20th May 2016 14:01 - 8 years ago
Description : Drums: rp3drums (Raymond)
Bass: bhunt1 (Brian)
Guitars: TeeGee (that's me)
Vocals & Lyrics: Grotesk (check him out on bandcamp)

The lyrics are very good, have a listen. I think many people can share the frustration he feels...I walloped my hand into a fist many times in my life...

Thanks for listening, as always we are happy to hear comments about the song, the mix or volume - please help us improve :) Peace and love y'all !

Comments (16)

If you have time take a listen and give TeeGee1965 some feedback.

mildperil 1st Jun 2016 17:45 - 8 years ago
Excellent tune man. Loving the vocals and the lyrics as well, superb song writing. Thanks for sharing :)
TeeGee1965 replied 1st Jun 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks man! Yes, I agree, all credit to the lyrics and vocals go to Grotesk indeed. Stay tuned, more to come ;)
itscamerontaylor 1st Jun 2016 17:03 - 8 years ago
Oh wow bro, this was great! Funny thing is I literally released a song not that long ago called "Like This" on my SoundCloud... XD
TeeGee1965 replied 1st Jun 2016 - 8 years ago
Cool man, thanks for listening! I tried to find your song on soundcloud, but no luck. Drop me a link to your track, ill have a listen :)
Spivkurl 1st Jun 2016 14:09 - 8 years ago
I enjoyed listening to this one! I think that considering you are working with these people over the internet and not in person, that this is a very cool effort! This sort of music is something which I always appreciate more in a live setting, but I liked it all the same. People mentioned RATM already, and I can definitely hear the similarities. I honestly haven't liked any of their stuff after the debut album in 1992, but that's just personal preference. You should be proud of this collaboration. You guys need to get together and tour!
TeeGee1965 replied 1st Jun 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks man, I am so happy you and many others like it...makes us really happy. I wish I could play withthese guys life, but I don't think that is ever going to happen...too far away... but who knows, maybe one day... dreaming... :)
crucethus 30th May 2016 23:44 - 8 years ago
"This is some pretty good stuff, with some balls. It's almost like a much lighter version of Rage Against The Machine, the best band of their type of music. Maybe they kind of even invented a genre. "

Static beat me too it, first thought in my head was a better softer Rage. Very likable song, great work.
TeeGee1965 replied 31st May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thank you :) Yes Static is a sharp dude, he knows his music.

Thanks for listening, appreciate it :)
Dennel 30th May 2016 22:16 - 8 years ago
What's up TeeGee? Wow! This track is kicking
up some dust! From one bassist to another, that bassline kicks ass! I know how some rock tunes seem to be "devoid of bottom", but that certainly was not the case here. The tune has a "Rock / Rap-ish" feel to it.
And I thought that it was a great all around
Production. Certainly one of my favs...

Gtreat Work!

TeeGee1965 replied 30th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey man, thanks for listening, glad you like it. Yes, that bass sound is kicking ass, although I did not play is bhunt who does that. I only play the guitar and do the mixing. However, we make sure in this band we got a good bass and drum sound. I like everything to be heard, like in a rock band ;) .
BradoSanz 29th May 2016 15:09 - 8 years ago
Wow, I was not expecting this. That bass tone is killer. I've never actually heard such a successful collaboration as this, especially between so many users. Definitely impressed all on its own.

This music is definitely unique. I really like the feel, has the vibes of chill but also grungy. The vocal sounds great, almost a bit too much delay but the words remain intelligible, which is good. I like it, almost abstract. Great stuff! The SFX sounds were a great addition and really added a nice, different feel to the track. Where did you get those sounds from?

TeeGee1965 replied 29th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey Brado, thanks for listening and commenting.

Yes, the bass tone is killer :) I think the secret to this collaboration is that we 3 have been working on quite a few songs already, so we get better at it. In addition, all of us are active at, so we collaborate with othe people on weekly basis, that does let us hone our production skills. Try it out, you might like it ;) .

For the sound effects, I mainily use , but if I am after something I will look at other places too, like soundbible. There are lots...

Anyway, thanks for listening and appreciate the comments :)
StaticNomad 28th May 2016 11:48 - 8 years ago

This is some pretty good stuff, with some balls. It's almost like a much lighter version of Rage Against The Machine, the best band of their type of music. Maybe they kind of even invented a genre.

Anyway, bass is fat and dirty and pretty tight. Drums are real solid and there are lots of nice guitar touches. Good wah playing that sits well behind the vocal and not interfering with it. But I can still hear the guitar just fine.

Actually, I can hear every element really well.

2:31 guitar solo comes at just about the right time as I needed a break from the vocal. There seems to be quite a bit of swirling reverb and maybe some crowd cheers in there. Oh and some police sirens. Am I right?

Then back for another chorus and Like This vocal repeat.

Good grooving stuff. Sounds very much like a live band.
TeeGee1965 replied 28th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey man, thanks for listening - your comments are always appreciated.

Yes, I did put in some crowd noises, police sirens, I wanted to give a feeling of an angry mob, maybe workers protesting against cuts, police coming in, you know, related to what Grotesk was singing about. I had to search quite a bit on the net for something that fits, and I did not want it to be too loud.

