4th Dec 2008 03:39 - 16 years ago
Tags :
Description : This song was finished a few days ago and is the first in a series of audio sculptures that I intend to create These sculptures are intended to explore the dimentions of time, position, and action. This track contains audio from only one instrument, this time it's a circuit bent Kawasaki Drum toy. Enjoy the trip. From the Spivkurl album "Circle, Full Circle."

Comments (16)

If you have time take a listen and give Spivkurl some feedback.

promenade2239 25th Nov 2015 22:42 - 9 years ago
Hello again. I can connect myself to this one. I love the rhythmic fluctuations and the sound exploration you're doing here. That Kawasaki synth sounds really powerful - it's a bit like a sampled guitar metal performance getting heavily processed in a real time according to the drum loop timing. It gives the impression of having some great playability. The ending and the beginning are very similar (apart of the actual length) so I like to think of this track as a conceptual symmetry kind of thing (apart of it's apparent chaotic synth jam quality which is cool).
Amazing work!
Spivkurl replied 1st Dec 2015 - 9 years ago
Hi there! Happy that you listened to this one! The instrument used is actually barely an instrument, and this was it's death rattle. It sat on my bench for years as a mass of wires and plastic. I did a few long sampling sessions while I still had it around. These got chopped to death later, and turned into this. Not exactly playable as an instrument, but as samples sets for sure! I don't know when this instrument disappeared, but there it went... The "valley" idea, and the corresponding experimentation around this time regarding "audio sculpture" were based on FL Studio's pattern block setup, which is no longer supported. I would make an image with the pattern blacks, each of which corresponded to a certain arrangement in the pattern. This was a more simple one, but "foodcrow" is a more complex one with a different instrument. Was a fun piece of history. Thanks for listening!
JohnBoutilier 20th Mar 2011 21:23 - 14 years ago
Very interesting ride. I could see this as another track that Nuada would jump on. Stands well alone, but there is plenty of room to play with this baby.

Enjoyed the ride

Spivkurl replied Unknown
Yeah, this is a fun one! I don't think Nuada has found this one yet! Thanks for your kind words!
Music4Life 15th Mar 2011 19:20 - 14 years ago
100% a glitch based track with a hint of rock/ metal. The glitch part was a little bit weird. Pretty cool sounding track. I love the beat. Great work.

Keep it up, my friend.
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Thanks so much for your review! I know this is a weird song, but I'm glad you could get into it anyway! I appreciate it!
BreakTrailz36 1st Mar 2011 15:47 - 14 years ago
superb and cool glitch song. gonna fav and download it.
love it yooo
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Thanks for listening to some of my older works! Glad you enjoyed it! I think you forgot to fave it, but that's okay!
DonnieVyros 21st Nov 2010 21:02 - 14 years ago
Play 2 now...

There's bits of this that remind me of early Daft Punk stuff, especially the synth that accompanies the bass. Though the drumwork outshines them by a mile. Makes me think of what it'd be like if Josh Wink were to get into IDM Breaks, ya know? And the bass (or low end guitar?) gives it a Industrial feel. This would be great to play some THPS to. Saved/faved. Lates!
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Thanks for stopping by to listen to Valley! I'm not too familiar with Daft Punk's stuff, but I appreciate the comparison. I can see what you mean about Josh Wink too. Definitely an industrial vibe to this track in parts. I don't know what THPS is, but I hope you have fun playing to this song! Thanks for the review and the fave!
Thethanx 4th Oct 2010 04:06 - 14 years ago
This is quite inspirational... I'm currently working on some more "out there" sound projects, and hearing stuff quality stuff like this really wants me to get out there and work on what I'm doing. Love how you composed the drums, love the bass, the weird glitchy melody, the breaks... It's obvious you really have a lot of experience. Fav'd
Spivkurl replied Unknown
I'm really happy that you found this track to be inspirational! Whatever makes you want to work on your own stuff is a good thing! Thanks so much for your kind words, it means a lot to me! Take care friend!
Mosaic 2nd Jul 2010 06:51 - 14 years ago
Hey my friend

Very interesting piece from you again, does sound very much giltch, nice driving force to this one,good changes my friend, another very interesting piece and listen from you, love ya style mate, always so good...fav'd...Peace Spiv...Estefano...Talking of interesting have a new trance up, diff then my other stuff but I like it all the same...
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Hey thanks so much for faving this one, I really appreciate the kind words! This one was really experimental, so it's good to hear kind words about it! Love your new trance by the way! Thanks for stopping by!
SIXTY6 30th Mar 2010 21:51 - 14 years ago
This has a great industrial feel to it, it sounds like music made for robots I like it. If I would have heard this somewhere else I would known it was you, you have a unique artistic flair.
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Hey thanks for stopping by to listen! Definitely has an industrial edge to it doesn't it. I wish I had some robots to play the song for! I'm happy that you enjoyed this one and recognized it as a signature track. Thanks for your kind words!
vigwig 18th Dec 2009 15:10 - 15 years ago
My wife doesn't fully appreciatethis kind of music. She prefers choral work. She knows music I know what I like, Ilike this. It's what Istrive for. Cool track, spiv
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Hey, friend, thanks for stopping by!

