17th Dec 2016 17:09 - 8 years ago
Description : I discovered Meshuggah around 2003 and was blown away by the power, complexity and super Heavy sound of their music. Their "Nothing" album marked the switch to 8 string guitars and pushed Heavy Metal into a whole new territory. My track is a variant cover of their song "Nebulous". I have stayed pretty close to the original but added a few dynamic elements of my own. Its loud, its super heavy and way out there...Beyond Nebulous.

Comments (13)

If you have time take a listen and give Neomorpheus some feedback.

madeen 4th Aug 2024 16:49 - 7 months ago
Hellllllll yes
Neomorpheus replied 19th Aug 2024 - 6 months ago
Thanks for the listen and comment madeen.
ValveDriver 5th Apr 2018 07:44 - 6 years ago
Dude. I say......dude!

This. Is. Awesome.

I’ve liked Meshuggah since their beginning. Still do. In fact I dig the whole Djent genre. I love the broken rhythms and f’ked up time signatures. It’s not a real melodic genre, per se. but the percussive assault is one to really dig. Personally, I would go as far to say that Sepultura started that whole genre with “Roots, Bloody Roots”. They just weren’t using the 8string god sent from....wherever. But judging by the darkness of this tune, I’d say some suburb of hell.

Personally, I would love to get lost in the darkness of this tune. That shit is, for a lack of better terms when describing darkness, quite pleasant.

I’m not going to go into a Static sized breakdown on this one, I will say that the production is awesome. The tones you managed to achieve are true to the genre. Damn. I wish I could play live instruments, man. This makes my latest one sound like chicken scratch, dude. The layering is impeccable. The drone in the background is sitting perfect in the mix. It’s loud enough to hold everything together, and fill the blanks where it could become boring, (to the ears of those who don’t appreciate the genre), but it’s not so loud that it’s distracting. The sustained notes in the leads really work. I’ve always been a fan of that. Sustained, slow hand leads over choppy, chuggy rythyms.

Yep. You got yourself a winner, here, bud. I fav’d it so I can download it later. This one is going on the playlist.

Take care, mister. Hope to hear from you soon.

Neomorpheus replied 22nd Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Hey Aaron, thanks so much for the comment man and I do apologize for the delayed response. Yeah man this one was quite a bit of work to get worthy. You know when your working on a track you listen to it over and over so much. I actually had to stop working on this for awhile because I got to where I think it was effecting me psychologically. Not sure if its because of the dark nature of it or simply being that I was a bit exhausted. I hope its the latter ! But its so weird that right after working on this the equipment I used to make it was stolen, so uh, yeah I took it as a sign and layed off the dark stuff for a while. I do love Meshuggah and progressive metal. Its so heavy, I totally dig it!

Take care my friend, thanks again.
nicetones101 13th Jan 2018 18:34 - 7 years ago
yep just downloaded this awesome tune!!!!Man you are fridge talented!!!!!I love your music.I love your sound on this very messhuggahish!Man i have 2 8 strings steph 8 and an rg8so much fun!Love to throw a riff at you some time and write a tune together!if your keen
Neomorpheus replied 20th Jan 2018 - 7 years ago
Hey bro ! Thanks for the awesome comment man. I'm huge on Meshuggah, they blew me away when I first heard them. I had a Schecter Blackjack ATX C8 that I used here but sadly that and my Axe FX II were stolen several months ago when I had left them in a friends studio over night during some recording. I've been making due with my other guitars but contemplating on replacing it or changing to the Omen or even maybe going with an extended range 7 string. Yeah man I haven't really done any collaborations here but would certainly entertain doing something together. I think we have a lot of common interest musically. Hit me up anytime.
Nodog 21st Oct 2017 10:00 - 7 years ago
Hey Neo every now and then i come to a crossroads where i notice something and i follow it for a while until another crossroads appears here is my crossroad provided by you and this superb track. I checked out Meshuggah too heavy for my baby taste at the moment i find this more palatable but i will now build up to the full undiluted Meshuggah :) Best regards peaceout Robbie.
Neomorpheus replied 15th Nov 2017 - 7 years ago
Hey Robbie, Yeah Meshuggah is definitely acquired taste. Super talented players and yes, very heavy ! Thanks for the listen and comment man.
briandodson 1st May 2017 03:43 - 7 years ago
Hell F*ck Yeah Meshuggah ! Good job !! Very Technical stuff. I'm a Meshuggah fan also.
Neomorpheus replied 21st Jun 2017 - 7 years ago
Hey brian thanks alot man!
Sorry on the late response, I'm busy on another track.
I plan to do some more of this progressive stuff soon. Stay tuned !
weinerbob 24th Dec 2016 03:04 - 8 years ago
Haven't listened to metal in a while, but this was like a breath of fresh air.Amazing!
Neomorpheus replied 7th Jan 2017 - 8 years ago
Breath it in bob ! Thanks man.
StaticNomad 22nd Dec 2016 00:32 - 8 years ago
Meshuggin' regreetings.

