Description : Decided to finish a track I had started over a year ago. I didn't have much of this song complete, just the rhythm track. So I added a bass track, drums and the solo. Was trying to do something in the melodic djent style of Periphery.
This rock track was uploaded by Neomorpheus. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (9)
If you have time take a listen and give Neomorpheus some feedback.
Too bad the genre prematurely aged and ate itself. Probably too much mashup like mentioned previously.
Also no polyrhythm, but even my drummer has a hard time counting past four, so why make the audience do math.
I haven't really kept up with djent since it's not really in my wheel house (dumb saying)! But I still think bands like Meshuggah and a few others will keep some semblance of it alive for a while yet. I actually kinda dig all that polyrythm, weird time signatures and and polymetered riff stuff. A lot of people think that its all relatively new and attribute it to the Alternative/Groove/Nu/Math metal movements. But Bands like Led Zeppelin and Queen were doing it.
Well, the genre was too hard to pronounce anyway - (also you forgot the "d") djent: is it "Dee-gent", "jent", "Digint"? Who knows?
"but even my drummer has a hard time counting past four, so why make the audience do math"? Drummers get such abuse, that's why they want to pound sh!t all the time !
I used to be a drummer. That's why I switched to guitar, kinda like EVH.
Great track and production. Guitar work is excellent. This has a LOT of potential. I'm going to be a little harsh to help take it to another level. To get up there with Messugah the middle and end repeats far too much to be called progressive as it's all in 8/8. I'd play with doublet rhythms or doublet offbeats, or get the bass to pop twang on offbeats. My profile here is hiphop :-D but IRL my projects are more akin to Mr Bungle, Sikth, Isis and Tool
Hey helruna, thanks for the listen and taking time to drop a comment. I much appreciate it.
I totally agree with your assessment in that there is probably far too much repetition. I really had no intention of comparing this to anything like Meshuggah, Tool etc., its far too melodic and as you mentioned too straight forward with time signature. Which is why I made mention of Periphery in my description. I guess I could have taken more time to develop the structure and create more new content but in this case I merely wanted to take some old material and invest the least amount of time to put something half way decent together. I'm not really into this style so much which is probably the reason I failed to finish the song originally.
I certainly appreciate you weighing in on this and suggest you check out some of my other tracks. I do have a cover track of Meshuggah and a good variety of other genre stuff. I'm interested in checking out your music too, which I will definitely do.
Fantastic piece of music here...I was a big fan of Meshuggah...destroy, erase, improve was a definite listen (a must listen) I right, that they were one of the first pioneers of this djent stg???
your guitar is absolute impressive as always (as your knowledge)...
outstanding song...
You got it bro. Although Destroy Erase Improve came before the guys switched to the 8 strings (which locked down their current sound and unleashed the low register assult era of djent upon the world), this album was certainly significant. Hagstrom had just joined the band and they ended up mashing so many sub genres together the fusion effect led them to create what would become their quintessential sound. They began the development of distinctly more complex songs and debuted the polymetered and polyrhythm song structures which would provide the impetus to their later creation of mathcore and djent.
Some scientists have recently therorized that the release of Destroy Erase Improve and songs like Future Breed Machine were so heavy in violent metaphysical entropy they might have actually ripped a hole in the space time continuum, creating portals to infinite multiverses. Could this be the reason for the vast increase in UFO activity since 1995? Ancient Alien theorists say, yes.
Thanks for the comments danke, very much appreciated.
Hey jay, nope not the Odin, played on a real guitar. But the Odin could certainly do most of this and probably sound better. Its a real amazing virtual guitar vst. I actually have Shreddage and have made a couple of tracks with it but haven't really invested enough time in it to produce to my satisfaction. The guitar vst's have come a long way though and I'm impressed with a lot of what some people are doing with them. My Looperman bro, ValveDriver has several tracks made with virtual guitar and they are amazing. Check him out if you get a chance. The Odin is one of the best Virtual Guitar vst's I have heard for Metal guitar sound and realism with features for articulation, humanization, key switching etc. It does a real convincing job with rhythms but when it comes to soloing I still think its just not there yet.
