5th Feb 2022 23:06 - 3 years ago
Description : A co-worker heard me playing a draft of this track. He said it would be considered "Dirty South Metal" where he comes from in Scotland. He plays lead Guitar in a "Heavy Metal" band here. He also said I was; "a in the closet Metalhead". I assumed that was a compliment so I said thank you(I think, LOL). I'm not 100% sure of the genre. In my opinion its Psychedelic for sure but, I figured "Metalish" is close enough.


Comments (18)

If you have time take a listen and give Jynxz some feedback.

xstokes 17th Feb 2022 21:23 - 3 years ago
this is freaked out, you know! i love what you said bout developing yr own syn-gtr, you can do it buddy!
RitajustRita 11th Feb 2022 12:45 - 3 years ago
I need to replay for that video thing.
For now i just use a youtube video maker what is simple ..not special.
In the past i didd nice things with videos but that was on android.
I need to find myself a windows freeware video editor with blending video's and many other options.
If i find it and know how it works i let you know.
Jynxz replied 11th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
Thanks Rita, maybe I'll have myself together by then and really be able to learn the craft from you.

Killick 11th Feb 2022 09:09 - 3 years ago
Holy sh*t, I've never heard anything quite like this! To my ear it sounds like a cross between Depeche Mode, Deep Purple and Dream Theater. But everyone seems to have different ideas about that, which is a tribute to your originality.

I've got a couple of questions I might send you a PM about if that's cool. But awesome stuff man!
Jynxz replied 11th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
Hello Killick,
I appreciate your listen and encouraging comments.
We are all one big family here on LM. PM me whatever
or whenever you like. I hope I can be of assistance...

PEACE from your SouthEast...:-)
CINCOCENT 10th Feb 2022 19:47 - 3 years ago
The man who does the well and pretty much the only with the psychedelics! The base is what I'm talkin about I'm having a brain fart but this totally sounds like something that I've heard before Has a Little Rock vibe from the 80s 2 then with that scratching in the 90s vibe that's right my boy
Jynxz replied 10th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
What's up CCC

I have a track that I'm working on that has some
Red & Method Man in it that I think you will like.
I'm still stuck back in the day..

I appreciate you stopping by and giving my track a listen & your encouraging comments

RitajustRita 10th Feb 2022 09:50 - 3 years ago
Jynxz go's heavy metal lol.
But this is a perfect set up with eachother....dont know well how to explain it in English.
Everything fits with eachother and i love the mix of the heavy metal sound and the peacefull sound at 0:53 when the woman vox starts.
Just....dont stop the music mister!!
Jynxz replied 10th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
Hello Rita,

according to my Scottish Metalhead Guitar player friend;
I've always been a Metalhead just in the closet (I hope that translates right).

As always I really appreciate you listen and encouragement.

I'm still looking forward to the day I can get with you on video production.

crucethus 9th Feb 2022 02:59 - 3 years ago
So Imagine someone melded the Beatles Come together, and Hendrix's Purple haze. Oh, wait I don't have to anymore. Awesome Distorted Key solo. reminds me of a Jordan Rudess style of soloing. Definitely psychedelic, with sprinklings of Zappa and believe it or not Blue Cheer. very cool mate!
Jynxz replied 9th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
What's up Cru,

I got to check out "Jordan Rudess"&"Blue Cheer" thanks for that info.

You mentioned almost all of my favorites from Beatles-Zappa.
I really appreciate your listen and encouraging comments.

BTW... You're up there where the Huskies go so, "Please don't eat no yellow snow". :-)

PEACE... From the SouthEast...
terryjmhitsong 8th Feb 2022 19:30 - 3 years ago
great track bro...hats off...allways lovin your key solos
Jynxz replied 9th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
What's up Terry

I really appreciate your listen.
You have no idea how far your words
of encouragement go.

PEACE...From your SouthEast...
Zootman 7th Feb 2022 10:12 - 3 years ago
Shit hot. Is that lead seriously a synth?! Freaking cool. I could dance crazy to this.
Jynxz replied 8th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
What's upi zootman2u

I'm still working on a more realistic Guitar sounding Synth.
I probably did spend more time on the beat and groove than I
did on trying to get my Synth to sound more like a proper Guitar. I think I'm more into making a hybrid Synth/Guitar sound at some point, something that's totally mine.

Thanks for your listen, fave and encouraging comments.

DijamMusic 6th Feb 2022 21:50 - 3 years ago
Hey Robbie.
Mate, you are a dark horse, you keep away for a time and then BAM you'll hit us with a gem like this.
Wow, mate it is a great track even though the guitarist is Scott.
Wonderful track my friend.
Wellllllleeee DDDDoooonnne.
Jynxz replied 8th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
What's up Maj

I missed every minute away from the LM crew.

I imagine it will take me a little while to catch
up with all the music that's been happening in the LM world.
If I can get my DAW to cooperate I hope to post a few more tracks that are currently in my head.

