20th Oct 2015 12:01 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Through a ravine, a shadowy tunnel formed by tall arching trees, steep banks ribbed with roots. Why does the light give so little hope?

Comments (10)

If you have time take a listen and give DanGoldstein some feedback.

Orlando51 22nd Nov 2015 18:04 - 9 years ago
Excellent collaboration...very dark ambiece is created
during this exquisite experimental journey, executed skillfully and with genuine artistic temperament ! Faved!

DanGoldstein replied 23rd Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks, Orlando. Just try to sustain the line - that is mainly what I think about in the final mastering (if I can call my work that). Look forward to checking out new Orlando tracks! Regards - Dan
OmarMuk 17th Nov 2015 17:40 - 9 years ago
I like your musical vision for that abstract painting. One could see it as something of a more uplifting and colorful painting but you guys shared the same view I had on it. Something eerie, unknown, dark, almost like a cave.

Great work on this and great use of the effects pads and synths to create a vivid atmosphere. Very creative I enjoyed listening to it.
DanGoldstein replied 17th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
i could see a more optimistic track for this painting. but it seems to work on some levels. I appreciate your comment a lot. feel like I still want one more session on this one. here is start of a forum thread on my site for contest.
Burtsbluesboxes 17th Nov 2015 16:12 - 9 years ago
The Hills have eyes is a horror movie set in I believe the Arizona desert mountains. There's a group of deformed people, deformed by radiation and pollution as well as inbreeding, living in the hills killing anyone unfortunate enough to travel through there. Wrong Turn is similar. There's a group living in the woods of Virginia. Similar to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies. Quite violent. The song with the pic is like being in the woods having escaped the hill people and seeing the freedom (the light) but can we make it before they catch up? This is the first scene from Wrong Turn 2. Enjoy this grossness :p
DanGoldstein replied 17th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
now I am behind on both your literary and cinematic recommendations. I may just have to rely on your for reviews at this rate. will check out that youtube though. Did you look at the contest art? Anything there that interests? I actually started a forum thread, though it is just a few posts by me so far.

and all the art is here:

If composer's pic is there it is claimed.
Burtsbluesboxes 16th Nov 2015 20:17 - 9 years ago
I see the light and an escape from these dark woods! But I'm scared of the light hahaha 3:D> Very cool you two :p Makes me think of Wrong Turn, the deformed hill people killing everyone that comes into their woods, like The Hills have eyes. Mona's looking better, I see she had some serious plastic surgery.
DanGoldstein replied 17th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Is that a movie? I'm in the mood for it. Yea - Mona keeps getting foxier. Comes from listening to horror tracks.
Tumbleweed 16th Nov 2015 16:50 - 9 years ago
I easily get a mind picture of the art this may accompany..I don`t often think in terms of genres though I think this would cross several in its evolving journey and has quite an experimental focus..certainly does have the darkness so I`m feeling those woods are not the birds, butterflys and dappled sunshine type..haha...very interesting to hear the results of a collab of two such talented artists...definitely going to check out the link...well done guys...Ed
DanGoldstein replied 17th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
It has been amazing discovering Pete's process a little. No - these be some "watch out" woods. Glad if you were feeling it a little Ed. Always more to do but moving on is important also - so on I move. Thanks as always for support. Dan
JasonCroft 16th Nov 2015 10:05 - 9 years ago
I can feel the anger on your track
waiting for the full track
DanGoldstein replied 17th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
LOL! I'm always good for a little anger. Thankful if it comes out productively in my music as opposed to some other way. Look forward to checking out more NJNS! Best regards from your cyberhood pal - Dan
PDMuzak 9th Nov 2015 22:07 - 9 years ago
Kreepy , Just the way I like them. PDMuzak
DanGoldstein replied 14th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
it needs a cowbell! LOL. I just listened to your November featured upload. Pete took it in my mind to a more mysterious than kreepy place but I like what he did a lot. thanks for stopping by PD.
Spivkurl 30th Oct 2015 16:27 - 9 years ago
Hey this is nice! Has a very classic sample-based feel for my ears. If I said it sounded like industrial, then I would feel like the people who tell me that my minimal techno stuff sounds like industrial, so I will refrain... oops I guess I crossed that line already! I see you already have a colab partner, and I'm eager to hear where this goes! Ambient has so many different meanings depending on the artist and the listener, which does make it interesting. This is a good theme for the artwork which you linked to. Very fun to hear, and I look forward to any enhancements!
DanGoldstein replied 8th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
well the FL Studio fx are classified as industrial so I don't mind you picking up on that. Pete Tebar joined the fun and he developed a groove that moves things into a new section (and out again) pretty well. The latest upload is the rough cut of Pete's work and he has kicked the ball to me so very much still in progress. I think we might find a new bit of art for it since Halloween promotion is through! Thanks, Pat.
Burtsbluesboxes 28th Oct 2015 17:13 - 9 years ago
Now this sounds like a house I want to visit!! Why is it always haunted houses and not haunted banks? I like that kick, sounds like a heartbeat. AAAHHHH!! WHAT WAS THAT!!!!! Awesome Dan!
DanGoldstein replied 15th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Pete's contribution took it into the dark, mysterious woods. Of course witches love the woods. But there is a sense of journeying in his groove - like journeying through a ravine walled in by trees. At least that is my narrative of convenience so I can assign this one to one of the music for nature art contest paintings! It seems all my kick drums sound like heartbeats - except maybe Metal Bass!
Burtsbluesboxes 20th Oct 2015 14:49 - 9 years ago
I was hoping to see/hear one for the Halloween Party In Hell 3:D> Hopefully you'll get a house producer to join the hellacious fun! Just imagine a party where it's all the same person err or whatever it is! Off to a good creepy opening.
DanGoldstein replied 8th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Well - it did not get adopted by the house crowd! Pete Tebar joined the fun. Still in the ambient/weird forum I think. Latest update progresses things with a groove Pete came up with and ball is in my court. Still in progress.