I have a lot of material that I've recorded just messing around and that I always intend to do something with. Some might get used, most probably wont.
Hey thanks for the listen and comment BLEEP.
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Description : BIG UPDATE 26/02/2014 - So, this was an 18 min track that I have now successfully split in two. 2nd half I uploaded a few weeks ago (Things That Should Always Be, with the bouncy 2 min reggae intro). This is the first half, which has a new mix, a mega chill, meditative ending and a little jazz thrown in for good measure. Takes a few minutes for beat to really kick in. Constantly evolving electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic drums and lead banjo driven by fat, busy 80BPM grooves with a bit of a reggae and shuffle feel. Also: synth choir voices, dulcimer, violin, cello, shimmering pads. Builds up gradually to nice and rocking and then gets taken back down for the big comedown chill. I really don't know what sort of genre this is except 'far out'. I think it sounds more like a live band than one guy playing instruments and manipulating a DAW. Not my best track but a bit of blissful, sunny island fun. Real positive vibe here so I hope you give it a chance to unfold and unfurl. Sit back, clear your schedule and immerse yourself in these trippy sonic experiments cooked up deep in my off-planet underground laboratory. I have to send the MP3 to Earth via space courier (not cheap).
Description : This track was like the inhale after an exhale of aggressive industrial-electro-sludge tracks that I had put out that summer and fall. This was the more reserved, and introspective winter track. It's nothing spectacular, but I still really enjoy it. I hope you do too. Take care. V.
Description : when i was a kid you could go down and buy acid drops at the dairy - sour boiled sweets....vox, guitars and keys by me. Bass a LM loop by megapaul.
Answer "yes"
Too bad the genre prematurely aged and ate itself. Probably too much mashup like mentioned previously.
Also no polyrhythm, but even my drummer has a hard time counting past four, so why make the audience do math.
Well, the genre was too hard to pronounce anyway - (also you forgot the "d") djent: is it "Dee-gent", "jent", "Digint"? Who knows?
"but even my drummer has a hard time counting past four, so why make the audience do math"? Drummers get such abuse, that's why they want to pound sh!t all the time !
I used to be a drummer. That's why I switched to guitar, kinda like EVH.
Later bro.
I totally agree with your assessment in that there is probably far too much repetition. I really had no intention of comparing this to anything like Meshuggah, Tool etc., its far too melodic and as you mentioned too straight forward with time signature. Which is why I made mention of Periphery in my description. I guess I could have taken more time to develop the structure and create more new content but in this case I merely wanted to take some old material and invest the least amount of time to put something half way decent together. I'm not really into this style so much which is probably the reason I failed to finish the song originally.
I certainly appreciate you weighing in on this and suggest you check out some of my other tracks. I do have a cover track of Meshuggah and a good variety of other genre stuff. I'm interested in checking out your music too, which I will definitely do.
Fantastic piece of music here...I was a big fan of Meshuggah...destroy, erase, improve was a definite listen (a must listen) I right, that they were one of the first pioneers of this djent stg???
your guitar is absolute impressive as always (as your knowledge)...
outstanding song...
handshake, fav, dl, Danke
Some scientists have recently therorized that the release of Destroy Erase Improve and songs like Future Breed Machine were so heavy in violent metaphysical entropy they might have actually ripped a hole in the space time continuum, creating portals to infinite multiverses. Could this be the reason for the vast increase in UFO activity since 1995? Ancient Alien theorists say, yes.
Thanks for the comments danke, very much appreciated.
Wow, great track mate,
You are brilliant mate
Wonderful track.
Ha ha , thanks bro.
i like how energic it is :)
Hey thanks for the listen and comment BLEEP.