Description : Updated and mixed better. Ambient Opus that will have you staring at the walls figuring out what's going on.
This ambient track was uploaded by crucethus. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (29)
If you have time take a listen and give crucethus some feedback.
There is an incredible progression in you track (several in one). That's a kind of travel.
As it has been said, the percussions are amazing. At 4:50, it's just beautiful
I like very much.
I have no idea how did I miss this one before, but better late than never...this is extraordinary stuff, creative, inventive, it. Faved !
This is brilliant. I didn't think there was anyone out there making music anything like the kind I (sort of) make (from time to time?). Is it soundtrack/score? Is it hip-hop/beats? Ambient? I love whatever it is.
I would say it's "processing music", where you can feel the worlds in it, chaotic then peaceful, the movements, the uncertainty of what is going to happen next. Mental illness is like that. It's amazing to hear it translated into track. Having read what you are going through, this makes perfect sense. I have a track I'll be uploading soon that deals with the feelings while having a panic attack and the aftermath. I'll send it your way. But this is AWESOME and is going on my regular playlists. Seriously. I love it. :)
Sorry for such a late reply as I did not see it (no excuses). You have given me some super nice words to ponder on this very personal song mate. I thank you for that.
I can really classify the genre of this song, just know it comes from the heart.
Thanks again.
Hey man, thanks for using my loop :D
that whole section with the pad and the plucks was awesome!, like someone said below you could almost do a whole track like that.
The loop seemed alittle distorted though, dunno if that was intentional but if you want, i could remake the loop at a the right bpm for you so it fits in the track better. Jst a thought :)
Hey Xylient.
Thanks for commenting.
I like the pluck with it's slowed down intentional distortion because it conveys just that feeling that I'm trying to describe when someones in a catatonic state. Though I did remix and remaster this and I added a slight delay on the pluck and fixed a few spots that were annoying me over the last month. I appreciate the offer though to remake the loop, that's awfully generous of you.
I found this track to leave me without words a bit, which is a pretty uncommon way to feel in recent times for me. I can't complain about the feeling at all. This is one of those songs which encouraged me to wait until it was finished to react, and I take that as a good sign. I saw that Alex mentioned "Nerve Net" as a reference, which I understand, though to me, most of the sections here bring back flashbacks of "Selected Ambient Works..." from Aphex Twin. I found the first half of the song was speaking to me far more than the second, which may be intentional feeling of catatonic state. (?) I enjoyed much of the instrumentation throughout. I did find some of the drum loops to be a bit disjointed for my tastes, but from reading your responses, it does seem like it was intentional. I can't judge some ones intentions in art! All in all, a very interesting musical journey. I'm thinking on faving and downloading this one. Thank you for sharing!
Hey Sorry for the late reply.
Yes this one is a very personal and cathartic song that I made. The structure of What I wanted to do was in my head way before I even started to produce it. Mental illness is a serious, strange reality for so many people in this world. I wanted to express how the different states affect the people who love and care for people with brain injuries and issues. I want to spread awareness that mental illness is an illness of an organ called the brain, no different that someone having a lung issue (asthma) or Kidney (dialysis). The only difference is that the normal cognitive experience will change for a bit and that person needs your love, support, guidance, strength, trust, whilst the storm rages in there mind, and to know there is hope and help as the brain heals after these episodes. I saw a dear loved one deteriorate before my eyes. Luckily I had educated myself on the warning signs and was able to convince this person to get help voluntarily before it would become messy and difficult. During that first week this person experienced Catatonia for a few days and massive memory loss of that week. It was a combination of the Bi-Polar episode and the massive drugs that were given. For me my relief of stress and worry is in writing music. So you see that I have produced a lot of tracks very quickly just indicates I am reliving the stress of the situation. I am lucky that I have a great support team behind me and I reached out for professional advice early on and it has helped beyond belief. Also I am Highly educated on what can and will happen so we can survive this storm together, and I am happy to say patient is recovering very well now. I am aware many people here suffer from various mental illness and from time to time may or may not be in the most lucid state, but I just wanted to reach out part selfish cathartic release, but also part "you're all not alone" and there are some of us who understand what you are going through even if we don't feel the pain, or euphoria, or the depression, or the voices, we see the fallout. And people like myself are the safety net so someone doesn't cause too much damage to themselves and can get rest and help to allow the stormed brain to re-load. So musically this song has a shit-load of emotional baggage and yet an almost wondrous approach to what the subject might be experiencing. I thank you for listening and fav and downloading this was a very personal song for me.
