15th Apr 2017 07:12 - 7 years ago
Description : Part two of three. EDIT - 04/05/2018: I went back and adjusted a few things. I cut some of the hi-mids in the guitars. Boosted the overall low end bass frequencies, and brought the drums forward a little.

Comments (18)

If you have time take a listen and give ValveDriver some feedback.

VintageNights 23rd Oct 2024 17:30 - 3 months ago
Quality HM. Also I like consistency of the whispered vocal start and finish Kay0s
theHumps 23rd May 2023 09:09 - 1 year ago
Love the thrash tones on the guitars, thick, solid! I look at the waveform and I expect to see a big solid block but I am amazed to see a normal looking, at least in my opinion, waveform. Get Rob Zombie to sing over this and you got a hit! Dang!!

ValveDriver replied 18th Jun 2023 - 1 year ago
Wayne, Thanks for stopping by, man!
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I try to make it a rule not to have a brick of a waveform. Sometimes I still do though.
But hey, I'm still learning. When aren't we though?

Anyhow, take care Brother.
phantomproduction 21st May 2023 10:29 - 1 year ago
very good job , well done dude !
ValveDriver replied 18th Jun 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you. I appreciate the listen and the comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Take care.
Jynxz 21st May 2023 05:51 - 1 year ago
A friend of mine is in a "Metal" Band.
I've been to a few of their practices and
shows. I've wanted to use that 'triplet" Kick Drum
since the first time I heard it. This track just crushes
it. I almost thought I heard a "Growler" on this track.
Great track (again) Faved.. PEACE from the far East...
ValveDriver replied 18th Jun 2023 - 1 year ago
If I still had the growler vocal abilities I had back in my twenties, (I'm knockin' on 50's door), I would have totally laid some down for this track. But now, I just sound like I'm trying to clear my throat. It just don't do like it used to.

Thanks for the re-listen and second comment. I appreciate it.

Take care.
dimestop 20th May 2023 21:33 - 1 year ago
great metal track V excellent riffs great guitars and then drums are crazy, im not the biggest metal fan but i do love to listen to it occasional, its always a good listen and this is just how i think metal should sound, excellent work on the mix sound and production bro, great listen
ValveDriver replied 18th Jun 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you sir, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Sorry for the late reply. Life...ya know?

Take care, man.
Jynxz 9th Sep 2020 17:29 - 4 years ago
Whenever I grow a pair, and come out of the closet as the Hardcore Metal-head I am, this is the exact sound I want.
Excellent track
ValveDriver replied 9th Sep 2020 - 4 years ago
Do it!

But when you come out of the metal closet, you have to kick your way out. You can't just turn the knob and slip out. You have to kick that thing, and come out screaming, "I am Fookin' metal!!!"

True story, bro. That's how it's done.

Thanks for stopping by and giving a listen and a comment. I appreciate. it.

Take care.
terryjmhitsong 5th Sep 2020 21:20 - 4 years ago
ValveDriver replied 6th Sep 2020 - 4 years ago
Thanks, man. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to some older work. I really like this one too.

As far as the direction I'm going, it's actually backwards. What I'm doing now is more like what I started with. These metal tunes are the offshoot. Even though I live, eat, and breathe metal since 1984, I still really enjoy making the electronic work.
I will have more metal to come, but until I can get a new laptop that can handle it, it had to be put on hold.

Thanks again, man. I truly appreciate it.
Take care.
bringerofDOOM 15th Jul 2020 18:30 - 4 years ago
I had to turn the stereo down at first. There is probably some 4K stuff still going on in the mix, but that might just be my ears.
Overall awesome job, love the double bass, I wish I could shed my bias as a guitar player and quit with the qualifier "good for VSTs" because blind study I may not have been able to tell (especially when you use both), and it shouldn't matter as long as it sounds good.
If it was me, I would put an EQ on the master and scoop the mids a little more, but once again that could just be my ears or stereo, and I am no expert.
Another thing to consider is to EQ all three parts of the Trilogy together, then render the separate pieces, to make the production consistent between them (unless you have 50 tracks, which you may).
Bass sounds good, nice and clean in my sub, no mud.
Great track, like the more aggressive sound.
ValveDriver replied 9th Sep 2020 - 4 years ago
You may be correct about the 4k in the mixing. I don't know about scooping more mids. Maybe. I'll have to wait until my new laptop arrives and is up and running before I can do any more editing. Right now I only have my ancient back-up laptop that can't handle what I need to do.

