Description : Far out epic featuring sine waves, programmed violin parts, played electric cello, various synths, drum loops and programmed acoustic drums. Mystical and a bit Eastern. A three min drumless intro and then some fat grooves and darker sounds. Not as good as I was hoping it would be. Interesting comments appreciated...
This psychedelic track was uploaded by StaticNomad. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (13)
If you have time take a listen and give StaticNomad some feedback.
I love this track. I think I would recognize your music anywhere. You've built a powerful musical style. I like the way you blend in occidental sounds without making the track too busy.
Thanks a lot for the comment. I think I still haven't got round to answering some of your other comments elsewhere. My apologies.
Not too busy? Ha, I do sometimes go overboard with that so have to mix very carefully and remove clutter. Always good to hear it's not too busy as I like things to be busy and constantly interesting and progressive. But not cluttered. Unless it's just for a short time, for effect.
"I think I would recognize your music anywhere."
That's excellent and probably one of the main things I set out to do when I started producing my own music 20 years ago.
I guess this is much better than you think.This one truly caught my attention. The intro alone is fantastic. Gradual buildup from initial muddy sounds to brighter flashes of which the use of string sounds stands out imo. The main part is no less never know what kind of sound is waiting behind the next corner. The use of cello which brings along middle eastern influences is no less than fabulous. Good quality drumming is also very prominent, as always in your tracks. This is undoubtedly great work and it seems you've put quite alot of effort into it. Oh yes, and I must not forget...the production is excellent !! So thumbs up !:)
Yes, I tend to appreciate my tracks more once I’ve uploaded them. I tend to get fed up of them because I spend quite a while carefully investigating if there’s anything more I can do, from fixing anything in the mix to perhaps spinning a new track out of certain elements.
So, once they’re uploaded I can listen again as if it was made by someone else, rather than thinking about the track in a studio context and why it isn’t better.
Yes, the intro may well be the best section. Fairly clean, smooth stuff there and quite a few layers, but carefully placed. There’s more going on under that lead violin sound than you might think.
“you never know what kind of sound is waiting behind the next corner.”
Excellent. That’s what I hope comes across in lots of my tracks.
“cello which brings along middle eastern influences” is my favourite bit of cello playing in this. I tried to get in more but my playing is still rather limited.
“it seems you've put quite alot of effort into it”
I sure did! I don’t think any of my tracks ever sound like I’ve knocked them out quickly. They’re generally detailed, lengthy labours of love (and frustration).
Yes, production is good but could be better in places but that’s just me being picky and rarely satisfied with anything I make.
This is quite the pilgrimage into the mystical realm. Very reminiscent of the psychedelic period by FSOL, of which I am a big fan. It's very difficult not to be transported to a world where fantasy and the unknown become a calm aural experience. Thank you for journey! Very well done!
Greetings, Mr TheNyctopian. I like the idea of a “pilgrimage into the mystical realm”. Can I do this physically anywhere (eg on foot) or solely through music playing and production?
Yes, I’ve listened to a fair bit of Future Sound Of London, especially the Lifeforms and Papua New Guinea albums. And also the later Amorphous Androgynous stuff, which I think is essentially the same guys.
I do like a calm aural experience but also one where the intensity and excitement levels get raised at certain points. I wanted this one to be a bit more exciting but couldn’t manage it so eventually gave up and stuck it online.
Thanks for your words and your enjoyment of my mystical journey.
The introduction is wonderfull, i really like how it gradually takes up volume!
Entering the drums section, more tribal, more ethnic with an arabian feeling... however it stayed aerian and chilled out. I'm impressed by the high work quality in this track (as usual, in each of your tracks).
thanks a lot in sharing this few minutes of creativity!
I'm happy you found the introduction wonderful. I worked very carefully on it. I really like the appearance of the waveform - it shows how the volume gradually rises and has a very balanced look.
Yes, definitely a more tribal feel from the drums and certainly more ethnic/Eastern. I like that kind of feel but don't want to do it in every single track.
Yes, it does stay chilled out later on but I'm also trying to make it heavier though I failed to make it as heavy as I wanted.
I spent about two months making most of this and then two more months listening again and again, just changing small things, trying to somehow make things better. I'm still not happy with the final result but I don't know if I can do any better so I have now given up.
It's very wide open and spacial. Dimentionally, not cosmically. I think the first statement aleady covered that.
I think, while drums are a strong point for you, I also feel they are a hinderance sometimes. Like you rely too much on them as a means of badassery. This intro seems to not only widen the aural spectrum, but your own personal horizons.
Ahh. Now for those drums. I like the snare there. Kind of a glitchy snare roll thing.
Speaking of glitch. 3:53 synths. Nice use of the glitch. These pad swells are a nice lead in to the classic Nomad cello sound. Which effects do you use on these? It sounds like a Chorus with a delay, maybe a touch of reverb, and possibly EQ'd with the higher frequencies cut out a bit?
