Description : There were two separate tracks in work, but who knows why I got tired with them and then decided to merge them (or at least what left from them) into one piece hence they originate out of same musical purpose. No world war was ment here, except my recent personal one...haha...and you don't want to know about it.:) It's not real etude by any means, yet it's quite alot about practicing...practicing...
This acoustic track was uploaded by Orlando51. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (24)
If you have time take a listen and give Orlando51 some feedback.
Man Orlando, your musical learning curve has gone up a few levels I hear. You definetly know how to create some great musical expression. The first part is an almost classical piece of art. Very nice and warm instruments combined with a great melody in the first part with the guitar ramping up a bit of tempo in the second part. The only thing I personally would leave out ist the drum part at the end. I think less is more here. Nevertheless big complemnts for ccreating this very nice piece of music!
Nice little post war etude :)
You play the guitar, like always, very well my friend. Very nice stuff. Dreamy and in a way chilly. I like the last part of the second part most but all the others are also really good for sure.
Just for a little practicing it is really cool stuff and the mix sounds very well.
Very exciting work here, and the composition is very beautiful! Various performances are quite well played, most obviously the guitar part. As some have mentioned, this all sounds very clear. All of it is very minimal, yet sonically deep and interesting.
I often merge two or more individual ideas, especially when they all stemmed from a similar moment, experience, or feeling. These two ideas of yours obviously had similar momentum behind them. In this way, they work great as a single concept.
I think this doubt and suspicion which has been mentioned is a big part of being an artist. It seems that there is always that moment where one must decide that something is "good enough" to be considered finished. There are of course those art projects which may never be finished, and the work outlasts the artist. I do know that to me your songs sound finished, with their own individual sheen.
Truly exceptional work you've done on this song. Fave!
Hola Spiv, always a pleasure to hear from you and thank you so much for your positive feedback! It seems I worried too much about this piece since it's getting quite decent recognition...but it's exactly as you say...all those doubts and suspicions are a part of being an artist. I'm so glad you liked this one and many thanks for faving it...
..always means alot!:)
The guitar work on this track sounds amazing! I think the combination of tracks/ideas spices it up really nicely and the change in speed serves it well also..
great job
Lovely. Stilled my mind. Made me feel peaceful. Good blend of the two. The transition in the middle - a bend in the river, from a broader, slower flow to more flurries of rapids, but still the same river. I like the two planes, the plane of bowing and the plane of plucking - gave plenty to engage my ears and mind with the ineffableness of it all. Great build at the end. Loved it.
You have proved once again that you have the talent to create great songs like this. It surprised me, the feeling of this song is absolutely beautiful that I listened to several times on my headphone, one of the most exciting parts, is 1:50. great job.
Hey my friend...always a pleasure to meet you here ! I'm truly glad you found this one on a positive side and also many thanks for the 'fav'...means alot !:)
Love that guitar to open up with some sweet strings. Melencholy but sweet , almost bitter-sweet as a melody. like a modern day Pachelbel's Canon approach.
great job. The second half almost sound like a soldier coming home from the war. excited to be returning, sad at the destruction all around him. Nice adaigo tempo in the second half. Congrats!
I can do nothing to reproach what I listen .... The light of music is very much present, and these two parts marry very well.
We sometimes have a few lassitudes, but the harmonies, and the pleasure of mastering them, returns inevitably.
I hope you are well ....
Hey, bonjour Dan....what a rare opurtunity lately to see you on LM, so your visit is even more precious.
I'm extremely glad that you found this one on a positive side....thank you so much for that and for the 'fav' ofcourse...means alot!
I know you're not too pleased with this one, but I can assure you, this is good. One thing I've noticed, and I may be wrong, my sincerest apologies if I am, but from my perspective, you often times seem unsure of your own work. Which, although, can lead to a stronger drive to improve, can also be a hinderence.
