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This rock track was uploaded by BradoSanz. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (43)
If you have time take a listen and give BradoSanz some feedback.
Brado, I ran across this track a while back and planned to comment but got sidetracked and then it completely slipped my mind. But today I thought of it, "what was that awesome track I heard and who did it? As soon as I scrolled down the list and saw your name it came back to me. Man what a super job you've done with this. The guitar track is killer man, very polished stuff and so much reminiscent of Vitto Brada of White Lion. The vocal track is solid also. Very top level production wise. Could very well have been a hit song during this era. I think it still has potential to possibly make the pop charts with the right backing and marketing. I would definitely say it qualifys for the Looperman top 100 with very high rank. Maybe top 10 in fact. Major props on your efforts bro. Great track.
Appreciate it! I literally recorded this entire song in less than 24 hours to showcase to a potential client that was courting several producers around the area - they ended up choosing me :)
Outstanding track bro!!!
Riff is super dope.
Catchy and well written.
Best track I've heard on LM.
These are songs I buy and one of my favorite genres.
Home run in my park.
Would be out of the park if the voice manipulation was tamed a bit in places. (Auto tune ECT.)
Good Job man. Tracks like this inspire artists.
Keep it up!
This is an incredibly well made Pop-Punk song.
If we need to look for things which can be improved (but bear in mind, we are nitpicking on an outstanding production here):
- drums (already mentioned, I won't spend much words here) ... even if they're midi, they sound too "polished" for the genre. A minor thing: you did a very good job in programming fills and different rhythms. It works VERY WELL.
- vocal track. In some points we can hear some artifacts (auto tune? phase issues? not sure)... e.g at 0:56
My personal highlight: the guitar, sound and riff are 100% "pro" (if this means anything). Superb. Could not get any better than this.
As I mentioned in previous replies, I had to make the track in under 24 hours so there are, indeed, a lot of flaws with this one lol. I sincerely appreciate the critique, however, because that means you really listened to the song! Peace.
Very nice .... please excuse me when I get like that .... tired.
Sounds fantastic to me this.
Wish I could stand and deliver live like this.
All my efforts have to computerized and booglarized and .... have effects.
Who was that weird little man?
I could drive down my favourite road with this blaring .... if only I could download it.
I had to think a moment when reading "My first attempt at a new style of music" as well, and then I settled on the assumption that it was new to you. Like Danke, I found it to be a fairly common style around here, which even the cover bands are doing. This is not to take away from what you've done here, as it is a great example of the style!
I found the tone on the guitars to be a nice edge to the song, and the performances were also awesome! I am curious how they were recorded... it sounds like you used amps and microphones. Were their effects pedals involved, or were any effects added to the guitars in the DAW?
The vocals sounded just right for this style of music, at least to my ears. It's not a genre I listen to by choice much, but at the same time I have been hearing it regularly for about twenty years. It seems like this was especially popular in 1996-97, when I spent a year in Boulder, Colorado. All over the radio it was, and I'm sure it had something to do with the state party college there. I also tend to hear this sort of style incorporated into television shows which I watch and re-watch, such as "Workaholics" and "Parks and Recreation."
I think you did an excellent job here. Joseph already mentioned the clipping, so I won't harp on that. I would love to hear the song with live drumming instead, but that is simply one of my frustrations with many modern rock influenced styles... they all seem to use those drum romplers any more. I always found drums to be hugely important in rock, punk, and metal styles. Even so, you composed them well! Probably backing of the mastering would bring out the dynamics of the drum part a little more.
Hey Spiv! I apologize for any spelling mistakes as I am replying on my phone! Yeah, I meant it was a style new to me. I'm sure you know my typical mellow style that I record :)
Concerning the recording, I used my AKG C214 to mic a custom fully-birch cabinet with two Eminence Swamp Things, one Eminence Man O War, and an Eminence Texas Heat speakers. The overall tone of that setup is thicker while still maintaining clarity. It provided excellent low-end and was a good match alongside a DI recording using a Mesa Cabclone for mid and high range clarity. The amp head used was a ENGL Powerball II set to a low-gain crunch channel. Guitar used was a PRS Wood Library (only ten made!) with Karina body and neck, with 57/08 pickup in the bridge and 59/09 in the neck. Extremely articulate! The most accurate guitar I've ever played or seen. Used a variety of picks to get the tone and sound I was after. This was all ported into Pro Tools 12 and had very minimalistic, basic effects: minor EQing, compression, short-tail reverb and stereo widening.
