some kind. Far too high. I've noticed that I've been using a lot of the same mechanisms for lead-ins and transitions of different kinds. Have to be more inventive. Thank you.
"Drums are pounding and faultless. Mostly those Sintheticrecords loops?"
Yes. If there is a snare in it, it is those sintheticrecord loops. Used four different ones, but layered taiko loops or midi percussion with them. A bit too much reverb already on those sinthetic loops. I added a touch of EQ, mostly a low-pass.
"This is really far out progressive stuff. Not like my psychedelic stuff but something else. More like prog rock."
That is really great to hear that you like it. I've been diggin this for a few weeks. I've been recording less. I've been getting frustrated easily, so I've just been recording a little at a time, not trying to force anything. When I'm not feeling it, I don't TRY to feel it. I think the last two tracks have benefited from that approach.
"Later, private parts investigator."
Anyone who doesn't investigate is a damn fool!! Though investigating privates for prolonged periods can lead to TWO kinds of hunches. ...Yeah.
I hope you are doing well. Tell the butler not to give out my e-mail. I've had enough problems. You do background checks, right?
Sintheticrecords, Has the best drums ehh? This is a wild ride indeed. This is also you going back a little bit into your familiar territory. I can hear your axe splitting the helium atoms to make hydrogen Fusing another star.
Nice work
Ah, yes. I added no VIs, nor did I even turn on the midi controller. Could still happen as I'm not married to the ending. Sintheticrecord's drums are great, but I wish I had them without all the cymbals, even though they added quite a bit to this track.
I won't bug you with the weather,.... but I will let you in on a secret. I used to be a necrophiliac till a rotten bitch split on me.
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Description : This is my newest creation, at a stage very near to completion. No third-party mastering or mixing, as with all my tracks. Just have to fix a few tiny things. I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO MIX EVERYTHING IN THE SAME SESSION. This song has all human-played instruments - no quantization or MIDI! My brother does all the vocals except for the interlude part, which I do. My other brother plays the rhythm guitar (a Gibson Les Paul Custom - only one of 12 in the world!!) and I play the accompanying guitar (a Johnny Mar Jag and PRS). He has a lot of guitars :P A good friend of ours, Ronnie, plays the bass and another friend, Freddie, plays the drums. The drum track was done in one take (had to use an electric drum set due to time constraints - but acoustic kits are so much better). Overall, pretty satisfied with the result. Let me know your thoughts.
Description : Feel free to check out the lyrics video on YT as well :) This is a new track based on the great vocals by Ashes and Dreams! Again, a mix of electronic/progressive/rock, any feedback is welcome
Description : The first track I sing on. Cheap stage mic & no fancy plugins. Heavily guitar laden to the point it's got a bit of a shoegaze thing going on. I pulled the lyrics out of my ass & yes, they're a bit silly.
Description : BIG UPDATE 26/02/2014 - So, this was an 18 min track that I have now successfully split in two. 2nd half I uploaded a few weeks ago (Things That Should Always Be, with the bouncy 2 min reggae intro). This is the first half, which has a new mix, a mega chill, meditative ending and a little jazz thrown in for good measure. Takes a few minutes for beat to really kick in. Constantly evolving electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic drums and lead banjo driven by fat, busy 80BPM grooves with a bit of a reggae and shuffle feel. Also: synth choir voices, dulcimer, violin, cello, shimmering pads. Builds up gradually to nice and rocking and then gets taken back down for the big comedown chill. I really don't know what sort of genre this is except 'far out'. I think it sounds more like a live band than one guy playing instruments and manipulating a DAW. Not my best track but a bit of blissful, sunny island fun. Real positive vibe here so I hope you give it a chance to unfold and unfurl. Sit back, clear your schedule and immerse yourself in these trippy sonic experiments cooked up deep in my off-planet underground laboratory. I have to send the MP3 to Earth via space courier (not cheap).
Description : This is the 2nd cover of Big Audio Dynamite i done With my freind John. We both fan of the band so we decided to do a challenge and produce a serie of covers. we done 4 in one month. each track got it proper video check my youtube channel indiegroundvid
Damn, will I ever stop commenting on this track? Only time will tell...
Your new avatar looks good though there's quite a lot of beard and not much hair. It also looks just like Nick Oliveri, another bass player, from Kyuss, QOTSA and other bands. You have been busted, computer software, so next time choose a picture of a less well known closet-dwelling bass player.
"It's the title of a Puscifer song"
Not quite - that's Vagina Mine. I always interpreted that as a variation of "my vagina" rather than the more amusing idea of a vagina miner, like a coal miner (an idea I got from you).
Some of the Puscifer stuff is good, some really isn't. Perhaps my favourite song is The Mission - the one featuring Milla Jovovich, who sounds amazing on it.
Puscifer is a terrible band/project name; quite immature really, as is Cuntry Boner.
In other vag news, I was out kayaking the other day with a friend on a small London river and saw the following graffitti on a bridge:
neo vagina
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is it what neo Nazis are into? Or is it some sort of advanced, super special designer vagina I haven't come across (haha) just yet?
No, mic still hasn't shown up though I've not been looking for it so that's no surprise.
