Description : I was so fascinated by the concept of Eighteen, that I ask him the acapella to do my remix. Despite the right hand not yet fully restored, I could not let the idea I had in mind vanish into thin air. So, in just 11 hours of work, this is the result, a track that recalls the electronic music of the late 70s.
The vocal interpretation of LeoValentine is incredibly beautiful, the concept of Eighteen sublime...
I hope this version is equally appreciated!
This electronic track was uploaded by HenryPascal. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (18)
If you have time take a listen and give HenryPascal some feedback.
Yeo Nico,
That's why Joe said Madonna and I agree. Sounds like it could fit on the Ray of Light like a one-hand glove no pun intended.
But hey it is a great track.
Well done Nico
I wish I could too make reference to years, but I can't. :-)
What I love is the dreaminess feeling.
Like I'm in a protective bubble with all sorts of cool things outside it captivating my attention,
and as I go further and further the shininess and glitter will just get better and better.
I think the vocal married to the muzic is gonna have to grow on me.
Is the vocal a guy or a gal?
Dear Henry, as we agreed by email, we will exchange free consultations. So get ready for the heavy buckshot lol
First I'll talk about what I liked:
The introduction is very interesting, with the weather progressing as the music grows. I couldn't find acapella to compare, but for me the voice has a good timbre and a good volume, in general. The melodic lines of the keyboards I also really liked. The part I liked the most was the buildup after the break, it was sublime.
Now comes the part where I would do different ... Get ready for the buckshot lol
Right at the beginning there is a chord that I didn't like, it just clashes with the music in my view, although it is the same chord at the end, where it was good.
Before the stop, you created a cut and repetition effect of the voice, to my taste, it sounded a little strange, maybe it's out of time or out of key.
After 2:10 you created an ambience effect in the voice and I didn't know what the intention was, because the volume decreased but didn't disappear, and then she came back. I maybe would do the effect, but I would make it disappear completely and then go back to the other bar.
Between 2:30 and 3:30 minutes I believe it is the climax of the sound, but in my opinion there are many instruments competing for the same space, so perhaps they give the impression of swallowing the voice. I might have interspersed one after the other, or even some instruments on one side and others on the other, to release a little bit of information.
Finally, on the last bar, I would have finished the song with a last low note along with the kick, seasoned with a little reverb effect, I think it would sound better.
Well my friend is that, a lot of what I said is personal taste, and it varies from person to person.
Overall music has a good 80's feel to it, and the voice is great.
Good productions and I hope I can count on your free consultation on other projects of mine!
Thanks for the valuable suggestions, you opened my eyes (and ears) to details I hadn't been paying attention to.
As for the acapella, the question is very complicated, I'll explain everything in PM.
The only effects applied to the acapella are a multiband compressor (with the mid frequencies cut as much as possible) and the crossfading game between wet and dry in the reverb. The rest is all Eighteen's work, are effects that he applied on his acapella before sending me the copy.
I have listened to the defective chord several times, yet I can't understand why it sounds bad, I have to investigate haha
The acapella that decreases in volume is an attempt to "phantomize", because leaving it continuously made the track too boring since it always repeats the same loop.
It's true, when vocals returns to 3:05 it actually seems buried by the instrumental ...
The last bar I left it like this, because in the intentions, this track had to be part of a fake suite (maybe i'll do for real some day), that crash reverse had to introduce the next part of the suite, as well as the effect at the beginning had to be the tail of the previous part.
It's nice to be able to have constructive criticisms, the listener's points of view are important!
Hello Henry Pascal.
Really nothing bad to say here :)
All sounds good and in the right place. Her voice is really special and i like the vibrato a lot. So i think you done a good job on what you wanted to do.
But in a way i believe that a much darker and a more wave oriented version would have been better. But that is just my opinion and is not any kind of critic at all.
A really nice one to listen to.
Much respect for both of you!
No problem with criticism, if constructive as your is.
Just i don't understand what you mean with "wave oriented".
Sure, to be a seventies theme, is maybe a tad brilliant, and this don't help to give that flavours.
It could be one of the fixing i can do, so... tell me! aahahh
Hey Lefty!!! That intro was amazing. The music is amazing. Vapourware all the way! The vocals need some chorus effect to quash the off key vibrato. and I agree with everyone else it becomes buried. all easily fixed. The music is freking outstanding though.