Oh...wait..5:50-6:08. It sounds like there may be some clipping.
Nice, a return of the glitch.
Your drums in this one are a bit more restrained and subdued. Instead of the star of the show, just a supporting role. It works.
8:56- here's where we start the waves of blooming pads. Both synth and choral. Nice way to take us to the book-end outro.
I don't know, man. It sounds to me like Ms. Quail has influenced your playing. Or at least your creative process. I personally like the way it played. It has plenty of badassery in it's own style. It may not be a heavy riff laden drumfest like you used to do, but it doesn't need to be. I know you've been on a bit of a dry spell, but with this one, it sounds like you've rediscovered your voice. It seems as if you have matured as an artist.
Yup, dude, this is a very well arranged and composed piece. I look forward to hearing more. Maybe not duplicates, but at least in the same family. Or, to put it simply, Nice!!! Thats with 3 exclamation marks.
I thought of you a fair bit when making this because of the sine wave foundation. Made me think of you sitting there, fiddling about with basic waveforms.
I don't initially find this celestial. I find it interesting but a bit cold. It gets much warmer and more sensual when the violin lead enters a while later.
You're totally right about me and my drums. I sure do rely on them too much as a means of badassery. Jo Q certainly has influenced me and she's usually my inspiration for drumless stuff as she does so much of it in a very complete and satisfying way. And I don't just mean calm, ambient type of stuff, as in the first 3 mins of this. But I'm such a slave to the groove and a bit lost without it so drums really do inspire me and conveniently hide my playing mistakes and edits. I feel I'd have to become a much better musician to become good at playing without a solid beat.
"Kind of a glitchy snare roll thing."
Yes, that's from a loop I'm manipulating.
"Nice use of the glitch."
Just a freeze stutter effect on a banjo sound. Seems quite effective, memorable and appreciated by others here.
"the classic Nomad cello sound" is rather boring and unadventurous. I have a patch saved in my 20-year-old Boss effects unit and I mostly use that for each track, with very little variation. Yes, basically just chorus, delay and reverb. Perhaps some different EQ occasionally , which usually comes from plugins.
"Oh...wait..5:50-6:08. It sounds like there may be some clipping."
I sure hope not. You can probably tell that I'm trying to progress the track there and make it heavier and darker. I bring in a crunchy, distorted second version of the violin sound to add grit. Maybe that seems like clipping?
"Your drums in this one are a bit more restrained and subdued."
Kind of. There's still a lot of detail and variety and layering.
"8:56- here's where we start the waves of blooming pads. Both synth and choral."
Yes. The cello and violin have gone entirely so it's just a little extra, more expansive synthy section before the return to the intro sounds.
"It seems as if you have matured as an artist."
Ha, it might seem like it but I certainly haven't. I'm going backwards. This track is just what someone who used to be very productive and musically creative has recently been able to come up with.
Hola Señor Spastic Noodleman.
Beautiful intro. Perfect frequencies and minimal. Word that comes to mind is thoughtful. 1:35 really opens up the strings and the building tensions. It's like you wrapped melancholy and remembrance in a blanket that you can listen too. Interesting percussion at 3.10. and some wild soft dissonance in the back of the mix. You come loaded with some new tricks, I like the side-chained synth. I find myself being drawn into this more and more, and then comes the Phrygian Cello. I´m loving this so far. Syths are so tastefully mixed in the back of the mix. Static Nomad is Back Baby! Not to be confused with Baby back ribs, or if you are a cannibal, Baby baby back ribs. I think around 7:37 I am longing for one of your guitar solos. Toms could have a little more bass in the EQ for dramatic effect. Could have ended at 9:46 but I understand the coda of using the intro as an outro. Overall fantastic ride, and a great return to form. 10 minutes just flew by.
Always your friend and colleague musically.
Or are you actually Madonna now? If so, you should get into the groove, prove your love to me.
Nice to hear from you and good that you enjoyed the drumless intro, which doesn't surprise me.
"Perfect frequencies and minimal"
I like the sine wave stuff but wanted to do much more with that arp part but it didn't happen. But what is there does sit rather nicely behind the other layers which come in, such as the strings and even lower cello layers and a choir pad (to make things a bit more heavenly and lush).
"It's like you wrapped melancholy and remembrance in a blanket"
That's a nice, poetic turn of phrase. Congratulations. You can use a blanket to put out a fire or you can wrap melancholy and remembrance in it. All hail the blanket!
" Interesting percussion at 3.10"
Yes, some drum loops I've never used before and I like the snare used in the main programmed acoustic kit later on, giving the track a more tribal feel.
"You come loaded with some new tricks"
I do. They were a downloaded patch though you can return me to factory settings by pressing the reset button on the back of my neck for 10 seconds.
