3rd Feb 2009 18:33 - 16 years ago
Description : My very best track from Cloud Dancing.
Written for Frodo,no,not Lord of the rings,but my beloved little dog!
She is an absolute angel and I wrote this for her when she was very sick.
AAAWWW,I hear you all sigh!
It's true though,I love this little girl ,and this song is for her!
My Frodo!My angel!

Comments (18)

If you have time take a listen and give lofthouse some feedback.

theonetruebrew 2nd May 2011 06:58 - 13 years ago
i am in love with your instrumentals here, and the vocals are very subtle and thats a style i really appreciate. this is such an impressive track...thank you so much for posting this beautiful peice of art. oh my god the piano is one of a kind.
JulyThe7th 31st Mar 2011 16:00 - 13 years ago
sounds nice..... like it really like the beat ...nice
Mosaic 29th Dec 2010 09:18 - 14 years ago

Above says it all my friend, I understand where you are coming from with your thoughts about your dog Frodo, I lost my best mate a couple of years ago, who I miss every day, so to see you do a track for your dog is so specail, hope she is still with you my friend, you are a guy with a great heart, I feel it everytime I hear your music, thats why I am a massive fan of yours, so love the feelings you get into your works, again excellent vocal, one of the standouts in an absolutely AMAZING track, MASSIVE MASSIVE fAV piece...Peace mate...Estefano...
JoyfulWAVE 4th Feb 2010 21:10 - 15 years ago
i've download your track...i will use 30 seconds for a looper-promo-video...and please help looperman...
go to the forum thread *looperman day*...
we need you !!!
devv 16th Dec 2009 03:07 - 15 years ago
hey bro !!!!
that was an awesome feel while listening the track !!!!
everything is perfect !!!
very good mixing of the track !!!!
loved the bass line very much !!!

the vocals have done magic in this track !!1 mainly the female back up vocals !!!

very good progressions !!!!
nice work bro !!!!
u maintained the overall feel and flow for this track !!!!

BGM is also very soothing !!!

All the very best !!!!
Gob bless u take care !!!!
CalifKen 13th Nov 2009 07:32 - 15 years ago
Wow so thick and layering .. just like clouds with spirits in them whispering this is wonderful. Snare is awesome. Great synths. BUt the thing that especially stands out are the vocal things going on as this moves towards the verses ... I'll never find my way .... WOW G your music is so amazing just close to the ear and surrounding, and I love the way you sing and the breath sounds ... it's amazing, it's your much closer than a vocal usually sounds, but without ever actually being to close - you do it perfectly. You are a true vocal and musically emotional genius, and this was a very inspiring track. Thank you for sharing. Good luck!!
lofthouse replied Unknown
Thanks so much Califken.Your reviews are always so meaningful and heartfelt,and I can tell you really listen to the tracks and that you really get the message in them!
This was written a couple of years ago and I experimented with a lot of loops and samples to put it together.It's one track that I'm really proud of.We all have creative highs and lows,and I felt I was on a high at the time.It's one of my tracks that I don't cringe too much when I listen to it.A lot I do cringe,as I feel they could be so much better but I just can't get them where I want them to be.Thank u for all your words of encouragement.I appreciate very much what you say,especially as u r so gifted yourself,so it means a lot that you find my work inspiring!Thank u!!!
TRawR 13th Jul 2009 10:57 - 15 years ago
love the breakdown dude, some awesome sounds in there aswell. Good Work!!!
lofthouse replied Unknown
Thanks so much!Sorry for the very delayed response.I didn't realise there were so many reviews of this trackI'm so glad u enjoyed it and I appreciate your valuable comments!
jonnyh4 8th Jun 2009 13:28 - 15 years ago
Brilliant! wow this track is amazing sum very very good vocal loops that go well with the pads and i just love the sounds you use well done

10000000/10 ;)
lofthouse replied Unknown
Thanks very much!I didn't realise that there were so many reviews for this track!I see u reviewed it months ago and I'm embarrassed that I am only replying now:-).
Thanks for your amazing words and for my first ever 10000000/10!wow!I'm gobsmacked!!
rdavisnsu 26th Apr 2009 20:11 - 15 years ago
hey man,

enjoyed ur track - i'm a dog person myself and agree nothing is worse than 'man's best friend' suffering from affliction - icould sense the emotion in this. i hope ur dog's OK

ZWR 26th Apr 2009 04:17 - 15 years ago
This is pretty intense considering it was written for a dog hahaha
the introduction is nice kind of soothing and very enjoyable
its almost like a feeling of elation is filtered through the sound
, its beautiful. nicely done.
DJEkyllmyhyde 13th Apr 2009 22:17 - 15 years ago
I am a big pet shop boys fan and i can hear some elements in this track though alot more ambient sounding,i loved it and had to favourite it!
alividlife 22nd Mar 2009 11:39 - 16 years ago
lol...?? for your dog??

lol...... lmao..!!

it's awesome. thats nuts. you wrote a love song for your dog?