I'm currently really struggling to do much good in terms of music. Not happy with my playing abilities or sound and feel like I've run out ideas on guitar. I do now have a bow for the cello but haven't started using it yet. I'm busy working on a half decent track merging some dance music you'll hate with some reasonably tasty, funky and mildly badass bass g and guit fiddle riffage.
Track will probably be called Tesseradecade. You would normally not continue listening after 10 secs of that sort of music but, as it's me, you might just give it a chance to see what it develops into (something you'll probably like).
And now I bid you bye bye
Later, anal gyrator...
"though there's quite a lot of beard and not much hair"
I keep the top cropped short for working outside. Not bald yet, but I do seem to see more forehead than I used to.
" It also looks just like Nick Oliveri, another bass player, from Kyuss, QOTSA and other bands"
Never seen him, but now I'm intrigued. I'll have to google him.
" Perhaps my favourite song is The Mission "
I like that one as well. Took a while to get the lyric "north end guinea". "The Undertaker" is awesome also. My favorite from them is probably "Mama Sed". I love the message. It's how I was spoken to growing up. Life is change, tuck and roll.
"Puscifer is a terrible band/project name"
We have a local-ish band called "Grannies Bathwater". God damn gut-wrenching name, doing "Countrocky" Country-Rock garbage. "Evil Poon" is another that come through often.
"neo vagina"
This is the work of a fucked up pedophile. Disregard and try to forget.
"special designer vagina I haven't come across (haha) just yet? "
By far the funniest pun in the history of Looperman. I laughed so hard I started to cough and nearly fell over. 85 wordsmith points for you, good man.
"I'm currently really struggling to do much good in terms of music. Not happy with my playing abilities or sound and feel like I've run out ideas on guitar."
Try to intentionally NOT sound like yourself. Not anyone else in particular, but only do things you've never done before. A cross between Mindless Self Indulgence, and Bjork.
I've heard of several artists who make up other personas or characters, and do the writing from their perspective.
You could try to do what I've mentioned a few times. Take a specific feeling or situation or incident, and try to express that feeling.
Can you write sad music? Can you translate the feeling of being hurt through music? The great feeling of a big, fat payday? The feeling before you do something dangerous? When I am short on inspiration, that's the kind of stuff I go to. May work for you, may not at all. Just something different, and different is growth if nothing else.
Over and out. Keep your eye out for brown trout as you kayak about.
I like the idea of a vagina miner though I guess that's kind of a gynaecologist. Or maybe it's somebody who knows how to extract the precious resources within - diamonds, gold, sapphire - that sort of stuff. Maybe a really effective vagina miner (which totally still rhymes) is, like the fine Kyuss song, a One Inch Man.
Sorry to miss out on your epic mega reply but it's your own damn fault. I always type in a separate document and then apply my favourite music making technique - Ctrl C, Ctrl V.
Damn, you're right - a faggot is a bundle of sticks, not one stick. Dumb me.
I also used to be a big fan of Dookie (not that I knew what the word meant) and still think it's a bit of a classic album. I even used to play Longview in my teenage school band (me on bass g).
Then they went all big and popular and I have no interest in anything they do. Pretty hard making lots of good songs when your formula is so limited.
"Couldn't disconnect hand from foot"
Me too, to an extent. I used to play drums a bit and even performed as the drummer for 5 nights in a theatre production of Cindarella when I lived in the tiny Gulf country called Qatar. But coordination is hard and playing fuckin fast and varying your grooves and doing accurate badass fills is so hard. And then there's complex jazz drumming, which is another awesome art.
One of a few reasons my tracks tend to be so drum-heavy is because I love quality drummers and guess I'm trying to emulate them. I love great drumming as much as any other instrument. Perhaps, in some ways, more.
Fuck me, that Tidewater accent is amazing! So damn funny.
A mild sorry for the confusing "illegal data aggregator".
I've been mining the 'later' rhymes for a while now for goodbyes and 'aggregator' was my latest so needed something to go with it. No meaning beyond that.
Later, effeminate bundle of sticks.
*Mr E
"I like the idea of a vagina miner"
It's the title of a Puscifer song. They have some good stuff,... and some not-so-good stuff. Look for Cuntry Boner. Two track EP.
"Then they went all big and popular and I have no interest in anything they do"
Dookie was their last good thing. They went pretty soulless after that. Haven't cared since.
Went for an avatar change. Got tired of the old one. It was a photo taken to show a friend how small my closet is. Can't tell now after the effects, but I'm in the tiny closet in my music-room. Not sure why that closet was even made. It's like 2' X 2' X 8'. Great place for a cigar store indian or a tie collection, but that's it.
Still no mic?
He ain't no mothafuckin' hater
He always bringin' us a tasty bass riff
Don't turn away
Get in front of it
Vag-based regreetings, my fun china.
Not much work to do at work so I'm back yet again for more chit-chat. Mostly chat plus a little chit.
I watched the Louis CK link kindly provided by The Cru Dawg and am still confused over how you damn American chaps and chapesses pronounce that vag word. He seems to be having a laugh about what I consider the standard way of pronouncing it. I've heard it mentioned on loads of US TV shows and movies over the years and I'm certain it's always pronounced exactly as us Brits say it, just with whichever flavour of US accent the character has.