Looperman is the first time I had ever publicly shared my work. After the first couple tracks, it occurred to me that by preemptively mentioning that which I was unsatisfied with, I was handing all of you guys a screwup checkoff list. I figure it this way. Give us your best, and give us your worst, if no one complains about a single thing on the worst, then they're both your best.
As far as this track goes, it's a fantastic piece. It's very calming and relaxed. The mix is crystal clear. I can almost hear running water, and a symphony of birds in the bacground.
One thing that's cool about this is, and maybe because we've all been spoiled by you and Ed's collaborations, even though it's a complete piece on it's own, there's still plenty of room for more.
Hey, hey Aaron...what a pleasure to see the resurrection of ValveDriver !:)
Yeah, your observation is quite relevant...I'm often suspicious about my own work, fact most of the time. There's always some aspect which leaves me in doubts
or maybe my expectations are always at least a bit different from the realities of actual result and I'm always very harsh on my own performance. So there's always that inevitable personal feeling of falling a bit short from achieving the goal completely.
Therefore it's always nice to hear the opinion of fellow musicians which always grant me the opurtunity to look on my work from some different angles and perspective.
So thank you so much my friend for expressing this very positive stance on my last upload thus making me much more comfortable with what I've done, especially when this comes from an artist whom I have in high regards !
Now I'm rushing to check your latest upload...cya there..:)
Well...Leon...I shouldn`t be surprised, but this is really a superb tonic for the ears this Sunday afternoon...nice to hear the use of the waltz time sig in that first section...loved the acoustic guitar and your violin always sings the sweetest music (nicely accompanied with the cello & other strings).....You nailed that transition perfectly to marry the two parts up...nice build of instrumentation throughout..and the second part leaves me with a smile on my face....Bravo...big fav & I will be hitting that download button......Ed
You're making my day Ed...Although I well know your permanently supportive stance on my work I still couldn't
have reasonably expected such a favourable response on this particular generous...and it puts smile on my face
while forcing me into state of rethinking my position on the tune. It almost ended in a trash bin to tell you the truth, but I felt some positive moments within which prevented me from doing that. And now I'm thinking...if you see it the way you say you see it, then I'm sure it must have some value...I always trusted your opinion and that's really great feeling.:) Also many thanks for the 'fav' and 'dl'...means the world!:)
My mate Orrie, Hello
Mate this is epic track.
I love the transition of the composition it has taken me to heaven and back.
Really really loved it.
I think your best work yet.
Big well done.
Thank you so much my friend, but you might be too generous this time...this lacks so much to be my best work and even the production is horrible imo... I think it belongs more
to the "ihadnothingbettertouploadatthemoment" type of works
and it was more for the purpose of practice and perhaps for giving fellow loopers the sign that I haven't gave up yet on creating completely solo works. At least I'm regaining some enthusiasm to create new music and maybe this is the good sign for things to come....:)
Also many thanks for the'Fav' and 'dl'...still means alot!:)
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Description : NOTICE: this song is made ONLY FOR NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. Contains an emulation of a TM legendary song (send to the original authors, i add them on Fb time ago).
This is a surprise, for those was young in 1999, for the beloved Patricia (and the gift of her voice) and my brothers Nous2 and Jamid, kind people i met here. Let's go crying guys, hope you enjoy.
Description : Remastered March 2023. Recorded live on two mics. For my wee daughter Tui; I wrote it sitting on the bathroom floor, keeping her company while she was in the bath....
Description : This track contains several loops from various Looperman artists, listed below. Merry Xmas! UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!
