24th Mar 2019 17:52 - 5 years ago
Description : NOTICE: this song is made ONLY FOR NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. Contains an emulation of a TM legendary song (send to the original authors, i add them on Fb time ago).

This is a surprise, for those was young in 1999, for the beloved Patricia (and the gift of her voice) and my brothers Nous2 and Jamid, kind people i met here. Let's go crying guys, hope you enjoy.

Comments (27)

If you have time take a listen and give HenryPascal some feedback.

RichardShekari 27th Oct 2024 18:50 - 1 month ago
She absolutely nailed it with that voice! The mix is fantastic, capturing all the nuances beautifully.
JohnMatteson 4th Oct 2024 06:20 - 2 months ago
Man this is great, that voice is soooo good!
thechockehold 28th May 2019 20:35 - 5 years ago
Good job, it really has that 007 movies vibe at the beginning.
HenryPascal replied 29th May 2019 - 5 years ago
Glad you like it!
Rexsaw 21st Apr 2019 01:02 - 5 years ago
Beautiful track; great job guys! Thanks for sharing.
HenryPascal replied 21st Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
Thank you so much!
Bilbozo 17th Apr 2019 00:52 - 5 years ago
I am a big fan of Patricia Edwards. Love the intro...haunting. Great track !
HenryPascal replied 17th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
Thank you.
ZoxoSonor 15th Apr 2019 18:10 - 5 years ago
Questo approccio molto particolare!
HenryPascal replied 15th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
Örülök, hogy tetszik, barátom!
TaylorJProductions 12th Apr 2019 15:46 - 5 years ago
Love the atmosphere you have created! Keep it up :)
HenryPascal replied 12th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
Thank you so much!
ClickbaitCabaret 11th Apr 2019 00:17 - 5 years ago
Very clean, professional sounding track with fantastic vocals & atmosphere.Great work.
HenryPascal replied 11th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
I try to do my best to get a pro track! Thank you so much!
theHumps 8th Apr 2019 22:53 - 5 years ago
Very well put together track. Patricia has a wonderful voice and most songs with her a capellas are strong tracks and this one is too!

There is a cool dark undertone to the track making it mysterious and deep and brooding. Well done!

HenryPascal replied 8th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
Wow, thank you Wayne!
2nick8 7th Apr 2019 16:43 - 5 years ago
Beautiful work Henry on the mix and musical arrangements...Patricia what a voice..very enjoyable song.
HenryPascal replied 7th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
Thank you very much!
unstableonthetrack 7th Apr 2019 15:25 - 5 years ago
lol so I definitely got caught off guard with that.. I wasn't expecting to hear the Pop Blue progression for some reason so that was humorous to me.. Your piano was a bit wet and runny in a few points throughout but I think if you were to automate a light dither in those sections you'd do just fine.. It sounds like it's issue is it's given too much room by itself during it's runoff for each key/chord but I can also tell that the emptiness is intentional and it matches the character of the song.

Overall great work, clear, concise, not muddied, every element had it's place and character.. your arrangement was fun and pushed the song forward which was a good choice for the feel.
HenryPascal replied 7th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
English is not my language, I hope I understand what you mean :) Although I enjoy giving advice to all users on how to improve their songs, since I am not a professional musician there are a lot of things that I still don't understand or i don't know about the "job" of making music. It is therefore obvious that there are certainly things to improve even in my compositions, although I think they are perfect :)

Said that, I think I understand where the problem you mentioned is: I should click on the "Cut itself" button, so the different played notes don't overlap in the decay.

As for "Blue", the clue was already in the title, so in the description I warned that I was using a famous song, but not which song! :)

Oh yes, the whole arrangement is derived from the feeling of discomfort and suffering that transpires from Patricia's performance ("When you loose something you can't replace", as Chris Martin sings on "Fix You").

You know, I like to change the state of things sometimes, I love the different points of view. Inserting the Blue piano loop into a song with a (too) poignant taste is a point of view unexplored so far, of that legendary song.