Yes, "rubbers" in the UK are not really condoms. We sometimes say "johnnies". I don't but other people do, not that I know why. Here, "fags" are not homosexuals but standard slang for cigarettes though we stil have "faggot", though that's seen as pretty damn offensive. What the gay community might even call The F Word, though that's a total guess. A faggot is actually a stick so no idea why gay people ended up being called that.
"I keep hearing that Looperman was not nearly as user friendly as it is now."
Yeah, it was pretty crap. Having a waveform is useful - often indicates to me the sort of track I shouldn't bother clicking on.
But the most significant change by far is the featured tracks page. I joined 4 years ago and did and got a few reviews but hardly "met" anyone and had no idea where to start or anything. So, I stopped using it until about 2 years later. Then I met you, Crucethus, The Valve and others. It's all because of featured tracks. That helps you see what other people are saying and guarantees that other people can find your work. Without it, how would I even know if you'd uploaded a new nice track bro? Before featured tracks, hardly anyone would find my music. Why should they as it was indeed all just a big, long list of tracks in the various different (and fairly limited) genres.
I have not seen or heard of Housebound but will check it out on your recommendation.
I get your point about people who comment on my tracks with no registered "Play" from them. Thanks as I hadn't quite worked that one out.
Finally: G minor for your vagina, G maj for your vag
Later, illegal data aggregator.
About three hours ago, I wrote a very long reply, hit POST, and got a big fat "Server Not Found". Lost it all. This incarnation shall be much shorter. I've been having connection issues and thought the AT&T guy fixed it. Negative.
The previous reply mentioned something about how I thought faggot was a bundle of sticks, and how I heard a "Geek" was someone who bit the heads off of chickens. Never looked into it.
Damn, this is a sad comparison to the original reply. It could try harder, but it wouldn't matter. Starting to resemble a lot of my Junior High School essays, when I traded studying time for a drum set. Green Day's Dookie came out when I got a shitty drum set and I learned from that. Never got decent. Couldn't disconnect hand from foot. Couldn't kick without hitting hats.
I mentioned how I appreciate the looperman site and it's as close to sitting in a room with other musicians as I can get. Sad there is only a handful of active, level headed musicians who are cool enough to talk to. I appreciate everyone.
"Later, illegal data aggregator."
I'm lost. Please fill me in.
Over and out.
So Louis CK does a great bit on the pronunciation of Vagina in Boston as Vaginer.. about 6 min in.
My grandmother spoke with a massive Brooklyn accent. She used to call a toilet a terlet, and Oil earl. Myself I love the Tidewater accent, which is two isolated islands off the Virginia coast whose speakers sometimes drift into the only form of Elizabethan (maybe, maybe not) English known to exist. This is the Accent the founding fathers of the U.S. most likely spoke. A weird construct of Southern Dialect and Midlands English.
Louis CK is funny as hell. Jizzanthipuss is probably my favorite from him. Never thought of the word "Vagina" being a verb, but I guess "Dick" is, so why not? I've heard "Dick this bitch up" several times.
Archie Bunker was great with the accent, though I believe his character was living in Queens.
The Tidewater accent is nearly the Arkansas accent when combined with whiskey and the already prevalent inbreeding and rapid tooth loss.
Thanks for the listen and the feedback!
Not much to do at work so I'm replying to you yet again.
G minor for your vagina totally rhymes without using a Brooklyn accent. The "-inor" and "-ina" are perfect rhymes. Unless you're saying one of those words a bit weirdly (admittedly, to my English ears). I couldn't hear a huge amount of accent on your 'Speak Up' thread recording but maybe you have some little quirks, like saying "minor" more like "my gnaw".
I know you sometimes trawl through the Rock tracks but, damn, going 100 pages deep is some serious searching. The kind I couldn't be bothered to do. Would take ages.
You could do with expanding your musical horizons beyond bass g and guit fiddle but you know what you like by your age so I guess there's no real point in suggesting anything. You also occasionally listen to some of my occasional guit-free tracks.
One of those will be the 46&2 cover, which is going fairly well though there's no obvious end in sight as my hugely rearranged structure is a bit confusing to work with. I'm looking forward to unleashing this ass-kicking riff-fest on your hopefully highly critical Tool-soaked ears but must wait until it's done.
I've gone through the awesome lyrics and have got so many potential titles for it. Right now, I'm going with What It Takes To Step Through as that's the coolest, most life-affirming vocal. Very powerful delivery. Make other title suggestions, if you like. Wallowing In My Own Chaotic Insecure Delusions is another contender.
"mystical bit comes only from all the sitar"
There's really not that much in my music though perhaps there are some layers of sound that give off a related vibe. I do actually have a real sitar but never even play it as them cheesewire strings are lethal bitches. Torture/death scene in a movie could just be forcing a guy to play heavy sitar riffage for an hour or so (till he bleeds out).
Here's my shortest track on Looperman (3:59!!!) that features some tasty guit fiddlin merging with sitar. Not sure if you've heard it.
Random Acts Of Human Kindness
We will talk more, cheap whore.
*A temporary ethnicity reassignment. Also grants me the moral license to liberally sprinkle that N word over every sentence I utter. Such freedom...
"The "-inor" and "-ina" are perfect rhymes."
100 percent disagree. We Yanks say minor as "my nerr", and vagina as "fun china". Err, and uhhh. I understand you "true English" speakers like to put "R"s at the end of words, like "vaginer", but leave it off the end of "pepper", opting for "peppah". Pretty sure we completely differ with "rubbers" and "fags" as well.