"I like the side-chained synth."
That's a banjo stuck through a stutter effect. Not sure if that is technically side chained but it's effective anyway.
"then comes the Phrygian Cello."
Aha, I wondered what that mode was. I don't know any by name as I'm playing them so always interesting to find out. And I only know two scales (major and minor).
"Syths are so tastefully mixed in the back of the mix"
Yes, there are a few going on. Quite a dense mix and the phrygian cello is at least three layered parts.
"if you are a cannibal, Baby baby back ribs."
Ha, nice joke.
I'm not really back as my music making abilities are still much diminished and I don't know where the next decent track is coming from though I am currently working on a few not very promising ones.
"around 7:37 I am longing for one of your guitar solos."
Me too! Shame I can't do them anymore, eh?
"I understand the coda of using the intro as an outro"
Good as I had to end it somehow. The sine wave arps sit nicely on a hypnotic loop.
"10 minutes just flew by"
Excellent. I find it quite an addictive track and the sections mostly seem to transition well.
"Always your friend and colleague musically."
Thanks very much. I really appreciate that. Likewise.
Yeah, finally got to finish listening to this. Continuing on, I like the glitchy synth there leading into the groove which runs a few bars and then you break out the cello for a nice multi track Eastern thing and were under way. The bass plays a repeating pattern and the drums get things under control by establishing a solid foundation. It sounds like you may even have two drum tracks going here, or your at least doing some fancy panning, the snare is definitely moving from one side to the other or is it stereo effect or delay. Sounds cool. I always appreciate your drum tracks bro. You don't skimp or play it safe when it come to the percussion and it really is a contributing factor to the quality and diversity that is always evident in your music.
I noticed you mentioned "programmed violin" parts and as this progresses the music really thickens and it almost sounds like a complete string orchestra. We are treated to a very fat groove of strings there for several bars as everything starts to speed up, well not really but the intensity certainly increases with the help of some heavy drum runs. After the apex the music ebbs and settles back into the groove that feature more cello with some octave phrasing. The outtro drops into a calmer portion with the reprise of the mystical opening tones to take it out.
I know your tough on yourself, the best artists are rarely satisfied with their material. This is a another work of art from a great artist. It is without a shadow of a doubt pure StaticNomad. You seem to be trying some different things here with the intro and some sounds. That's the way to do it, and keep things from boring you. I'm waiting to hear some more guitar works hopefully. Maybe some neo-sych or some Psy-trance. Or how about some Eastern Sludge or Stoner?
I'm still waiting for that album man !!!
Yeah, finally got to finish listening to this. Continuing on, I like the glitchy synth there leading into the groove which runs a few bars and then you break out the cello for a nice multi track Eastern thing and were under way. The bass plays a repeating pattern and the drums get things under control by establishing a solid foundation. It sounds like you may even have two drum tracks going here, or your at least doing some fancy panning, the snare is definitely moving from one side to the other or is it stereo effect or delay. Sounds cool. I always appreciate your drum tracks bro. You don't skimp or play it safe when it come to the percussion and it really is a contributing factor to the quality and diversity that is always evident in your music.
I noticed you mentioned "programmed violin" parts and as this progresses the music really thickens and it almost sounds like a complete string orchestra. We are treated to a very fat groove of strings there for several bars as everything starts to speed up, well not really but the intensity certainly increases with the help of some heavy drum runs. After the apex the music ebbs and settles back into the groove that feature more cello with some octave phrasing. The ottro drops into a calmer portion with the reprise of the mystical opening tones to take it out.
I know your tough on yourself, the best artists are rarely satisfied with their material. This is a another work of art from a great artist. It is without a shadow of a doubt pure StaticNomad. You seem to be trying some different things here with the intro and some sounds. That's the way to do it, and keep things from boring you. I'm waiting to hear some more guitar works hopefully. Maybe some neo-sych or some Psy-trance. Or how about some Eastern Sludge or Stoner?
I'm still waiting for that album man !!!
That glitchy synth is a sample-based banjo part put through a stutter effect. Good fun and fairly memorable.
"and then you break out the cello for a nice multi track Eastern thing"
My favourite cello riff in this. Kind of Eastern, with lots of movement. Fun to play.
"The bass plays a repeating pattern"
It does. Kind of the same thing throughout though there is a bit of variation when the track opens out later on and switches to the key of D (from C). I'm pleased with how the sine wave bass arp sits nicely under the strings and synths in the first few mins. Then I fatten it up for the groove based sections and it all seems to work nicely. There is another bass synth that takes over in a couple of different sections but I think the sine wave part may still be playing, lower in the mix.
"you may even have two drum tracks going here"
Yes, layered loops, as I often do. Plus programmed acoustic kits. Not sure about the panning but there is certainly some movement. Might be on the loops.
