22nd Feb 2017 06:06 - 8 years ago
Description : I used Serum and Sylenth1 to create all the synths and basslines. It's not dubstep, and it's not Drum and Bass, but it's elements are heavily drawn from both to create an experimental industrial track in it's own class. It's heavy, aggressive, and driving. Either you will like it, or you won't. I don't think there will be an in-between. Take care. V.

Comments (22)

If you have time take a listen and give ValveDriver some feedback.

willnicoud 23rd Jul 2024 19:52 - 7 months ago
ValveDriver replied 10th Aug 2024 - 7 months ago
I have no idea what that means.
dimestop 13th Jun 2024 22:28 - 8 months ago
old track before my time here Aaron, wow an industrial growler nibbles your ankles and knees, dark vibes, you drop to the floor and it bites your face off, great synth work, industrial sounds are so cool, i can feel the heat from your molten metal V
ValveDriver replied 16th Jun 2024 - 8 months ago
Yeah, this is an older one. I felt like bringing it back from the dead for a minute. It's definitely a hard hitting one. Thanks for giving it a listen, and for commenting. Much appreciation.

Take care.
vodeodoe 13th Jun 2024 19:41 - 8 months ago
err wow. Never expected that, I know nothing of the genre but that was no put off. The synth modulation is awesome, it sounds like syllables (which I assume is well skilled intention) and like you say is no DS nore D&B. The break was sublime, so well done
ValveDriver replied 16th Jun 2024 - 8 months ago
Thank you. It's not really technically industrial, but that was the closest genre to chose from. The vocal sounding synths were intentional. A little fun with oscillator manipulation. Something I actually enjoy more than making the tunes themselves.

Thanks for listening and commenting.

Take care.
terryjmhitsong 13th Jun 2024 08:47 - 8 months ago
ValveDriver replied 16th Jun 2024 - 8 months ago
Thank you Terry, I'm glad you liked it. It's one of my own favorites. If artists are allowed to have a favorite of their own, anyhow.

Thanks again, and take care.
BeatzEazy0521 30th Jul 2022 10:44 - 2 years ago
Many thanks
For giving me something to end the night with
Air pays ya to be on your
this shirt drinks
Clubs somebody
in they. Best behavior
Stay blessed
Much love-EazyBeatz
HamedEmine 26th Dec 2021 18:13 - 3 years ago
Damn, this is super awesome!
ValveDriver replied 21st Jan 2022 - 3 years ago
Thank you!

Honestly, I forgot about this one. At one time, I had started a Metal remix. I really need to go back and finish that! Thank you for reminding me.

Take care.
FullCapicityMuzic 15th Jul 2019 18:17 - 5 years ago
I have absolutely no mixing tips or suggestions, sorry. But I thought "hey you don't listen to any industrial stuff, hit play, go ahead." Hehe. And I still do not know enough about the genre to appreciate it, sorry again, but I hit play so I wanted to leave a comment.

It is great quality and I hope to one day make muzic that is as well mastered as this, so crisp and attentive to the detail of the sounds...I love the transformers, I can imagine this being a part of a movie soundtrack. :-)
HenryPascal 16th May 2018 15:23 - 6 years ago
Kinda Muse feat. Skrillex!!!! Maybe fit in some vocals and in the final part it deserve an hardcore kick (and tempo), then a build up to end with an explosion... just to make who listen to this lose his mind! Yeah!
ValveDriver replied 26th May 2018 - 6 years ago
Nicolo, thanks for the kind words. I like your vision of this track. Maybe someday if I finish the remix I've started. I'll keep your suggestions in mind.

Take care.
Tumbleweed 8th Dec 2017 03:32 - 7 years ago
So I stopped over for a listen...mainly to give you shit for being way behind in I hit play on this one...and hot dog....totally fits the title to a T (so to speak) up an done the sound track andf if its dark...then so be was that day...but its the one that produced the d` more....Ed
ValveDriver replied 5th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
More on the way! ;)
nicetones101 15th Apr 2017 21:26 - 7 years ago
Dude nice work!!!
ValveDriver replied 5th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Thank you! (He said, a year late.)
Orlando51 3rd Mar 2017 10:31 - 8 years ago
And so, the one and only master of dark industrial atmosphere is back in full form. What a treat! This really attacks all the senses...attacks physical body even. Constantly threatening tones and merciless brutality
is not a joke...and it's done and executed brilliantly...just the way
we've all been used to get the lesson from Valve Driver. I hope this
masterpiece forecasts much more to come...Excellent!

Compliments and respect_____Orlando
ValveDriver replied 11th Mar 2017 - 7 years ago
Orlando, Hello!