"I couldn't hear a huge amount of accent on your 'Speak Up' thread recording"
Broadcast companies like news anchors from my area and directly north of Missouri because we have nearly no regional accent. Further south, in Arkansas, speech gets presented rather slovenly by local yokels. We are in an odd calibration zone where all accents came together and canceled each other out,... I guess.
"going 100 pages deep is some serious searching. The kind I couldn't be bothered to do. Would take ages."
Not bad, really. Go to Tracks, click "Last", and there are a series of page numbers to choose from. Clicking the lowest page number a few times and you're there. Looperman was different then. Rock tracks got nearly zero attention. I keep hearing that Looperman was not nearly as user friendly as it is now. No avatars, waveforms, visually bland and pretty much like a big list. Glad we have what we have.
"Make other title suggestions, if you like. "
Me like.
"To Live And To Grow"
"What Could Have Been"
"Soften This Old Armor"
"Out The Other Side"
"Hoping I Get Cleared Away"
"Shedding Skin"
"The Means To Cross Me Over"
Watched a great (British?/English?) movie last night called "Housebound". Comedy/Horror. I've not enjoyed a movie like that in a while. If you have Netflix or any other streaming service, it's worth watching. The main chick's punk-rock attitude toward being under house arrest in her haunted childhood home with her annoying parents is hilarious. Many perfect conveyances of her disgust for everything. Great movie, you may or may not like it.
I've heard your short track. Good stuff.
You've mentioned to people before who comment on your tracks with no registered "Play" from them. That happens if you're not logged in. I could listen to every track on the featured page and not have a single one register my play if I'm not logged in. I've listened to several of your tracks and go to make a comment and realize I'm not logged in. I log in and leave a comment, but there is no sign I've even listened to it. I'm trying to get better about that. I often check my featured track and see who's listened and NOT commented. Helps me know if it sounds like ass, or if it's not too bad.
(disappears in puff of smoke, no goodbye)
It's not brilliant but there is something I like about China-High for your lazy eye.
My final, for now, offering:
G minor for your vagina**
I'm pleased with that one as I couldn't find anything music-related to rhyme with 'cunt'.
I have listened again to your Star Forge and noted the additional niceness you have injected.
Wah is much improved and acoustic g is particularly strong.
The thing I like most about the overall track is how much it sounds like an actual band. I guess some sections of my music sound like that though it's not really something I try to make happen. It can also be cool if it clearly doesn't sound like a live band. I just try do whatever sounds good.
I guess it's about not playing too perfectly and in too uniform a manner and having a good dynamic range. You've probably noticed a whole load of Looperman tracks that you can see are mere copy and paste jobs without even listening to them ie that's what the waveform shows (same thing repeated, with no dynamic variation or surprises).
With the ending here, I thought "Oh no, another basic fadeout" when the fading started but then it turned into something more elegant and enjoyable.
Regarding "somewhat mystical", I'm surprised you got the word wrong as you clearly meant 'mysterious', which is not the same thing.
But I'm only mysterious because there's all sorts of stuff that I haven't revealed about myself. I had no idea that was any sort of issue or that anyone I'd never actually met would be particularly interested in hearing my general, perhaps boring, life details.
"you seem to be a bit private"
Not really - I just don't get into loads of personal details on a site in which I talk 90% about music. I only ever chat occasionally about non-music stuff to a select small group ie The Valve, Crucethus and maybe a couple of others. It's only with you that I go off into substantial deviations about anything and everything weird and wonderful.
"others would think less of you if they saw you as a normal person"
I never considered that and don't really think much about my image. On this site, I'm just a musician and maker of nice tracks bro.
I can answer some other personal detail questions if you like.
"a sonic super-villain who travels to other dimensions and worlds and returns to display the other-worldly soundtrack and cosmic vibrations"
I like that description and it is what I'm trying to do, though through instruments and software as I can't yet afford a spaceship.
Later, (G) stringbreaker.
*A vague ethnic grouping chosen entirely for its alliterative qualities.
**Or maybe that should be V minor - the special, hidden vag chord.
"G minor for your vagina"
Nice, but only rhymes in a Brooklyn accent.
"mere copy and paste jobs"
I've resorted to going about 100 pages into Rock Tracks to find something to listen to and comment on. Only Crucethus and The Valve have music without guitars that I always listen to. Chill, trap, ambient, cinema, techno, dance, drumnbass, thats all there seems to be here. I get that they are popular, but I'm just not into it at all. The waveform can almost tell you the genre.
"you clearly meant 'mysterious', which is not the same thing."
Yes. The mystical bit comes only from all the sitar.
"I had no idea that was any sort of issue....I can answer some other personal detail questions if you like."
No issue. You don't need to disclose anything, and I hope you know I wasn't asking you to.
I'm glad the end of this track is better. I liked what I had and started rushing recording the end. I like it better now.
I hope all is well.
Shame on me for not thinking of 'slide for your hide'. But maybe 'hide' is a bit subtle/leftfield in terms of anatomy. That's why I thought I'd enlist your help as my earlier list was all I could manage. Oh no, here's another:
Drumroll for your dickhole
I don't like the organ or shaker attempts.