"You don't skimp or play it safe when it come to the percussion"
I don't but I'd also like to do more minimal drum tracks though I'm also always trying to get a unique overall drum track for each piece of music, as difficult as that is. Lots of albums have the exact same drum sound throughout.
"it almost sounds like a complete string orchestra"
Not sure why as there's mostly just one sample-based violin, though there are some played cello layers at various points, eg in the intro as the track builds in complexity and volume.
"a very fat groove of strings there for several bars as everything starts to speed up"
Aha, in that heavier, darker string section, I have the violin split into two channels, one with distortion on it, just to give more buzzy crunch. And there are higher cello flourishes to add emphasis.
"the reprise of the mystical opening tones to take it out."
Well I had to end it somehow and I find those mystical sine wave tones quite pleasant to listen to on a loop. I could've gone on with that for a while!
"the best artists are rarely satisfied with their material."
Well I'm certainly no great artist but I am a bit different, hopefully unique. And I am indeed rarely satisfied, especially these days as I sometimes feel like an ex-musician, quite disconnected from playing and listening to music.
"I'm waiting to hear some more guitar works hopefully."
Won't be happening anytime soon! Lost all my fluidity, ideas, phrasing, joy and so on on the instrument.
"Maybe some neo-sych or some Psy-trance."
I'd like to make some Tri trance (feat. lead triangle throughout) or Cry trance (sad, weepy, emotional trance for a raver's funeral).
I'd love to make some Eastern Sludge or stoner but guitar playing will be required! Or distorted cello.
I'm at work today and did my usual Looperman scope out during a break and noticed the El StaticusNomadico posted a new track! So I got anxious to check it out! I only have a pair of ear buds here and wouldn't you know it, one side started funking out on me right after the intro, which I love BTW. I actually thought for a second or two you were about to cover Led Zeppelin's "No Quarter", which is one of my abosolute faves by them. But of course I was wrong. However I do thoroughly dig this magnificently composed and extremely cool intro. I'm thinking a 3 minute drumless intro might even be a rarity for you eh bro? Anyhow it is has a very mystical almost spiritual vibe to it and at times it almost sounds as if there are some choral effects being used. It nicely melds into the initial beat of the track which builds from that single note accompanied by a nice tight staccato snare rudiment to usher in the 4/4. There is some really tasteful progression here that you so expertly use to build some intensity, via a nice cacophony of various positioned synth fills and swells that eventually culminate into the main groove. It was right about here that my ear buds started crapped out so I had to stop. I will finish listening later when I get home and return to finish up my comments. I noticed some pretty cool glitch rhythm elements taking place before I hit the stop button. So I'm dying to hear the rest of this man !!!
Damn earbuds! They can be so crap. This track sounds rubbish on the ones I have.
No Quarter? Does this really sound like that. Will have to go back and listen to the original though I like the Tool version.
"a 3 minute drumless intro might even be a rarity for you"
It is but I'm trying to progress, even within my awful, ongoing period of creativity and non instrument playing.
"almost sounds as if there are some choral effects being used."
A choir pad enters playing pretty much the same thing as the lead violin at 1:56.
There's quite a bit happening in my intro, including two versions of that looping sine wave bass, which plays throughout most of the track. 3:06 I just add an effect to make it much fatter. Throbbing sub, basically. No throbbing in intro, just has to sit nicely under the strings and stuff.
"a nice tight staccato snare rudiment"
Yes, that's a drum loop that I've sort of trimmed by adjusting the attack, letting a lot less of the sound through than the original, which is kind of a dance beat.
"some pretty cool glitch rhythm elements"
I think that's just one stutter effect on, would you believe it, a banjo sound! That's at 3:52 and is good fun and has been noted by other people here.
Woah... This isnt as good as you wanted it to be?? This really takes you on a journey. If this was played live, you would have my full attention. Sounds like a movie soundtrack, almost... I like the structure of the song as well... That slow burn, steady build. Flowed well... Im impressed..
No, it's not as good as I was hoping. I wanted it to be more powerful and epic. I'll give you a few, specific examples:
6:08 tribal drums I really like. They gave me the idea to do some heavy, Tool-like guitar playing. I used to be a decent guitarist but I rarely even play the instrument these days so I couldn't add the riffs I had in my head.
8:00 this heavier section feels like it should be much heavier and contain a cool guitar solo. But I'm not up to laying down any sort of guitar solo these days so I had to do without.
Glad you enjoyed my lengthy, twisting, turning journey. I make a lot of tracks like that. Yes, like a movie soundtrack. Intro is perhaps reminiscent of a Mongolian dawn.
Yes, a nice slow burn, building up to more powerful stuff. Just not powerful enough.
Hearing it played live would be cool but would need quite a few musicians. Probably two violins and two cellos, a few synth players and a couple of drummers.