Hey Cru,this track is a mindwarp,listened to it several times now through monitors and headphones,and both together actually-that sounded really good then.The way the instruments push and pull one another is credit to your understanding of music.The dissonance and mood changes are delving toward jazz at times i felt.Excellent stuff!
Take care Rhodesy
Thanks Rhodesy, I love to arrange music. I introduce light dissonance and atonality every now and then just to get the casual listener used to it. One day I will release a full blown atonal tune.
Brilliant work here Cru. The ambient intro and the warm feeling the guitar brings, and yet i'm staring outside the window and it's raining here downunder. But from 3.19 onwards is outstanding. You could almost do a whole track from this second half itself. Enjoyed this brother. Stay strong.
Blessings - Billy.
Did a few collab tracks with a long time music friend a while back who is really the best at getting a 70s psychadelic vibe (and often without chemical enhancement)...We should have had you sitting in on the sessions Steve...hell...if you had just played this (the first part)we could have come up with all kinds of far out additions (oh I`m just hitting that part around 3:25...freekin awesome stuff...the roof has lifted & the walls have fallen down...its flying in a great place...I`m at the outro...and I don`t need to figure out whats happening...I`m just sitting here thinking what a great ride that that normal??...haha...super track....Ed
Sergio Leone on acid springs to mind, no hang on I'm getting more of a Brian Jones if he was still alive documentary vibe..Jeez I like that downturn in the tuning segment then that dark synth!...speaking of which this music would be perfect for a Mythbusters type experiment on the effects of ambient tracks on plants I mean you'd think plants would dig ambient music right? There's so much happening it's definitely a mixing Opus that's for sure and very well executed! and I read it's an interpretation of a bipolar episode which is a pretty amazing endeavour just in itself, has the person in question heard this track and if so what was their reaction? is always better when the objective is an extrapolation and not just a construct.....I'd also like to hear this played in elevators but not airports. cool! cheers Dave
Hey Dave. A Fistful of Acid ehh? The person in question has heard the track but it's hard to have a meaningful discussion about it as the person doesn't remember the week of catatonic behaviour, and from my perspective of observing it first hand, that might not be a bad thing not being able to remember it. For me music has always been a sort of a stress therapy in a way. I always appreciated how Kate Bush could write so detailed and clear about subjects that really never affected her in her own daily life. (ie:This womans work, or Breathing) But in this case this affects myself as an observer with an emotional stake. I don't sing and usually write crap lyrics, But I can arrange music and play instruments and I can try to make those arrangements convey a musical journey or story that reflects an emotion or a feeling. Plants and ambient music, who knows? but I do know my cat Liam likes 17th century classical music and hates my avant garde music. And my other cat Wolfie likes to play the piano in a very atonal method that I wouldn't recommend to anybody.
" music is always better when the objective is an extrapolation and not just a construct"
I would wholeheartedly agree with that statement, We should be looking beyond in our work more often than not. The greatest works we treasure to this day musically have that special trait, with the exception of the chicken dance, though one could say the author knew it would be played at weddings all around the world some day.
Thanks for stopping bye
Cheers Steve
Fantastic piece of music here...every part of the song is awesome but that from 1.25 to 3.00 is incredible...your drum sound on that is nearly rock so I much like it...:-)
Later some kinda electronica 'looks in' and that's good to...
Thanks Danke. Yeah that drum sound is a rock drum sample that i compressed and lowered the EQ in the 200 range so it really snaps at you. It was a massive song that I loved making.
Music is far better than any drug!! What a trip :p You're correct, I was staring at the wall wondering what the hell was happening. For a minute I thought someone put a little something in my coffee. What a description you gave to Promenade! That's the absolute best art, expressing stories through music/sound. You nailed it here.