Damn, I see now that you've updated this track, potentially converting it into a nicer track bro. I will listen later, when I'm able. So, just a reply to your reply for now.
Now it has been explained, I get and appreciate your "two hunches" joke. Not a bad one at all. Quite subtle - too subtle and elliptical for me before so explanation was needed.
"The only kind I'm good at"
I disagree.
I wonder why you think I'm somewhat mystical. Must be some element of my writing I'm unaware of. I'm not really - more just a joker with a strong and bizarre imagination. My butler writes all my jokes for me (including this one) so you can blame him for any air of mysticism.
Kayaking through London was OK but I felt a bit unwell doing it in the heavy afternoon sun and with some serious chop from the tidal river's waves. Couldn't get out of the boat (ie land anywhere) for about 5 miles so quite a relief when I did. I hung out with a bunch of people living in a disused restaurant by the river, which is just above the little beach where I tied my boat up.
So: more thoughts later on your update, if I have any.
I bid you a Jew
*A standard, friendly greeting in masochist circles.
China-High for your lazy eye
Sousaphone for your juicy bone
That's all I got.
Glad you got the hunches thing. I feel a bit dumb explaining jokes. Good ones don't need explanations.
"I wonder why you think I'm somewhat mystical."
You've never said what you do for a living, just that it is boring. You've never shown your face as others have. You've given many veiled allusions about yourself, like you've mentioned a boring job, access to an e-mail account only every other week, you're a white, athletic, mid to upper 30's guy from the UK. Oh, and you like mangoes.
No clue if you still live at home, have a girlfriend, hate an ex girlfriend, were ever in a band, near death experience, did music in school, interests beyond music, or why you're up so late at night.
I'm in no way saying that you need to change your M.O., just saying that you seem to be a bit private, or that you may think that since you are as good a musician as you are, others would think less of you if they saw you as a normal person, and not a sonic super-villain who travels to other dimensions and worlds and returns to display the other-worldly soundtrack and cosmic vibrations. It may take away the mystery.
I mean no disrespect in any of that. It may just be me, curious about the person I talk to the most. I offer up my details just because I feel I am nothing if I'm not 100 percent honest. Accepting everything about myself is part of that, and I'm not at all saying that you don't. I just try to be open.
Again, I don't need to know anything else about you. Your entitled to your privacy. No need to answer anything.
"I hung out with a bunch of people living in a disused restaurant by the river"
Sounds like the wrong kind of people to hang out with. Sounds like the kind of folks who would talk all cool with you for a few minutes, then corner you with a knife and steal your shit.
This track has been updated, and you should like the changes. All the same till 3:06, then everything is new but the main riff. All leads and wahs replaced.
I bid jew a doo.
The Wah section is much better. It fits in there like it's supposed to now. Good job.
The ending seems to be more clean. The added guitar over the fade out works.
It's definitely much more solid now. Not that it wasn't before, though.
Thanks for the extra guit-fiddle tips. That's the kind of stuff most people don't think to tell you. They just say, "Get this pedal. Get that Pedal." or "Buy stuff for making the things do the stuff." or, "you don't already know how to play, so I can't help you." Assclowns.
Anyhow. It sounds like you enjoyed your 4th just fine. If I could still burn the green, I would. My wife can, and it kinda makes me envious sometimes. We had a decent time. We had a group of friends and family over for a big-ass BBQ and blowout bonananaza. Everyone went home full of food and beer, and with all their fingers still attached. So, I'd say it was a success.
Again, awesome reworking here, mister!
Take 'er as she comes. Easy, with any luck.
I'm glad you like the new ending. Much better than the odd wah and detuned solo. The wah's "wooka-chicka-wooka-chicka" Was better that what I had before. I appreciate the suggestions.
Yes. Guitar Center seems to hire them exclusively. I get everything from I'll research online, then go to the stores to try something in person, then buy it through Sweetwater. 3 guitars, my pedal, and my MIDI controller have all come from there and 100 percent awesome service. Mandatory 2 year warranty on EVERYTHING. Free shipping over 50 bucks.
I don't expect you to get a pedal at all, really. Ampire, Amplitube and other amp sim software would be your best bet. Stomps are more for live playing. However, if you do, check out the Hardwire series from Digitech. Quality, and true bypass.
Again, a well set-up guitar, played with a gentle touch, offers the best results. Most music shops will do a full guitar set-up for around $70.
One thing you should never mess with yourself is the truss rod. There is a bowed rod in the neck of your guitar, and it can be loosened or tightened with an allen wrench. It adds or reduces the tension in the neck, counteracting the pull of the strings. When a neck starts to bow, that is the fix, but you can destroy the neck at the same time. Pay the guy, he'll do it.
You may be getting sick of the guitar talk. Sorry. A lot of people get discouraged because it sounds bad in the beginning. Just wanting to pass on what I've picked up.
All the best!
Ahhh, Well when I go, I want to go like my Grandfather did........ Died Peacefully in his sleep.......Unlike his passengers who died screaming and crying!!........¯\_(ツ)_/¯
New mix sounds more Cohesive and very professional. Me likey long time would be how I would say my feelings if I was born in ohhh I' don't know say Shanghai and forced to wear a mini skirt and parade out on the street soliciting strangers. Fortunately I speak proper English.........makes the transactions easier , I would gather. (^‿^). Anyhooo Time is Money.