First of all, thank you for checking this one out. I know it's not exactly your kind of music, so it means a lot that you did.

There is definitely more to come. Some will be like this one, some will be straight up heavy metal, and there's even a few that I don't know what the hell you'd call it. Just....Valvedriver.

Take care, my friend. I hope life is treating you well.
Spivkurl 2nd Mar 2017 15:30 - 8 years ago
I was entirely surprised to come across a track tagged "ValveDriver" today! It's a pleasant feeling!

I would definitely think industrial when hearing this, though I agree with the dubstep and DnB references. I was interested regarding your reply "It's not the typical industrial BPM, but it dies fit." I've never thought of industrial as having a typical tempo. Did you think that this was too slow, or too fast for typical industrial? Possibly it is the metalhead difference, since those who dig metal the most seem to listen to a different sort of industrial compared to those who are not metalheads. I listen to a good amount of pure industrial which is quite a bit slower than this, and also some which is much faster... so it's hard to judge what's up,

Either way I liked the idea for the song. Some cool riff based passages, and noisy industrial drums. I did find the mixing to be very mono-tone... Like all of the instruments were fighting for the same octave. Possibly this was due to after the fact processing though, I don't know.

Was very fun to hear some new work from you, and I hope to hear more!
ValveDriver replied 11th Mar 2017 - 7 years ago
Spiv, how ya doin' man?

Thanks for taking the time to comment. It's always a pleasure to hear from you.

" Did you think that this was too slow, or too fast for typical industrial?"

I thought it was too fast. If I remember correctly, most industrial is usually about 120-130 bpm. This is running at 140. So, it's not a lot faster, but faster than typical.
You make a good point about meatalheads and their preferences towards industrial. I know I tend to lean more towards the Ministry, Skinny Puppy, KMFDM, side. usually that with more guitars than synths.

You also made a very good point about everything fighting for the same octave. I was going for heavy and relentless, but after going back, it could definitely use a little more in the higher range.

"...and I hope to hear more."
There is definitely more in store. I've been on a block for about a year. I've started a lot of tracks, but got nowhere with them. But it seems as if the block is, at the very least, temporarily lifted.

It was good to hear from you again, mister.

Take care.
Tinka0 2nd Mar 2017 08:11 - 8 years ago
Holy fuck man, never have I came across a producer striking at similar veins to me and fucking nailing it!

I had to log in to give this it's props.

Not a normal behavior for me but I implore you to check out some of my work, I get the feeling you won't regret it.

I would recommend for you these two: Yog-Sothoth Slimebolt

I'm only listening on my headphones (KRK 8400s) right now, so take this with a pinch of salt, but I feel the bottom end could do with a boost, I know it's difficult managing sub in this type of production but with a few techniques, it's possible and my god is it powerful.

Feel free to shoot me a message if you feel I could help any :)

I'll be browsing your page when time permits, phenomenal work dude.
ValveDriver replied 2nd Mar 2017 - 8 years ago
Hey man, how's it goin?
First, thank you! I'm glad you liked it.

I will take a listen to your tracks as soon as I get home.

I recently deleted most of my work here. I like to keep a clean house, so to speak. But if you want to hear the rest of my work, find me (Valvedriver) on Soundcloud. I have all my tracks up there. It's a pretty eclectic mix.

I'll take another listen to this to check the lower end. But if you're using KRK's there's a good chance you're not picking it up. I know mine have a hard time with the low end. Either way, I'll definitely look into it. Thank you for the suggestion.

Again, thanks for the kindness.

Take care.
crucethus 2nd Mar 2017 06:45 - 8 years ago
Fantastic, that sloe cure for VD did not work. And now VD is rampant again among the lands. Now that VD is raging everywhere bringing sores and pusfilled scabs for everyone who crosses his slow dearth march towards Golgotha I expect we will get some more of this angst filled pile driving industrial solvent for our aural chambers. It serves us right in the end. The sinner draws near, preying upon our fears , quenching his thirst in the blood stained world of pop music bringing steel hammers and iron cables crashing among the millennials. bringing forth....err a wow, ok yeah I'm in a dark mood tonight.. geez! Anyhow liked the song. Welcome back.
Cru Cru Cray Cray!
ValveDriver replied 2nd Mar 2017 - 8 years ago

Thanks, man. Good to be back.

I can't let the place start getting too pretty. Gotta keepvsome grit about.

tekreck 25th Feb 2017 10:44 - 8 years ago
ValveDriver replied 2nd Mar 2017 - 8 years ago
kingmadi 25th Feb 2017 05:04 - 8 years ago
This track goes hard, but not in the way one would expect... I listened to it a few times before I understood what you were trying to do, but I really enjoy this!
ValveDriver replied 2nd Mar 2017 - 8 years ago
I'm glad you enjoyed this one, and thanks for taking the time to let me know.

