Description : In 2015 I made a dubstep track called Labyrinth Of The Absurd. This is part 2. Check out part 1 if you haven't yet. This is a Dark D-n-B. Or whatever.
I used Serum, Massive, Sylenth1. I used no presets, and no prefabricated loops. This is all original content from scratch. The only exception being the vocal samples.
This drum and bass track was uploaded by ValveDriver. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (25)
If you have time take a listen and give ValveDriver some feedback.
Yes, it really impressive, the sound and the composition. You have masterfully used your armory of sounds and your fantasy to give us a awesome track.
Great work here
My best wishes, Anthony
Greetings V, hope all is good and well. First off, let me just say how much I love this mix quality, crisp, clear,raw, and agressive. Such blissful chaos and artistry at its best. You knocked this baby out of the park brother, a job well done. BTW,I've been looking at buying Sylenth1 for quite awhile, and I was hoping you can share your feedback. I would really appreciate it. Faved.
Greetings in return! Thank you for the kind words. I greatly appreciate it!
As far as Sylenth goes...pull the trigger and get it. It's a highly versatile synth and totally user friendly. The routing path is an easy one to follow and all the extra this-n-that's make for some sweet one of a kind patches. I bought it years ago and have used it in almost every track since then. If you check out my tune "I Hope You're Alright" you can get a good idea of what it can do. Other than the piano and drums, that's all I used. All the patches were custom built from the initial saw.
Honestly, I wish Lennar Digital has seen all the recommendations I've made. They'd have to sponsor me with free shit by now!
This is a very atmospheric piece, the first part sounds like an ancient pagan ceremonial and then evolves into a more rapid but equally intense form. The construction of the sounds you used is very accurate and I think all this took time and effort. As always you produce songs of great impact and depth.
A cordial greeting
Marco, sorry for the late reply. We are in the middle of a big move, and have had no time for anything.
That being said, Thank you for your kind words.
It's interesting that you hear pagan ceremonials. My intent was to convey a more underworld industrial setting. Just another testament to interpretation, and how one thing can be perceived so vastly different by separate entities. It amazes me, really.
Thank you again, my friend,
As always, take care.
I would suggest it. There are a few people here that are a wealth of priceless advice and information. They are always ready and willing to share it without expecting anything in return. But, to find that advice, you have to take the time to dig through comments on other peoples tracks and in the forums.
Because @Arloph09, you would have seen that the last commenter before you said the exact same thing. And Mr. Valve acknowledged that and provided a reason for why it's like that and what he can do about it. So it´s plus points for you for realizing what needs to be fixed like someone else, but minus points for you for not sharing in the community expression that was already there because you did not bother to engage by reading others' comments. Capiche, my friend.
Not only because of what Crucethus said in the comment above this one, but because sometimes you learn things by reading other comments. But, I'm guessing you aleady know everything there is to know.
Love it bro. Love the mix, very open, wide and clean. I would bring up the kick a little big more and give it some punch as well as the drums. Kick and snare are usually prominent in dubstep. None the less very very good!!
If I ever get around to searching a couple different storage drives to see if I still have this file backed up somewhere, I'll play around with the levels. But, until then, I've written this one off as a loss. The laptop that I created this one on took the proverbial shit and died. Along with it, this songs original file. But, I totally agree with what you mentioned, and if I could have, I already would have fixed it. But...such is life.
Either way, I appreciate the suggestion. Not enough people around here throw helpful critiques anymore. That's how we improve, right?
What a cool trip I just went on. So much to absorb but it was fun. Quite a composition actually. Lots of textural elements and darker sounds and effects to get the listener to get sucked right into this track and be emotionally affected.
Great job telling a story too. Whether the song has lyrics or not, the composer still has to tell the lister what they are trying to convey. You've done that here, absolutely. Lots of good feedback as I read thru the comments, well deserved.
What I appreciate about this is how true to the origins of Dubstep (Dark Step)this song is. Reminds me a bit of Bad Company ¨The Nine¨ Bro-step sort of killed the genre and sent it back to the underworld, just like Disco became commercial and House was born. Awesome mastering and sound.
Awesome track Aaron. Like you, I really think certain Dubstep elements are amazingly cool but I cant listen to the majority of Dubstep music simply because its so Over-killed with effects. I really appreciate your constraint here and feel this is how is should be done. Did you by chance blend a vocoder with some of the synth? It almost sounds like its trying to form words in spots. As BOD mentioned and you pointed out, the tempo changes are significant and really showcases your ability as a composer.
Its cool for me also to see others taking interest in your music bro. So, please keep them coming!
Back around 2012 and earlier, Dubstep was alright. It was a lot less...well, it was a lot less. Once Skrillex got his dick skinners on it, it turned to a load of histrionic garbage.
As far as the vocoder goes; No. I didn't use one. It's just a generous amount of LFO, envelope filters and added effect manipulations. Like chorus, distortion, dimension expanders, frequency shifting, etc. A lot of the times, with a good waveform a decimated distortion on the cutoff and resonance can give it a vocal effect, too.