Cheers mate.
Listening to this is like, "Just give me some red Bull with vodka & I'm ready to GOP to the club" kinda thing. It's really professional sounding too. Great job.
Maybe the limiter did his job, 'cause it was one of the spots where there was a bit of distortion... if i create an automation on volume, distortion cames back, so that's the best i can do with the means i have available!
good 70 vibe...the kick is very snappy..
some part the vocals get buried..i got a solution my friend.sidechian the whole track but the high 1k-5k with vocals
I was sure you notice about voice buring, but... that's not!
This is my magic trick:
If you pay attention, voice begin to fade since 2:00, because i played with the "wet" and "dry" knobs on reverb! Dry turns almost off, wet turns to 50%, to "phantomize" the vocals, that, in it's repetition, was a bit boring! Then, the vice-versa, to get back at circa 3:05
Description : Feel free to check out the video on YT as well (Alan McLaren Project - Upside Down) of this 6min journey from electronic to rock with some psychedelic moments...
This is my latest, but also one of my earliest tracks.... any feedback is more than welcome, thanks :)
Description : A demo of one of my current projects. The chorus vocal sounds like "Aaaaraashe" to me. The song is in C# minor with a nod to C# pythagorean on the chorus. The beat on the verse was inspired by the Peter Gabriel song Intruder.
Description : This is one of my earliest productions that I did at the start of my recording career. I did not have a keyboard at the time I made this song, so I improvised and used my sister's iPad and a 5 dollar GarageBand application instead, and plugged the headset jack into into my PT6 rig and did my best to turn each individual track (which were mono and there were about 25 tracks or so) into a stereo image. Then recorded vocals over it. My computer was so old and slow that I had to mix my music and then BOUNCE it to a new session - four times. My computer (which had 512 MB RAM and an 80 GB hard drive) couldn't handle more than 8 tracks at a time or it'd stop working because the processor couldn't handle it. Took me FOREVER to do. But I got it done. Had a lot of fun doing it too, even if it isn't my "best" work. I'm still happy with it, considering I didn't have many tools to choose from at the time.
Description : Long time lurker first time poster, pretty new to production n stuff, this is my first track in Ableton Live.
was going for a darkwave/synthwave sound, reminiscent of Justice, Carpenter Brut, Perturbator, ect.
Looking for some feed back, constructive criticisms or even just your thoughts if you liked it or not. This is just a rough cut on this current WIP, just the bones of it if you will.. If you have some cool title suggestions, would love to hear those too.
Thanks for listening.
Description : Far out mid-tempo fat beat deep chillout grooves with Eastern/Arabic and slightly menacing vibes, huge delayed synth bass and a great palette of psychedelic layered and intricate sounds (mostly synths) and a stirring, epic feel. Even has guitar solo section reminiscent of some 80s power rock which is then followed by a brief synth harp solo. I began making it straight after staying round the flat of the flute player from the legendary Ozric Tentacles - easily the greatest ever space rock band. I made this in about 2001 and still think it might be my best track (and it's nice and short, for a change). My production skills were much weaker in those days (no EQ, compression or mastering used here) but, somehow, this one turned out pretty much just right. Feel free to disagree. Now sit back and get ready to trip extremely far out. If you manage to return, let me know how that trip was...
Description : Got some spare time finally...just started on some random ideas basically (lets say kygo meets alan walker). A blend of dubstep,edm,downbeat,tropical etc.
It's still a work in progress, so i would appreciate your honest inputs. Thanks to all those whose loops I have used in here, sorry I don't have time to search them out.
Edit-added some more filthy sounds from my previous tracks and gave it some ending. Advice will be helpful.
I love this track.
It is really great.
The vocal is the centre point of this track.
Really beautiful.
Well done Maestro Nico.
You were here six month ago, but i can't say any thanks... so, thank you so much...
... you are too generous in compliments ...
Please, check my other tracks!
great job anyway !
Read the description... answer is there!
That's why Joe said Madonna and I agree. Sounds like it could fit on the Ray of Light like a one-hand glove no pun intended.
But hey it is a great track.
Well done Nico
Sorry for late answer, my hand is bothering me, despite the progress made, I still cannot use it as I would like.
Thank you so much!
What I love is the dreaminess feeling.
Like I'm in a protective bubble with all sorts of cool things outside it captivating my attention,
and as I go further and further the shininess and glitter will just get better and better.