I really appreciate your listen encouraging comments and fave.


PEACE... From across the pond.
Danke 6th Feb 2022 20:00 - 3 years ago
In addition to the fact that the music is excellent, I had a bit of a surreal feeling due to the many effects: Frank Zappa would have played such metal ... :-)
Fistbump, Danke
Jynxz replied 8th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
Szia Danke

I have been (still am) a big fan of your music from day one on LM.
Thank you for your listen and encouraging comments.
bringerofDOOM 6th Feb 2022 17:51 - 3 years ago
You need to watch the VH1 documentary series "Metal Evolution." Make sure to watch the "lost episode."

I love that distorted mono synth solo, pretty much every time you do it.

Metalish is a good title, psychedelic is probably a good categorization. I listen to plenty of heavy music that is not metal. Heavy metal makes me think NWOBHM or 80s spandex (thanks to my country of origin), which this is neither.

Regardless... faved. TTYL.
Jynxz replied 8th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
What's up BofD,

You know that I got the idea for that particular Synth/Guitar kind of sound when we did that track together last year.
I was obsessed with finding a wild Lead Guitar sound at that time. Either I find a sound that has the proper attack but crappy body or this style which I think has a cool sounding body but that distorted attack really bugs me and I cant seem to get it just right. I've since given up my search and just settled for a Synth sound that's wild Guitar-ish.

Thanks for your listen comments & fave


JohnSmokey 6th Feb 2022 16:50 - 3 years ago
Excellent track, psychedelic seems like what I would call it. Definitely something to head bang too. The vox are a great touch, its like three songs in one.
Jynxz replied 8th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
Hello JohnSmokey,

Thanks for your listen and comments
theHumps 6th Feb 2022 16:17 - 3 years ago
This works for me, hard rock with some elements of electronic music in a loose arrangement of neat hooks and changes with some vox samples to add interest. There are some moments in there that just are smoking hot, well done! Great idea!

Jynxz replied 6th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
Hello Wayne,

When you say any part of one of my tracks is "smoking hot",
I consider it a huge compliment.

Thank you for your listen and encouraging comments.

sirefox 6th Feb 2022 09:22 - 3 years ago
Impresionante pista amigo Robbie, me encanta esas guitarras que desprenden fuego y esas líneas de sinte son matadoras, te enganchan desde el principio. Enorme pista, las voces son perfectas. Gran mezcla, de lujo. Que tengas un buen dia hermano. Paz y salud.
Jynxz replied 6th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
Buenos días Firefox, tus comentarios son mi recompensa. Agradezco que te hayas tomado el tiempo de escuchar y dar comentarios tan alentadores a mi canción. Espero con ansias escuchar tu próxima canción.
pseudoble 6th Feb 2022 05:23 - 3 years ago
Killer riff that is metalish for sure but hell yeah a lot going on - the synths and the guitar are the standouts for me, they just lift off!
Jynxz replied 6th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
Hello Ian,

I had been hearing this Metal Guitar sample for a while.
It jumped out at me the first time I heard it, but I couldn't seem to come up with anything that it would work with. I think I accidentally played it with the Drum beat I'm using. From there the other parts just kinda fell in place.

I (always)appreciate your listen and encouraging comments and Fave 4sure.

PEACE from the land out East.
dimestop 6th Feb 2022 00:31 - 3 years ago
Great track fantastic sound mix scratching sexy hot vox kick arse beat fire synth and the whispers, well done mate super fresh and great outro
Jynxz replied 6th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
What's up Paul,

I've had the urge to write some unorthodox dance music.
I want to write music that makes you want to move.
I've always thought mixing genres could make for
some interesting dance interpretations.

Thank you for your listen and encouraging comments.

ClickbaitCabaret 5th Feb 2022 23:59 - 3 years ago
There's certainty a lot going on here. Love the guitars. Great job man.
Jynxz replied 6th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
How's it going CBC,

Thank you for your listen and encouraging comments.
kingmt77 5th Feb 2022 23:34 - 3 years ago
Rob, yeah those blasted drums tho! Nice come together right now over me melody at about the first verse.Now those synth’s tho! Yep you did this thing right .
Jynxz replied 5th Feb 2022 - 3 years ago
Thanks Mark,

Now it's time for me to dive
into that Monster track. I have
an idea or two to send to you soon.

Thanks for the listen and Fave.

PEACE from the East.

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19th Jun 2016 15:12 - 8 years ago
Description : OK, I finally managed to find a song name, so here it is. But the genre is still open. WTF is it? World? Trip? Trance? Rock? psychedelic? .

I started this song with the wahwah background track, I think I wanted to go in the triphop direction but when I played with it and tried out things I added some Tabla sounds from the available sound library of the cubase software to it, just to get a feel for it. It sounded right somehow, and so it developed from there. As before, we did the work on wikiloops band section: bhunt1 (Brian) on Bass added his track, and rp3drums (Raymond) on drums (one straight drum track, and one para-diddle track). I then added several more guitar tracks.

