19th Jun 2016 12:49 - 8 years ago
Description : Recorded this a while ago.. Raw, lovely.. I'm an electric guitarist so this is unfamiliar territory for me... I always wanted to master classical acoustic and I will one day. Video here *Edit* Despite this being painfully obvious, this is not my composition, it's an effort to learn classical guitar and note the progression for future nostalgia.. This site is making me think I should give the anti-vaxxers some credence. Ffs.

Comments (4)

If you have time take a listen and give Tinka0 some feedback.

Spivkurl 23rd Jul 2016 13:02 - 8 years ago
Was that a serious response? I ask because, I also deal with cunts on a regular basis. If you are being defensive regarding my discussion of the guitar recording, then I can not understand that. I complimented your skill, and that was sincere. I complimented the exercise in classical playing, and that was sincere. I asked about the recording, because I was sincere in wanting to know how this became hot. No insult was intended, but only mutual communication and learning. I apologize if I unintentionally hurt your feelings.
Tinka0 replied 24th Jul 2016 - 8 years ago
More of a deflated, I can't be bothered with this, response..

I can't tell if your comments are sincere when followed by "I don't usually expect auditory pain" kind of comments.. I interpreted an amount of bitchiness, imagine a high school queen commenting on some girl's nice hair only to disarm her for a coming insult or a boss coming at you with the dreaded "compliment sandwich" XD

I wouldn't say I'm becoming defensive, you are the only person who riles me up in such a way.

Clearly, meaning has been misunderstood.. Forgive me.

As to your question: I recorded a somewhat cheap twelve string (with only six strings :D) with a Behringer B2-pro via a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, in very unfavourable recording conditions. From the exception of reverb there was no mixing involved. Mic settings: High pass filter and -10db switched on and omni-direction switched off. It may be worth noting my mic stand is a tall lamp combined with parts of a TV mounting kit, a walking crutch and some duct tape.
Spivkurl 22nd Jul 2016 16:03 - 8 years ago
I enjoyed your playing in this, and it definitely shows skill. I too love playing classical guitar, especially now that I have one again. I am wondering how you recorded this, as the guitar sounds very "hot." I don't usually expect auditory pain when hearing a classical guitar piece, so it made me wonder. All in all a cool exercise!
Tinka0 replied 23rd Jul 2016 - 8 years ago
I don't expect to deal with cunts everyday but I do..
theHumps 21st Jun 2016 11:22 - 8 years ago
Very cool man! The skills to learn to play this kind of music are invaluable. Playing rockabilly/rock/latin... licks are so within your grasp now, kudos! And learning the fret board a little better in the process is a nice afterthought.

I use Am so much, my favorite key for Latin and Western songs, it just has "that" feeling. The big reverb separates the guitars and sets a cool vibe. It is raw sounding, gives the listener some dust in their teeth, which is what you want to do, lol.

Keep 'em coming!!

Tinka0 replied 21st Jun 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey Wayne, thanks for your ears man :)

It's such a joy learning this style, difficult but enjoyable. I'm working on Cavatina lately but I may need a new guitar for it (if there was ever an excuse to buy a new guitar XD)

I haven't listened to any of your music in a long while, I'll be sure to swing by your page once my slave labour releases me :)
crucethus 20th Jun 2016 18:18 - 8 years ago
Nice use of a almost 500 year old progression used for practice and study. And also used in Final Fantasy IX.
enjoyed that.
Tinka0 replied 21st Jun 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey Cruce, be sure to check out my newest track coming out soon, it's called Master of fucking Puppets!

I get the impression you think I'm trying to pass this off as an original track, but, meaning can be lost via this medium so excuse my outbust if this isn't the case. If it is, do you not think I would have at least changed the name? or perhaps uploaded it to a place where no classically trained musicians dwell? Seriously dude?

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5th Aug 2014 00:39 - 10 years ago
Description : too sad to explain,
also on
20th Oct 2014 13:54 - 10 years ago
Description : Short piano piece composed by me. I made this in about 30 mins using Nexus2. I hope you'll enjoy it and tell me what you think :) You can use it in your Youtube videos, but please paste link here so I can see it too. :)
25th May 2017 10:36 - 7 years ago
Description : Hi, I just had to try and do my own type of music tribute to the sad and unfortunate events in Manchester the other night

I start the song off with a type of music box to represent like a young child and then i go into a violin strings to try and set the sadness and then after a while i used some soft drum and clicks to represent time ticking and then with just the piano and then in the middle of the track it picks up pace a bit and i decided on this because to represent the strength of the people that will stand strong and i once again also put the music box in with this and my reason was to be strong for the rest of the children and then i finsh up with the piano again and the ending on the drum to remember the lives sadly lost and a type of silence if it were

i really feel so sadened by this event and it trully has me in bits

may we all come together and forever be strong and stand up to these horrible people who think they can destroy us and our children and families and loved ones

God Bless you all and stay safe and be strong
23rd Jul 2020 20:29 - 4 years ago
Description : my brother gave me a new piano on kontact...i was blown away by the sound...could hear the pedals the wood etc....this was first thing i played last brother dave said its good n my dad came up with title...i still like it
18th Sep 2024 12:04 - 5 months ago
Description : This is my first try at doing a waltz after hearing Andre Rieu
My tunes are not mixed mastered becuase they always stayed on my hard drive.
Free to use for whatever purpose so have fun.
3rd Dec 2014 08:53 - 10 years ago
Description : Spring rain is falling. (you may find the tanslation of the song - in the same acapella)
13th Feb 2021 16:07 - 4 years ago
Description : A selfmade Piano & Guitar Track. Let me know what you think :)

!!"If you want to use this melody please tag my Instagram account or my name "Ashina_Beats" and let me hear or see what you make with it :)"!!
15th Jun 2020 15:41 - 4 years ago
Description : Piano/Violin Soundtrack / Like it?
23rd Sep 2019 15:53 - 5 years ago
Description : Piano melody
1st Aug 2023 19:33 - 1 year ago
Description : The wonderful piano of the younger sister 2Sisters and my poems)
29th Nov 2020 05:09 - 4 years ago
Description : A short sonata like form composed with a 1967 Steinway Grand and the BBC Symphonic Orchestra plugins. More originals can be found on my soundcloud - listed on my profile.
4th Sep 2016 21:30 - 8 years ago
Description : I'm an English teacher for Spanish speakers and I actually used this in the classroom while the students were doing a 5 or 6 minute writing preparing for a conversation activity.
28th Jan 2021 22:56 - 4 years ago
Description : Pardon Field Music Ambience Background Music for Work Relax Study Work
30th Oct 2019 13:24 - 5 years ago
Description : One of my sad melody for the story of my imagine kingdom :) Enjoyed!
23rd Apr 2022 00:02 - 2 years ago
Description : Acoustic Guitar Instrumental