16th Jul 2016 09:20 - 8 years ago
Description : The title felt a little weak, hence the change.
It's finished! The mix is far, far better, I've added some extras and brought out some sounds that weren't coming through previously. D'ya think it's gig ready?

Comments (11)

If you have time take a listen and give Tinka0 some feedback.

dumarecht 30th Apr 2017 15:28 - 7 years ago
bit funky bit aggresive which is nice. Personally i expected some more sounds to kick in, it stays a bit empty for me. Gigging this should be done under a freeway exit pass with a lot of amphetemines : )
Spivkurl 22nd Oct 2016 16:16 - 8 years ago
This is pretty sonically engaging! I like it! When you ask about it being "gig ready," I assume this is some sort of live in studio performance. Is that the case? If so, I am impressed! It was fun hearing the fairly raw synth sounds and stuff. Definitely feels industrial to me! Great work!
YertBimberg 30th Aug 2016 02:42 - 8 years ago
Wow. I just listened to your track and I feel really pissed off. If the purpose of music is to transfer emotion from the artist to the listener, then you get a 10 out of 10. Good job man. Great track.
Tinka0 replied 28th Sep 2016 - 8 years ago
Hell yeah, nailed it! I was real pissed off making this. Thanks for listening dude :)
BillionaireExclusive 30th Aug 2016 00:27 - 8 years ago
This was a great story telling process. The construction of the song was excellent. In my opinion, it is certainly ready for a gig performance. You captured my like on this track.

- Billion

Also, when you get the chance check out some of my tracks, and leave some feedback. Hopefully you like what you hear.
crucethus 3rd Aug 2016 05:17 - 8 years ago
War, when is it coming? War by computer, destroy the infrastructure using code. starve the people by decimating the digital experience. You have captured that here.
Tinka0 replied 10th Aug 2016 - 8 years ago
One can hope... You may be interested in hearing the finished version :)
BradoSanz 3rd Aug 2016 03:27 - 8 years ago
The intro really spoke to me! I'm not one who listens to industrial but this was quite an entertaining listen! I like the changing patterns and BPM, really told a story using such strange effects. The highs were a bit harsh, as others have mentioned; this is my only critique of the song. The structure and the story, everything was done well. Great work! Thumbs on this one. You're pretty good at this stuff, if I may so myself.

Tinka0 replied 10th Aug 2016 - 8 years ago
Neither do I! Hehehe but I'm constantly told I make industrial, I refer to it as Abrasive.. Only so I can make the rules XD

Thank you, you'll be glad to hear there are more added now and, I hope, I've fixed the mix, it was quite lack lustre.

I really appreciate your generous comments :D
silverman 23rd Jul 2016 23:42 - 8 years ago
I did one of the same name!
It's on here and reverb .....

What I like about this is you didn't take the route of sound effects like helicopters and machine guns men screaming etc. Easy to do that way but not as artistic.
You took the artistic route and painted the mood and the place without recourse to that. Nice angry feel to it.
There's room for some blood to spilled now I think .....
Tinka0 replied 10th Aug 2016 - 8 years ago
I checked it out! It was very pleasing, that distorted trombone! I may have to try something with that :D

It didn't feel right doing such a thing, I entertained the idea, put it into a few bars, it felt very cheap & generic so I removed it .

Even more room now it's complete! I hope you enjoy the final version :)
Darknives 22nd Jul 2016 16:34 - 8 years ago
I don't normally listen to industrial like this but I like it.
Maybe I would suggest using some limiting or compression to tone down those highs a bit. Also, I would add something more bassy and flat, without a lot of trebble attack. I think the music has too much highpitced sounds all the time, could have less, be more dynamic. Just my opinion though.
Keep it up man :)
Tinka0 replied 23rd Jul 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey, thanks man.

I agree, I always have too much high-end, I've been experimenting with how to bring it down, with moderate success, although this is a first draft..

My ears are in need of a Doctor.