Sounds strange that you find it funny, it should have made you cry! : D
jobantwisp 6th Apr 2019 16:06 - 5 years ago
almost made it to the end of the coomments before seeing whut i was gonna say,,thankye,Jamid!nd thankYE for the beautiful stuff
HenryPascal replied 6th Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
Thank you!
nathvnbeats 3rd Apr 2019 16:29 - 5 years ago
Nicely made and good mixing
HenryPascal replied 3rd Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
Thank you, boss!
Orlando51 2nd Apr 2019 13:00 - 5 years ago
Wow...Nicolo, you've made a masterpiece here ! Instant favourite ! Also hat's off to Patricia's ever splendid vocals !

Complimenti & Saluti a Udine_____Orlando
HenryPascal replied 2nd Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
Orlando from Slovenia! You are my neighboor! Thank you sooooo much,moj prijatelj!
MPOProduction 1st Apr 2019 19:16 - 5 years ago
very very nice has a lot of feeling ! very good instrument selection .. strong and nice piano
respect !
HenryPascal replied 1st Apr 2019 - 5 years ago
Thank you, my friend! It's all about Patricia... she convey incredibly strong feelings when singing.... that i just translated in music :)
fibonacci1185 30th Mar 2019 13:54 - 5 years ago
Well Since we can't edit our comments or comment on our own stuff which is exhausting not being able to, they should change that. Anyways...Regarding the "waveform" in my Post Malone track as you called it, you can only hear that for the first 10 seconds after that you can't hear it anymore. Just sayin...
HenryPascal replied 30th Mar 2019 - 5 years ago
Unfortunately my level of English is still not as good as I would like (lol). Ok, now it's all clear. (I found the same acapella, I realized that you also worked on the voice, you didn't just put it on the base, congratulations)
Shaman77 30th Mar 2019 11:47 - 5 years ago
Great vocals))
HenryPascal replied 30th Mar 2019 - 5 years ago
Thank you!
crucethus 27th Mar 2019 23:42 - 5 years ago
Masterful job. Extremely Clever arrangement. Patricia´s voice is sublime here. I have no words of critique, It´s perfect as you present to us.
HenryPascal replied 28th Mar 2019 - 5 years ago
Thank you, thank you so much.
fibonacci1185 26th Mar 2019 16:52 - 5 years ago
I need a tissue.
HenryPascal replied 26th Mar 2019 - 5 years ago
ahahha... really? Thanks mate.
MOONLYTE 25th Mar 2019 19:11 - 5 years ago
You know, I thought it sounded good before but then that piano came in and I was dragged in. That sample from Eiffel will always be one of my favorites, and they are in my top 10 bands of all time if I must admit :P
HenryPascal replied 26th Mar 2019 - 5 years ago
Yeah... i met them long time ago... after a concert... was a great emotion.... Thank you, thank you so much....
FullCapicityMuzic 25th Mar 2019 14:32 - 5 years ago
Wow! I think I held my breath the whole 3:02! Blue never sounded like such a good thing. You have given this such a beautiful muzical environment, so warm and peaceful. I absolutely LOVE it!!! :-)
HenryPascal replied 25th Mar 2019 - 5 years ago
Really?? Oh wooo hooo... i can't believe :) :) That's tha kind of mood i want for my project... and i know you can do some magic with your mastery :) Luv Ya.
Nous2 25th Mar 2019 09:25 - 5 years ago
Anzi riconosco la melodia del coro.
Non riesco a creare una canzone per pianoforte: p.
Sto tirando il mio cappello
HenryPascal replied 25th Mar 2019 - 5 years ago
Dieu merci, vous l'avez au moins reconnu! Je suis très attaché à la chanson originale, parce que cela faisait partie de mon adolescence et aussi parce que j'avais alors une vie extrêmement difficile et compliquée, mais j'ai réussi à m'en sortir. Même moi, je n'aurais jamais cru utiliser le piano autant, même si c'est un instrument que j'aime beaucoup, je voulais qu'il soit le protagoniste de la composition. Si vous vous engagez vous réussirez, je n'en doute pas!
Nous2 25th Mar 2019 09:23 - 5 years ago
Ehi HP, come stai?
Grazie innanzi tutto per la dedica è molto bello!
Per quanto riguarda la tua canzone, lo adoro. Ascoltandolo penso a crediti cinematografici, come 007 :). Lei è troppo corta !!
Riconosco il lavoro di mixaggio che ti ha chiesto perché le voci sono perfette, ben fondenti nella musica. È davvero un buon lavoro.
Un grande bravo !!
HenryPascal replied 25th Mar 2019 - 5 years ago
Merci beaucoup! Je dis toujours que c'est grâce à la chanteuse, dans ce cas Patricia, parce que je compose la musique en fonction des sentiments que me donne l'interprète. Nous savons que Patricia est une pure magie!
TheEnlightenedOne 25th Mar 2019 05:45 - 5 years ago
I was not expecting that riff drop at the chorus, it instantly snatched me back in time and with a whole new feel. I said I would keep up and hear all of your new work and I am glad you dropped this one. I'm gonna be on the look out for vocals from Patricia from now on too, cause she is a pitch perfect wonder. Great job, yet again!
HenryPascal replied 25th Mar 2019 - 5 years ago
Oh wow...leave me speechless :) I was searching here someone who loves Eiffel 65 at least as much as me, to the point recreate some their most used samples/loops... or vocals. By keyword Blue i bumped into this vocal masterpiece, try if it can fit on that loop... and he does!!!
Magiq1 25th Mar 2019 02:50 - 5 years ago
Amazing the production and mixing and vocal talent one can only dream

