Description : Here's a song that I wrote with my friend. I tried to make a gritty and weird song that also included using my voice as a soundscape. Some sounds are simply me blowing into the mic.I put an insane amount of delay on the vocals and pitch shifted them down 2 semitones as well as adding distortion. Enjoy!
Music:Rick Joanisse/Ty Dumoulin
This industrial track was uploaded by Crypt. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (9)
If you have time take a listen and give Crypt some feedback.
Really like this track, makes me think of a band named "Bile"
which is not a bad thing :) I like the vocal effects and the way it trails off at the end is a classic move, well done !
Ahh industrial in line with my own tastes, it was a little loud, the mix may need a little adjustment.
Has a Slayer feel to it :D I love Slayer
I think a switch up in the drums around 1:11 would be beneficial.
I'll be honest I like this track but the repetitive nature of the drums has me bored, overall a good effort, I would be interested coming in back to this :)
Thanks man! It's meant to be repetitive but I hear what you're saying. And I agree about the loudness level. My friend who wrote the song with me was just saying that as well so we'll work on that. We appreciate the honest feedback.
Creative use of your vocals. Blowing into the mic and heavily reverb is a great idea. Overall a very solid idea.
I think vocals would add a lot to this and give it an added dimension. Are you planning to add vocals? Hopefully you are. If you would like some help I wouldn't mind taking a crack at something like this. I can hear some Scott Weiland styled vocals in there. I've never tried that style but willing to. If interested give me a shout through the site.
Hey Wayne! Good to hear from you again dude! Thanks for checking it out. Normally I would say yes but I think I want this song to remain as it is. But I'm not opposed to a collaboration with you for this album I'm working on. I'll try to write something and post it here and if you dig it let me know.
Love this. Guitar is thrash worthy but the vox effects and stereo seperation is awesome. This defines the Rust Belt with a dark cynicism of America without question!!!
Thank you for the kind words man! I really enjoy creating this style of music so I think its time for me to release an EP of this kind of stuff. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment!
Description : My grandmother was from Belarus. She was the lone survivor of her family after the Waffen SS massacred everyone in her village during a retreat from the Red Army. She escaped soviet occupied Belarus & through a series of wranglings by the international red cross, found a family to adopt her in New Jersey in 1947. She was 14 years old then. She was the strongest person I ever knew & I miss her terribly. This song is for her.
Description : Not really 'industrial' although some aspects might fit with the genre...generally robots and stuff...hehe...and a hint of heavy metal is also there...:)
Description : I used Serum and Sylenth1 to create all the synths and basslines. It's not dubstep, and it's not Drum and Bass, but it's elements are heavily drawn from both to create an experimental industrial track in it's own class. It's heavy, aggressive, and driving. Either you will like it, or you won't. I don't think there will be an in-between. Take care. V.
Description : It's probably the Darkest Mix I have ever done. Industrial Gothic Lumbering Tune at 90BPM in the style of Nine inch Nails Meets Spahn Ranch.
Description : Another weird blending of genres I am working on. Track was all composed by myself using some sampling and an old 1983 Memphis Strat of which I am totally rusty on due to a serious left hand/wrist injury several years back.
Description : Genre:oldschool game/industrial etc.Fl Studio 9
(I will make available the samples used in this song,I exported in loops, wav format.)
At the forum.
Or if you prefer, just ask for the comments.
Description : I uploaded this to my SoundCloud a while ago and fully love this Aggrotech piece and would hope you lot would too, some feedback would be sick as hell :)
Description : Made this years ago as I was changing from Windows 98 to Windows XP. Hard to remember now but XP was one of the greatest leaps forward for home pc users and the stability was so welcome when trying to put this together.
This is purely industrial sounds of machines and tools.
My aim was to make them sound like synths drums guitars and humans. Took me months. The amount of editing and twisting these sounds up down faster slower etc etc to get rythm well I'm sure you can imagine.
Deleted it recently but having just listened to an industrial track someone has put on here I fancy getting back to some serious dirt!
which is not a bad thing :) I like the vocal effects and the way it trails off at the end is a classic move, well done !
Has a Slayer feel to it :D I love Slayer
I think a switch up in the drums around 1:11 would be beneficial.
I'll be honest I like this track but the repetitive nature of the drums has me bored, overall a good effort, I would be interested coming in back to this :)
I think vocals would add a lot to this and give it an added dimension. Are you planning to add vocals? Hopefully you are. If you would like some help I wouldn't mind taking a crack at something like this. I can hear some Scott Weiland styled vocals in there. I've never tried that style but willing to. If interested give me a shout through the site.
I also love the guitars did your friend or you records it or its computed generated ?
Anyway that "weird" track gave me a good experience.
Peace from Master Byleth.