If I ever get to a point where I put my work on respective albums, then I will definitely be mastering accordingly. But for now, I'm streaming on Looperman and Soundcloud where people don't really listen to more than one track, more than one time.

Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. I apologize for the extremely late reply. None the less, I appreciate your input.

Take care
crucethus 27th Mar 2018 01:18 - 6 years ago
How did i miss this Bitch!
Incredible energy, needs a singer. would you go in the growly direction or the helium head style of singing on this one?
ValveDriver replied 4th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Deifinitely the growls style. I’m not entirely sure what the heliumhead style is. But if it’s what my imagination makes it out to be, it would be pretty funny.

Part 3 is in the final stages, and should be up soon. Stay tuned, my friend.

Take care.
SeriouslyJoking 15th Sep 2017 01:05 - 7 years ago
Hi, just checking on you guys, are you all still behaving in here?

So the witch has her own cathedral you say? Why is she drowning then?
But I liked the melody, the drums not so much. My favourite part is from 3:30 to 4:36!

Cheers and take care// SJ =)
ValveDriver replied 5th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
SJ! Holy crap, how have you been? We haven’t seen you around in a while. I hope all is well!

Maybe she’s an aquatic witch? Her cathedral might be underwater. Or maybe she’s a boghag.

I’m glad you liked the tune...or at least most of it. ;)

It was good to hear from you!

Take care.
Evisma 29th Apr 2017 20:18 - 7 years ago
Greetings, VD.

Trilogy, eh? Cool idea.
Intro reminds me of the bog witch from "Legend" with Tommy Cruise.

Damn, a lot of this is reminding me of early Mastodon. Lovely gallups and ride bells. There does seem to be a lot of high-mids in the guitars that give a lot of fizz, but I don't know if EQing that out would kill something. I do a really tight Q and boost a frequency 100 percent and slowly sweep down the frequencies and cut everything that is harsh or maxing out and overpowering all else. Distorted guitars are a serious bitch.

Some of the heaviest drums I've heard from you. Crazy as hell at times. The midway point is quite the ankle workout for some poor digital drummer.

4:20 is always a good time for a lead solo, and we end with Mucklebones' asthmatic wheezing, repeated creepiness. Nice.

Good, heavy shit that really doesn't let up. You might like this...
One of my favorite bands, their shortest track, no lyrics, just a dynamic rhythm and great guitar chuggies!

Good stuff, Maynard.

Mr. E
ValveDriver replied 5th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Dude! I didnt even see that you left this comment! Sorry about that, man.

That intro wasn’t something that I really liked 100%, but after the amount of time Inspent processing it to sound that way, I’ll be go to hell if I just chuck it.

To say that my work reminds you of Mastodon is a pretty huge compliment. Those boys are one of my favorites. So, thanks for that.

There are some pretty dominant high-mids. But I think part of that is A) I wasn’t using my normal mixing headphones, and didn’t check all my systems first. And B) I don’t have the low end of the bass guitar up as high as it should be. Which is something I’ll be fixing. I just finished up Overmyth III. (Static should be happy about that. This trilogy concept seems to annoy him for some reason.) So, now I can go back and tweak.

I’ll give that link a try in just a bit. Right now, Valves are calling.

Laters, mang.
MOONLYTE 28th Apr 2017 10:26 - 7 years ago
Never got the chance to hear PT 1, but I may just do it after hearing this...many various tones but still dark throughout and It's great!
ValveDriver replied 28th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
Eyedye, how ya doin?

Thanks for taking the time to listen, and comment, too. I'm glad you liked it enough to do so.
Pert 1 is here: if you want to check it out. It's a bit different than this one. Part 3 is in production now, so it should be up relatively soon.

Thanks again. I appreciate it!