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16th Sep 2024 17:53 - 5 months ago
Description : working on a more rock heavy metal crossover. I try to get it working. I got lots of insparation from here on LM, looking for any advice that would help me to get closer. I left the beat in the end open, so you can try it out. guit, synth or vox, etc....
I B I D I E I F# I
29th Dec 2017 15:23 - 7 years ago
Description : A song I wrote over a guitar track that I found on YouTube. Link to the original track can be found below.

Have been attempting to write 2-3 songs over the past couple of months with little success, when this one just appeared out of nowhere.

It's a bit odd I guess (which is why I tagged it as weird) but I enjoyed creating and listening back to it, so here it is.

Thank you!

Music: In Albany New York - The 126ers
11th May 2018 18:18 - 6 years ago
Description : One of those tracks you put your headphones on and your off too fantasy land for bit.Its all over the music spectrum on this track.*no foul language but does have lyrics that contain adult language
12th Oct 2020 23:03 - 4 years ago
Description : Every instrument is performed and recorder live. Piano, double bass, drums.

Another try from my horror jazz collective.

Instruments Used:
-"LIRA" upright piano (MADE IN USSR 1973)
-"BLAST CULT" upright bass (MADE IN USA 2016)
-TAMA Imperial Star + Pearl OMAR HAKIM snare + Various Ziljian cymbals.

Let me know what you think about this tune. Tnx.
29th May 2013 09:16 - 11 years ago
Description : Many of strangeness here ....
A link between two musical worlds quite different but united in this message of harmony.
"Silverpaw" (former Looperman) had in the depths of one of its hard drives, this arrangement that I made the past year:
He decided to bring this theme, with a text and this voice ....
Very surreal but I really enjoyed ....

I hope it will be the same for you.

Thank you for listening.
8th May 2016 05:11 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : I have nothing to say about this track
8th Aug 2024 21:34 - 7 months ago
Description : I am quite open to all kind of music out there. This time I had some Church organ pipes lying around. With the help of 2nick8 and IMHO one of his best songs out there I put him into a big room and let the organs speak. Yes, maybe weird, maybe different, maybe 2nick8 will throw some egg against me ... I did it. What do you all think of it? (I changed the Genre to "Weird" in the meantime but "Experimental" would do also.
18th Jun 2019 21:50 - 5 years ago
Description : "no internet connection" Album track probe OUT on all platforms.

30th Jul 2024 02:37 - 7 months ago
Description : Here i am the rough grannie lol
In the period when i was not on LM i didd go on
to fill my older beats with my voice.
I wish i could delete the snares.
They are sometimes in the wrong place.
But when i go from fl20 on old laptop to fl21 on new laptop , i didd delete all my old tracks to make a fresh start with a empty laptop.Now i feel sorry.
21st Aug 2021 20:48 - 3 years ago
Description : I started out making this track a Vocal track, then it turned into a Chillout track but, now I'd say DubJazz, PsychoFunk or Weird. You be the Judge.

4th May 2020 00:32 - 4 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track is only magmatic chaos hanging on a simple rhythmic skeleton. I had fun shaping and mixing the most disgusting electronic slurry.
23rd Aug 2013 00:06 - 11 years ago
Description : Hey guys! Well, this is the first time I upload a song with my voice. I have to confess that this is not a style I usually sing. And, as an extra point, this is my first song in english. My native language is spanish, my english is not perfect, so sorry for mistakes (grammar, pronunciation, etc). Well, about lyrics, I explain the story on description of the instrumental version. If you want to read the story or hear the instrumental track, go here [ ]. This song was made on Magix Music Maker 2013 Premium and Adobe Audition 3.0. I hope you like it. Thanks! SUN & MOON... FIRE & ICE HEART... LIGHT & DARK FUSION...
18th Jan 2022 12:35 - 3 years ago
Description : I haven't done anything in awhile. I got tired of screwing with this so just did some gain staging & panning & slapped it on here. It definitely sounds like something I would do.
26th Feb 2025 21:32 - 1 week ago
Description : I wanted to do something different, TheFrenz sent me the stems to his excellent track 'Transformer' - And only one of the several versions of the track, using many of the same elements each time.
So I threw my hat in the ring with a version of my own, taking the elements of Transformer and doing some transforming. It only makes the song title that much more awesome. Music can certainly be transformed, taken to its next form...and the music can also be what transforms US. Pretty deep, man.
5th Apr 2015 15:47 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : So i did a bit of sound design on an interview i watched (its not a film or anything with reserved rights so Looper Admin finna chill out,lol)
its of a lady who committed a crime of passion, tortured her BF for 3 days before killing him because he had "snitched" and put many people in Jail.she shows no remorse at all and is presentably a very highly intelligent individual..this is a project i did.
basically some cinematic ambiance to accompany the tone of the convo and at the end i just put some simple loops of strings,arps and a nice killer guitar...didnt work hard on the drums tho..i dont know what genre this is so i will put it under "weird" then sit in a corner and cry coz no one listens to weird stuff lol
peace Loopers