Thank you PK, you are correct music is better than any drug. Are you enjoying the cold air we sent you tonight from Canada.....windchill tonight here in Ottawa is -41f ...freaking cold.....
here is a tune that has been inspiring over the last few days.
Thanks for stopping bye
Fantastic! Kinda feels like a song I would have listened to back when I was into tripping. And even though I'm not tripping now, it's still a great song. such ambiance. so good.
I used to have a girlfriend called Catatonia. No, not really but it does sound like a lady's name.
This is some very creative stuff right here.
Pleasant little wibbly, sci-fi intro. Very cinematic and quite beautiful, especially the distant piano part. And then some guitar strums and 0:42 we're into something wildly different. The film has drastically changed scene.
1:04 not once but twice I thought someone was knocking on my window behind me so had to turn round to look. No, just Cru's bongos.
I have no idea what sort of genre this strummy guitar section fits in. It's clearly not you in dance mode.
1:58 gamelan sort of tinkly sound that is quite pleasant. Beat is a bit 'big beat' but more chilled.
2:29 that's a nice right panned (and then left) synth arp. Fades away nicely. Then tinkly stuff gets more dischordant and children's nightmarish. And computer gamey.
Then a warm pad so you're back to to the beauty.
3:32 gentle, melodic lead suggests this might turn into a euphoric trance track. Often that's what you'd do but not this time.
Instead 4:48 is quite a cool glitchy beat.
4:58 cool added synth to make this fuller and fatter. It's really quite grooving and beautiful now and that lead from 3:32 is still going but then gets squished out by more tinkles.
Haunting, evolving, glassy pad ending to conclude a very varied track. If you dropped the strummy stuff, you could have a more straightforward melodic track but then it wouldn't represent the catatonia you appear to want to represent in musical form.
"I used to have a girlfriend called Catatonia. No, not really but it does sound like a lady's name.
It could be the start to a brilliant Limerick!"
"Pleasant little wibbly, sci-fi intro. Very cinematic and quite beautiful, especially the distant piano part. And then some guitar strums and 0:42 we're into something wildly different. The film has drastically changed scene."
Oh yes, normality then the mental storm hits, building stronger and stronger like the strum of a guitar.
"1:04 not once but twice I thought someone was knocking on my window behind me so had to turn round to look. No, just Cru's bongos. "
You know it wasn't my intention to introduce Paranoia since I covered that on another song, but it would be relevant here as well. great observation.
"I have no idea what sort of genre this strummy guitar section fits in. It's clearly not you in dance mode."
no this is myself in deep introspective mode doing my second musical piece of the day.
"1:58 gamelan sort of tinkly sound that is quite pleasant. Beat is a bit 'big beat' but more chilled.
2:29 that's a nice right panned (and then left) synth arp. Fades away nicely. Then tinkly stuff gets more discordant and children's nightmarish. And computer gamey."
This is the cool part of the song for me. I love that beat and the twinkly bits melding with that electro-bass. The synth arp at 2:29 fit perfectly but then I duplicated it and bumped it up a 6th on the left channel and then cross faded them out gently. Then the discord as we start to reach catatonia. You will be proud.. the pad is a timestretch and designed to sound gently haunting and yet peaceful. This part you won't be proud of when I do a Dr Who ref....wait for it..........(I went all Timey Wimey on the pad!!) The melody is from xylient at this juncture.
"3:32 gentle, melodic lead suggests this might turn into a euphoric trance track. Often that's what you'd do but not this time."
Ah hahh! Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
"Instead 4:48 is quite a cool glitchy beat."
As we come out of the catatonic state things are not alright yet. Very glitchy in real life. Very disjointed.
"Haunting, evolving, glassy pad ending to conclude a very varied track. If you dropped the strummy stuff, you could have a more straightforward melodic track but then it wouldn't represent the catatonia you appear to want to represent in musical form."
You sir are the genius That I expect you to be. You nailed it why I wrote this the way I did, and understand it. Now in the future, maybe I streamline this to be more commercial or more palatable to the easygoing listener. But for now, I will enjoy my little piece of art and am grateful that I get to share it with people who appreciate and can also be honest in appraising what they like and don't like. And also be a sarcastic jacka** every now and then as well.;-)
ok, I listened several times and this might be one of your best works, I think. The samples are definitely great quality ones.