Oh no, don't get me wrong - I thought it was a really well made track, just not my preferred heavy style. I thought my detailed review demonstrated that I thought it was good. My musical tastes are somewhat separate from my evaluation of a track. And you don't make music to entertain me (and vice versa).

"the inability of playing power chords. They sound terrible with the low tuning."

That makes sense as I guess it's a bit like strumming mid to high chords on bass guitar (though that can also be effective). But you could play those same chords beyond the 12th fret. I know that's not the most comfortable sort of chord playing position but it could be done. And stop ot from sounding so low and messy. I'm sure you've given it a go.

" the cymbals were washing out and again I'm noticing it."

I didn't really notice but if it's bothering you, I guess you need to find a way to fix it. Or just get it closer to what you want.

"the Looperman version has dramatically effected the dynamics"

Not sure I've heard that before. I thought it was supposed to be exactly the same, no artifacts introduced.

"Maybe my next track will be more to your liking."

It might be but I really wouldn't worry if it's not.

My country track has been put on the back burner, partly because my latest one is going rather well. It's drum 'n' cell - d'n'b with loads of one particular instrument. It's fun and far out and you'll probably like it.

Merry mothafuckin' Xmas!

Static YuleMad
Neomorpheus replied 29th Dec 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey Yulemad,

Sorry for the delayed response, I wasn't expecting a regreeting on this. The holidays has consumed a lot of my free time. Regarding the dynamics issue, I found that I had accidently added a limiter to the master track somehow (?) so the fault was entirely mine and sorry for even questioning Looperman. I removed it and re-uploaded like the next day so what you've heard is the fixed version. No man, no butt hurt on my part, I don't expect people to like all my tracks. I enjoy the constructive criticism as much as the praising which we all know is sometimes not as genuine. Hope you enjoy the holidays !
Evisma 20th Dec 2016 17:17 - 8 years ago
Some thickness, indeed!

Not big on djent, but you got a good sound here. Doom filled chugs and clean dissonance. Sounds like a beast conveying it's displeasure with all around it. I can't fault anything here, just not my thing. Very evil, but I like aggression in my evilsoup. Production is awesome and sounds like there is a lot of money behind it in studio time. Rather well done!!!

Neomorpheus replied 22nd Dec 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey Evan, I hope I haven't scared everybody off with my last few uploads. They are somewhat dark and evil sounding which is of course the result of such low resonance. And for that reason its easier to compose these type of tracks. I'm working on some more melodic stuff and hopefully will have something a bit more appealing next time. Thanks for the comments man, always appreciated.
StaticNomad 18th Dec 2016 20:22 - 8 years ago
Nebulous greetings, NeoMeshuggin'Bro.

I'm not a fan of Meshuggah (just too heavy and lacking in melody for me) but I think about them fairly often as I have Tomas Haake's Metalheads EZX and use it quite often, not only in heavy tracks. I used some of Haake's MIDI files for some of the "criminally insane" drumming that you liked in my Fist Bumps Of Fury track (especially early in the track).

I'm really, really bad with time signatures so I don't really know what 23/16 time is. But I do know I get something quite distinctive from his crazy MIDI files. Most of them are banging away on cymbals so not a lot of hat work.


0:10 that's quite a cool little industrial flourish and I like the slightly vocally drone synth underneath, changing note on 0:28.

0:15 and here's that heavy djent thud and overall fat sound. This already sounds well produced, as does all your stuff these days, I believe.

This does sound like there's some evil, clanging, octave-jumping bass guitar in it. I guess that's all just guitar. But it is a detuned 8 string so that makes sense.

1:19 and that lead guitar is a welcome addition as sitting on that thudding djent riff was getting a bit samey.

3:02 fuck that's dark and evil. Really wide guitars.

3:16 like an ogre groaning. Or metal vocalist grunting away.

The lead work on top here makes it more far out and psychedelic. In a dark, unsettling way.

This second half seems more powerful than the first.

As I said, Meshuggah isn't my kind of sound so I can't really love this track but the guitar work is very good - well played and produced.

4:48 reverse flourish at the end is a nice touch.

Static MeshuggMad
Neomorpheus replied 20th Dec 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey Static, I figured you wouldn't be too enthusiastic about this track. I recall you aren't a fan of Meshuggah. I admit its a fairly brutal track sonically, as is most of their music. I guess I like the powerful nature of it. One thing about Djent, specifically with 8 string guitar is the inability of playing power chords. They sound terrible with the low tuning. Most of the melody here is basically a bass line. I had some difficulty with EQ and getting some things sounding right. Evan mentioned in my last track that the cymbals were washing out and again I'm noticing it. I used a couple tracks of heavy ride in here in places. For some strange reason it sounds ok on my computer but when I upload tracks the Looperman version has dramatically effected the dynamics. Not sure whats going on with that.