Tumbleweed 16th Apr 2017 00:07 - 7 years ago
Oh man...what have thou done.....I`m only part way through and I`m reminded that I haven`t dug out my all time fav Nightwish concert video in a while (DVD) and let the hard times could have convinced me this was all done with real instruments...I like that you got the nice fat stuff in the guitar EQ and that big rich distortion (without the harsh treble stuff that some forget to dial out)...I watched the Nightwish drummer pretty close (as I would have died trying to keep up with his double-kick stuff) but your drummer guy here has a bionic pair of legs HaHa...Best metal I`ve heard on the Loop Aaron or a lot of other places as far as that goes (although you can likely guess its not my most frequent listening genre)...If there were some things in the mix you didn`t like, I sure as hell didn`t notice them...too busy catching the whole class stuff...I like it too...gotta hit tha fav button....Keep on....Ed
ValveDriver replied 25th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
Ed, Hello!

Well, I guess it's official. I did just fine on the mixing. I imagine that if anyone would notice any problems, it would be you.

"Best metal I`ve heard on the Loop Aaron or a lot of other places as far as that goes"

That's a hell of a compliment, my friend! I don't take it lightly! Especially since it's not your preferred genre.

I thank you, sir, for the kindness and support!

take care.
nicetones101 15th Apr 2017 21:24 - 7 years ago
Hey Valvedriver!Mate dope track i really loved it.It took me back the 90s and man i loved every bit of it!Im heading in to your profile to listen to more of your tracks!Keep rocking out Valvedriver!
ValveDriver replied 25th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
Nicetones. How are you?

Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you liked this. It's really the only one I have like it...for now.

Thanks again for the kind words.

Take care.
Danke 15th Apr 2017 21:22 - 7 years ago

This is epic!!!
That 'main' riff from 1.56 won the listener endlessly...ultimate metal with hilarious drums, specially the Dave Lombardo, the king...
Guitars are sharp as knife and that moody pad at the back gave that dark feeling to the track...could easily listen to it with female vocs (weird?)...
I go back to check the first part, somehow I missed it or don't remember but this one is an outstanding job...
all my hats off with my handshake on my knees...:-)

ValveDriver replied 25th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
Danke, How are you my friend?

Dave Lombardo has always been one of my favorites!
Coincidentally enough, the moody pads in the background actually are female vocals. I just kept them lower in the mix to not take away from the guitars.

I'm glad you liked this one, bud. I'll be putting up one more from the series soon.

Take care, mister.
Orlando51 15th Apr 2017 14:50 - 7 years ago
Hi Aaron,

The otherworldly intro forecasts something special indeed and that's what we get and even more. Incredible this is done again only with vst' convincing sound! This one is a stunner....punchy and agressive, dark metal at it's best! I really like the transition and what follows...also the outro is logical conclusion. No wonder you like this one so much yourself...deservedly so ! 10/10 for this masterpiece !!

Hat's off_____Orlando
ValveDriver replied 25th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
Orlando, hello!

Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you liked this one. I still have one more in the series, so stay tuned!

Thanks again, friend.

Take care.
Nodog 15th Apr 2017 13:05 - 7 years ago
Epically dark and witchy I usually don't usualy like heavy metal but this is quality .. well done
ValveDriver replied 15th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
Nodog, how are you?

Thanks for the compliment. Especially considering it's not your preferred genre.

Thanks again.

Take care.
StaticNomad 15th Apr 2017 11:33 - 7 years ago
I am the Nomad. I take many forms. But you may know me as a bitch. (A bitch).

Witchy word ups, yo.

So, the vocal sample does little for me and I'd rather things began at 0:36. Dark, descending lead that's very black metal.

1:08 I like that lower riffage. And now this is all very authentic dark metal, I guess like quite a few bands in that sort of genre, not that I listen to Nile, Morbid Angel or Bloodbath. So, while sounding 100% authentic, nothing really sets it apart so far.

2:28 aha I like that lead. Nice bends and sustain. Dark trippy stuff to headbang fully to.

Again: I'd say the drums are a bit pushed back and I'm not sure I can hear the kick. But that's also quite authentic for the genre. Who the hell would know this was made all with software?

3:27 nice little break and now the new (ish) riff is better. Guitars sound great. I can't notice that much bass. This is, like various metal, all about the faux g.

This is really good stuff. The only thing holding back my genuine enjoyment of it is that I'm not sufficiently into this dark metal style. It comes across as lots of brutality but not much melody or cool groove for me. But people into the genre should really like that. I'll alert some metal friends to its existence and see what they think though they may well not reply.


A bitch.
ValveDriver replied 15th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
A bitch, another honest reply. Awesome!

"So, the vocal sample does little for me..."