Just out of sheer curiosity, what is it that you thought I was trying to do? I like to hear different perspectives. What's yours?

Thanks again.

Take care.
Evisma 23rd Feb 2017 03:00 - 8 years ago
I take it Mr. Sloe is lying face down in the woods with a smoking bullet hole in the back of the skull, his purpose being served.

Digital sludge! Very apocalyptic and chugging. Cymbals fill the air and keep the energy high. Maybe too electronic and glitchy for me, but fucking powerful.

Calmer section sounds good and gives some relief from the onslaught, before it's sheltering safety is ripped away for more anger.

Good to hear from you again. It's good to have the VD!

Take care.

ValveDriver replied 25th Feb 2017 - 8 years ago
Mr. Sloe has returned to the dirt from which he came! Its purpose has been served, and he has been dealt with just as we had discussed.

"It's good to have the VD"

I'm pretty sure this is the only place you can say that as a good thing.

It may seem weird, but I really believe that the "Sloedirt" persona was so far out of sync with what I try to create that it was actually hindering me. You know, that whole body, mind, soul alignment horseshit.

Take care, hombre.
Danke 22nd Feb 2017 23:15 - 8 years ago
Absolutely welcome back mr

dear god, this is a monster horror underground with zombie faces and brutal metalheadz, though there is no guitar anywhere...apocalypse...0.55 that is a heavy synth riff for the has to be like this...
attack, monstrosity, elements, paint and the number 1. picture looking down for us, poor servants...

I survived this and hope we get more cause we need pain...:-)

but this is a beautiful pain...

welcome back Master

handshake, Danke
ValveDriver replied 25th Feb 2017 - 8 years ago
Danke, thank you for your kind words!

This is a brutal piece, indeed! I likw how you described it! It is kind of an underground apocalyptic survival sound.

I will be back with the pain! Life is beginning to return to a normal pace. So I should be able to focus more on music again.

Thank you again, brother. It's good to be back.

Take care.
Neomorpheus 22nd Feb 2017 22:11 - 8 years ago
He has risen !

With an "I dare you to piss me off" killer stare avatar and a ground pounding coordinated strategic assault of a track that literally cuts a path between your ears big enough to drive a tank through !

I love every inch of this thing bro and I'll be damned if you haven't done it again. It isn't dubstep, and it ain't drum and bass. Its a whole new animal, a whole new breed, and it's out for blood. Right from the gate you realize this things got attitude and its all bad. The drums pound out a relentless cadence that's a combination of a viking ship row master and a fucking tommy gun. Wicked dubstep wobbles and growls leap from one side to the other in a distorted mechanized frenzy amid some of the most sinister and prime-evil sounding synth I've heard in quite awhile. Its a suicide roller coaster ride that the only way off is to jump. But who wants to take the easy way out? If i'm going out, i'm going out sreamin' !

Haha, in case it isn't obvious, I'm pretty fuckin happy to see you back bro. Nice tune.
ValveDriver replied 25th Feb 2017 - 8 years ago
Neo, Mr. Neo! How the hell are ya, bud?

That avatar picture is from a set of portraits, (not selfies, but actual portraits with an actual camera), I did a couple years ago. It's subject was the ugly, dirty, gritty side of life. This one had the ficused drive that seemed to fit my approach toward my new life, and my music.

"a combination of a viking ship row master and a fucking tommy gun."

That's a great analogy!

I also love the idea of a suicide rollercoaster. If you haven't used that for a track title yet, you should now!

Thanks for the warm welcome, my friend. It's good to be producing again.

Take care, man
Burtsbluesboxes 22nd Feb 2017 21:28 - 8 years ago
The title made me think of Incantation's Onward to golgotha album. Definitely as brutal and dark \m/ Good to see you hanging around again. We can always use more dark tunes!
ValveDriver replied 25th Feb 2017 - 8 years ago
Burt, how are ya?

I've been a diehard metal fan across nearly all sub-genres since about 1985. Oddly enough, I've never listened to Incantation. Not by any choice, it just never happened. I may have change that!

More dark tunes to come!

Take care
StaticNomad 22nd Feb 2017 16:53 - 8 years ago
Welcome back, Mr V.

Oh look - you actually are Mr V again, driving some more dirty dubstep valves. And with a new, scary, scowling avatar.

This is fairly oppressive, brutal, dark stuff right from the first evil crash. Kind of metalstep but without any guitar. Certainly a fat, brutal crunch, with repeated blows to the skull. Onward toward the crucifixion!