I think the love involved, has shown. Gotta love auto tune. I love it.

This is really fantastic.. I think with more aggression and angst, you would have a niche with your voice and production...
(is that you singing and playing everything?)

Thanks for dropping a couple kind words. And I gotta add, thanks for sharing.
lofthouse replied Unknown
Yes,I wrote a love song for my dog!
They are very faithfull and never cheat on u!lol!
I also love's the best thing since sliced bread.
This track was created by combining a lot of loops and vocals from various music programs.Some of the vocals are by me and some I've snatched from loop packs to create a kinda cross-gender overall vocal effect.I pieced together words from various places to make a lyric that made sense and carried across the emotion I was feeling.
Thanks for listening and for your constructive crit.
I appreciate the visit!
MUTEDABOMB 10th Mar 2009 20:07 - 16 years ago
lofthouse replied Unknown
Thanks so much!!
Quantumhead6 9th Mar 2009 00:17 - 16 years ago
Yup. Another one going on my favourites list. Atmospheric, dreamy and emotional.
lofthouse replied Unknown
Thank u!Thanks for listening and for the gr8 review!
Mad4reason 23rd Feb 2009 23:53 - 16 years ago
Well Frodo sure inspired a masterpiece! This is by far the best track I have come across on this site! Absolutely masterful from start to finish..I am jealous..this track will definately inspire me to write something with this kind of got did it..I love it! Hope Frodo is still well and happy..Cheers M4M
lofthouse replied Unknown
Thanks so much for your brilliant review!
I'm glad the emotion come's across.i was very emotional when i made this track.Frodo and all five of my dogs sit and listen when i write music.
You can often here there little paws ticking across the floor in my tracks.It adds some interesting percussion.
It's particularly noticible in the intro to Save me.
Thanks for your awesome comments.
Sorry I've taken so long to reply-i don't get enough time-wish i could sit here for days and answer everyone's reviews and listen to more music on this site.You guys are awesome!!
TRIS 5th Feb 2009 23:16 - 16 years ago
you got alotta great sounds in this one, love the emotional leven of this one alot. took me to a different place for a couple min, thanx 4 sharin!!
lofthouse replied Unknown
Thanks Tris!
This track was written when I was feeling very emotional..I'm glad you picked that up..
Thanx 4 taking the time to listen.It makes it all worth the while.
Tiltedbeats 4th Feb 2009 20:28 - 16 years ago
this is great!
i love that snare at the start it has so much about it. it really sets that beat up and gives it this sense i can't really describe!
accompanied by some amazing melodies, this is such a great track!

the vocals are perfect! love the panning work!
very professional mate! sounds great, this is deffs a fav ;)

catch ya later mate!
lofthouse replied Unknown
Thanks for such a gr8 review.
I'm so thrilled you noticed the panning!!
It was one of the hardest parts of writing Frodo Angel.
I wanted it to sort of float from left to right and create a feeling of vast space and I'm thrilled you've picked that up!!
Thanx man.You have really made my day!
Krook 3rd Feb 2009 20:28 - 16 years ago
Hi Lofthouse
Nice track you got there I can certainly hear the electronic \ pop sorta influences in the track but its an interesting track Im gonna download it though cos I think its one of those tracks you have to listen to a few times to get a real grasp of it. Its got quite a lot going on in it.
Nice One
lofthouse replied Unknown
Thank you.
This is a deep song..for me anyway..a lot of love went in to it.
Thank's so much for your very kind words.I hope u enjoy listenining to it.It meens a lot to me.

