17th Nov 2021 15:41 - 3 years ago
Description : So I was talking about trying my hand at some melow lofi hiphop and decided to give it a shot. Since hiphop is more organic, I tried playing the parts on the keyboard and had to fix a lot of stray notes but I think I got it. :D

Comments (19)

If you have time take a listen and give AtticElla some feedback.

HeathAlexander 24th Nov 2021 15:19 - 3 years ago
I love the plucky lead at 1:04. The synths and effects underneath sound great as well. Great track.
InitiumMusic 18th Nov 2021 19:18 - 3 years ago
"I started making electronic music in 1999 with a program named Dance ej."

YESSSSSS I remember using that very same thing before I switched over to DAWs like Reason. I got my offical musical start in 2000-2001 with working under a label/making money at my hobby...

but my god Ella: As soon as you said Dance EJ, those nostalgic feelings came rushing up. I was 18 in 2000 lol.

Anyways, onto the song. I've become more and more partial to Lo-Fi when I've been studying/relaxing...sleeping lol. This is sort of a blend between Synthwave and lo-fi I guess?

The beat is insane, just the quality and melody/piano work in general is perfect lo-fi for me. I could listen to this on repeat for hours, and not even know hours passed lol

It was an instant fav for me. I think you should continue on with new Lo-Fi to add to your repertoire with your House music.

AtticElla replied 18th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
OMG Clay, you're kidding? You should hear the crap I made with that program! I still have some songs laying around somewhere. But to me, they where fire haha.

If you say it is synthwave blend, I'll take your word for it. I dunno. I just figured a lot of lofi tunes end up sounding the same, with same instrumentation every time. Not that I don't like that but it gave me an excuse to experiment a little. Hope it works.

Thank you for your kind compliments. It is so nice to get encouragement to continue on. I am working on more lofi tunes because I just love the style and I've forced myself to stay away from house for a while. Let's see how it turns out.

BTW when will you post that song I asked you about? ;)
MPOProduction 18th Nov 2021 18:29 - 3 years ago
love the vibe ... cool !
AtticElla replied 18th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
Thanks for stopping by MPO.
RitajustRita 18th Nov 2021 12:35 - 3 years ago
well Ella?
We 65'rs can be proud on our selfs and there are not much woman of our age starting with this.
So we need to ATTACK LM with our music lol.
And who knows? Maybe you will be a dj on Party's 1 day.
Im sure you can with your experience from the past and your will.
If you dont use your bike for a long time you are a little insecure in the beginning but the next day its like you never stopped cycling .
For me its a great hobby and ofcourse i want to become better but the most importend to leave my music for my children and grandchildren as a memory 1 day.
AtticElla replied 18th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
Well Rita, I'm not quite sure of my "maturity" level hahaha. But, yeah let's attack LM! ... *rawr!*

And no, no djing for me. Even if I didn't think I'm too old for that stuff, I'm too afraid of crouds unfortunately.

I'm sure you'll have quite the legacy for your kids and grandkids. Hopefully it will inspire them to do the same. There is no better hobby in the world.
pseudoble 18th Nov 2021 11:25 - 3 years ago
Very classy and very cool with beautiful instrumentation, beats and melodies weaving in and out in a gentle hip hop - lets call it medium - fi : )
AtticElla replied 18th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
I honestly must have something wrong with my ears, because I listened to a bunch of different lofi songs and they vary in their degree of lofi "intensity"? But mine still sounds to me like it is in that general range. I've even heard songs that are of higher "quality" and still have that lofi flavor. It has to be a subjective aspect I'm sure, so I'm not even going to bother to change anything. ;)

But in any case, thank you for the listen and comment pseudoble. Really appreciate it. ;D
JackLake 18th Nov 2021 09:47 - 3 years ago
Nice brightness and great movement, I enjoyed listening. Maybe just a couple more fills?
AtticElla replied 18th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
Well, If I understand what you mean correctly, in this style of lofi hiphop, fills, frills, cymbal crashes and such are used very sparingly if at all. Not even sprinkled effect hits. Listen to anything by Kupla on Bandcamp and you'll see what I mean. Kupla is fantastic!