Thanks for enjoying my flow. Always a very important thing when composing!
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Description : OK, I finally managed to find a song name, so here it is. But the genre is still open. WTF is it? World? Trip? Trance? Rock? psychedelic? .
I started this song with the wahwah background track, I think I wanted to go in the triphop direction but when I played with it and tried out things I added some Tabla sounds from the available sound library of the cubase software to it, just to get a feel for it. It sounded right somehow, and so it developed from there. As before, we did the work on wikiloops band section: bhunt1 (Brian) on Bass added his track, and rp3drums (Raymond) on drums (one straight drum track, and one para-diddle track). I then added several more guitar tracks.
So I would be happy to listen to your comments and advice, and if I get a good suggestion for name and genre I will change it. Cheers, TG :D
Description : My actual track for X-mas. Too late again, as usual... But now just with a few days only instead months. :D It's enough stodgy, need some mood for enjoy, that's sure. Dunno where to put it. Fusion? Cinematic? Weird? Trash? :)
Like evrytime, the track contains only free loops from several Looperman artists. Merry Xmas, and Happy new year for everybody!
Applied loops (fully or partially):
LEOSMG: 0826182-0084977 (Pizzicato part1 - month of june),
0826182-0084976 (Pizzicato part2 - month of june),
DJ4REAL: 0102056-0018219 (oboelation),
0102056-0018220 (oboelation 2),
MIDISPARKS: 0479957-0053239 (underwater abstract harp 1),
LOOPFREAK: 0531700-0051978 (minor strings and harp),
FLONUT7: 1133675-0079482 (Happy Harpy 777),
DEEPKODE: 0862877-0067790 (Trance Pluck),
CENTRIST: 0079105-0053514 (Dark Hero Apocalyptic Drums 2),
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE: 0071878-0006976 (Clarinet Ensemble 124),
BLUEESKIES: 0907685-0067264 (Dreams),
ALIVIDLIFE: 0158799-0050009 (alividlife nonsufficient timpani orchestra C 133),
PLANETJAZZBASS: 0111346-0047909 (Epic 4),
DANKE: 0671112-0088234 (Drums of Mordor),
STERIXX: 0243518-0019002 (Rage Simple Bassdrum Loop),
BANANNAZ: 0298699-0041844 (Luv Choir 1),
WILOBOWSKI: 0321170-0027201 (piano phrase 4 bars),
DIGITALSKYY: 0562523-0046490 (Never Fall For a Romantic Heart Pt 6),
RASPUTIN1963 : 1564425-0088883 (deleted loop: Harp Arpeggios 1)
Description : Break up song of sorts lol. Vox, guitars and keys by Zootman. Beats and bass free Loopmasters demo. Words are (mostly) what I thought Damo Suzuki was singing on One More Night by Can. Instrumental or stems avail if anyone wants to play with it.
Description : Full Moon energy blasted through me big time. This track encompasses all those emotions about feeling lunarly de-railed. The lyric 'can't do it, won't do it' reflects the desire to step away from the norm, due to overwhelm.
The scream speaks for itself!
Please feel free to download from if you want to support our work. Many thanks, Oli&Kay
Description : Sung by me - bbrossas track for background
Saw this track on looperman and I had to make something.Please feel free to let me know what you think.
Open to suggestions. Thanks all :) I hope you enjoy!
Description : Psychedelic, Eastern, dark dance/jazz/fusion based around my cello playing plus minimal other instrumentation. Two sections of electric guitar, one of Fender Rhodes, one synth pad, some swirling female vocal samples and one sub synth bass. Apart from multiple drum loops and programmed acoustic drumkits, everything else is cello, including most of the weird sounds.
Description : Another mission in the vastness of the universe. "We don't know where, but we were there".
Jynxz: synths, fxs
Micky: production, guitar, fxs
Not too busy? Ha, I do sometimes go overboard with that so have to mix very carefully and remove clutter. Always good to hear it's not too busy as I like things to be busy and constantly interesting and progressive. But not cluttered. Unless it's just for a short time, for effect.
"I think I would recognize your music anywhere."
That's excellent and probably one of the main things I set out to do when I started producing my own music 20 years ago.
Thanks again!
Yes, I tend to appreciate my tracks more once I’ve uploaded them. I tend to get fed up of them because I spend quite a while carefully investigating if there’s anything more I can do, from fixing anything in the mix to perhaps spinning a new track out of certain elements.
So, once they’re uploaded I can listen again as if it was made by someone else, rather than thinking about the track in a studio context and why it isn’t better.
Yes, the intro may well be the best section. Fairly clean, smooth stuff there and quite a few layers, but carefully placed. There’s more going on under that lead violin sound than you might think.
“you never know what kind of sound is waiting behind the next corner.”
Excellent. That’s what I hope comes across in lots of my tracks.