Hope all is well in Chillville!
"Show me a piece of tropical fruit, and I'll show you a c*ck-s*cker from Guatemala." -- George Carlin
P.S. Where you're born does not dictate whether you can wear a skirt or not. You are free to express yourself, just keep the photos private.
Compliments and respect______Orlando
Thank you for the kind words. Progressive Rock is my preferred listening, but it is slowly dying. Yes, much of it is old and really,.... not good. Dream Theater is good, but they're a bit too much. Petrucci is quite a dick about his ability. Enough already!!! Tool has really let me down with the crazy spans of nothing. Fates Warning is good.
Anyway, thanks for the listen!
I had a guitar way back before the beard, and the gray hair from which it's made. I didn't know how to play it back then, either. But, I came up with some pretty cool shit that I still remember. Since I started doing this whole Looperman thing, I've learned A LOT about music, so this time around, the intention is to actually learn the damn thing and play it like it's supposed to be played. Not just hammered on with the distortion cranked to 11. For now, I may be able to piece together enough riffs to be able to put out a track or two. I just need to pick up an interface before I do.
" is an actual wah pedal controlled by my foot. It's recorded in."
I guess I knew that. With everything I do being a plug-in that basically lays over the top of whatever I'm modulating, I sometimes forget that not everyone does that, and can't just delete a setting.
"I don't want the taking of my advice to make you dislike one of your own tracks. We do what we do for ourselves. Not others, but others give an important non-partial opinion that can help in songwriting. "
That's the perfect way to look at it, my friend. That's why I always say "take it, or leave it." Because it's all just my opinion with the intent to expose a new angle for consideration.
As far as the evil synth solo with your it. Do it now. Or later. But totally, I'm all for it. Whenever that perfect, minimal bass makes itself present, just let me know.
"All are us belong to your bass."
In 2000, there was an internet meme that took a gabber-techno track that had broken English from some Japanese video game, and made a gif of it. Thing got huge. It's old enough now that it's past all of it's living stages as a meme, and retired as a classic. Now, it gets used unironically, and referred to as if it's an old friend. Stupid fuckin' meme.
Here's the meme...
It's a terrible song, but entertaining none the less.
Alright man, I gotta split. Big-ass BBQ and kaboombooms to get ready for. Have a good 4th, and be safe, man.
Take care.
"the intention is to actually learn the damn thing and play it like it's supposed to be played. Not just hammered on with the distortion cranked to 11."
Doesn't matter. I play bass like it's a guitar. Whatever sounds good and is charming to the ear and represents you. Damnit, man, I'm still stoked for you! New instruments are awesome.
You should check your intonation. A harmonic on 12, and fretted at 12 should register the same on a tuner. If not, the saddles need to be adjusted. That is an important part of the notes not sounding off when you fret.
Action is another thing. The height of the strings. If you're doing chugging riffs and general chunkiness, a low action is great. Solo type stuff, higher to avoid buzz. Action should be adjusted first, then intonation.
Nevermind man! You're going to make some awesome sounds no matter what. Even broken instruments have character. My Lowery does some weird stuff sometimes. Radio comes through it, it just picks up the signal. 12 inch speaker, and any time you play it, the radio is faint underneath.
Thank you for clarifying the meme thing. I had no clue.
I did no BBQ and no kabooms. I did Boulevard Pop-Up IPA, (favorite), some acquired dank homegrown, (favorite), and StudioOne. I reworked the ending to Star Forge. The only thing that is the same after 3:06 is the main riff. All wahs, leads and outro are new. Not exactly what you mentioned, but trying a few different things lead it to where it is now. I may still add an acoustic to the ending. Something interweaving.
Hope all is well within your domicile.
Ok. I'm back with yet another installment of "What the hell was Valvedriver thinking, anyhow?!"
A question that's been asked several times in my life. Today was one of those days, too. I saw Mad Max: Fury road. That movie was ab-so-god damned-lutely perfect in all of it's cinematic post-apocalyptic, metal-as-Hell badassery. So much so, that I could not contain my proverbial hardon. Therefore, directly after the movie, I went out and shot my load all over a B.C. Rich, complete with coffin case, and cheesy ironic metal awesomeness. Thus, marking it as my territory. So, here I sit. The proud new owner of a guitar that I don't even know how to play.
That's how freakin' awesome that movie was!
That business about being sweat-logged by 10 am. Not cool, man. Heh, literally. I can relate to your sun induced misery, though. The steel mill is about the same. Just make sure you DO keep yourself hydrated. That heat exhaustion is no joke. Also, pedialyte, is kinda delicious on a hot day. Try to eat fresh fruits in the mornings. They have natural sugars and carbs that help out a lot.
Shall we?
I like the intro. It is very Celtic/folk sounding. It kind of lures you in with a false sense of security before sinking it's hooks into you.
For the reverse slide into the drums, have you thought about taking out the reverse cymbal, and letting the last note of the acoustic guitar sustain a full note, then, the drums and bass will come in like someone kicking in a door.