HenryPascal replied 25th Mar 2019 - 5 years ago
Thank you so much... all about dabadee dabadie (and Patty, of course)
DijamMusic 25th Mar 2019 00:42 - 5 years ago
Wow wow wow Henri,
No doubt...a masterpiece!!! Splendidly structured with brilliant build up and growing tension combined with Patricia ‘s warm voice is simply magical, and on top of it all brilliant sound and production...or in one word top track treat on all levels! Henri, sincerely, this must be one of your best (if not the best) Acoustic creations...well, maybe even overall!!
I really thank you for it.
HenryPascal replied 25th Mar 2019 - 5 years ago
Kindness should always be returned. I very much appreciate your creations, the ones I have listened to so far have left me with a sign. So I wanted you to feel the same way too. As written in the description, I used a very famous piano harmonic loop, not mentioning however which song, because I was convinced that everyone knew it! But, apparently, nobody seems to have recognized her, not even you ... yet the clue is in the title! : D
BLEEP 24th Mar 2019 20:27 - 5 years ago
Hi there!
I'm going to let you my comment in french but if you don't understand, tell me, i will try to translate it :)

Superbe morceau, très épuré avec une instru qui sert et dessert à merveille la partie vocale. Je trouve que le parti pris de rester sur un piano / basse avec l'ajout de quelques nappes "aériennes" est un excellent choix! cela met en valeur l'ensemble, d'ailleurs de très belles harmonies se dégagent de ce morceau.

Une très belle inspiration, sans nul doute! si tu as un soundcloud, je reposterai ce morceau avec grand plaisir!

HenryPascal replied 24th Mar 2019 - 5 years ago
Merci beaucoup pour vos gentils mots!
Ne vous inquiétez pas du français, j'utilise google translate. Malheureusement, je n'ai pas Soundcloud, mais si vous aimez le partager, vous pouvez toujours le poster sur Facebook ahahha. Dans la description que j'ai écrite, j'ai utilisé une émulation d'une chanson très célèbre, sans écrire à propos de quelle chanson, parce que j'étais convaincu que même les pierres le savaient! Mais apparemment, vous ne l'avez même pas reconnu :)


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24th Dec 2014 22:54 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains several loops from various Looperman artists, listed below. Merry Xmas! UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!