Applied loops:
THEHUMPS: 0308224-0052308 (C Mando Blues Acoustic Guitar Fill 1- 100 bpm),
0308224-0052216 (Mando 1 Strum C-D 100 bpm),
0308224-0052215 (Mando 1 Notes C-D 100 bpm),
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE: 0071878-0006824 (Triangle 116), 0071878-0004044 (Fragment), 0071878-0003099 (Lion Perc and Orc 01),
BILLYENGLAND: 0133538-0005877 (Sparkle Piano), 0133538-0005879 (Dream Vibe),
DEVODALE: 0134239-0044149 (Devodale - AmGFx2 - Pt4 Wah 030511),
RAYKOEDFOE: 0146059-0015988 (Dusty Steel Guitar),
ACIDPARADOX: 0152969-0011344 (Medieval guitar loop),
REALSTRINGS: 0175741-0009205 (Real Strings - 8),
CHRISTPSPAROGLOU: 0128032-0023631 (Akoustic machine loop),
CHIEFJUSTICE: 0138351-000600 (Cow Bell Loop),
BIGFORTUNE1: 0090927-0002582 (Basic Jambeau),
ENTER_THE_RETURN: 0096555-0014434 (Am F C G Chord Progression),
ANCHOR: 0072432-0001988 (Hungarian Piano 01),
ALIVIDLIFE: 0158799-0017887 (Our Voices Never Touched Guitar Riff),
CENTRIST: 0079105-0003788 (Acoustic Guitar Picking 1),
INNSTRUMENTALZ: 0265235-0019477 (Piano Loop 1),
TZA1800: 0239374-0052187 (Woodwind and Mallet Percussion Melody),
ICZAR13: 0190625-0012289 (Acoustic GTar loop),
BENRUDGE: 0303073-0021908 (Melancholic Piano Loop in A minor).
Description : Written for Claudio's birthday (my Italian friend) in obvious waltz manner and with slight classical touch this tune appears to me almost painfully simple and minimalistic (and indeed it is)....and yet, Claudio who's very familiar with my music says that this is one of the nicest pieces of music I've ever written even if it wasn't his birthday present....well, who knows if he's right..:)^^
Description : Again, another early production from like two years ago. I had a cheap little Yamaha acoustic guitar that I borrowed and mic'd and some congas that were given to me as a birthday present. I used my iPad GarageBand app to record the strings and the big bass drum thingy at the interlude and little electric guitar parts in there too haha. All the vocals were done by myself and my brother throws in some little things here and there with his voice :P Enjoy!
Description : A rhythm guitar track I made and sent to my cousin on the East Coast. Made with Tape-A-Talk app. from the Google Play Store. Download and collaborate with it.
Description : My very first acoustic piece in quite a while..
I hope someone grabs this and puts some vocals to it.
The software I used is Reaper, Addictive Drums and Gearbox.
Hardware is a Jackson RR3 plugged into a Line 6 Pod X3..
Description : Thats my newest Track all made out of free vst of the dsk series. Its a kind of chill out acoustic string thing that makes me thinking. Its very calm,inspirational and gives me power...
Description : I started composing this tune with an excellent loop of MINOR2GO.
This is the result so far, hope you'll like it.
Guitar: Daniel Hirschi, Hanspeter Dubach
Dobro: William Endres
Bass: Alex Richard
Hammond & Keys: Claude Barbotte (R.I.P.)
Strings & Pads: Costa R. Zbinden
Drums: Laurent Wirz
loops: MINOR2GO, Megapaul, Loneninjah
Composed & arranged by: Laurent Wirz, Alex Richard, Costa R. Zbinden
With much appreciation_____Orlando
With much appreciation_____Orlando
With appreciation____Orlando
With appreciation____Orlando
You play the guitar, like always, very well my friend. Very nice stuff. Dreamy and in a way chilly. I like the last part of the second part most but all the others are also really good for sure.
Just for a little practicing it is really cool stuff and the mix sounds very well.
Nice work here! I enjoyed the listening.
stay tuned
As always many thanks for this friendly response...means alot !:)
With appreciation____Orlando
I often merge two or more individual ideas, especially when they all stemmed from a similar moment, experience, or feeling. These two ideas of yours obviously had similar momentum behind them. In this way, they work great as a single concept.