So I would be happy to listen to your comments and advice, and if I get a good suggestion for name and genre I will change it. Cheers, TG :D
28th Dec 2016 18:22 - 8 years ago
Description : My actual track for X-mas. Too late again, as usual... But now just with a few days only instead months. :D It's enough stodgy, need some mood for enjoy, that's sure. Dunno where to put it. Fusion? Cinematic? Weird? Trash? :)
Like evrytime, the track contains only free loops from several Looperman artists. Merry Xmas, and Happy new year for everybody!

Applied loops (fully or partially):

LEOSMG: 0826182-0084977 (Pizzicato part1 - month of june),
0826182-0084976 (Pizzicato part2 - month of june),
DJ4REAL: 0102056-0018219 (oboelation),
0102056-0018220 (oboelation 2),
MIDISPARKS: 0479957-0053239 (underwater abstract harp 1),
LOOPFREAK: 0531700-0051978 (minor strings and harp),
FLONUT7: 1133675-0079482 (Happy Harpy 777),
DEEPKODE: 0862877-0067790 (Trance Pluck),
CENTRIST: 0079105-0053514 (Dark Hero Apocalyptic Drums 2),
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE: 0071878-0006976 (Clarinet Ensemble 124),
BLUEESKIES: 0907685-0067264 (Dreams),
ALIVIDLIFE: 0158799-0050009 (alividlife nonsufficient timpani orchestra C 133),
PLANETJAZZBASS: 0111346-0047909 (Epic 4),
DANKE: 0671112-0088234 (Drums of Mordor),
STERIXX: 0243518-0019002 (Rage Simple Bassdrum Loop),
BANANNAZ: 0298699-0041844 (Luv Choir 1),
WILOBOWSKI: 0321170-0027201 (piano phrase 4 bars),
DIGITALSKYY: 0562523-0046490 (Never Fall For a Romantic Heart Pt 6),
RASPUTIN1963 : 1564425-0088883 (deleted loop: Harp Arpeggios 1)
10th Jun 2022 23:19 - 2 years ago
Description : Break up song of sorts lol. Vox, guitars and keys by Zootman. Beats and bass free Loopmasters demo. Words are (mostly) what I thought Damo Suzuki was singing on One More Night by Can. Instrumental or stems avail if anyone wants to play with it.
6th Mar 2021 08:31 - 4 years ago
Description : You know, this collab stuff is kind of fun and emotionally rewarding. Anyway, Micky took my audio and remixed it to this awesome thing.

Remastered 2024
27th Aug 2024 12:47 - 6 months ago
Description : Full Moon energy blasted through me big time. This track encompasses all those emotions about feeling lunarly de-railed. The lyric 'can't do it, won't do it' reflects the desire to step away from the norm, due to overwhelm.
The scream speaks for itself!
Please feel free to download from if you want to support our work. Many thanks, Oli&Kay
24th May 2021 22:13 - 3 years ago
Description : UPDATE 10/16/2022 Peeped yall still listening. cleaner version & extended

Hyper Pop Vibes , Hard 808s

tags: playboi carti, ken carson, kankan, whole lotta red, trip at knight, outtatown, sofaygo, tyfontaine, destroy lonely, trippie redd, atmosphere, yeat, uzi, rich amiri, kashdami, cochise
19th Apr 2020 11:39 - 4 years ago
Description : Descent into the archaic and cursed meanders of Nameless City. Inspired by the homonymous story by HPL. Comment freely, friends.
26th Jul 2024 01:53 - 8 months ago
Description : style arabia music suspense movie
31st May 2021 02:09 - 3 years ago
Description : My latest song on my album Acerbus 3
2nd Jun 2019 18:33 - 5 years ago
Description : Sung by me - bbrossas track for background
Saw this track on looperman and I had to make something.Please feel free to let me know what you think.
Open to suggestions. Thanks all :) I hope you enjoy!
17th Jul 2016 21:03 - 8 years ago
Description : Psychedelic, Eastern, dark dance/jazz/fusion based around my cello playing plus minimal other instrumentation. Two sections of electric guitar, one of Fender Rhodes, one synth pad, some swirling female vocal samples and one sub synth bass. Apart from multiple drum loops and programmed acoustic drumkits, everything else is cello, including most of the weird sounds.
18th Oct 2020 14:47 - 4 years ago
Description : Another mission in the vastness of the universe. "We don't know where, but we were there".
Jynxz: synths, fxs
Micky: production, guitar, fxs
28th Jul 2020 03:19 - 4 years ago
Description : reminding everyone to stay safe .,,make a getaway plan ,wash your hands and wear a mask....thx to rita n danke for new ideas
28th Feb 2019 20:42 - 6 years ago
Description : free movie boi
11th Jul 2022 13:20 - 2 years ago
Description : William Shakespeare's sonnet to a dark-skinned girlfriend and music from Pnnywze