Applied loops:

THEHUMPS: 0308224-0052308 (C Mando Blues Acoustic Guitar Fill 1- 100 bpm),
0308224-0052216 (Mando 1 Strum C-D 100 bpm),
0308224-0052215 (Mando 1 Notes C-D 100 bpm),
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE: 0071878-0006824 (Triangle 116), 0071878-0004044 (Fragment), 0071878-0003099 (Lion Perc and Orc 01),
BILLYENGLAND: 0133538-0005877 (Sparkle Piano), 0133538-0005879 (Dream Vibe),
DEVODALE: 0134239-0044149 (Devodale - AmGFx2 - Pt4 Wah 030511),
RAYKOEDFOE: 0146059-0015988 (Dusty Steel Guitar),
ACIDPARADOX: 0152969-0011344 (Medieval guitar loop),
REALSTRINGS: 0175741-0009205 (Real Strings - 8),
CHRISTPSPAROGLOU: 0128032-0023631 (Akoustic machine loop),
CHIEFJUSTICE: 0138351-000600 (Cow Bell Loop),
BIGFORTUNE1: 0090927-0002582 (Basic Jambeau),
ENTER_THE_RETURN: 0096555-0014434 (Am F C G Chord Progression),
ANCHOR: 0072432-0001988 (Hungarian Piano 01),
ALIVIDLIFE: 0158799-0017887 (Our Voices Never Touched Guitar Riff),
CENTRIST: 0079105-0003788 (Acoustic Guitar Picking 1),
INNSTRUMENTALZ: 0265235-0019477 (Piano Loop 1),
TZA1800: 0239374-0052187 (Woodwind and Mallet Percussion Melody),
ICZAR13: 0190625-0012289 (Acoustic GTar loop),
BENRUDGE: 0303073-0021908 (Melancholic Piano Loop in A minor).
25th Nov 2017 13:54 - 7 years ago
23rd Jul 2024 13:11 - 5 months ago
Description : most people won't care
some will say it's good that the bitch is gone
a few will maybe think about it
26th Jan 2015 22:14 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Again, another early production from like two years ago. I had a cheap little Yamaha acoustic guitar that I borrowed and mic'd and some congas that were given to me as a birthday present. I used my iPad GarageBand app to record the strings and the big bass drum thingy at the interlude and little electric guitar parts in there too haha. All the vocals were done by myself and my brother throws in some little things here and there with his voice :P Enjoy!
28th Oct 2015 15:33 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Plz don't forget show me ready mix
16th Oct 2013 00:03 - 11 years ago
Description : A rhythm guitar track I made and sent to my cousin on the East Coast. Made with Tape-A-Talk app. from the Google Play Store. Download and collaborate with it.
6th Feb 2022 11:27 - 2 years ago
Description : ryancali vocal great artist go check him out on here this is the acoustic version let me know what you think
27th Mar 2009 23:12 - 15 years ago
Tags :
Description : My very first acoustic piece in quite a while..
I hope someone grabs this and puts some vocals to it.
The software I used is Reaper, Addictive Drums and Gearbox.
Hardware is a Jackson RR3 plugged into a Line 6 Pod X3..
22nd Aug 2021 20:25 - 3 years ago
Description : Alternative sound


polo g, trippie redd, internet money, the kid laroi, roddy ricch , rylo Rodriguez , no cap , been one
8th Jan 2017 05:08 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Thats my newest Track all made out of free vst of the dsk series. Its a kind of chill out acoustic string thing that makes me thinking. Its very calm,inspirational and gives me power...
12th Mar 2020 14:20 - 4 years ago
Leave me a feedback !

TAGS: Lil Peep, Chill, Guitar
19th Sep 2019 08:19 - 5 years ago
Description : I started composing this tune with an excellent loop of MINOR2GO.
This is the result so far, hope you'll like it.

Guitar: Daniel Hirschi, Hanspeter Dubach
Dobro: William Endres
Bass: Alex Richard
Hammond & Keys: Claude Barbotte (R.I.P.)
Strings & Pads: Costa R. Zbinden
Drums: Laurent Wirz
loops: MINOR2GO, Megapaul, Loneninjah

Composed & arranged by: Laurent Wirz, Alex Richard, Costa R. Zbinden
17th Jun 2019 00:25 - 5 years ago
Description : ample guitar m 2

please send me you work in comments

THX ))