Even though heavy metal is so deeply ingrained into my life that it may as well be part of my DNA, I still love doing this synth stuff because of all of the tweaking of knobs, and shifting of frequencies, the creating. It's the sound design more than the music really. It's like the equivalent of a painter inventing new colors.
"Its cool for me also to see others taking interest in your music bro"
Of all the comments I've received on my tracks, that is quite possibly the most meaningful. Thank you sir.
I hadn't really thought about it, but you're right. Others taking interest. After being (mostly) absent for so long, there are a lot of new "faces" that don't have any idea who Valvedriver is. It's like starting over. Which is okay. I can shed some of that notorious infamy! HAHA!
As always, my friend, it's good to hear from you. I always look forward to it when I put up something new. Even if there are tracks that never existed that might have rap in it, but don't, because Valvedriver would never do that. Ever. It doesn't exist.
Man I can't contain my excitement about this right now like you just treated like so perfect like that fine line works not too much there's not too little to make your drum and bass still our man you think I'm excited about this one my man I never been inside of any other track except for maybe mine but not like this for someone else's for the exceptional job man I can't even express my excitement over this I'm going to just go to work right now and just put the volume full blast.not only that is one of those tracks where you fall asleep to it's nice and in a sense I don't know I just kind of like that dark sense that atmosphere is just something that I've always enjoyed for some reason
Well, man. I'm flattered that you enjoyed it so much. It's always good to hear that as an artist, my work has an impact on someone.
As far as the dark atmosphere, there was a time when I was known here for being "the dark one". I mean, no one ever called me that...thank god. But in reference to music, that's what I was associated with.
I don't know if you ever listened to the first Labyrinth Of The Absurd or not, but if you like this one as much as you do, you will probably like that one just as much.
Thank you again for your extremely kind words. It's encouraging.
Yes I would pay for this sir you are really good my hat's off to you especially from scratch my favorites sounds to mess with too bad downloads are not available: (
Oh hell yeah you're good I remember now if it's a little movie samples clips of the good ones the dark ones I like this one right here. You get down sir
Those synths sound awesome. Thank you for the quality mix. It's a shame so much heavy electric music blasts a limiter for the entire track. The variation is great to hear as well. The slow build in the intro really sets the tone. Awesome atmosphere. Awesome track.
Hey man. Thanks for the trifecta! Listen, comment AND fav!
I'm glad you liked it. I agree that too many producers rely way too heavily on a limiter. Louder isn't always better. Unless you're at a Cannibal Corpse concert. Then it's pretty awesome. But as far as this kind of music goes...clipping is not an instrument!
If you haven't listened to Part 1, give it a whirl. It's different than this, but also very similar.
Thanks again, man. I truly appreciate it.
Was surprised by the tempo changes. Even just doubling the tempo like you did is more interesting than being trapped in the same quantized time signature. Also you took the time to mix the dry "dub step" sounds, which can sound awesome but destroy ears and speakers if not handled like actual instruments.
I'm surprised at this direction compared to your other works, it shows versatility, cool track, fun to listen to, keep digging up old stuff or make something new, I'll probably listen to both.
With this kind of music, tempo changes are a must. With as repetitive as everything else gets, it just gets boring without it. That's my opinion anyhow.
Yes. Treating the dubstep sounds as an instrument is very important. I've heard a LOT of dubstep that should have never been let out of it's cage because the mix was so uneven and just blasted to it's fullest levels. If used properly, the dubstep sounds can be really freakin' cool. In "Velvet Highway" (and other tracks off mine), I used them as accents and enhancers in he background to really push the main instruments forward.
This direction is actually the original starting sound of "Valvedriver" I've taken down a lot of my older work to make room for the newer. Most of what you've heard is the new direction. Even though I am a die hard metal fan since 1986 when it first got walking legs, (Like, everything from Metallica to Cannibal Corpse, and Slayer to Nile) I still love to do the synth based darker shit, too. I enjoy the tweaking and sound engineering. More so than actually making the music.
Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment.
Take care.
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Please feel free to download from if you want to support our work. Many thanks, Oli&Kay
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Description : So ive been listening to alot of dnb lately, and i decided to try my hand at it. It turned out to be alittle more chillout than I wanted it to be, but I still like how it turned out.
A ambient type of DnB track, one to make you think, Second attempt at the DnB genre for this year, again apologise to Drum and Bass artist, guessing again not your normal DnB.Used flute Rhodes Piano, and a few other bits to hopefully get the feeling for the piece I wanted, along with a few break beats/bass lines and FX etc...
Please comment/review and the favour will be returned...
Description : Merry Christmas to everyone, and thanks for all your downloads. This song is from 2016 but is here in this christmas. Thanks to Raphael29 for this great loops. Have a nice day and enjoy!
Description : Hey guys,
i wanted to share with you my track
with the "last year DNB Drums" that i uploaded a while ago.
i know its not finished and polished,but it sounds simply good :D
Let me know your critics!