Thanks for the comment JackLake!
RitajustRita 18th Nov 2021 09:01 - 3 years ago
hahaha im sorry madam.
Nice to hear that there are more madams who wants to create music.
Ok my english is not the best you must now but i want to ask you also something.
How long you making music?
I didd want to try Ableton but when i see how it works on youtube it looks like algebra for me so i will stay on FL.
And the last question...dont need to answer idf you dont want.
Are you the same as me?? Finding out on this age like my age (56) that
making music was something for me but whole my life i diddnt know?
Have a nice day madam and i wish you much plesure and succes with your music and here on LM
AtticElla replied 18th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
Rita, I did take guitar and piano lessons as a kid but never stuck with it so I was never good and finally forgot what I learned. My parents were both musicians. I started making electronic music in 1999 with a program named Dance ej.

My progress has been slow over the years, picking it up and taking long breaks in between. But I enjoy making music so much I could never stop completely.

And guess what? You and I madam where both born in the same year! And yes, I wish I had started a lot sooner. In fact, I wish I could go back in time to be a DJ like Charlotte De Witte.

I have to say, you do a fantastic job for having started on this last year! I'm impressed. Hope to listen to a lot more of your work on LM.
theHumps 18th Nov 2021 04:12 - 3 years ago
Pretty cool mix, it's compressed enough, I can hear all the instruments fine. The track has a mellow, sultry feel to it and some cool, textural elements in it. Neat tremolo effect on the piano too. Nice job Ella! Enjoy the Attic!

AtticElla replied 18th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
I'm not exactly in an attic but it's close enough. It's on a second story above the garage with a window in front of me so it feels like one. I actually wish I could have my studio in an attic and hence the name. I love attics.

Thanks for the kind comment theHumps!
Killick 18th Nov 2021 00:32 - 3 years ago
Generally lo-fi isn't really my thing but I'm digging this! Making a really great chill atmosphere while dishes are being done. Really tasteful use of that synth flute sound!
AtticElla replied 18th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
I'm very glad you dig it. Thanks for listening Killick!
RitajustRita 17th Nov 2021 23:42 - 3 years ago
Yes you didd it!!
Sounds nice clear and clean to me.
Good job mister.
AtticElla replied 18th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
I giggle to myself every time I read the comments and I think it's time to clarify that I'm a Madam just like you ;) I keep thinking that putting it in my profile would clarify things but no dice ha ha :D

But a million thanks for your comment Rita. Made my day!
Snelkku 17th Nov 2021 19:58 - 3 years ago
Nice one. Really chill and I like the piano in the back.
Great work again.
AtticElla replied 17th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
Thanks much Snelkku.
bringerofDOOM 17th Nov 2021 19:31 - 3 years ago
Happy to help.

I'm not going to keep blowing up the comments on this track.

This gist is, if you are simulating tape degradation how does a tape degrade? Usually, the highs get all scrambly, and the lows end up taking over, scrambling the highs every time they hit.

To simulate this, you are generally manipulating the master, using the information from the kick.

Here's one way to do it:
Run all tracks into a bus.
Make an additional track all alone for the "noise." Have the noise duck with the kick.
Run the bus, and noise, to another bus.
Put EQ on this bus to wash out some highs and compression to duck the mix with the kick (the noise gets a "double ducking")
Send this track to two separate tracks for separating out the highs.
Put a hint of phase on the highs (wobble). You could side-chain the degree of wobble to the kick for even more effect.
Run those to the master. EQ as needed.

That's one of many ways do tastefully degrade something. Your original take was very good... but you asked :)

Oh, and don't forget to distort the kicks and 808s (post any side-chaining) if you want your speakers to sound busted :D
AtticElla replied 17th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
*Quote "I'm not going to keep blowing up the comments on this track."

Yeah, sorry, that's why I asked you to send me a message, as in email, but I wasn't clear enough. But it's all good. You explained it perfectly. Will try it out. Thanks for taking the time. :D
bringerofDOOM 17th Nov 2021 18:56 - 3 years ago
Yeah, you knew exactly what I meant. It was too bright.