Yeah. It's not for everyone. But for the context of the song, it works for me. I had originally had the main body of the song finished before I had a title for it. Then as I was sitting there listening to it to figure out where to go from that point, I had the idea to put some witch vox in it. After all the work I had to do to get it listenable, I wasn't about to toss it out. There was plenty of EQ'ing. The original girl's S's were ear piercing and required a delicate mix.

" So, while sounding 100% authentic, nothing really sets it apart so far. "

I'll take it. Considering this is my first completed actual metal tune that I liked enough to expose, I'll take it. I'll worry about setting them apart after I get the full hang of just doing it.

"Again: I'd say the drums are a bit pushed back and I'm not sure I can hear the kick."

"I can't notice that much bass. "

I don't know, man. Maybe it's whatever speakers you're using to listen. I could probably boost the kicks a little, but after checking against 3 of the 5 systems I usually use, I could hear them just fine. I actually had to pull them back just a little. Maybe I went too far?
The bass is there, loud and clear. I can hear that just fine too. I'm afraid to boost that any more at all. It will start clipping and ducking. I wonder if it's because it follows so closely to the gietar riffs. I tried EQ'ing the Thunderfiddle and the Fauxtars in a way that there wasn't a gap in frequencies.
I'll see what others have to say about those issues. If it's a common thing, I'll go in and readjust some stuff. I still have a little room to play with the kicks. I may just boost them anyhow.

" It comes across as lots of brutality but not much melody"

That may just be from my years of listening to more brutal death metal than melodic. It wasn't until about 5 years ago that I really started leaning that way. Before it was just straight up Cannibal Corpse, Skinless, Dying Fetus, etc. Bands that just sound like butchery. I'm still trying to get the hang of melodic. Not just in my metal, but all my tracks. It's a good challenge.

Let me know what your metal friends think. Knowing metal heads, I'd venture to guess they won't like it, simply because it's not "pure". Even if they like it, they won't like it. No metal can be brutal if it was made on a computer, ya know?

V bitch

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20th Feb 2014 19:17 - 11 years ago
Description : A metalish track built around loops by Planetjazzbass. Pure looperman product, all loops from here! :)

As everytime, any feedback welcomed. UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now even more scary, and in 256kbps!

Applied loops (full or partially):
PLANETJAZZBASS : 0111346-0014566 - (funkenstone), 0111346-0039117 - (my goat is sick), 0111346-0014648 - (black bomber), 0111346-0018490 - (heat shield), 0111346-0038108 - (sennheiser zen 1), 0111346-0038109 - (sennheiser zen 2), 0111346-0015208 - (pig milk), 0111346-0019635 - (hippo pool), 0111346-0032035 - (bover boots), 0111346-0014682 - (trekkin time), 0111346-0014803 - (i told you so), 0111346-0014561 - (frontal lobe), 0111346-0020779 - (fat flies), 0111346-0032147 - (smooth shoes).
MEGAPAUL : 0448131-0058899 (E 100BPM 4 bars main riff), 0448131-0058767 (HM A 85BPM 4bars), 0448131-0059390 (D-Red-Ralf-has-gone-120BPM-8bars)
REI4REAL : 0039029-0001514 (rei iron E 75), 0039029-0001680 (rei hammer 02 D 140)
ACIDTONE : 0037502-0002671 (double kick bass with china)
ANCHOR : 0072432-0001749 (lots o double bass trash)
XARNOR : 0085913-0008990 (metal drum loop)
GUITARGURU : 0057331-0001168 (wavey rock riff), 0057331-0001169 (robot talk)
BLAQHSTARRMUSIC : 00665575-0014482 (acoustic overdrive gt)
SPIVKURL : 0186161-0065468 (acidic arpeggio)
CHILLDADDY : 0067852-0001439 (indian calling tom tom)
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE : 0071878-0003099 (lion perc and orc 01), 0071878-0002818 (salsa groove 01), 0071878-0003153 (fx el 3 114)
SASH : 0020884-0001302 (screaming feedback)
LJSHADOW : 0144345-0014306 (hitter)
DRMISTERSIR : 0208341-0069232 (she loves it)
WADIZZLE5000 : 0711434-0054859 (break break break)
STREETSBEATZ : 0959110-0062623 (ratchet gutta - ride)
DJ_FRED_VAL : 0002663-0002511 (fv roland dr-550 120), 0002663-0006690 (fv rock beat 140), 0002663-0008079 (fv xylo attack 140)
24th Jul 2022 22:12 - 2 years ago
Description : heavy metal song ... new master on it ...
22nd May 2024 03:44 - 9 months ago
Description : I asked Danke if I could add some vocals to his track Future Machine and he kindly agreed and sent me the track. The lyrics are about a soldiers experience in war as he and his trench mates are told to get up and out of their trench and attack the enemy across open fields. I can only imagine the fear, tension and chaos that goes through one's mind at that moment.
18th May 2012 20:20 - 12 years ago
Description : I am totally just gonna encourage you to hit play...and enjoy!