Great work here
My best wishes, Anthony
Take care.
Take care.
Take care.
Until Then
As far as Sylenth goes...pull the trigger and get it. It's a highly versatile synth and totally user friendly. The routing path is an easy one to follow and all the extra this-n-that's make for some sweet one of a kind patches. I bought it years ago and have used it in almost every track since then. If you check out my tune "I Hope You're Alright" you can get a good idea of what it can do. Other than the piano and drums, that's all I used. All the patches were custom built from the initial saw.
Honestly, I wish Lennar Digital has seen all the recommendations I've made. They'd have to sponsor me with free shit by now!
Thanks again.
Take care.
A cordial greeting
That being said, Thank you for your kind words.
It's interesting that you hear pagan ceremonials. My intent was to convey a more underworld industrial setting. Just another testament to interpretation, and how one thing can be perceived so vastly different by separate entities. It amazes me, really.
Thank you again, my friend,
As always, take care.
Thanks for the listen and the comment.
Take care.
It's worth the time and effort.
Take care.
Additional minus points for absolutely no tact whatsoever.
If I ever get around to searching a couple different storage drives to see if I still have this file backed up somewhere, I'll play around with the levels. But, until then, I've written this one off as a loss. The laptop that I created this one on took the proverbial shit and died. Along with it, this songs original file. But, I totally agree with what you mentioned, and if I could have, I already would have fixed it. But...such is life.
Either way, I appreciate the suggestion. Not enough people around here throw helpful critiques anymore. That's how we improve, right?
Anyhow...Take care, man.
Take care.
Great job telling a story too. Whether the song has lyrics or not, the composer still has to tell the lister what they are trying to convey. You've done that here, absolutely. Lots of good feedback as I read thru the comments, well deserved.
I have always tried to achieve painting with sound. It hasn't always worked, but I'm glad to hear that it did in this case.
Thanks again.
Take care.
"Even if there are tracks that never existed that might have rap in it, but don't, because ValveDriver would never do that. Ever. It doesn't exist"
Um, "When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, Let it Be."
"Bro-step". Even the name sounds ridiculous.
Cuz this go hardcore!
Its cool for me also to see others taking interest in your music bro. So, please keep them coming!
As far as the vocoder goes; No. I didn't use one. It's just a generous amount of LFO, envelope filters and added effect manipulations. Like chorus, distortion, dimension expanders, frequency shifting, etc. A lot of the times, with a good waveform a decimated distortion on the cutoff and resonance can give it a vocal effect, too.
Even though heavy metal is so deeply ingrained into my life that it may as well be part of my DNA, I still love doing this synth stuff because of all of the tweaking of knobs, and shifting of frequencies, the creating. It's the sound design more than the music really. It's like the equivalent of a painter inventing new colors.
"Its cool for me also to see others taking interest in your music bro"
Of all the comments I've received on my tracks, that is quite possibly the most meaningful. Thank you sir.
I hadn't really thought about it, but you're right. Others taking interest. After being (mostly) absent for so long, there are a lot of new "faces" that don't have any idea who Valvedriver is. It's like starting over. Which is okay. I can shed some of that notorious infamy! HAHA!
As always, my friend, it's good to hear from you. I always look forward to it when I put up something new. Even if there are tracks that never existed that might have rap in it, but don't, because Valvedriver would never do that. Ever. It doesn't exist.
Eric, take care, man.
As far as the dark atmosphere, there was a time when I was known here for being "the dark one". I mean, no one ever called me that...thank god. But in reference to music, that's what I was associated with.
I don't know if you ever listened to the first Labyrinth Of The Absurd or not, but if you like this one as much as you do, you will probably like that one just as much.
Thank you again for your extremely kind words. It's encouraging.
Take care.
I'm glad you liked it. I agree that too many producers rely way too heavily on a limiter. Louder isn't always better. Unless you're at a Cannibal Corpse concert. Then it's pretty awesome. But as far as this kind of music goes...clipping is not an instrument!
If you haven't listened to Part 1, give it a whirl. It's different than this, but also very similar.
Thanks again, man. I truly appreciate it.
Take care.
I'm surprised at this direction compared to your other works, it shows versatility, cool track, fun to listen to, keep digging up old stuff or make something new, I'll probably listen to both.
Yes. Treating the dubstep sounds as an instrument is very important. I've heard a LOT of dubstep that should have never been let out of it's cage because the mix was so uneven and just blasted to it's fullest levels. If used properly, the dubstep sounds can be really freakin' cool. In "Velvet Highway" (and other tracks off mine), I used them as accents and enhancers in he background to really push the main instruments forward.
This direction is actually the original starting sound of "Valvedriver" I've taken down a lot of my older work to make room for the newer. Most of what you've heard is the new direction. Even though I am a die hard metal fan since 1986 when it first got walking legs, (Like, everything from Metallica to Cannibal Corpse, and Slayer to Nile) I still love to do the synth based darker shit, too. I enjoy the tweaking and sound engineering. More so than actually making the music.
Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment.
Take care.