Too much to discuss in details. Slide guitar (0:34) sounds strange at first in different key - you seem to use 2 different sets of acoustic loops for this section. Nice ehthic ambience. There is also some really fine progression around 2:08. I really liked synths at 2:30. 3:12 - a beautiful section, the lead sounds great along the light cathedral atmos. There is some very slight problem with it's audio quality, it seems (it must be played slower or it's a huge reverb that affects the sample, not sure).
4:48 - removing the backgrounds at this point make this entry sound faint in my opinion. It just sounds suddenly different and there is no reason for breaking the narration and waiting till 4:59 to continue with pads/backgrounds. Also there are nice synths and other interesting stuff and that particular section (4:48 - 5:30) seems to be a bit too much overlayered to me. Maybe I would preffer to have something more 'straight' than 'ambient', especially considering that there are so many of good idas for fine 'song' here. Not sure if 'coloring' it with ambient elements was necessary - at least at some places it would be better removing some frequencies of the 'ambients'.
I liked the bright outro (I do not find the atmos dark anymore). Really solid stylistically overkilled track. Very captivating music and I enjoyed it.
"ok, I listened several times and this might be one of your best works, I think."
Thank you for that. It came to me right after making Control Freak. I used the same Xylient loop which sounds so different slowed down. But I just had this idea of telling a story of a person close to me who suffers from Bi-polarism and had a mixed episode which rendered this person almost Catatonic for a week. I wanted to express that notion in a musical form. Thus all the disjointed key sigs, syncopation and dissonant sounds until we reach the deep pad which is Time stretched (the person in question after coming out of the catatonic state thought they were hospitalized for months rather than one week. I thought the pad and a simple melody line conveyed that sense. The glitch like drums coming back in with the pad fading out is the loss of this state and a frantic confused state only to be balanced out in the end.
"I liked the bright outro (I do not find the atmos dark anymore)" thanks, it is meant to convey hope, but a guarded hope.
"Really solid stylistically overkilled track"
I like that description
Thanks for your thoughts and ideas Alex, very much appreciated.
Nice one! Never will be a top hit because the style, but sounds really interesting and fun. My fav part is around 2:08 where the bass line coming in, that part is simply awesome. The mix is cool and smooth, despite the several mood changes. Great work!
Thanks for the listen. You are right when you say this one is not for pop radio at all. This is more for intellectual study or deep meditation of the medicinal kind I think. Or just being insane ;-)
Interesting and diverse!
Not much to comment because the words have scrambled into questions on so many intentions!
Not my interest but keep it up i guess ha!
Thanks, if you ever have any questions on why or how, ask away. this song would not be everyone's cup of tea but I like to make avant garde songs every now and then.
hello cru. I saw the previous track you posted while ago and think that Xyilent's synth lead function much better in this new composition. Interesting manipulations on this loop at the beginning. There is a problem with lack of variety of many looperman loops - I see only few members uploading sets of loops (with variations). Would be nice to have a slight variation of that beautiful synth melody.
Shame I cant say anything more in details until I'll play this on proper speakers. I can't remember any other Ambient piece from you but this one sounds also very eclectic considering the acoustic additions and some dark ambient atmospheres.
I can hear reminiscences of 'Nerve Net' by Brian Eno (the only electronic album I had a chance to listen to closely last times).
Description : Headphones are recommended for a more immersive experience :P - - - A weary American soldier is walking through the remains of what used to be a small town in the middle east, only to rediscover the horrible reality that sometimes war can affect even the ones who have no part in it.
This is my first attempt at creating a virtual environment to tell a story and convey emotion. Hope you enjoy! Comments are welcome!
Description : the other end of the scale from me, yep people, this is a ballad. its for all the people who have lost somebody long before their time was due,
i used my experience of tragic loss and how i hid my mental health issues that stemmed from it while writing it, its repetitive but has fresh verses
its to Matthias music Du Bist Nicht Mehr Hier almost the same title, He has suffered too that's why he wrote the music and dedicated it to his brother. i hope i have done it justice
Description : This track contains several loops, all of them are from looperman artists - listed below. I don't know if "ambient" fits well for it, but i get most loops from that category. :)
Inspired by the Final Fantasy series and my ex girlfriend. Hope you will enjoy it (not my ex! :D). As always, free to use for a song, any opinions-critics welcomed... UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!