I think the vocal married to the muzic is gonna have to grow on me.
Is the vocal a guy or a gal?
Well, vocalist is a girl, named LeoValentine1990.
I'm... moved for your comment!
First I'll talk about what I liked:
The introduction is very interesting, with the weather progressing as the music grows. I couldn't find acapella to compare, but for me the voice has a good timbre and a good volume, in general. The melodic lines of the keyboards I also really liked. The part I liked the most was the buildup after the break, it was sublime.
Now comes the part where I would do different ... Get ready for the buckshot lol
Right at the beginning there is a chord that I didn't like, it just clashes with the music in my view, although it is the same chord at the end, where it was good.
Before the stop, you created a cut and repetition effect of the voice, to my taste, it sounded a little strange, maybe it's out of time or out of key.
After 2:10 you created an ambience effect in the voice and I didn't know what the intention was, because the volume decreased but didn't disappear, and then she came back. I maybe would do the effect, but I would make it disappear completely and then go back to the other bar.
Between 2:30 and 3:30 minutes I believe it is the climax of the sound, but in my opinion there are many instruments competing for the same space, so perhaps they give the impression of swallowing the voice. I might have interspersed one after the other, or even some instruments on one side and others on the other, to release a little bit of information.
Finally, on the last bar, I would have finished the song with a last low note along with the kick, seasoned with a little reverb effect, I think it would sound better.
Well my friend is that, a lot of what I said is personal taste, and it varies from person to person.
Overall music has a good 80's feel to it, and the voice is great.
Good productions and I hope I can count on your free consultation on other projects of mine!
As for the acapella, the question is very complicated, I'll explain everything in PM.
The only effects applied to the acapella are a multiband compressor (with the mid frequencies cut as much as possible) and the crossfading game between wet and dry in the reverb. The rest is all Eighteen's work, are effects that he applied on his acapella before sending me the copy.
I have listened to the defective chord several times, yet I can't understand why it sounds bad, I have to investigate haha
The acapella that decreases in volume is an attempt to "phantomize", because leaving it continuously made the track too boring since it always repeats the same loop.
It's true, when vocals returns to 3:05 it actually seems buried by the instrumental ...
The last bar I left it like this, because in the intentions, this track had to be part of a fake suite (maybe i'll do for real some day), that crash reverse had to introduce the next part of the suite, as well as the effect at the beginning had to be the tail of the previous part.
It's nice to be able to have constructive criticisms, the listener's points of view are important!
Really nothing bad to say here :)
All sounds good and in the right place. Her voice is really special and i like the vibrato a lot. So i think you done a good job on what you wanted to do.
But in a way i believe that a much darker and a more wave oriented version would have been better. But that is just my opinion and is not any kind of critic at all.
A really nice one to listen to.
Much respect for both of you!
stay tuned
Just i don't understand what you mean with "wave oriented".
Sure, to be a seventies theme, is maybe a tad brilliant, and this don't help to give that flavours.
It could be one of the fixing i can do, so... tell me! aahahh
Cheers mate.
My ears are tired now ahahahahha
Thank you my friend!
Pm coming soon.
The point at 2:00ish is brilliant that the vocals fade away, I wasn't referring to that.
At 3:00 I noticed the vocals come back, but that's where it is getting overwhelmed/buried by the instruments, is what I meant :)
Maybe the limiter did his job, 'cause it was one of the spots where there was a bit of distortion... if i create an automation on volume, distortion cames back, so that's the best i can do with the means i have available!
some part the vocals get buried..i got a solution my friend.sidechian the whole track but the high 1k-5k with vocals
Read my reply to Eighteen comment to discover my "magic trick"
I understand what you meant now with lack of audio quality.
This kick I can feel in my head, feels really good.
At around 3:00ish the vocals get buried abit with the louder music.
But other then that you promised me I wouldn't be dissapointed and you were right!
Fantastic work man, I absolutely love it!
I was sure you notice about voice buring, but... that's not!
This is my magic trick:
If you pay attention, voice begin to fade since 2:00, because i played with the "wet" and "dry" knobs on reverb! Dry turns almost off, wet turns to 50%, to "phantomize" the vocals, that, in it's repetition, was a bit boring! Then, the vice-versa, to get back at circa 3:05
You didn't expect this, be true!