“cello which brings along middle eastern influences” is my favourite bit of cello playing in this. I tried to get in more but my playing is still rather limited.
“it seems you've put quite alot of effort into it”
I sure did! I don’t think any of my tracks ever sound like I’ve knocked them out quickly. They’re generally detailed, lengthy labours of love (and frustration).
Yes, production is good but could be better in places but that’s just me being picky and rarely satisfied with anything I make.
Thanks for the decent feedback.
Yes, I’ve listened to a fair bit of Future Sound Of London, especially the Lifeforms and Papua New Guinea albums. And also the later Amorphous Androgynous stuff, which I think is essentially the same guys.
I do like a calm aural experience but also one where the intensity and excitement levels get raised at certain points. I wanted this one to be a bit more exciting but couldn’t manage it so eventually gave up and stuck it online.
Thanks for your words and your enjoyment of my mystical journey.
The introduction is wonderfull, i really like how it gradually takes up volume!
Entering the drums section, more tribal, more ethnic with an arabian feeling... however it stayed aerian and chilled out. I'm impressed by the high work quality in this track (as usual, in each of your tracks).
thanks a lot in sharing this few minutes of creativity!
I'm happy you found the introduction wonderful. I worked very carefully on it. I really like the appearance of the waveform - it shows how the volume gradually rises and has a very balanced look.
Yes, definitely a more tribal feel from the drums and certainly more ethnic/Eastern. I like that kind of feel but don't want to do it in every single track.
Yes, it does stay chilled out later on but I'm also trying to make it heavier though I failed to make it as heavy as I wanted.
I spent about two months making most of this and then two more months listening again and again, just changing small things, trying to somehow make things better. I'm still not happy with the final result but I don't know if I can do any better so I have now given up.
Thanks again for the thoughts.
It's very wide open and spacial. Dimentionally, not cosmically. I think the first statement aleady covered that.
I think, while drums are a strong point for you, I also feel they are a hinderance sometimes. Like you rely too much on them as a means of badassery. This intro seems to not only widen the aural spectrum, but your own personal horizons.
Ahh. Now for those drums. I like the snare there. Kind of a glitchy snare roll thing.
Speaking of glitch. 3:53 synths. Nice use of the glitch. These pad swells are a nice lead in to the classic Nomad cello sound. Which effects do you use on these? It sounds like a Chorus with a delay, maybe a touch of reverb, and possibly EQ'd with the higher frequencies cut out a bit?
Oh...wait..5:50-6:08. It sounds like there may be some clipping.
Nice, a return of the glitch.
Your drums in this one are a bit more restrained and subdued. Instead of the star of the show, just a supporting role. It works.
8:56- here's where we start the waves of blooming pads. Both synth and choral. Nice way to take us to the book-end outro.
I don't know, man. It sounds to me like Ms. Quail has influenced your playing. Or at least your creative process. I personally like the way it played. It has plenty of badassery in it's own style. It may not be a heavy riff laden drumfest like you used to do, but it doesn't need to be. I know you've been on a bit of a dry spell, but with this one, it sounds like you've rediscovered your voice. It seems as if you have matured as an artist.
Yup, dude, this is a very well arranged and composed piece. I look forward to hearing more. Maybe not duplicates, but at least in the same family. Or, to put it simply, Nice!!! Thats with 3 exclamation marks.
I thought of you a fair bit when making this because of the sine wave foundation. Made me think of you sitting there, fiddling about with basic waveforms.
I don't initially find this celestial. I find it interesting but a bit cold. It gets much warmer and more sensual when the violin lead enters a while later.
You're totally right about me and my drums. I sure do rely on them too much as a means of badassery. Jo Q certainly has influenced me and she's usually my inspiration for drumless stuff as she does so much of it in a very complete and satisfying way. And I don't just mean calm, ambient type of stuff, as in the first 3 mins of this. But I'm such a slave to the groove and a bit lost without it so drums really do inspire me and conveniently hide my playing mistakes and edits. I feel I'd have to become a much better musician to become good at playing without a solid beat.
"Kind of a glitchy snare roll thing."
Yes, that's from a loop I'm manipulating.
"Nice use of the glitch."
Just a freeze stutter effect on a banjo sound. Seems quite effective, memorable and appreciated by others here.
"the classic Nomad cello sound" is rather boring and unadventurous. I have a patch saved in my 20-year-old Boss effects unit and I mostly use that for each track, with very little variation. Yes, basically just chorus, delay and reverb. Perhaps some different EQ occasionally , which usually comes from plugins.
"Oh...wait..5:50-6:08. It sounds like there may be some clipping."
I sure hope not. You can probably tell that I'm trying to progress the track there and make it heavier and darker. I bring in a crunchy, distorted second version of the violin sound to add grit. Maybe that seems like clipping?