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24th Jun 2019 23:15 - 5 years ago
Description : A demo of one of my current projects. The chorus vocal sounds like "Aaaaraashe" to me. The song is in C# minor with a nod to C# pythagorean on the chorus. The beat on the verse was inspired by the Peter Gabriel song Intruder.
17th Nov 2016 22:33 - 8 years ago
Description : This track contains only free loops from several Looperman artists. Enjoy! Applied loops (fully or partially):

CHOKISTARZ: 0224756-0051325 (LO Temp-Pop),
0224756-0053733 (DS Arp-1),
0224756-0053734 (DS Arp-2),
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE: 0071878-0003227 (Gran Stutter Vocal 120),
0071878-0003277 (Weird Voc 03 160),
VIDMEISTER: 0329240-0071338 (Ginger ARP Bass 06)
CUFOOL: 0345547-0050757 (Blue Clouds),
DJPUZZLE: 0000013-0010394 (Hardstyle Vocal Loop 2),
DUSTHILL: 0139050-0016020 (depro string violin riddm 02),
LIONEL442: 0284916-0046285 (Vocoder Chorus),
TLC7777: 0672835-0064591 (Trap loop),
BOSEMOSE: 0760223-0081446 (Robot love),
DJ_JEZZA: 0076999-0007547 (Tribal banger),
FRATERNEMO: 0133345-0006042 (vox grain beat delayed),
ALIVIDLIFE: 0158799-0035929 (Hmnnn Brush Kit Imaged),
EDGE70158495-0024508 (Feel It 2),
WALLYKETA: 0039447-0000756 (wallyketatekloop),
ECKSJOE: 0148594-0020057 (8bit Loops - Drums),
NENADSIMIC: 0086756-0005040 (Made in Reason),
YISRAELEE: 0171741-0008663 (PWL Loop3).
25th Dec 2024 12:22 - 2 months ago
Description : I started this track 5 or 6 years ago but finished it just recently. Let me know what you think of my work.
14th May 2021 21:48 - 3 years ago
Description : Retrowave Cars! Its all about the oscillators.
22nd Jan 2015 06:08 - 10 years ago
Description : This is one of my earliest productions that I did at the start of my recording career. I did not have a keyboard at the time I made this song, so I improvised and used my sister's iPad and a 5 dollar GarageBand application instead, and plugged the headset jack into into my PT6 rig and did my best to turn each individual track (which were mono and there were about 25 tracks or so) into a stereo image. Then recorded vocals over it. My computer was so old and slow that I had to mix my music and then BOUNCE it to a new session - four times. My computer (which had 512 MB RAM and an 80 GB hard drive) couldn't handle more than 8 tracks at a time or it'd stop working because the processor couldn't handle it. Took me FOREVER to do. But I got it done. Had a lot of fun doing it too, even if it isn't my "best" work. I'm still happy with it, considering I didn't have many tools to choose from at the time.
5th May 2016 22:06 - 8 years ago
Description : Junior Paes - Saying Goodbye (Just Alone)
24th Jul 2019 23:22 - 5 years ago
Description : "no internet connection" Album on all platforms.

10th Mar 2016 10:53 - 9 years ago
Description : Mash up of electronic / samples / rock track
Needs vocals !!
11th Feb 2021 21:41 - 4 years ago
Description : Long time lurker first time poster, pretty new to production n stuff, this is my first track in Ableton Live.
was going for a darkwave/synthwave sound, reminiscent of Justice, Carpenter Brut, Perturbator, ect.
Looking for some feed back, constructive criticisms or even just your thoughts if you liked it or not. This is just a rough cut on this current WIP, just the bones of it if you will.. If you have some cool title suggestions, would love to hear those too.
Thanks for listening.
29th Apr 2011 02:34 - 13 years ago
Description : Far out mid-tempo fat beat deep chillout grooves with Eastern/Arabic and slightly menacing vibes, huge delayed synth bass and a great palette of psychedelic layered and intricate sounds (mostly synths) and a stirring, epic feel. Even has guitar solo section reminiscent of some 80s power rock which is then followed by a brief synth harp solo. I began making it straight after staying round the flat of the flute player from the legendary Ozric Tentacles - easily the greatest ever space rock band. I made this in about 2001 and still think it might be my best track (and it's nice and short, for a change). My production skills were much weaker in those days (no EQ, compression or mastering used here) but, somehow, this one turned out pretty much just right. Feel free to disagree. Now sit back and get ready to trip extremely far out. If you manage to return, let me know how that trip was...
11th Jun 2016 08:55 - 8 years ago
Description : Got some spare time finally...just started on some random ideas basically (lets say kygo meets alan walker). A blend of dubstep,edm,downbeat,tropical etc.
It's still a work in progress, so i would appreciate your honest inputs. Thanks to all those whose loops I have used in here, sorry I don't have time to search them out.
Edit-added some more filthy sounds from my previous tracks and gave it some ending. Advice will be helpful.