Description : Working with DarkKZ by Beatskillz, Synthmaster 2.9, Waves Bass Fingers, Microtonic drum synth, Izotope nectar 3 elements, Ozone 8 Elements & several other plugings I'm trying for the first time. The vocal samples are from Ghosthack, LANDR & Sampleswap. Hope you like it. Cheers.
Post script: The word "Ambient" has come up several times in the comment section for this, so I switched the genre to that. Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it.
Description : Ambient, psychedelic chill out rock or something or rather. Lyrics, vocals, guitars and keyboards myself. One drum loop used (free Loopmasters ambient pack). If you want a bit of a back story on the words check the lyric page.
Description : I made this with Garageband and was inspired by Anime music, such as Naruto. And if you noticed one little part is very similar to one of the melodies.
Description : Depression and sadness can sometimes serve as motivation for creativity as in the case of this track. A few months back I went through a period of loosing a few friends and co-workers. Attended a few funerals and as a result found myself reflecting on life. One night I had the urge to try to transfer my feelings into music and this is what came out. Some baratone guitar accompanied by synth and accapella.
Final EDIT: Further tweaking on levels and a slight change up in the timimg of the choir section.
Description : Hello,
this is a track between composition and cover.
Amandine (Sova Berry or Dine on soundcloud) made a cover of the a cappella "Song of Sophia" by Dead Can Dance.
I liked it very much, so i decided to make an instrumental with her vocals.
Hope you'll like it and if you want to comment, you are welcome, whatever you think.
Description : Ambient, Chill Out, Cinematic .... I´m not sure ... Take your headphones. Close your eyes. Start the engines and have a ride into the unknown. A spacy little trip from somewhere into anywhere outside. - U_P_D_A_T_E - I made a video to this track. So you can enjoy now the flight with open eys.
As it has been said, the percussions are amazing. At 4:50, it's just beautiful
I like very much.
I have no idea how did I miss this one before, but better late than never...this is extraordinary stuff, creative, inventive, it. Faved !
Coompliments and respect_____Leon
I would say it's "processing music", where you can feel the worlds in it, chaotic then peaceful, the movements, the uncertainty of what is going to happen next. Mental illness is like that. It's amazing to hear it translated into track. Having read what you are going through, this makes perfect sense. I have a track I'll be uploading soon that deals with the feelings while having a panic attack and the aftermath. I'll send it your way. But this is AWESOME and is going on my regular playlists. Seriously. I love it. :)
I can really classify the genre of this song, just know it comes from the heart.
Thanks again.
that whole section with the pad and the plucks was awesome!, like someone said below you could almost do a whole track like that.
The loop seemed alittle distorted though, dunno if that was intentional but if you want, i could remake the loop at a the right bpm for you so it fits in the track better. Jst a thought :)
Awesome work man keep at it
Thanks for commenting.
I like the pluck with it's slowed down intentional distortion because it conveys just that feeling that I'm trying to describe when someones in a catatonic state. Though I did remix and remaster this and I added a slight delay on the pluck and fixed a few spots that were annoying me over the last month. I appreciate the offer though to remake the loop, that's awfully generous of you.