So yes, we try to sound like a live band although we never play in the same room (or even the same continent :D )

Cheers, TG
Mosaic 27th May 2016 12:58 - 8 years ago
Hey mate

Not a genre I know to much about, being mainly a trance producer, but enjoy this very much, yep agree about the vocals, things (eg life)do get frustrating at times lol, great vocalist, liking the tone of the vocal, very enjoyable listen my friend, will check out more of yours in the future for sure...fav'd...Peace mosaic...
TeeGee1965 replied 28th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks for listening, appreciated.

I decided some time ago to make hiphop based music with real instruments, at least where it comes to bass and drums and guitars. You know, people used to say that hiphop and rap is not music, I disagree. But music for me also means instruments. So we have done a few of those already, and it seems people like it. So we will continue! Thanks for listening!
theHumps 24th May 2016 16:41 - 8 years ago
Totally digging this! Lyrics are great, vocals are a bit raw and wide but that might be exactly what you were going for. The effects were great and added to the track. Great live feel to the track and not overproduced which I like a lot.

Great job Fellas!

TeeGee1965 replied 28th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey Wayne,

thanks for listening and commenting, appreciate it. Yes, I roughed and distorted the vocal track a little, it was on purpose. Good spot, that. We like this song a lot, it is simple in a way but came out nice in the end :)
Tumbleweed 23rd May 2016 23:21 - 8 years ago
You got a good live band sound going in this one TG (I find that hard to do sometimes)..the band sounds tight and the vocal is nicely placed...sounds good just the way you did it....well done to everyone...Ed
TeeGee1965 replied 24th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Ed :) Yes it is amazing considering I have never met or played with these guys in the same room...but we got a good system going for our recording process, and we are learning all the time. And to tell you the truth, I am basically flying in the dark with the mixing process, I pull on some levers and push some buttons, ask the guys what they think, do some adjustments and that's it. TG :)
Prelude 23rd May 2016 20:49 - 8 years ago
Hello .
it's really cool . I'm especially in love with Bass line .
Ive always wanted to learn how to play the guitar,
maybe this will be the inspiration for me to finally
pick up a bow .
TeeGee1965 replied 24th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks, glad you like it. I really hope you'll pick up a guitar - trust me playing any instrument is something that you will NEVER regret doing. Regarding that amazing bass, I will tell bhunt1, but him getting so much praise is getting out of hand ;) TG
Danke 23rd May 2016 18:07 - 8 years ago
You better use the 'has lyrics' page for this...I'm interested but my hearing English is very reading English too but there is time to guess what the hell is about this? :-)
Music is outstanding, very atmospheric...bass tune is one of the best I've heard here...
Fav and dl of course, thanx for the upload...more, more, more...

Handshake, Danke
TeeGee1965 replied 24th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Danke Danke, thanks for listening.

Regarding the text, I haven't got the lyrics as Grotesk did not publish them on his Acapella. I understood most of it, but even I am not 100% sure.

We will do more of that, always working on more stuff. But we might fire the bass player, he is getting all the praise and my ego can't take it :D . Just joking, I will tell him, he deserves it. Look forward listening to your next song !
DanGoldstein 22nd May 2016 17:50 - 8 years ago
all the elements are sounding great together. you did an amazing job incorporating the pella. The vocal sounds like it was recorded for your song. nice track. regards Dan
TeeGee1965 replied 23rd May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Dan, so nice to hear that. Much appreciated :)
topvega 21st May 2016 02:52 - 8 years ago
Dig it...not sure why nobody has not Faved this yet but I will gladly be the First. Vocals fit well with the very catchy music. I like the first "Like this" @ 2:22 but In my opinion the others after that initial one kind of detract from the smoothness of everything else in the song. The instruments are fucking clicking and jamming so sometimes less is more. Just my 2 cents since I dig the track. Nice job.

Thanks for the download.

TeeGee1965 replied 22nd May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks for your comment Topvega, much appreciated (even if you did not fav it in the end ;) ). Just joking, as long as a few people listen to it I am cool with it. Thanks for your comments about the "like this" on 2:22 - to be honest we took the vocal track from Grotesk:

and did not cut or change it, I only did some work on the sound of it. I rarely touch the vocal tracks out of respect to the original creator, but maybe I should. Your observation is not the first time, it was mentioned on our other tracks as well. Food for thought, really appreciate it!!
It is the 4th or 5th song I am doing with the same bass and drum players, so we are getting to know each other better, and it does sound tighter now. Cheers, TG
Darknives 20th May 2016 20:14 - 8 years ago
Awesome collab, wasn't expecting something like this here in looperman. I think you guys should do more, this is going in a good direction.
TeeGee1965 replied 22nd May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks man! Brain and Ray and me are doing more. We are doing most of the stuff in the private band function at wikiloops dot com. Check it out if you like. We already did some other songs, check out my tracks on looperman and you can find a few we did with Hemanifezt. Thanks for listening!
KnightHeir 20th May 2016 18:02 - 8 years ago
Really like this song. Message, delivery and instrumental on point. A+
TeeGee1965 replied 22nd May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Format, appreciate it! Thanks for listening!

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Tags :
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Tags :
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