Anyhow, thanks for the listen and comments bro. Maybe my next track will be more to your liking.
Tinka0 18th Dec 2016 05:59 - 8 years ago
Osh, tasty. I'm loving the tone of the guitar, low slow and sludgy, my kind of of metal.

I hope you can find a singer to complete this, I think it has huge potential.

I'm inspired to make some sludge now, keep it up brother.
Neomorpheus replied 18th Dec 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey Metabolic, There's so much bottom on these guitars it does require a bit of trial and error to get a decent sound tonewise. I'm working with a Fractal Audio Axe FX II and Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier. Set relatively high on gain for drive and distortion levels, lots of midrange, a healthy amount of treble for clarity. This is more Progressive Metal Djent than Sludge though. Thanks for the comment bro.
kingmadi 17th Dec 2016 23:49 - 8 years ago
Sounds great! This isn't usually my cup of tea, but you really made it work.
Neomorpheus replied 18th Dec 2016 - 8 years ago
"This isn't usually my cup of tea"

Well a shot of strong ass coffee does a body good every once in a while bro. (haha)

Thanks for giving me a listen and commenting, much appreciated king.
DanGoldstein 17th Dec 2016 22:50 - 8 years ago
this is the kind of music i loved to be stoned to and get lost in. what do you know, i am getting that escape with your work even without the weed. great work and look forward to more. Dan
Neomorpheus replied 18th Dec 2016 - 8 years ago
Hi Dan, I guess it is a bit stoner-ish but I'm not so sure I would want to get lost in here. Kind of a dark and foreboding track that tends to suggest there is something scary in the far reaches of outer space or within the dark corners of our minds.
Danke 17th Dec 2016 18:51 - 8 years ago
yeah...they played in Budapest at around 2007 and I was impressed about the drummer...CAN'T BELIEVE HOW HE WAS ABLE TO PLAY THOSE BROKEN RHYTHMS...
that band actually made revolution in prog metal...and your track is a true main drive in front of them...

hats off, Danke
Neomorpheus replied 18th Dec 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey danke, yeah Tomas Haake is a phenominal drummer. His ability and contribution is so critical to the characteristics such as polymetered riff cycles, rhythmic syncopation, rapid key and tempo changes that define their sound. Haake is known for his cross-rhythm drumming. One particular example of his use of polymeter is 4/4 against 23/16 bimeter, in which he keeps the hi-hat and ride cymbal in 4/4 time but uses the snare and double bass drums in 23/16 time.

Thanks for the listen and comments bro.

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20th Feb 2014 19:17 - 11 years ago
Description : A metalish track built around loops by Planetjazzbass. Pure looperman product, all loops from here! :)

As everytime, any feedback welcomed. UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now even more scary, and in 256kbps!

Applied loops (full or partially):
PLANETJAZZBASS : 0111346-0014566 - (funkenstone), 0111346-0039117 - (my goat is sick), 0111346-0014648 - (black bomber), 0111346-0018490 - (heat shield), 0111346-0038108 - (sennheiser zen 1), 0111346-0038109 - (sennheiser zen 2), 0111346-0015208 - (pig milk), 0111346-0019635 - (hippo pool), 0111346-0032035 - (bover boots), 0111346-0014682 - (trekkin time), 0111346-0014803 - (i told you so), 0111346-0014561 - (frontal lobe), 0111346-0020779 - (fat flies), 0111346-0032147 - (smooth shoes).
MEGAPAUL : 0448131-0058899 (E 100BPM 4 bars main riff), 0448131-0058767 (HM A 85BPM 4bars), 0448131-0059390 (D-Red-Ralf-has-gone-120BPM-8bars)
REI4REAL : 0039029-0001514 (rei iron E 75), 0039029-0001680 (rei hammer 02 D 140)
ACIDTONE : 0037502-0002671 (double kick bass with china)
ANCHOR : 0072432-0001749 (lots o double bass trash)
XARNOR : 0085913-0008990 (metal drum loop)
GUITARGURU : 0057331-0001168 (wavey rock riff), 0057331-0001169 (robot talk)
BLAQHSTARRMUSIC : 00665575-0014482 (acoustic overdrive gt)
SPIVKURL : 0186161-0065468 (acidic arpeggio)
CHILLDADDY : 0067852-0001439 (indian calling tom tom)
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE : 0071878-0003099 (lion perc and orc 01), 0071878-0002818 (salsa groove 01), 0071878-0003153 (fx el 3 114)
SASH : 0020884-0001302 (screaming feedback)
LJSHADOW : 0144345-0014306 (hitter)
DRMISTERSIR : 0208341-0069232 (she loves it)
WADIZZLE5000 : 0711434-0054859 (break break break)
STREETSBEATZ : 0959110-0062623 (ratchet gutta - ride)
DJ_FRED_VAL : 0002663-0002511 (fv roland dr-550 120), 0002663-0006690 (fv rock beat 140), 0002663-0008079 (fv xylo attack 140)
24th Jul 2022 22:12 - 2 years ago
Description : heavy metal song
22nd May 2024 03:44 - 9 months ago
Description : I asked Danke if I could add some vocals to his track Future Machine and he kindly agreed and sent me the track. The lyrics are about a soldiers experience in war as he and his trench mates are told to get up and out of their trench and attack the enemy across open fields. I can only imagine the fear, tension and chaos that goes through one's mind at that moment.
18th May 2012 20:20 - 12 years ago
Description : I am totally just gonna encourage you to hit play...and enjoy!