Yes this one is a very personal and cathartic song that I made. The structure of What I wanted to do was in my head way before I even started to produce it. Mental illness is a serious, strange reality for so many people in this world. I wanted to express how the different states affect the people who love and care for people with brain injuries and issues. I want to spread awareness that mental illness is an illness of an organ called the brain, no different that someone having a lung issue (asthma) or Kidney (dialysis). The only difference is that the normal cognitive experience will change for a bit and that person needs your love, support, guidance, strength, trust, whilst the storm rages in there mind, and to know there is hope and help as the brain heals after these episodes. I saw a dear loved one deteriorate before my eyes. Luckily I had educated myself on the warning signs and was able to convince this person to get help voluntarily before it would become messy and difficult. During that first week this person experienced Catatonia for a few days and massive memory loss of that week. It was a combination of the Bi-Polar episode and the massive drugs that were given. For me my relief of stress and worry is in writing music. So you see that I have produced a lot of tracks very quickly just indicates I am reliving the stress of the situation. I am lucky that I have a great support team behind me and I reached out for professional advice early on and it has helped beyond belief. Also I am Highly educated on what can and will happen so we can survive this storm together, and I am happy to say patient is recovering very well now. I am aware many people here suffer from various mental illness and from time to time may or may not be in the most lucid state, but I just wanted to reach out part selfish cathartic release, but also part "you're all not alone" and there are some of us who understand what you are going through even if we don't feel the pain, or euphoria, or the depression, or the voices, we see the fallout. And people like myself are the safety net so someone doesn't cause too much damage to themselves and can get rest and help to allow the stormed brain to re-load. So musically this song has a shit-load of emotional baggage and yet an almost wondrous approach to what the subject might be experiencing. I thank you for listening and fav and downloading this was a very personal song for me.
Take care Rhodesy
Blessings - Billy.
it deserves to
" music is always better when the objective is an extrapolation and not just a construct"
I would wholeheartedly agree with that statement, We should be looking beyond in our work more often than not. The greatest works we treasure to this day musically have that special trait, with the exception of the chicken dance, though one could say the author knew it would be played at weddings all around the world some day.
Thanks for stopping bye
Cheers Steve
Fantastic piece of music here...every part of the song is awesome but that from 1.25 to 3.00 is incredible...your drum sound on that is nearly rock so I much like it...:-)
Later some kinda electronica 'looks in' and that's good to...
Great fusion track, huge congrats and respect!!!
Handshake, Danke
here is a tune that has been inspiring over the last few days.
Thanks for stopping bye
I used to have a girlfriend called Catatonia. No, not really but it does sound like a lady's name.
This is some very creative stuff right here.
Pleasant little wibbly, sci-fi intro. Very cinematic and quite beautiful, especially the distant piano part. And then some guitar strums and 0:42 we're into something wildly different. The film has drastically changed scene.
1:04 not once but twice I thought someone was knocking on my window behind me so had to turn round to look. No, just Cru's bongos.
I have no idea what sort of genre this strummy guitar section fits in. It's clearly not you in dance mode.
1:58 gamelan sort of tinkly sound that is quite pleasant. Beat is a bit 'big beat' but more chilled.
2:29 that's a nice right panned (and then left) synth arp. Fades away nicely. Then tinkly stuff gets more dischordant and children's nightmarish. And computer gamey.
Then a warm pad so you're back to to the beauty.
3:32 gentle, melodic lead suggests this might turn into a euphoric trance track. Often that's what you'd do but not this time.
Instead 4:48 is quite a cool glitchy beat.
4:58 cool added synth to make this fuller and fatter. It's really quite grooving and beautiful now and that lead from 3:32 is still going but then gets squished out by more tinkles.
Haunting, evolving, glassy pad ending to conclude a very varied track. If you dropped the strummy stuff, you could have a more straightforward melodic track but then it wouldn't represent the catatonia you appear to want to represent in musical form.
Congrats on more creative musical endeavours
Ambient Statmad
"I used to have a girlfriend called Catatonia. No, not really but it does sound like a lady's name.
It could be the start to a brilliant Limerick!"
"Pleasant little wibbly, sci-fi intro. Very cinematic and quite beautiful, especially the distant piano part. And then some guitar strums and 0:42 we're into something wildly different. The film has drastically changed scene."
Oh yes, normality then the mental storm hits, building stronger and stronger like the strum of a guitar.
"1:04 not once but twice I thought someone was knocking on my window behind me so had to turn round to look. No, just Cru's bongos. "
You know it wasn't my intention to introduce Paranoia since I covered that on another song, but it would be relevant here as well. great observation.
"I have no idea what sort of genre this strummy guitar section fits in. It's clearly not you in dance mode."
no this is myself in deep introspective mode doing my second musical piece of the day.
"1:58 gamelan sort of tinkly sound that is quite pleasant. Beat is a bit 'big beat' but more chilled.