I agree with the drums. I just don't have access to a real drummer. Truth be told, this song was originally intended to be a sample piece only 30 seconds long (for a punk-style band interested in recording their EP with me) but it turned into a full song! Even though I have most rudimentary setup and my "studio" looks nothing of the sort, they still chose to go with me despite being courted by a number of other local, more-professional studios.. So I'm happy about that. I still have kinks to work out in my mixing but I am a very quick learner. Mahloo has been giving me mixing advice along the way and has helped tremendously through it all.
Sorry for the book but I thought you'd take interest in the details of my recording considering you're very knowledgeable about all the workings of guitars and their related hardware. I really do appreciate you stopping in for a listen!
This is the evolution of Power Pop, I knew some guys from the Rosenbergs (look em up). But to tackle this genre the cream de la cream is the the band the ¨Struts¨.
this is a good song keep working it. I am happy you are branching out trying new sounds. That´s the best way to improve and keep climbing the stairs of artistic semblance.
Also Centralsdev, never makes any sense when he try´s to engage you about effects, and compression, your best bet is too just to nod nicely and move along without poking the sleeping bear.
keep on keeping my friend, always good to hear your evolution. us older folks are counting on you so we get some backstage passes some day! ;-)
Thank you for the kind words cru :) Always means a lot from musical vets like yourself. You know much more about music than I do so I appreciate your stopping in to listen!
Wow, I thought I was listening to Blink 182 or Good Charlotte. Good job.
I like the swagger. I can see the girls screaming in the audience for you and your brother. This is a definite fav.
the same, brilliant production on every level...but correct me if i'm not on the good way but this is a nowadays very popular american radio rock style for you you mean?
anyway, who cares about this nuance?
renowned R&B Hip-Hop & Rapper dimestop has shocked the music industry with his latest drop, he's produced and singing vocals on a rock track with Rock Megastar Danke.
Rolling Stones magazine say a grammy in the making....hip hop insiders claim he's sold out
snoop dog was reported saying careful that motha fucka rip your heart out
Time Magazine state this is epic
Elon Musk tweeted #he's my Rocket man... more to follow as the story unfolds.
Description : This is my newest creation, at a stage very near to completion. No third-party mastering or mixing, as with all my tracks. Just have to fix a few tiny things. I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO MIX EVERYTHING IN THE SAME SESSION. This song has all human-played instruments - no quantization or MIDI! My brother does all the vocals except for the interlude part, which I do. My other brother plays the rhythm guitar (a Gibson Les Paul Custom - only one of 12 in the world!!) and I play the accompanying guitar (a Johnny Mar Jag and PRS). He has a lot of guitars :P A good friend of ours, Ronnie, plays the bass and another friend, Freddie, plays the drums. The drum track was done in one take (had to use an electric drum set due to time constraints - but acoustic kits are so much better). Overall, pretty satisfied with the result. Let me know your thoughts.
Description : Feel free to check out the lyrics video on YT as well :) This is a new track based on the great vocals by Ashes and Dreams! Again, a mix of electronic/progressive/rock, any feedback is welcome
Description : The first track I sing on. Cheap stage mic & no fancy plugins. Heavily guitar laden to the point it's got a bit of a shoegaze thing going on. I pulled the lyrics out of my ass & yes, they're a bit silly.
Description : BIG UPDATE 26/02/2014 - So, this was an 18 min track that I have now successfully split in two. 2nd half I uploaded a few weeks ago (Things That Should Always Be, with the bouncy 2 min reggae intro). This is the first half, which has a new mix, a mega chill, meditative ending and a little jazz thrown in for good measure. Takes a few minutes for beat to really kick in. Constantly evolving electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic drums and lead banjo driven by fat, busy 80BPM grooves with a bit of a reggae and shuffle feel. Also: synth choir voices, dulcimer, violin, cello, shimmering pads. Builds up gradually to nice and rocking and then gets taken back down for the big comedown chill. I really don't know what sort of genre this is except 'far out'. I think it sounds more like a live band than one guy playing instruments and manipulating a DAW. Not my best track but a bit of blissful, sunny island fun. Real positive vibe here so I hope you give it a chance to unfold and unfurl. Sit back, clear your schedule and immerse yourself in these trippy sonic experiments cooked up deep in my off-planet underground laboratory. I have to send the MP3 to Earth via space courier (not cheap).
Description : This is the 2nd cover of Big Audio Dynamite i done With my freind John. We both fan of the band so we decided to do a challenge and produce a serie of covers. we done 4 in one month. each track got it proper video check my youtube channel indiegroundvid
nice work
Solid job all around.
Riff is super dope.
Catchy and well written.
Best track I've heard on LM.
These are songs I buy and one of my favorite genres.