Thank you so much Mr. Bear for the track and the mix :-), now you'll have something to entertain you on your trip :-)

17th Dec 2016 17:09 - 8 years ago
Description : I discovered Meshuggah around 2003 and was blown away by the power, complexity and super Heavy sound of their music. Their "Nothing" album marked the switch to 8 string guitars and pushed Heavy Metal into a whole new territory. My track is a variant cover of their song "Nebulous". I have stayed pretty close to the original but added a few dynamic elements of my own. Its loud, its super heavy and way out there...Beyond Nebulous.
24th Jul 2013 13:18 - 11 years ago
Description : UPDATED!
My latest work. It would be awesome to find a singer for this.. 105 BPM
8th Jan 2015 12:32 - 10 years ago
Description : This unconventional metal track is dedicated to Valvedriver though it's not a parody of his fine music or me actively trying to sound like it. I struggled for months with the first few minutes of this track knowing that I must be able to take it somewhere deeper, more psychedelic and powerful. Then I loaded some sampled choir voice instruments, as used in my track Reckful and suddenly found myself happily in Valveland - not a place I visit often. Feeling amply Valvedriven and newly inspired, I added the last few minutes fairly easily and very quickly. So: it's a twisting, turning mixture of grunge, menacing ambient, mystical metal and ultra-heavy funk. Instruments: electric guitar+bass, synth basses, female choir voices, one synth pad, some other synths on the nastier side of things and a few programmed heavy acoustic drumkits playing a mixture of triplets and straighter grooves. Interesting thoughts appreciated. Favourite bits? Shit bits? Please listen on good headphones/speakers as there's a lot of heavy bass in this. Now get ready to rock: balls out, hands in the air and with rebellious joy in your heart. Just try not to headbang the hell out of your laptop. Go!
30th May 2018 20:33 - 6 years ago
Description : Free to use. My first ever deathcore track made in fl studio.

let me know if you use it. would be nice to hear the results.
21st Mar 2018 06:44 - 6 years ago
Description : Whats up guys?! Been a while I know. Iv'e moved around a lot but have finally settled down and have been hard at work with my metal band. Unfortunately I've had to put my solo work on hold for a bit while I'm recording with the band. We are being professionally recorded now, a very big step up from the last recording of my band that I posted here. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy! We are, Raze The Pyre.
16th Jun 2016 01:06 - 8 years ago
Description : I'm looking for someone to sing some killer vocals on here..
1st Mar 2019 00:48 - 5 years ago
Description : Rough sketch of a Heavy Metal tune.
Guitars are Shreddage 2. Drums are Addictive 2. Daw is Reaper. Vocals need to be fleshed out. Update:3-2-19 Raised the volume of drums and guitars, added a Bass line.
20th Jun 2015 00:21 - 9 years ago
Description : FINAL UPDATE -- 25.06.2015 -- L.O.D - Lovers of darkness
- Phatkatz4 on guitars and drums
- Joe Cramer vocals, synths and drums
I tryed to enhanced Phatkatz track.
used loop - Chris Hall waves-and-ocean
german and english lyrics are in the lyric folder
enjoy - comments are welcome
20th Oct 2017 16:56 - 7 years ago
Description : used 4 loops from 3nigmadjing including the insane riser which i love big thanks for that looperman-l-2432186-0114538-3nigmadjing-insane-trap-or-dubstep-buildup and ableton with old greco stratocaster.
28th Apr 2021 15:04 - 3 years ago
Description : Looking for someone who puts some vocals on the Track in style of lorna shore.
11th Mar 2017 12:29 - 7 years ago
Description : Part one of three.