"Your drums in this one are a bit more restrained and subdued."
Kind of. There's still a lot of detail and variety and layering.
"8:56- here's where we start the waves of blooming pads. Both synth and choral."
Yes. The cello and violin have gone entirely so it's just a little extra, more expansive synthy section before the return to the intro sounds.
"It seems as if you have matured as an artist."
Ha, it might seem like it but I certainly haven't. I'm going backwards. This track is just what someone who used to be very productive and musically creative has recently been able to come up with.
Thanks for the Nice!!! review.
Beautiful intro. Perfect frequencies and minimal. Word that comes to mind is thoughtful. 1:35 really opens up the strings and the building tensions. It's like you wrapped melancholy and remembrance in a blanket that you can listen too. Interesting percussion at 3.10. and some wild soft dissonance in the back of the mix. You come loaded with some new tricks, I like the side-chained synth. I find myself being drawn into this more and more, and then comes the Phrygian Cello. I´m loving this so far. Syths are so tastefully mixed in the back of the mix. Static Nomad is Back Baby! Not to be confused with Baby back ribs, or if you are a cannibal, Baby baby back ribs. I think around 7:37 I am longing for one of your guitar solos. Toms could have a little more bass in the EQ for dramatic effect. Could have ended at 9:46 but I understand the coda of using the intro as an outro. Overall fantastic ride, and a great return to form. 10 minutes just flew by.
Always your friend and colleague musically.
Or are you actually Madonna now? If so, you should get into the groove, prove your love to me.
Nice to hear from you and good that you enjoyed the drumless intro, which doesn't surprise me.
"Perfect frequencies and minimal"
I like the sine wave stuff but wanted to do much more with that arp part but it didn't happen. But what is there does sit rather nicely behind the other layers which come in, such as the strings and even lower cello layers and a choir pad (to make things a bit more heavenly and lush).
"It's like you wrapped melancholy and remembrance in a blanket"
That's a nice, poetic turn of phrase. Congratulations. You can use a blanket to put out a fire or you can wrap melancholy and remembrance in it. All hail the blanket!
" Interesting percussion at 3.10"
Yes, some drum loops I've never used before and I like the snare used in the main programmed acoustic kit later on, giving the track a more tribal feel.
"You come loaded with some new tricks"
I do. They were a downloaded patch though you can return me to factory settings by pressing the reset button on the back of my neck for 10 seconds.
"I like the side-chained synth."
That's a banjo stuck through a stutter effect. Not sure if that is technically side chained but it's effective anyway.
"then comes the Phrygian Cello."
Aha, I wondered what that mode was. I don't know any by name as I'm playing them so always interesting to find out. And I only know two scales (major and minor).
"Syths are so tastefully mixed in the back of the mix"
Yes, there are a few going on. Quite a dense mix and the phrygian cello is at least three layered parts.
"if you are a cannibal, Baby baby back ribs."
Ha, nice joke.
I'm not really back as my music making abilities are still much diminished and I don't know where the next decent track is coming from though I am currently working on a few not very promising ones.
"around 7:37 I am longing for one of your guitar solos."
Me too! Shame I can't do them anymore, eh?
"I understand the coda of using the intro as an outro"
Good as I had to end it somehow. The sine wave arps sit nicely on a hypnotic loop.
"10 minutes just flew by"
Excellent. I find it quite an addictive track and the sections mostly seem to transition well.
"Always your friend and colleague musically."
Thanks very much. I really appreciate that. Likewise.
Monsieur l'homme du nouilles spastique.
I noticed you mentioned "programmed violin" parts and as this progresses the music really thickens and it almost sounds like a complete string orchestra. We are treated to a very fat groove of strings there for several bars as everything starts to speed up, well not really but the intensity certainly increases with the help of some heavy drum runs. After the apex the music ebbs and settles back into the groove that feature more cello with some octave phrasing. The outtro drops into a calmer portion with the reprise of the mystical opening tones to take it out.
I know your tough on yourself, the best artists are rarely satisfied with their material. This is a another work of art from a great artist. It is without a shadow of a doubt pure StaticNomad. You seem to be trying some different things here with the intro and some sounds. That's the way to do it, and keep things from boring you. I'm waiting to hear some more guitar works hopefully. Maybe some neo-sych or some Psy-trance. Or how about some Eastern Sludge or Stoner?
I'm still waiting for that album man !!!
I would have loved to have got some Toolesque guitar in some of the tribal drumming sections!
I noticed you mentioned "programmed violin" parts and as this progresses the music really thickens and it almost sounds like a complete string orchestra. We are treated to a very fat groove of strings there for several bars as everything starts to speed up, well not really but the intensity certainly increases with the help of some heavy drum runs. After the apex the music ebbs and settles back into the groove that feature more cello with some octave phrasing. The ottro drops into a calmer portion with the reprise of the mystical opening tones to take it out.