Thanks for listening dude and even more for your suggestions, I'll be sure to keep them in mind when I come back to this :)
DanGoldstein 18th Jul 2016 11:29 - 8 years ago
there is a lot of power in music both to purge our own frustrations and to effect change in the world. this could very well be an anthem for the true uprising against the waves of violence rocking the world right now. Civilized society understands restraint - but there is power in restraint. I feel restraint as well as power in your driving track. Fav. Dan
Tinka0 replied 18th Jul 2016 - 8 years ago
Thank you Dan, I couldn't agree more... It probably took you no more than five minutes to listen and comment but what you wrote has given me a perspective that will last a lifetime. This is why I love music (and musicians!). Many thanks :)
TeeGee1965 17th Jul 2016 16:54 - 8 years ago
Man, this is some track! I agree with Danke, I would think it's Industrial, but on the other hand who cares for tags and clarifications? Even if there was no description from you I can sense the anger and frustration, so you did a good job in transforming this via electronic music, which is much harder than when you play a stringed instrument for instance. Hope you feel better now, too.
Tinka0 replied 18th Jul 2016 - 8 years ago
The only reason I add D&B as tag is the tempo but I agree, Industrial would be more suitable.. I wish we could have custom genre tags.

Thank you, yes I feel much better although I've reserved an amount of hatred until this is complete. :)
Danke 16th Jul 2016 09:41 - 8 years ago
Hahhh...what a dangerous and special track (maybe just for me, cause I donno dnb) but I feel it's a special segment of that easily could be industrial or weird too...the frustration is of course there after a terror attack like comment...

cool one, handshake, Danke
Tinka0 replied 16th Jul 2016 - 8 years ago
Great words Danke. As for the genre, I'm always lost as to where I belong :(

Thank you for listening :)

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13th Apr 2015 03:57 - 9 years ago
Description : This if the final mix for all the instrumentation. And yes we're breaking quite a few conventions here. I like my diminished scales.

Meter:12/2 (mostly)
key:A locrian (mostly)
took a whole year and around 200 audio tracks to nail this


Some guitar parts (the good ones) by Couch Potatoe
one loop - Alen9r (user) Tropical
16th Jan 2019 02:46 - 6 years ago
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2nd Jul 2021 12:17 - 3 years ago
Description : Not really 'industrial' although some aspects might fit with the genre...generally robots and stuff...hehe...and a hint of heavy metal is also there...:)
22nd Feb 2017 06:06 - 8 years ago
Description : I used Serum and Sylenth1 to create all the synths and basslines. It's not dubstep, and it's not Drum and Bass, but it's elements are heavily drawn from both to create an experimental industrial track in it's own class. It's heavy, aggressive, and driving. Either you will like it, or you won't. I don't think there will be an in-between. Take care. V.
22nd Feb 2016 19:48 - 9 years ago
Description : This is an instrumental track. I made this using a couple of loops and samples I created in the past. The software used was FL Studio 9.
12th Dec 2024 01:02 - 3 months ago
Description : It's probably the Darkest Mix I have ever done. Industrial Gothic Lumbering Tune at 90BPM in the style of Nine inch Nails Meets Spahn Ranch.
22nd Feb 2022 05:38 - 3 years ago
Description : Another weird blending of genres I am working on. Track was all composed by myself using some sampling and an old 1983 Memphis Strat of which I am totally rusty on due to a serious left hand/wrist injury several years back.
20th Mar 2017 00:00 - 8 years ago
Description : Genre:oldschool game/industrial etc.Fl Studio 9
(I will make available the samples used in this song,I exported in loops, wav format.)
At the forum.
Or if you prefer, just ask for the comments.

18th Apr 2023 23:00 - 1 year ago

22nd Jan 2019 03:13 - 6 years ago
Description : industrial electronic metal instrumental
16th Nov 2017 01:28 - 7 years ago
Description : I uploaded this to my SoundCloud a while ago and fully love this Aggrotech piece and would hope you lot would too, some feedback would be sick as hell :)
17th Jun 2016 23:02 - 8 years ago
Description : Made this years ago as I was changing from Windows 98 to Windows XP. Hard to remember now but XP was one of the greatest leaps forward for home pc users and the stability was so welcome when trying to put this together.
This is purely industrial sounds of machines and tools.
My aim was to make them sound like synths drums guitars and humans. Took me months. The amount of editing and twisting these sounds up down faster slower etc etc to get rythm well I'm sure you can imagine.
Deleted it recently but having just listened to an industrial track someone has put on here I fancy getting back to some serious dirt!
20th Dec 2015 01:22 - 9 years ago
Description : Fully Remastered now so it won't give you a headache like the old one.

Big thanks to Xyilent who made the beautiful lead, tmandjievdo0 with his super groovy drum beats and Buffalonugaluss who produced the juicy bass line.
4th May 2023 05:02 - 1 year ago
Description : industrial electronic metal track, :D feel free to leave your thoughts, im open to collabs
2nd Jun 2017 23:23 - 7 years ago
Description : Comments are welcome!