Description : "Euroshima" is a cover of an unreleased demo by T.R.A.C. the band formed by Mick Jones straight after his dismissal from The Clash. The band would ultimately last about 6 months before Mick went on to form Big Audio Dynamite. A cassette of their demos was unearthed in 2010 and circulated amongst fans on the internet. Indie and Heston (with guests) have sought to reimagine this track with a fuller production and samples.
This rock track was uploaded by Indieground. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (14)
If you have time take a listen and give Indieground some feedback.
One word...EXCELLENT! I am not familiar with that band, but it's probably safe to say you knocked it out of the park. The production is radio-worthy; very nice vocals, and that guitar!!!
Thx Mykael for your kind words
Listen to my other stuff when you got time and if you want to collaborate i'm always looking for some cool vocalist
I looked online for this band and didn't find a lot about them. A few articles that talk about them but no music to be found. bummer. I did find a few more interviews with Joe and Mick that were pretty cool.
Also, I put up my version of Clampdown, a little different from the Clash's.
Great, great tune, great production, and great mix. I was never familiar with The Clash work, but I'll certainly look them up. So fresh to hear this kind of music on here, we need to hear more of it. 10/10. Faved.
Hey thx for the feedback mate
This is a very 80's vibe track
The Clash was and still great and revelant i think so i hope you found some cool tracks from their catalogue
i personnaly digging Sandinista very much
I know The Clash and BAD, didn't know about this short lived band though and haven't heard the demo. Does sound more Clash than BAD though you can tell it's starting to lean more towards pop which carried through into BAD I suppose then. Good track though and well produced.
Thx for the feedback mate
Yeah it was just a rumor during lot's of year until a demo cassette appear few years back. Check on YT Top Risk Action Company there is some good stuff even it just a bunch of demos.
Hi mate thx for the feedback
So I'm French, but actually I collaborate with John Heston who sings on this song and who is 100% British. there is also another French and an American who do the backing vocals
I had not heard of this band Mick had. It was a busy time in my young adulthood when this happened so I must have missed out on this somehow. Gonna have to look them up online.
I like the track, reminds me of a couple bands from that time period the way you produced this. Mix is solid. Let me know how the overall album sounds, if you would be so kind to sum it up for me. I'm looking forward to hearing more about this group.
btw, I'm working on a song off London Calling right now, almost done. :)
renowned R&B Hip-Hop & Rapper dimestop has shocked the music industry with his latest drop, he's produced and singing vocals on a rock track with Rock Megastar Danke.
Rolling Stones magazine say a grammy in the making....hip hop insiders claim he's sold out
snoop dog was reported saying careful that motha fucka rip your heart out
Time Magazine state this is epic
Elon Musk tweeted #he's my Rocket man... more to follow as the story unfolds.
Description : This is my newest creation, at a stage very near to completion. No third-party mastering or mixing, as with all my tracks. Just have to fix a few tiny things. I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO MIX EVERYTHING IN THE SAME SESSION. This song has all human-played instruments - no quantization or MIDI! My brother does all the vocals except for the interlude part, which I do. My other brother plays the rhythm guitar (a Gibson Les Paul Custom - only one of 12 in the world!!) and I play the accompanying guitar (a Johnny Mar Jag and PRS). He has a lot of guitars :P A good friend of ours, Ronnie, plays the bass and another friend, Freddie, plays the drums. The drum track was done in one take (had to use an electric drum set due to time constraints - but acoustic kits are so much better). Overall, pretty satisfied with the result. Let me know your thoughts.
Description : Feel free to check out the lyrics video on YT as well :) This is a new track based on the great vocals by Ashes and Dreams! Again, a mix of electronic/progressive/rock, any feedback is welcome
Description : The first track I sing on. Cheap stage mic & no fancy plugins. Heavily guitar laden to the point it's got a bit of a shoegaze thing going on. I pulled the lyrics out of my ass & yes, they're a bit silly.
Description : BIG UPDATE 26/02/2014 - So, this was an 18 min track that I have now successfully split in two. 2nd half I uploaded a few weeks ago (Things That Should Always Be, with the bouncy 2 min reggae intro). This is the first half, which has a new mix, a mega chill, meditative ending and a little jazz thrown in for good measure. Takes a few minutes for beat to really kick in. Constantly evolving electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic drums and lead banjo driven by fat, busy 80BPM grooves with a bit of a reggae and shuffle feel. Also: synth choir voices, dulcimer, violin, cello, shimmering pads. Builds up gradually to nice and rocking and then gets taken back down for the big comedown chill. I really don't know what sort of genre this is except 'far out'. I think it sounds more like a live band than one guy playing instruments and manipulating a DAW. Not my best track but a bit of blissful, sunny island fun. Real positive vibe here so I hope you give it a chance to unfold and unfurl. Sit back, clear your schedule and immerse yourself in these trippy sonic experiments cooked up deep in my off-planet underground laboratory. I have to send the MP3 to Earth via space courier (not cheap).
Description : This track was like the inhale after an exhale of aggressive industrial-electro-sludge tracks that I had put out that summer and fall. This was the more reserved, and introspective winter track. It's nothing spectacular, but I still really enjoy it. I hope you do too. Take care. V.
Listen to my other stuff when you got time and if you want to collaborate i'm always looking for some cool vocalist
Also, I put up my version of Clampdown, a little different from the Clash's.
Cool for Clampdown i'll check that asap !
This is a very 80's vibe track
The Clash was and still great and revelant i think so i hope you found some cool tracks from their catalogue
i personnaly digging Sandinista very much
Yeah it was just a rumor during lot's of year until a demo cassette appear few years back. Check on YT Top Risk Action Company there is some good stuff even it just a bunch of demos.
So I'm French, but actually I collaborate with John Heston who sings on this song and who is 100% British. there is also another French and an American who do the backing vocals
I like the track, reminds me of a couple bands from that time period the way you produced this. Mix is solid. Let me know how the overall album sounds, if you would be so kind to sum it up for me. I'm looking forward to hearing more about this group.
btw, I'm working on a song off London Calling right now, almost done. :)
great new about your LC track be sure to send it to me when it will be finish.
About Top Risk Action Company only a cassette leaked few years ago the guys never released something official so it still a pretty secret project. But as we are a bit of fans it very interesting to check what they produced even if it's a demo state. + Topper Headon is on drum mate so you got a track called astroturf which is a heady dud and to me a Clash track ! here it is the EP link and you will find a remix from André Shapps which no less than Mick cousin and a member of Big Audio Dynamite and much more actually. And thx for you feedback Cheers !
production give me hard time so it's nice to hear that my mix resonnate not to badly in other part of the world
mixing is always a challenge