2:29 that's a nice right panned (and then left) synth arp. Fades away nicely. Then tinkly stuff gets more discordant and children's nightmarish. And computer gamey."
This is the cool part of the song for me. I love that beat and the twinkly bits melding with that electro-bass. The synth arp at 2:29 fit perfectly but then I duplicated it and bumped it up a 6th on the left channel and then cross faded them out gently. Then the discord as we start to reach catatonia. You will be proud.. the pad is a timestretch and designed to sound gently haunting and yet peaceful. This part you won't be proud of when I do a Dr Who ref....wait for it..........(I went all Timey Wimey on the pad!!) The melody is from xylient at this juncture.
"3:32 gentle, melodic lead suggests this might turn into a euphoric trance track. Often that's what you'd do but not this time."
Ah hahh! Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
"Instead 4:48 is quite a cool glitchy beat."
As we come out of the catatonic state things are not alright yet. Very glitchy in real life. Very disjointed.
"Haunting, evolving, glassy pad ending to conclude a very varied track. If you dropped the strummy stuff, you could have a more straightforward melodic track but then it wouldn't represent the catatonia you appear to want to represent in musical form."
You sir are the genius That I expect you to be. You nailed it why I wrote this the way I did, and understand it. Now in the future, maybe I streamline this to be more commercial or more palatable to the easygoing listener. But for now, I will enjoy my little piece of art and am grateful that I get to share it with people who appreciate and can also be honest in appraising what they like and don't like. And also be a sarcastic jacka** every now and then as well.;-)
ok, I listened several times and this might be one of your best works, I think. The samples are definitely great quality ones.
Too much to discuss in details. Slide guitar (0:34) sounds strange at first in different key - you seem to use 2 different sets of acoustic loops for this section. Nice ehthic ambience. There is also some really fine progression around 2:08. I really liked synths at 2:30. 3:12 - a beautiful section, the lead sounds great along the light cathedral atmos. There is some very slight problem with it's audio quality, it seems (it must be played slower or it's a huge reverb that affects the sample, not sure).
4:48 - removing the backgrounds at this point make this entry sound faint in my opinion. It just sounds suddenly different and there is no reason for breaking the narration and waiting till 4:59 to continue with pads/backgrounds. Also there are nice synths and other interesting stuff and that particular section (4:48 - 5:30) seems to be a bit too much overlayered to me. Maybe I would preffer to have something more 'straight' than 'ambient', especially considering that there are so many of good idas for fine 'song' here. Not sure if 'coloring' it with ambient elements was necessary - at least at some places it would be better removing some frequencies of the 'ambients'.
I liked the bright outro (I do not find the atmos dark anymore). Really solid stylistically overkilled track. Very captivating music and I enjoyed it.
Thank you for that. It came to me right after making Control Freak. I used the same Xylient loop which sounds so different slowed down. But I just had this idea of telling a story of a person close to me who suffers from Bi-polarism and had a mixed episode which rendered this person almost Catatonic for a week. I wanted to express that notion in a musical form. Thus all the disjointed key sigs, syncopation and dissonant sounds until we reach the deep pad which is Time stretched (the person in question after coming out of the catatonic state thought they were hospitalized for months rather than one week. I thought the pad and a simple melody line conveyed that sense. The glitch like drums coming back in with the pad fading out is the loss of this state and a frantic confused state only to be balanced out in the end.
"I liked the bright outro (I do not find the atmos dark anymore)" thanks, it is meant to convey hope, but a guarded hope.
"Really solid stylistically overkilled track"
I like that description
Thanks for your thoughts and ideas Alex, very much appreciated.
regards, traz
Not much to comment because the words have scrambled into questions on so many intentions!
Not my interest but keep it up i guess ha!
Shame I cant say anything more in details until I'll play this on proper speakers. I can't remember any other Ambient piece from you but this one sounds also very eclectic considering the acoustic additions and some dark ambient atmospheres.
I can hear reminiscences of 'Nerve Net' by Brian Eno (the only electronic album I had a chance to listen to closely last times).
I am going to dl for more of later enjoyment.
Best to you, Alex