Home run in my park.
Would be out of the park if the voice manipulation was tamed a bit in places. (Auto tune ECT.)
Good Job man. Tracks like this inspire artists.
Keep it up!
Thx for sharing.
This is an incredibly well made Pop-Punk song.
If we need to look for things which can be improved (but bear in mind, we are nitpicking on an outstanding production here):
- drums (already mentioned, I won't spend much words here) ... even if they're midi, they sound too "polished" for the genre. A minor thing: you did a very good job in programming fills and different rhythms. It works VERY WELL.
- vocal track. In some points we can hear some artifacts (auto tune? phase issues? not sure)... e.g at 0:56
My personal highlight: the guitar, sound and riff are 100% "pro" (if this means anything). Superb. Could not get any better than this.
Thanks for sharing!
Ciao, Domenico
As I mentioned in previous replies, I had to make the track in under 24 hours so there are, indeed, a lot of flaws with this one lol. I sincerely appreciate the critique, however, because that means you really listened to the song! Peace.
Sounds fantastic to me this.
Wish I could stand and deliver live like this.
All my efforts have to computerized and booglarized and .... have effects.
Who was that weird little man?
I could drive down my favourite road with this blaring .... if only I could download it.
I found the tone on the guitars to be a nice edge to the song, and the performances were also awesome! I am curious how they were recorded... it sounds like you used amps and microphones. Were their effects pedals involved, or were any effects added to the guitars in the DAW?
The vocals sounded just right for this style of music, at least to my ears. It's not a genre I listen to by choice much, but at the same time I have been hearing it regularly for about twenty years. It seems like this was especially popular in 1996-97, when I spent a year in Boulder, Colorado. All over the radio it was, and I'm sure it had something to do with the state party college there. I also tend to hear this sort of style incorporated into television shows which I watch and re-watch, such as "Workaholics" and "Parks and Recreation."
I think you did an excellent job here. Joseph already mentioned the clipping, so I won't harp on that. I would love to hear the song with live drumming instead, but that is simply one of my frustrations with many modern rock influenced styles... they all seem to use those drum romplers any more. I always found drums to be hugely important in rock, punk, and metal styles. Even so, you composed them well! Probably backing of the mastering would bring out the dynamics of the drum part a little more.
Thanks for sharing the cool song!
Concerning the recording, I used my AKG C214 to mic a custom fully-birch cabinet with two Eminence Swamp Things, one Eminence Man O War, and an Eminence Texas Heat speakers. The overall tone of that setup is thicker while still maintaining clarity. It provided excellent low-end and was a good match alongside a DI recording using a Mesa Cabclone for mid and high range clarity. The amp head used was a ENGL Powerball II set to a low-gain crunch channel. Guitar used was a PRS Wood Library (only ten made!) with Karina body and neck, with 57/08 pickup in the bridge and 59/09 in the neck. Extremely articulate! The most accurate guitar I've ever played or seen. Used a variety of picks to get the tone and sound I was after. This was all ported into Pro Tools 12 and had very minimalistic, basic effects: minor EQing, compression, short-tail reverb and stereo widening.
I agree with the drums. I just don't have access to a real drummer. Truth be told, this song was originally intended to be a sample piece only 30 seconds long (for a punk-style band interested in recording their EP with me) but it turned into a full song! Even though I have most rudimentary setup and my "studio" looks nothing of the sort, they still chose to go with me despite being courted by a number of other local, more-professional studios.. So I'm happy about that. I still have kinks to work out in my mixing but I am a very quick learner. Mahloo has been giving me mixing advice along the way and has helped tremendously through it all.
Sorry for the book but I thought you'd take interest in the details of my recording considering you're very knowledgeable about all the workings of guitars and their related hardware. I really do appreciate you stopping in for a listen!
Right on! Good work and catchy song!
Loved it!
Thanks for sharing.
this is a good song keep working it. I am happy you are branching out trying new sounds. That´s the best way to improve and keep climbing the stairs of artistic semblance.
Also Centralsdev, never makes any sense when he try´s to engage you about effects, and compression, your best bet is too just to nod nicely and move along without poking the sleeping bear.
keep on keeping my friend, always good to hear your evolution. us older folks are counting on you so we get some backstage passes some day! ;-)
Wow, I thought I was listening to Blink 182 or Good Charlotte. Good job.
I like the swagger. I can see the girls screaming in the audience for you and your brother. This is a definite fav.
the same, brilliant production on every level...but correct me if i'm not on the good way but this is a nowadays very popular american radio rock style for you you mean?
anyway, who cares about this nuance?
congrats and handshake, Danke