I know your tough on yourself, the best artists are rarely satisfied with their material. This is a another work of art from a great artist. It is without a shadow of a doubt pure StaticNomad. You seem to be trying some different things here with the intro and some sounds. That's the way to do it, and keep things from boring you. I'm waiting to hear some more guitar works hopefully. Maybe some neo-sych or some Psy-trance. Or how about some Eastern Sludge or Stoner?
I'm still waiting for that album man !!!
That glitchy synth is a sample-based banjo part put through a stutter effect. Good fun and fairly memorable.
"and then you break out the cello for a nice multi track Eastern thing"
My favourite cello riff in this. Kind of Eastern, with lots of movement. Fun to play.
"The bass plays a repeating pattern"
It does. Kind of the same thing throughout though there is a bit of variation when the track opens out later on and switches to the key of D (from C). I'm pleased with how the sine wave bass arp sits nicely under the strings and synths in the first few mins. Then I fatten it up for the groove based sections and it all seems to work nicely. There is another bass synth that takes over in a couple of different sections but I think the sine wave part may still be playing, lower in the mix.
"you may even have two drum tracks going here"
Yes, layered loops, as I often do. Plus programmed acoustic kits. Not sure about the panning but there is certainly some movement. Might be on the loops.
"You don't skimp or play it safe when it come to the percussion"
I don't but I'd also like to do more minimal drum tracks though I'm also always trying to get a unique overall drum track for each piece of music, as difficult as that is. Lots of albums have the exact same drum sound throughout.
"it almost sounds like a complete string orchestra"
Not sure why as there's mostly just one sample-based violin, though there are some played cello layers at various points, eg in the intro as the track builds in complexity and volume.
"a very fat groove of strings there for several bars as everything starts to speed up"
Aha, in that heavier, darker string section, I have the violin split into two channels, one with distortion on it, just to give more buzzy crunch. And there are higher cello flourishes to add emphasis.
"the reprise of the mystical opening tones to take it out."
Well I had to end it somehow and I find those mystical sine wave tones quite pleasant to listen to on a loop. I could've gone on with that for a while!
"the best artists are rarely satisfied with their material."
Well I'm certainly no great artist but I am a bit different, hopefully unique. And I am indeed rarely satisfied, especially these days as I sometimes feel like an ex-musician, quite disconnected from playing and listening to music.
"I'm waiting to hear some more guitar works hopefully."
Won't be happening anytime soon! Lost all my fluidity, ideas, phrasing, joy and so on on the instrument.
"Maybe some neo-sych or some Psy-trance."
I'd like to make some Tri trance (feat. lead triangle throughout) or Cry trance (sad, weepy, emotional trance for a raver's funeral).
I'd love to make some Eastern Sludge or stoner but guitar playing will be required! Or distorted cello.
Thanks again for the comprehensive comments.
Damn earbuds! They can be so crap. This track sounds rubbish on the ones I have.
No Quarter? Does this really sound like that. Will have to go back and listen to the original though I like the Tool version.
"a 3 minute drumless intro might even be a rarity for you"
It is but I'm trying to progress, even within my awful, ongoing period of creativity and non instrument playing.
"almost sounds as if there are some choral effects being used."
A choir pad enters playing pretty much the same thing as the lead violin at 1:56.
There's quite a bit happening in my intro, including two versions of that looping sine wave bass, which plays throughout most of the track. 3:06 I just add an effect to make it much fatter. Throbbing sub, basically. No throbbing in intro, just has to sit nicely under the strings and stuff.
"a nice tight staccato snare rudiment"
Yes, that's a drum loop that I've sort of trimmed by adjusting the attack, letting a lot less of the sound through than the original, which is kind of a dance beat.
"some pretty cool glitch rhythm elements"
I think that's just one stutter effect on, would you believe it, a banjo sound! That's at 3:52 and is good fun and has been noted by other people here.
More thoughts coming in my next reply.
Thanks very much.
6:08 tribal drums I really like. They gave me the idea to do some heavy, Tool-like guitar playing. I used to be a decent guitarist but I rarely even play the instrument these days so I couldn't add the riffs I had in my head.
8:00 this heavier section feels like it should be much heavier and contain a cool guitar solo. But I'm not up to laying down any sort of guitar solo these days so I had to do without.
Glad you enjoyed my lengthy, twisting, turning journey. I make a lot of tracks like that. Yes, like a movie soundtrack. Intro is perhaps reminiscent of a Mongolian dawn.
Yes, a nice slow burn, building up to more powerful stuff. Just not powerful enough.
Hearing it played live would be cool but would need quite a few musicians. Probably two violins and two cellos, a few synth players and a couple of drummers.
Thanks for enjoying my flow. Always a very important thing when composing!