Jump to the ending. 3:30 to be specific. I don't know how much more you plan on doing to this, but here's my suggestion. Bookend the intro. But, don't just use the same part. Instead, rebuild the riff with all your badass bassery, so they're all one intense, high energy riff that brings you full circle. Then re-introduce the guitar lead from 0:30, and lay it ever so delicately over the top. Finish it out with an abrupt ending, letting that last note sustain again. Here is where you drop in your reverse cymbal. Like a ramp on a cliff to launch a big rig off of it's edge.
Does any that make a lick of sense? It's hard to put brain-sounds into word-texts.
The "wah" part. I like it. But it doesn't fit in this song. It's kind of like, Wah the hell is this doing here? (Ba-dump-PSH!) Maybe just turn off the wah, but leave the guitar there as it is played.
"When I'm not feeling it, I don't TRY to feel it. I think the last two tracks have benefited from that approach. "
Fuckin' A, they have.
The main thing you need is a tuner, and know not to press real hard on the strings. Just enough to touch the frets without buzzing. Pressing hard is like bending. Makes the note sound bad, even though you're doing most things right. Play soft, and amplify to compensate. Fuckin shit, man. I'm stoked for you! I feel like I got a new toy!
"Does any that make a lick of sense? It's hard to put brain-sounds into word-texts."
I understand completely. I'll got in and focus on the second half of the track. I'm not big on revisiting stuff, but I get what you're saying about bookending. The wah part will get reworked as well. I like it, but it could be done better, with it continuing on through till the lead stuff comes in. Can't turn it off, it is an actual wah pedal controlled by my foot. It's recorded in.
"a tattoo of Elvis, hunched over on the shitter with a sandwich clenched in his dead hand."
I go for the classy ones, too. My wife can belch so loud, it will hurt YOUR chest. Amazing human feat.
"So, take 'em, or leave 'em."
I always take them. I just don't always keep them. I try 95 percent of the advice I'm given (from credible critics, like you) and I know that if I don't like the change, I don't have to save it.
I don't want the taking of my advice to make you dislike one of your own tracks. We do what we do for ourselves. Not others, but others give an important non-partial opinion that can help in songwriting.
I've thought about doing a track with about a minute of very minimal background bass playing in the middle, and asking you to lay down an evil solo synth part. I've done a tiny bit of collaborating on this site, but not much. Someday, maybe.
"All are us belong to your bass."
Not sure I get it. Is it nappy-time again? My bass owns no one. At least I don't think it does. It does stand over the PRS like it's his bitch. Says "Know your role, short-shit!".
Take care.
I think, overall, you're making leaps and bounds. Probably that "Let It Be" approach. Which reminds me, I'm kind of surprised Static would take an interest in Elvis. I'm more of a Beatles guy, myself. My wife...she's a G.G. Allen type. She's actually got a tattoo of Elvis, hunched over on the shitter with a sandwich clenched in his dead hand.
I don't really have any technical suggestions other than the ideas for the parts you mentioned not being too sure on. I think it sounds pretty damned sweet. So, take 'em, or leave 'em. But whatever you do, keep cool under that sun, man.
All are us belong to your bass.
Drums for your thumbs
Keys for your knees
Guit fiddle for your middle
No keys in this but you get the idea. Any other instrument-anatomy connections?
I would not have guessed I would care much for Elvis. I never listen to his music but do like a few songs and greatly respect him and like him when I see him interviewed.
I was in Memphis for 2 days and was booked in to visit Sun Studios and Graceland as part of the music-related holiday I did (3 days Chicago, 2 Memphis, 6 New Orleans, 0 Ozark meth land).
3:07 wah is OK - bit like dance music synths there. Not great but OK and short so no big deal but removing it would not hurt the track at all. Maybe best to do that as it's so brief.
3:29 lead has a horn kinda quality/mood. Strange, eh?
Fadeout ending is a bit of a copout, something I've said before. I think you've even changed and improved fadeout endings I've complained about.
"TWO kinds of hunches"
Can't say I really got that reference.
Fear not, the butler will not disclose your email. I have no need to do a background check on him as he was conceived and raised specifically for buttling duties. Those bred for specific roles can always potentially stray and betray their masters so I always keep a close eye on him, just in case.
Consider this track fully reviewed.
I'm off kayaking through central London tomorrow and then at the weekend on other side of the country (towards you but that ocean would take a while so not this time).
I bid you adieu.
Kick for your dick
Slide for your hide
Organ for your,... organ
Shaker for your money-maker
"removing it would not hurt the track at all. Maybe best to do that as it's so brief."
I will probably not remove it, but I'll redo it better. It was a quick thing and really the first idea after turning on my pedal's wah.
"3:29 lead has a horn kinda quality/mood. Strange, eh?"
Not married to that either. It is a very high guitar line transposed down an octave. That's why it's so "horny" sounding. It will be rewritten as well.
"TWO kinds of hunches"
You mentioned private parts investigating. Investigators get "hunches", like an inkling or vague idea. Also, constant exploration, or investigation, of one's own privates would give one a literal hunch, from such constant downward manipulation.
Bad joke. The only kind I'm good at.
Hope the kayaking went well, and you had some good scenery.
I bid you a dew
Hello Mate,
Your guitar playing is heaven mate.
Wow wow wow fantastic track.
My hats off to you mate……..favs it goes.
Well done.
Thanks for the listen and the kind words. I'm not done with this one so I hope it gets better!