I really think that this kind of track is an aquired taste, so I'm glad you an get into it! Sorry that your wife doesn't get it, lol.

Thank you for the kind review!
FrenchKid18 25th Oct 2009 19:33 - 15 years ago
Ha,I like when you are in your insane mood!This track is great,very peculiar as usual,not the kind you hear on French Tv shows,lol.Strong musical identity you have
Great work

French Kid
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Yep this one is definitely out there! I'm happy you could enjoy it though! Thanks for listening and reviewing back!
dsam 19th Jun 2009 21:42 - 15 years ago
its funny how i like ur glitch what u do man its really cool!
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Circuit bent are the best glitches that's why! Thanks for the review!
toddj 1st Mar 2009 06:08 - 16 years ago
I know I've already reviewed this track once befoe. But I happen to click through on the featured track part of this site, to listen to this song. Then I realized that I had heard it once before. I would like to say that I'm impressed with the skill it takes to circuit bend things. I'm also very impressed with the skill it takes to make music with such gadgets, to turn them into real instruments. I feel like I can appreciate your work that much more than before.

For real!
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Thanks a lot my friend. It took me years after I bent some of these instruments to use them in music that I could be satisfied with. In fact this toy is now sitting in a scrap pile, but if I were to go put batteries in the pile, and plug in a 1/4 inch, I'm sure I could coax some new noises out of it. I'm almost done with the album this song will be on, and there's a lot more circuit bent instrumentation on it. Be on the look out for a track "FoodCrow", which was created with the same theory in mind. Thanks for the good feedback.
satyriasis 16th Dec 2008 23:20 - 16 years ago
Cool! Limiting your sources can create the most interesting pieces. Good job!
Spivkurl replied Unknown
I would have to agree. It's a new technique for me, I used to be too maximal in a lot of ways, and I think this is an interesting way to overcome the problem. Thanks for listening!
Acrylic 15th Dec 2008 01:24 - 16 years ago
Very cool! Circuit bending is a force to be reckoned with. Good work!
Spivkurl replied Unknown
I do feel like I have an endless palette of sounds with which to work from now. Makes it that much harder to chose what kind of sound I'm looking for. Thank you for the reviews!
toddj 6th Dec 2008 07:12 - 16 years ago
This would work well in a killer fight scene in a motion picture. It sounds like rampage and total mayhem. I'm not typically one to listen to this kind of music. But I think I can appreciate it as an art form that helps to paint some kind of a picture for the listener. Very good Sculpting. You've won me over to this kind of sound. Very kick-butt track.
Spivkurl replied Unknown
I never thought of the track being used this way, but I think I see what you mean. Thanks for listening with my description in mind, it's nice to know what other feel and think.
ECKSjoe 5th Dec 2008 22:38 - 16 years ago
Very cool track, I'm falling in love with glitch.
I mus explore more of your music.
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Thanks for listening. Glitches are explicitly enjoyable to create.

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6th Sep 2023 23:32 - 1 year ago
Description : Rage typebeat - "Dril Jersey"

Edited on Fl Studio with own Drums.

148 bpm
Dminor Key
17th Dec 2017 19:52 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : My first Glitch-Hop track. I found some creepy/eery ambient and atmosphere loops to fit the mood. I was happy with it at first... But once I started to listen to it more, I realized it could've been better. Oh well, what artist hasn't had that thought?
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Description : Vocals by srob1234

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15th Dec 2019 19:41 - 5 years ago
Description : A glitchy like eerie beat with moments of hip hop like break through.

3rd Feb 2023 14:05 - 2 years ago
Description : 0302 update: File changed.


As its my 17th birthday today, gonna release this in advance.

Several Looperman loops used. Thx!
Lyrics are written by me. Vocal parts were made in Synthesizer V using ChiYu's vocalbank.
The DAW is Soundbug.

Love from Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
17th Oct 2018 22:38 - 6 years ago
Tags :
Description : I like this one, I wasn't sure what genre to put it in though
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Description : GLITCH BPM 120
4th Apr 2018 17:25 - 6 years ago
Tags :
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24th Apr 2014 20:54 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This one is quite bass/rhythm heavy, turn it up!! :)
11th May 2017 19:35 - 7 years ago
Description : Hope you like it :D im doing a lot of songs now.
7th Jan 2017 17:39 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : A New Track I Made With My Ninja Loop I Uploaded
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1st May 2016 21:36 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : I hope it sounds good.
31st Jul 2014 07:19 - 10 years ago
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25th Jun 2022 00:06 - 2 years ago
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