26th Feb 2016 15:24 - 9 years ago
Description : I played a little around with my new DAW. Then i asked Phatkatz4 for a colab on what i done. And here it is. Some bass, some real guitars and guitar solos played by Phatkatz4. Some virtual guitars made with Vital2, some drums, some vocals and all the mix and mastering stuff by myself. I think it is a nice powerfull kind of Rock or maybe Punkrock music. I hope you enjoy it. Comments are sure welcome

Comments (9)

If you have time take a listen and give joecramer some feedback.

Burtsbluesboxes 15th Aug 2017 23:16 - 7 years ago
Hey Joe, good to see this up on the featured page again :D I've gotten a number of new guitars recently and got my workshop mostly built. Moving very soon, we'll have to collab again! I don't like forced breaks from writing/recording.
joecramer replied 16th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Time is on my side, yes it is ..... nice song but not true right now :) I hate it also be forced to do things.
I hope you will enjoy your new place and that you got the feeling you invest your time into something good.
Whenever you found the time you need to do some cool guitar work or else, just fb me. I still have no time but sometimes i just need some good steems to find some time :)
BradoSanz 15th Aug 2017 11:20 - 7 years ago
It's been awhile since I've been around Looperman and I came across this one at 5am in the morning (I never sleep lol)

Wow, this is older and I really like the 80s vibe I'm getting from this. The reverb has that classic long tail that was so prominent in that era of music. Fun listen! Hope youre doing well :)

joecramer replied 15th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Hello Brado
don't mind sleeping to much, there will be much time for sleeping later :)
Nice to read that you could enjoy the spirit of this track and had some fun while doing that.
Here is all well my friend. Only much to much work around. But that's not a reason to cry, maybe just a reason to make a new blues number
Thanks for the listen and your gentle comment.

stay tuned
neuromancer56 15th Aug 2017 00:22 - 7 years ago
The guitars just flat out rock. Love the guitar solo that comes in at 1:38. The vocals while good should be screamed. Maybe not like Judas Priest "You've got another thing comin'" but maybe :)
joecramer replied 15th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Yes the guitars are cool and really rock on. Burt did a good job and his work fits well with the vst guitars. This track is an old one for me and i done it into so much different versions that i can't count them. And i know really what you mean when you wrote they should be screamed, cause i done that in the past often and it works well.
So thanks for your friendly comment and the time you take yourself to listen to this little track

stay tuned
Nodog 14th Aug 2017 11:28 - 7 years ago
Hey Joe this took me back to the rock era really nice track and well mixed too . I love the guitar work my fav instrument have fun with the new DAW best regards Robbie.
joecramer replied 14th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Thanks a lot for your gentle words Robbie.
I bet Burt will also be happy to read that you like the/his guitar work. Sometimes some rock rules.

rock on and stay tuned
StaticNomad 28th Feb 2016 22:50 - 9 years ago
Yo, Joe.

This is some good rocking stuff, with a solid mix.

A bit of an 80s vibe to it (so, maybe a little like The Cult) but that's not a bad thing.

Vocals sound good and I like the reverb but I wonder if there is maybe a bit too much reverb.

Some of the guitar riffs are cool and I can't hear that any virtual guitars are being used.

1:41 nice long, sustained notes. I guess this is Phatkatz's solo. Very nice, fluid playing. A well structured, simple solo and then we're back to the vocals.

Even though it's your vocals in German, the music doesn't sound particularly German though it's hard to explain why.

I guess there's a bit of an industrial vibe as well.

I like the toms and the snare drum, which also sounds a lot like a tom.

Maybe the track could be 1 min shorter but it's not a big deal.

Cool, sustained guitar note right at the end!
joecramer replied 5th Mar 2016 - 9 years ago
Thank you for this friendly comment StaticNomad.

That it sounds a bit like 80's is just because i am from them.
You may be right if you think it is a little to much reverb in the vocals but i think it is not much to much :)

The virtual cords from Vita2 sounds really close to real guitars. And with some amp effects they sound even better.

Phatkatz did a good job and played some cool stuff to the track.

Intressting thing that you think the music sounds not german, cause i thought the music sounds (like the vocals) very german.

You know that i am in love with industrial and dark electronic stuff, so it doesn't wonder me to much that there is a kind of vibe of that into this one

There is only one place where i could cut of some of the music and that's at the end. So i thought everybody who needs a faster end could do that by himself :)

I was also really happy that Burt let the guitar stay until the sustain ended. so i could use it really in that way to end the track

Thanks again for your words

stay tuned
Rhodesy 27th Feb 2016 16:01 - 9 years ago
You guys always bring something different to the party!Raw/rock still hits the spot! Keep em coming.

joecramer replied 27th Feb 2016 - 9 years ago
Hey Rhodesy
Good to know that there people like you around here. Cause just for people like you we did this track. Lets rock!

Thanks for the time you take yourself to listen to the track and write the comment

stay tuned
toastedavalanche 27th Feb 2016 00:45 - 9 years ago
Love this. It's kinda like 80's power metal, with an industrial edge. The guitars sound pretty good considering they are synthesized, The added live guitar sections really give it some energy, Pkatz has done a wonderful job. The vox are great, could be a little louder in places, but they work well with the track nonetheless. Your work is coming along in leaps and bounds. Rock on m

joecramer replied 27th Feb 2016 - 9 years ago
Oh, thanks a lot for this nice and friendly words man.
Burton will enjoy them for sure the same then me. We always try to do some special stuff and this time we just coming the rocking way. Good to know that you enjoyed the listen

thanks again for the comment and also for the listen

stay tuned
Burtsbluesboxes 26th Feb 2016 20:44 - 9 years ago
Definitely a punk/rock vibe. This sounds really good properly mixxed :D I like the virtual guitars playing with the real guitars, makes them sound so real! I'll send you those basslines while I'm thinking of it. And I'm putting magix on a memory stick now to try out on my laptop!
joecramer replied 27th Feb 2016 - 9 years ago
Hey Burton
nice to read that you could enjoy the mixing of all the steems. I place the virtual ones a bit behind so that your guitars sounds a bit more on top. But you are right this virtual ones sound really not bad ...... Tell Bryan that i love the bass lines he made for the - nothing to fear track - and that i already used them in the Peter Pan track :) .... I hope you like the Magix one or lets better say i hope you can use it for your work.

stay tuned for the next cool track :)
DanGoldstein 26th Feb 2016 16:55 - 9 years ago
nice song! cool sounding vocal mix. congrats on your new DAW!

Burt is really cooking on this one.

For my headphones you could bring the vocal up front more in certain sections.

nice work!
joecramer replied 27th Feb 2016 - 9 years ago
Hello Dan

Burton was extremely fast on this one and did a great work.
Nice to know that you like what we did. And i know what you you mean with the vocals but there was this little problem that i forgot to save the dry version and now i had to do another recording for some fx free one that i could bring a bit more into the center :) but i am so creative right now that i do so much tracks at the same time that i didn't found any time for that right now ... but it is in my mind
Thanks for your gentle comment

stay tuned

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Tags :
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