0:55 that's a pretty dark and trippy, heavy reverb lead.

This is very dark, druggy music. People would enjoy going mental to it in clubs. You can really dance to it as the groove is good and the vibe is really fucked up.

Good breaks and pauses in this to break up what is essentially one consistent idea. Except for 2:36 where there's a new vibe. Just as relief from the oppressive earlier stuff.

3:03 oh what a surprise that it comes back even more brutal. I thought it was going to go into some gentle country. Or gay disco.

End section is perhaps a little brief but it's a pretty concise track. A short, sharp shock to the system. Very well produced so I don't really have any criticisms.

Can you believe that this particular Nomad has actually made a bit of dubstep? Of course there are a whole bunch of other genres and moodsin this recent epic but there are definite dubstep and cellstep sections for you to groove to. Not dark, though.

This Time All The Time

Later, Mr Crucifier...
ValveDriver replied 25th Feb 2017 - 8 years ago
Thank you Mr. S.

Yes. The Sloe persona served it's purpose through a period that I needed it. I no longer do.

It's a scowl, but it's a pure one.

0:55- it's basically just a reese bass that I took a little further by adjusting the wavetables of each oscilator for a nice mix of harmonics and detuning.

Honestly, I get a laugh out of thinking of people dancing to this. I imagine them slightly confused as to whether they should actually be dancing, or moshing instead. I see them standing there looking at each other shrugging in confusion.

3:03- I'm sure you were thoroughly surprised.

I was going to use some gentle, gay country discostep on that last part, but you don't have any of your files in dropbox that really fit the vibe for sampling. So, I went with what you hear. Maybe next time.

I will listen to your mellowcellostep track after I catch up on replies.

Later Cello Biafra.
ElenaSatine 22nd Feb 2017 11:16 - 8 years ago
I liked dubstep taste in this drum and Bass track .
good job .
ValveDriver replied 22nd Feb 2017 - 8 years ago
Thank you.

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took a whole year and around 200 audio tracks to nail this


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16th Jan 2019 02:46 - 6 years ago
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2nd Jul 2021 12:17 - 3 years ago
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22nd Feb 2016 19:48 - 9 years ago
Description : This is an instrumental track. I made this using a couple of loops and samples I created in the past. The software used was FL Studio 9.
3rd Sep 2021 22:31 - 3 years ago
Description : Here's a kind of industrial type thing. Kind of. It's a little more minimal/4 0n the floor compared to most of my stuff. Enjoy.
12th Dec 2024 01:02 - 2 months ago
Description : It's probably the Darkest Mix I have ever done. Industrial Gothic Lumbering Tune at 90BPM in the style of Nine inch Nails Meets Spahn Ranch.
22nd Feb 2022 05:38 - 3 years ago
Description : Another weird blending of genres I am working on. Track was all composed by myself using some sampling and an old 1983 Memphis Strat of which I am totally rusty on due to a serious left hand/wrist injury several years back.
20th Mar 2017 00:00 - 7 years ago
Description : Genre:oldschool game/industrial etc.Fl Studio 9
(I will make available the samples used in this song,I exported in loops, wav format.)
At the forum.
Or if you prefer, just ask for the comments.

18th Apr 2023 23:00 - 1 year ago

22nd Jan 2019 03:13 - 6 years ago
Description : industrial electronic metal instrumental
16th Nov 2017 01:28 - 7 years ago
Description : I uploaded this to my SoundCloud a while ago and fully love this Aggrotech piece and would hope you lot would too, some feedback would be sick as hell :)
17th Jun 2016 23:02 - 8 years ago
Description : Made this years ago as I was changing from Windows 98 to Windows XP. Hard to remember now but XP was one of the greatest leaps forward for home pc users and the stability was so welcome when trying to put this together.
This is purely industrial sounds of machines and tools.
My aim was to make them sound like synths drums guitars and humans. Took me months. The amount of editing and twisting these sounds up down faster slower etc etc to get rythm well I'm sure you can imagine.
Deleted it recently but having just listened to an industrial track someone has put on here I fancy getting back to some serious dirt!
20th Dec 2015 01:22 - 9 years ago
Description : Fully Remastered now so it won't give you a headache like the old one.

Big thanks to Xyilent who made the beautiful lead, tmandjievdo0 with his super groovy drum beats and Buffalonugaluss who produced the juicy bass line.
2nd Jun 2017 23:23 - 7 years ago
Description : Comments are welcome!
4th May 2023 05:02 - 1 year ago
Description : industrial electronic metal track, :D feel free to leave your thoughts, im open to collabs