First, I just want to say this is a solid track. Everything, so far, is quality. The composition, the mixing, the instruments used. I have quite a bit of good, (and a minor suggestion or two.) to say about this track on it's own, and a few opinions related to things covered in previous comments. But, as it is, I've been awake for about 20 hours now. To try to attempt any intelligible word usings with the brain and the face and the typing of the things that make words and stuff...would just lead to the equivalent of a literary version of a Jackson Pollock painting.
Or the musings of a schizophrenic.
I will be back in the very near future to construct a coherent review.
Take care, Amigo
"Mr. Evan. How it be, man?"
It be OK. It's the time of year when I teeter on the brink of dehydration. I lose SO much fluid throughout the day, it's impossible to catch up. Shirt is soaked to the waist by 10:00 a.m. on a good day. I have to drink Pedialite just to regain my electrolytes.
"a minor suggestion or two to say about this track on it's own, and a few opinions related to things covered in previous comments."
I would love to hear them! I've got a few issues with the wah and the ending solo-ish line,... that is actually a higher guitar line transposed down. I'm up for suggestions.
Thanks for the listen. I'll be doing something different with the wah. Glad you liked everything else.
Take care.
For me this has sort of an Arabic or Middle Eastern vibe to it. Yeah, pretty neat effect there with the Wah, you could have stretched that out a bit more for sure!
I Dig it man !
I will be listening to your Sausalito song now. Gotta know.
Interesting you say Arabic. I never had any kind of intentions for that. I'll take it!
The wah was short because I was getting clips all over the place. Pedal's wah is a bit crackly. You can hear a few toward the end of the line. I had it go linger, but it was distracting to me. I'll be messing with pitch-shifed wahs a bit more now.
You can not dig it, for I have dug it thoroughly!
Love it.
At 3.07 there is what sounds to me like white noise through a wha wha peddle.
Doesn't sound like it belongs there but ... I've nackered my speakers and am listening to this at the moment on two small pc speakers with one of those centre bass units which isn't bad for playing pool on Miniclip but for music .... well I'm off out to get me some new speakers and headphones shortly.
Love it though.
I'm glad you liked the track! I'll listen to the wah part again, as it is an odd part. My biggest issue was the sudden drop of low-mid frequencies when the wah ends.
I hope you had good luck with the speaker and headphone purchase. I don't use monitor speakers. I do everything with headphones, then listen on five different systems and adjust accordingly.
Take care!
I have not been to a Sun Factory but I did go to Sun Studios in Memphis in 2013. And then visited The King's house nearby, with its incredibly low walls - perfect for keeping out absolutely none of his hordes of fans. I still don't get that.
This has a cool and badass vibe, with the intro quite the acoustic surprise. Sounds kinda folky and 12-stringy.
Yet another reverse lead-in to take us into the drums. I'm not specifically complaining about it here, just pointing out that maybe you've done it too often across your body of bass work.
First riff has balls and a different and fine tone from you. 0:30 guitar slots in nicely. Quite a cool melody.
1:00 killer trill. Badassery fading away to take us into the next section.
Drums are pounding and faultless. Mostly those Sintheticrecords loops?
1:46 key change to make things more progressive.
2:00 octave bass jumps more like funk bass. Not something you do often.
2:23 cool percussive tones. Lovely layering of percussion.
This is really far out progressive stuff. Not like my psychedelic stuff but something else. More like prog rock.
Running outta words so I'll finish the review another time.
Great production, no real suggestions so far.
Later, private parts investigator.
I would not have guessed you would care about Elvis. I've never been into anything of his, but I did see one impressive video of him, half fat, sweating monsoons, out of breath at the piano, busting out "Unchained Melody". He looks severely winded before he even starts. Pulled it off like a fucking champ.
"Yet another reverse lead-in..... maybe you've done it too often"
I went through and listened to the intros of my tracks after you said this, and about 1 in 5 has a swell of some kind. Far too high. I've noticed that I've been using a lot of the same mechanisms for lead-ins and transitions of different kinds. Have to be more inventive. Thank you.
"Drums are pounding and faultless. Mostly those Sintheticrecords loops?"
Yes. If there is a snare in it, it is those sintheticrecord loops. Used four different ones, but layered taiko loops or midi percussion with them. A bit too much reverb already on those sinthetic loops. I added a touch of EQ, mostly a low-pass.
"This is really far out progressive stuff. Not like my psychedelic stuff but something else. More like prog rock."
That is really great to hear that you like it. I've been diggin this for a few weeks. I've been recording less. I've been getting frustrated easily, so I've just been recording a little at a time, not trying to force anything. When I'm not feeling it, I don't TRY to feel it. I think the last two tracks have benefited from that approach.
"Later, private parts investigator."
Anyone who doesn't investigate is a damn fool!! Though investigating privates for prolonged periods can lead to TWO kinds of hunches. ...Yeah.
I hope you are doing well. Tell the butler not to give out my e-mail. I've had enough problems. You do background checks, right?
Nice work
Ah, yes. I added no VIs, nor did I even turn on the midi controller. Could still happen as I'm not married to the ending. Sintheticrecord's drums are great, but I wish I had them without all the cymbals, even though they added quite a bit to this track.
I won't bug you with the weather,.... but I will let you in on a secret. I used to be a necrophiliac till a rotten bitch split on me.