Thank you so much Mr. Bear for the track and the mix :-), now you'll have something to entertain you on your trip :-)

8th Jan 2015 12:32 - 10 years ago
Description : This unconventional metal track is dedicated to Valvedriver though it's not a parody of his fine music or me actively trying to sound like it. I struggled for months with the first few minutes of this track knowing that I must be able to take it somewhere deeper, more psychedelic and powerful. Then I loaded some sampled choir voice instruments, as used in my track Reckful and suddenly found myself happily in Valveland - not a place I visit often. Feeling amply Valvedriven and newly inspired, I added the last few minutes fairly easily and very quickly. So: it's a twisting, turning mixture of grunge, menacing ambient, mystical metal and ultra-heavy funk. Instruments: electric guitar+bass, synth basses, female choir voices, one synth pad, some other synths on the nastier side of things and a few programmed heavy acoustic drumkits playing a mixture of triplets and straighter grooves. Interesting thoughts appreciated. Favourite bits? Shit bits? Please listen on good headphones/speakers as there's a lot of heavy bass in this. Now get ready to rock: balls out, hands in the air and with rebellious joy in your heart. Just try not to headbang the hell out of your laptop. Go!
30th May 2018 20:33 - 6 years ago
Description : Free to use. My first ever deathcore track made in fl studio.

let me know if you use it. would be nice to hear the results.
21st Mar 2018 06:44 - 6 years ago
Description : Whats up guys?! Been a while I know. Iv'e moved around a lot but have finally settled down and have been hard at work with my metal band. Unfortunately I've had to put my solo work on hold for a bit while I'm recording with the band. We are being professionally recorded now, a very big step up from the last recording of my band that I posted here. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy! We are, Raze The Pyre.
16th Jun 2016 01:06 - 8 years ago
Description : I'm looking for someone to sing some killer vocals on here..
1st Mar 2019 00:48 - 6 years ago
Description : Rough sketch of a Heavy Metal tune.
Guitars are Shreddage 2. Drums are Addictive 2. Daw is Reaper. Vocals need to be fleshed out. Update:3-2-19 Raised the volume of drums and guitars, added a Bass line.
20th Jun 2015 00:21 - 9 years ago
Description : FINAL UPDATE -- 25.06.2015 -- L.O.D - Lovers of darkness
- Phatkatz4 on guitars and drums
- Joe Cramer vocals, synths and drums
I tryed to enhanced Phatkatz track.
used loop - Chris Hall waves-and-ocean
german and english lyrics are in the lyric folder
enjoy - comments are welcome
20th Oct 2017 16:56 - 7 years ago
Description : used 4 loops from 3nigmadjing including the insane riser which i love big thanks for that looperman-l-2432186-0114538-3nigmadjing-insane-trap-or-dubstep-buildup and ableton with old greco stratocaster.
28th Apr 2021 15:04 - 3 years ago
Description : Looking for someone who puts some vocals on the Track in style of lorna shore.
11th Mar 2017 12:29 - 7 years ago
Description : Part one of three.
14th Jun 2022 18:43 - 2 years ago
Description : A grimy hard rock track fully produced digitally (even the drums!). The awesome main riff has been provided by prodreiter here on Looperman, and I made the drums in Addictive Drums 2, I will make them available as loops later.
6th Jun 2014 17:30 - 10 years ago
Description : Something I slapped together in like an hour or so, I bought a new midi keyboard with a sequencer which made dragging and dropping sounds where I wanted 'em easy, so really this was a test run, I usually write a lot of metal and don't have the time to upload my material but here's a start, this has a techno vibe???? I guess to it. Enjoy.