For reference:
tape fidelity is generally 30 Hz to 16 kHz
vinyl in theory could go as low as 7 Hz, as high as 50kHz, but that doesn't matter to me, I can only hear from about 30 Hz to about 16kHz (like most people). Anything lower than 30 Hz is pretty much a rhythm anyway. My jam band drummer's feet can technically play a "note."

Also a phone is usually about 80 Hz to 14kHz, so most of your listers couldn't hear the "brightness" we heard (it's also why most kick have ridiculous slap now). It's funny, the lowest "lofi" is everyone's crappy phone speaker, not tape or vinyl :D

In other words, watch out for reliance on gauges and meters. Your thermometer can tell a one degree difference in temperature, but all you care about is if it is "hot" or "cold." If it sounds like a phone playing a old digital recording of some degraded vinyl or tape, on your monitors and in nice headphones, then you probably nailed it.

Slicing some Hz off the top is a good "cheater" way to make it "Lofi", and did help the mix, but noise addition (brown or pink, and side-chained to duck with the kick with a long release), pitch wobble (manual or with a plugin), and other tricks will really get you there. You looking for tape or vinyl "degradation" not necessarily a change in fidelity.

If memory serves me correctly, slicing some highs has helped. I hint of side-chained mid-range noise will help more.

If you really want to cheat, try running the tracks through cabinet emulators (or several through the same one).

I hope I opened a can of worms... have fun.
AtticElla replied 17th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
You certainly did open a can of worms. I did add mechanical noise, vinyl noise, and pitch wobble on the master and some separate but similar processing to the piano. Not sure what difference it makes to add noise at the master stage or as a separate bus if that's what you mean. But no matter, got plenty of info to work with. Thank you for taking the time to answer bringerofDOOM.
sirefox 17th Nov 2021 18:42 - 3 years ago
Precioso tema amigo AtticElla, me gusta ese aire de lofi, tiene ese carácter típico de chillout tan característico de este genero. Sonido muy adecuado. Excelente mezcla. Que tengas una buena noche. Paz y salud.
AtticElla replied 17th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
Muchas gracias por escuchar y siempre ser tan atento y amable sirefox. Que pases un dia excelente.
daniwavy 17th Nov 2021 17:34 - 3 years ago
nice track really got that lofi vibe :)
AtticElla replied 17th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
Thanks for listening daniwavy!
bringerofDOOM 17th Nov 2021 17:30 - 3 years ago
Nice to hear you stretch out beyond the "house."
Nice chord. melodic, and timbre choices.
Mixed too good for lofi :P

But still excellent. Like kingmt77 said... classy.

Wonder what you would sound like if you explicitly avoided possible genre classification?

Keep it up.
AtticElla replied 17th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
Yeah, kind of getting tired of house and I love lofi hip hop so why not.

So I think what you meant by "mixed too good" is that it was too bright. I uploaded a new version with less high end essentially knocking the air out :P It would mean the world to me if you gave it another listen and tell me what you think. You can shoot me a message if you wish?

Thank you bringerofDOOM for taking the time to listen =)
dimestop 17th Nov 2021 16:12 - 3 years ago
Hey Attic, you got me here immediately beautiful sound the bass the snare the keys the chimes coming in wonderfully assembled. Fantastic chillout, I would love to here this with a very soft female vox too, think it would work great even just occisionly single word good job
AtticElla replied 17th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
dimestop, I'm so glad you liked my tune. I just wanted to get my feet wet with the style but yes, the vox is definitely a great idea and one I will explore later. Thank you for listening!
kingmt77 17th Nov 2021 16:04 - 3 years ago
AtticElla, this is so classy. The keys are wonderful. Your application of saturation and that lo fi vibe is sweet. Thanks for this tune I’m on the road listening.I love your style! Stay safe.
AtticElla replied 17th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
M.T. Coming from you, this means a lot to me. I'm a great fan of your skill and amazing Jazz creations. Thank you!
Danke 17th Nov 2021 16:02 - 3 years ago
cool track ... the mood is very positive ... very much like the progressivity ... great chill-fi ...

fistbump, Danke
AtticElla replied 17th Nov 2021 - 3 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to listen Danke!

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