I think this doubt and suspicion which has been mentioned is a big part of being an artist. It seems that there is always that moment where one must decide that something is "good enough" to be considered finished. There are of course those art projects which may never be finished, and the work outlasts the artist. I do know that to me your songs sound finished, with their own individual sheen.
Truly exceptional work you've done on this song. Fave!
..always means alot!:)
With much appreciation_____Orlando
All the best_____Orlando
great job
Glad you liked it!
With appreciation_____Orlando
With much appreciation_____Orlando
with respect_Anubis
With much appreciation_____Orlando
great job. The second half almost sound like a soldier coming home from the war. excited to be returning, sad at the destruction all around him. Nice adaigo tempo in the second half. Congrats!
With appreciation______Orlando
I can do nothing to reproach what I listen .... The light of music is very much present, and these two parts marry very well.
We sometimes have a few lassitudes, but the harmonies, and the pleasure of mastering them, returns inevitably.
I hope you are well ....
I'm extremely glad that you found this one on a positive side....thank you so much for that and for the 'fav' ofcourse...means alot!
Cheers and all the best_____Leon
I know you're not too pleased with this one, but I can assure you, this is good. One thing I've noticed, and I may be wrong, my sincerest apologies if I am, but from my perspective, you often times seem unsure of your own work. Which, although, can lead to a stronger drive to improve, can also be a hinderence.
Looperman is the first time I had ever publicly shared my work. After the first couple tracks, it occurred to me that by preemptively mentioning that which I was unsatisfied with, I was handing all of you guys a screwup checkoff list. I figure it this way. Give us your best, and give us your worst, if no one complains about a single thing on the worst, then they're both your best.
As far as this track goes, it's a fantastic piece. It's very calming and relaxed. The mix is crystal clear. I can almost hear running water, and a symphony of birds in the bacground.
One thing that's cool about this is, and maybe because we've all been spoiled by you and Ed's collaborations, even though it's a complete piece on it's own, there's still plenty of room for more.
Beautiful work as always, my friend.
Take care.
Yeah, your observation is quite relevant...I'm often suspicious about my own work, fact most of the time. There's always some aspect which leaves me in doubts
or maybe my expectations are always at least a bit different from the realities of actual result and I'm always very harsh on my own performance. So there's always that inevitable personal feeling of falling a bit short from achieving the goal completely.
Therefore it's always nice to hear the opinion of fellow musicians which always grant me the opurtunity to look on my work from some different angles and perspective.
So thank you so much my friend for expressing this very positive stance on my last upload thus making me much more comfortable with what I've done, especially when this comes from an artist whom I have in high regards !
Now I'm rushing to check your latest upload...cya there..:)
With much appreciation_____Orlando
With much appreciation_____Orlando
have reasonably expected such a favourable response on this particular generous...and it puts smile on my face
while forcing me into state of rethinking my position on the tune. It almost ended in a trash bin to tell you the truth, but I felt some positive moments within which prevented me from doing that. And now I'm thinking...if you see it the way you say you see it, then I'm sure it must have some value...I always trusted your opinion and that's really great feeling.:) Also many thanks for the 'fav' and 'dl'...means the world!:)
With maximum appreciation & Cheers_____Leon
sounds like it should be in a 90s drama
keep working BRUV
With appreciation_____Orlando
I love its theme , guitar arpeggio and what violin in playing .
really welldone .
Mate this is epic track.
I love the transition of the composition it has taken me to heaven and back.
Really really loved it.
I think your best work yet.
Big well done.
to the "ihadnothingbettertouploadatthemoment" type of works
and it was more for the purpose of practice and perhaps for giving fellow loopers the sign that I haven't gave up yet on creating completely solo works. At least I'm regaining some enthusiasm to create new music and maybe this is the good sign for things to come....:)
Also many thanks for the'Fav' and 'dl'...still means alot!:)