Track Hidden
LilDiaper has set the track Oakss to hidden.
More tracks by LilDiaper
As that track was hidden why not take a listen to these other tracks by LilDiaper
29th May 2020 19:23 - 4 years ago
29th May 2020 19:23 - 4 years ago
Description : Shout too these people for the loops:
Rasputin, Pablo1144, Twistedloop, Frenchyvxv, 808ice, and last but not least Greenblaze
skip to 1:52 if you hope to laugh
11th May 2020 22:52 - 4 years ago
11th May 2020 22:52 - 4 years ago
Description : maybe bad could use some work let me know in the comments
Credits too: nbrekordz for the hats and Sorus for the 808 and hat roll and numbbert20 for the guitar